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by [arpegiuswolf]
Sat Nov 05, 2005 11:36 pm
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Full Moon Rising
Replies: 417
Views: 74995

With a vicious roar, he lept at Dantori. Large, clawed, forepaws impacted Dantori's chest with enought force to crush a human's ribcage. A screeching yowl of a roar came from its massive mouth, thick saliva dripping from its fangs.
by [arpegiuswolf]
Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:47 pm
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Believe
Replies: 75
Views: 20583

"You tried to kill me..." She said with a blank stare...Tilting her head to one side, allowing one ear to flop slightly for a very confused, yet amusing look.
by [arpegiuswolf]
Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:36 pm
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Believe
Replies: 75
Views: 20583

Easily ducking beneath him, she caught him by one of his back legs, standing up and swinging him around, letting go so he'd fly into a tree. "What're you thinking!?"
by [arpegiuswolf]
Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:34 pm
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Beware the Moon
Replies: 78
Views: 23481

(Cut all nine tails off at the same time, then tie them around his neck and punch him in the forehead...*making s*** up*) He howl screamed again, leaping away, snarling at the wolf. Blood-red eyes seemed to be glowing brighter and brighter....a sign that he was close to going rage as well. Tails spr...
by [arpegiuswolf]
Sat Nov 05, 2005 9:56 pm
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Beware the Moon
Replies: 78
Views: 23481

His tails being torn off one by one...they writhed strangely on the ground like crazy serpents. The shot went right through his leg...causing him to howl with pain, pulling away from the wolf. He limped slightly, getting a good distance between them before turning back around and growling...One by o...
by [arpegiuswolf]
Sat Nov 05, 2005 9:30 pm
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Believe
Replies: 75
Views: 20583

"No...They were going to hurt us..." She sat down, licking some blood from her paws. "It was the only thing I could think to do..." She gave a wolf-ish smile to him...still acting innocint.
by [arpegiuswolf]
Sat Nov 05, 2005 8:36 pm
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Beware the Moon
Replies: 78
Views: 23481

With another roar-scream, the Kyuubi lept back...droping to all fours for more control of his movements. With a snarl, he lept at the wolf, using all of his tails, almost merged as one giant mass of fur, to propell himself foward by hitting the ground with them. The ground where his tails hit litera...
by [arpegiuswolf]
Sat Nov 05, 2005 8:17 pm
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Believe
Replies: 75
Views: 20583

"What mistake?" She asked, tilting her head to one side...suddenly looking very inocent. her tail whiped about playfully...she was acting like nothing had happened, though it was hard to denie that something had, especialy with that blood staining her fur.
by [arpegiuswolf]
Sat Nov 05, 2005 8:10 pm
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Beware the Moon
Replies: 78
Views: 23481

Taking the punch without flinching, he now turned on the wolf. Turnong, he grabed the wolf by both shoulders, digging his long claws into his flesh. he roared, tails whiping about behind him, cracking the ground every time they even came near it. Tetsuo wasnt even in rage...this was the natural beha...
by [arpegiuswolf]
Sat Nov 05, 2005 7:39 pm
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Beware the Moon
Replies: 78
Views: 23481

Making a sound that was a cross between a wolf's howl and a fox's scream, Tetsuo lept at the one complaning about his car. thoes nine tails lashing through the tail, cracking like a whip. When they touched the ground, the ground cracked suddenly. Tetsuo posessed incredible power...but absolutly no c...
by [arpegiuswolf]
Sat Nov 05, 2005 6:59 pm
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Beware the Moon
Replies: 78
Views: 23481

"MAKE IT STOOOAAAAAUUUURRRGHHH!!" He roared, human voice degernating into a primal roar. Shoulders broadened, tearing his shirt apart. A wide streak of black fur ran down his back...the rest was bright rust-red...He was atleast twice the size of a normal werewolf. Slowly getting to his ba...
by [arpegiuswolf]
Sat Nov 05, 2005 6:41 pm
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Believe
Replies: 75
Views: 20583

She growled and bared her teeth to him...licking the blood from her own lips, savoring its taste. She would open her damaged right eye, now half blind. Instead of that vived gold color, it was a dull silver-grey. She now realized how weak humans were...She seemed to revel in the fact that she was no...
by [arpegiuswolf]
Sat Nov 05, 2005 5:37 pm
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Believe
Replies: 75
Views: 20583

She watched him fall...then glared at the cops...aiming at her. With a growl, she lept to her feet, leaping at them. In mid leap, she suddenly shifted straight to her wolf form, slipping free of thoes restricting clothes. She landed on one cop, latching her jaws around his neck and removing his thro...
by [arpegiuswolf]
Sat Nov 05, 2005 4:52 pm
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Beware the Moon
Replies: 78
Views: 23481

(He wasn't bitten, he was just born to a family that was once werewolves, but they have long forgotten their true many generations ago) Tetsuo's hands were broaght up to either side of his head. He screamed in pain, "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO ME!" Loud cracking sounds came ...
by [arpegiuswolf]
Sat Nov 05, 2005 3:59 pm
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Beware the Moon
Replies: 78
Views: 23481

Stumbling off the road and into a tree, Tetsuo coughed loudly. Something about all the intense action had set something off. He fell to his knees, sweat dribbling from his face. "What...the hell?" He mumbled...looking down at his hands. A sharp, intense pain ran down his fingers, "AAU...
by [arpegiuswolf]
Sat Nov 05, 2005 1:23 am
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Full Moon Rising
Replies: 417
Views: 74995

Seeing the weakness in the hound, Sammael lept at the unconcious wolf, fangs beared, claws ready. Giving a vicious howl-roar as it landed on the wolf, biting down on her neck with all its force...
by [arpegiuswolf]
Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:51 am
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Full Moon Rising
Replies: 417
Views: 74995

Sammael wasnt finished...Every time he was knocked down or ripped apart...he only grew stronger. He slowly got to his feet, shattered bones re-aligning...Neck cracking back into position. Tail whiped back and forth behind him as he stood up on his rear legs, giving a bellowing roar to the other two....
by [arpegiuswolf]
Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:17 pm
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Full Moon Rising
Replies: 417
Views: 74995

With a vicious snarl, completely unafraid of the hellhound, Sammael dug the long claws tipping each toe and finger into it's legs. Each claw was atleast three inches long, razor sharp, and barb tipped. He then began to tear at the Hellhound's legs. That long tail wraped itself around one of the Houn...
by [arpegiuswolf]
Wed Nov 02, 2005 8:10 pm
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Beware the Moon
Replies: 78
Views: 23481

(I think this RP has run into a dead end...O.o)
by [arpegiuswolf]
Wed Nov 02, 2005 8:09 pm
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Full Moon Rising
Replies: 417
Views: 74995

(Umm...Sammael is not a wolf, but realy a Wolf-like demon...he looks alot more like the Aliens from the Aliens movies...Only combind that with something bigger and stronger...then you have Sammael.) Being crushed didnt affect Sammael much. He quickly got to his feet, charging at the Hellhound again....
by [arpegiuswolf]
Wed Nov 02, 2005 11:02 am
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Full Moon Rising
Replies: 417
Views: 74995

(btw..Sammael is male...well...he dosnt technicly have a gender...but he is a more masculine figure.) Throat ripped out, blood spilled everywhere. Thrown against a tree, seemingly dead. But Sammael was no ordinary demon. There wasnt much that could kill him. With a sharp crack, shattered spine re-al...
by [arpegiuswolf]
Tue Nov 01, 2005 9:11 pm
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Full Moon Rising
Replies: 417
Views: 74995

Sammael turned towards the challenging howl, giving its own deep roar. It ran incredibly fast, feet barely touching the ground with every stride. A long, whip-like tail lashed about behind it, resembling exposed bones covered in tough black flesh. it ended in a razor-sharp blade. Long blades extende...
by [arpegiuswolf]
Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:16 am
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Believe
Replies: 75
Views: 20583

"oww! Sunova!!" She looked up, seeing the cops...she was surprised at how fast they found out.

by [arpegiuswolf]
Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:13 am
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Full Moon Rising
Replies: 417
Views: 74995

Sleek jet-black flesh shimmering in the light of the moon...Long limbs streching out with every stride. Large, yet thin hands and feet hit the ground, tearing at the earth as it ran. Resembling one of thoes alien creatures, Zenomorphs, but with a wolfish touch...this beast was known for the carnage ...
by [arpegiuswolf]
Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:56 am
Forum: Informal In-Character Role Playing
Topic: Beware the Moon
Replies: 78
Views: 23481

Lying on the ground beneath the large wolf-beast, Tetsuo stared up at it with a look of pure fright. He shook with fear, pulling himself out from under the beast. "Uhh! AHH! Get away!!" He yelled, scrambling to his feet to run away.