matriarch/ patriarch werewolf (your opinion)

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matriarch/ patriarch werewolf (your opinion)

Post by Azurewolf »

just in opinion but do you think the first ever werewolf should have any difference changes then compared to the normal werewolfs...rather its different fur color. 2 heads (like a cerebus) or whatever and do u think the matriarch/patriach werewolf should have had more enhanced abilities or whatever that be an improvement or disimprovement in comparesion to normal werewolves ( looking for your opinions on what u think the differences would been like for the first ever werewolf compared to all the normal werewolves) and if u think no difference please tell why u dont think it should be if u do think soo list the patri/matri WW compared to a normal one and give least 1 reason to support why :D enjoy :lol:
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Post by RedEye »

Well, I've written about the "first-ever", but that was a case of a Demi-god falling in love with a mortal woman.

I used the classic "White Wolf" for the mortal's first Shift and added in the bit that all their children were Werewolves...
The Demi-god was called "Haouu; Singer in the North Wind" and he was an air deity. He controlled the north (cold) wind. She was a Shamaness.

From them and their children, the Werewolves descended...and btw; my Were's aren't the crazy killing machines of horror. They are just People, with one little addition. They can look like Daddy, the Demi-god; or Mommie, the mortal.
RedEye: The Wulf and writer who might really be a Kitsune...
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