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Faolan Bloodtooth
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Post by Faolan Bloodtooth »

I was curious as to what philosophy everyone around here adheres to...

I will start...

I am a Straight Edge Anarchist (although i do indulge in the occasional drink for a good occasion)

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Post by Kirk Hammett »

Hmm I have a few I guess. I'm a strict vegetarian, all living beings are equal believer, agnostic, believe in my individuality ... sort of person. I live by the most peaceful means possible, having a good time but without compromising others I guess. I don't believe in being pessimistic and angry all the time, but I do get angry and pessimistic, I just try not to. I try not to stress. For example, during exams, I get drunk or have a friend over, or play guitar all the time, and study when I feel it's right to.

Stressing brings bad luck.

I also love a good drink :D I think I'd be voted a Pack Alcoholic hwlwnk

So yeah I guess peace, happiness for all, helping all and equality and individuality, and an agnostic approach to religion would be my philosophy towards living life! Bring on the booze and the guitar I say. (Immature as that works for me. I don't ever use alcohol for aggression).

And I like philosophy and questioning things, universe etc. I don't go on rampages about being a vegetarian or about not eating slave chocolate, I'm too timid to do that, I just hold my peace and if people ask, I let them know politely, but I'm no Lisa Simpson. Just not in my personality. This should be a very interesting thread, show what sorts of people we have around here, I expect it'll be fairly diverse.

White Paw

Post by White Paw »

o.k....lets see...''

i dont drink, i dont smoke, i dont believe in any human a therian and thats what i believe in.....i love nature...and i hate the human race... :|
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Post by Fenrir »

I may not agree with what you have to say but I will defend your right to say it to the death
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Post by BlackWolfDS »

My philosophies.....

Don't judge on the word of another.
No reason to drink, smoke or do drugs.
Believe anything you want (religion)
Everyone is entitled to their opinion
Treat others the way you wished to be treated
Peer pressure is a bad thing
Karma, what goes around, comes around
Thinking about a problem will lead to its solution weather it's good or bad
Animals have feelings too
Money is one of the sources of greed and corruption (power)
If you can dish it out, you can take it back.
Laughter can cure any illness
You will get only what you put in

There's probably more....I just don't remember them....
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Post by Fenrir »

There is no greater error than to undervalue an enemy, except that of overvaluing and enemy.
-Alexander Hamilton (my favorite founding father)
"Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla pendere et cul illi pueri dicerent 'Sibylla Ti cupisne' respondebat illa 'Cupio mortere'."

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Post by Faolan Bloodtooth »

I'll go into more depth about mine :)

Straight Edge (although as i said i do indulge in a few drinks for a good occasion) :D

Anarchist (i believe in absolute freedom) :D

Former Satanist, Now LaVey Influenced Pagan

I'd rather take a knife to a gun fight :) there is more honour in fighting hand to hand :)

I would gladly lay my life on the line for my friends and family :)

I can hold a grudge :)

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Post by MoonKit »

Fenrir wrote:I may not agree with what you have to say but I will defend your right to say it to the death
I like that.

Me? Hmm...well Im not a vegan. I love my meat. Im a therian and thats my religion. My religion is nature. I speak to the moon. I hate the government, I want to go back to tribes and enforce breeding restrictions. While life is amazing, not every sick or diseased child should be saved. The population is too large. I dont drink or smoke or do drugs. Humans disgust me most of the time. I will not fight in a war unless I actually feel my life or freedom is threatened. I am waiting for the rebellion.
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Post by Kirk Hammett »

I forgot to mention I was a therianthrope too! But it's probably not part of my life philosophies as at the moment I largly ignore it. I'm an all round 'shape' shifter, (mentally) and can also 'shift' into people, plants etc. The religion side of that for me is a spirituality, ie all beings are equal, all have a right to live intrinsically, each have their own destiny.

The best example I can think of is wildflowers. Let them live simply because they are producing seed to reproduce for themselves, not for anyone else, not just because they are 'pretty', or because they are a tourist attraction. They have their own end and own right to fulfil it.
I may not agree with what you have to say but I will defend your right to say it to the death
I go by that one too.
"Those who choose security over freedom, deserve neither" - B. Franklin

Also that one, as long as it's harming no one else. I think we are all trapped in this society (tax, housing, land ownership, you could make a list of our slavery that goes for miles and matter how rich you're a slave).

I also believe you don't need a reason to help someone. I'm sick to death of seeing elderly people wanting a seat and nobody gets up for them, and lost kids no one pays attention to, and people who drop litter everywhere, and school kids who abuse each other and graffiti the bus and abuse the bus driver and elderly passengers, discriminated pregnant women, racism, sexism, etc etc...

There's lots of awesome stuff here on this topic :D
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Post by Anubis »

f*** authority to hell and deny any one who tells me what to do.

capitalism is more trouble that it's worth

cows, sheep, pigs, and poultry are lesser life forms and belong in my stomach! I LOVE MEAT!!

The founding fathers had it close but our system of government is still GREATLY flawed.


Don't believe the liberal media and politicians alike!

yeah there is my teen-aged angst filled philosophies :P

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Post by BlackWolfDS »

I should explain myself too:

Don't judge on the word of another.
First off, I hate people who judge based on what their "friends" told them. It really annoys me to know that people are that lazy. BOTD (Benefit of the doubt) is not ment for and should not be given to all. If it's someone you trust and they know for a fact, the way you think, then by all means believe them.

No reason to drink, smoke or do drugs.
Why do it? I know some people do it becuase it makes them feel better and it makes them forget the pain of things, but come on, it won't last forever. And I'm not ragging on the ones who do it once in a while or occationally. I'm talking about the ones
who try to scratch up just enough money to buy drugs. That is by far the most disgusting and pittiful thing I ever seen.

Believe anything you want (religion)
I say believe what ever you want. If it gets to the point where your trying to impose your religion on me, we have a problem. I am a Wolf Therian and I like what I believe. A book does not govern what I do. I do not do kind becuase I'm threatend by eternal damnation. I do it becuase I feel sorry for the less fortunate. I do not feel sorry for the ones who have put themselves there and who blame all their problems and issues on others.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion
I think you, me and everyone else in the world is aloud an opinion. Our world is based on this and forever shall it stay. This also ties into the religion part. Here's my opinion. The Human race is a cancer. It grows, reproduces and spreads. It kills its host with mindless intention. We were given the gift of life on this planet and how do we repay her? We kill her. Mother nature, Gaia, the earth, home....all in the same, we are killing her.

Treat others the way you wished to be treated
This is my philosiphy. My father taught me this rule and I try to abide by it when ever I can. This, I beileve could also have a negitive out look. One could be doing good, just so they get good in return. They don't do it out oif selflessness. They do it for the spoils. Disgusting.

Peer pressure is a bad thing
Everyone should not have to worry about their friends or family worring about what they do. I hate the people at school, the good ones I tell you, who will not do something kind becuase it makes them look different. You know what I mean? If a guy is nice and not crude (In some cases) he is outcasted and made fun off. What the hell is that? I hate that. Pisses me off....

Karma, what goes around, comes around
When someone does something bad, they are usally greeted with a big fat dish of pay back. I think of Karma as engery. It can not be created nor destroyed, it changes form and that is it's why to get back to the one who started it.

Thinking about a problem will lead to its solution weather it's good or bad
If you think about something, you will most likely come to a probable conclusion. Why do things at random? Take it slow and think out a path to the solution. If humans were more like this, there could be a lot more peace in this world and less senseless killing. Maybe this is Karma? Maybe this is the Earth getting back for the destruction.

Animals have feelings too
Animals can feel too. When someone abuses a dog or a cat, they think it's ok, that the animal will never know. WRONG. They can feel. They have feelings just like we do. It's the whole species thing. If someone hits a dog, they say. "OMG I'm so sorry about your dog." If it were a human, it would be completely different. That's were money comes into play.

Money is one of the sources of greed and corruption (power)
Money....that's what runs the world. The more you have, the more power you command. I think we and humans alike, have a great need to be ontop. It shows that you can be the best and that everyone will love and admire you....or hate. Seriously, what has money brought us? War, starvation, greed? The list goes on.

If you can dish it out, you can take it back.
If you can dish out bad karma, you can take it back in. People who are mean and cruel can dish it out, but when their life is on the line, everything changes. I hate them. They to me are cowards.

Laughter can cure any illness
Laughter helps. Laughing makes you feel better. Laughing can acually make you lose some weight, along with making your day better. Being in a good mood and having a somewhat positive attitude will make life all that more sweeter to live.

You will get only what you put in
You can't expect to excel at something, unless you practice and put in some effort. If you do this, you will be happier and prouder with the results. The people who have not worked and expect someone else to do the work for them are just plain lazy. They will most likely never be happy.

Well there's my explainations. Now that I look at them....I realize that I live by a lot of rules and guide lines. Remember, this is my opinion and besides....I'm kind of stressed right now :|
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Post by Figarou »

BlackWolfDS wrote: Laughter can cure any illness
Laughter helps. Laughing makes you feel better. Laughing can acually make you lose some weight, along with making your day better. Being in a good mood and having a somewhat positive attitude will make life all that more sweeter to live.


I guess thats how the people is losing their weight when attending one of Richard Simmons weight loss programs.

Because they are laughing at him instead of with him!!!

HA!!! :jester:

Ok...I don't drink...don't smoke..don't do drugs...and I treat everyone with fairness.

And most of all.....I like having fun.. (If you couldn't tell already :jester: )
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Post by BlackWolfDS »

The amount lost is a little less than 5 lbs maybe.
And my fun is making others laugh :D
I try but fail at that sometimes :|
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Post by vrikasatma »

Nothing really broadcloth, it's pretty much a patchwork ethos:

Governments exist to ensure for the common weal and orchestrate defense of the group.

Souls before substances. Bodies before projects.

Who says tools are unnatural?!

Emotion is to other animals what intellect is to humanity.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Leaders aren't judged by what they themselves do, but what they inspire others to do.

Be a mirror. If people give you grief, give it back to them with interest. If people are kind to you, pay it forward as well as back.

Revenge, when wronged, is okay. Need not entail violence.

What would Nature do?

Choose one thing — anything — and hold it sacred. Everything else can be toggled with.

Think as thou wilt. Execute thoughts with wisdom, including the option of not executing at all.

Divinity always answers the prayers of the supplicant. It needn't necessarily be what the supplicant wants, however.

Live well, laugh often, love much.

Hope, wish, pray, dream.

It's all in the mind.

A lifetime is not lived in decades, scores or hundreds of years. It's done one day at a time.

First in all things, take care of yourself. If you go down, you're no good to anyone or anything.


Warhorse lesson: Never allow disrespect to go unanswered, but when the thing's been resolved...let it lie.

You have no greater wealth than your circle of friends.

Bare is the back that hath no brother.

God is like a diamond: many facets of a whole, and you never see all the facets at once.
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Post by Miragh »

Z wrote:but santa claus is always laughin
...until I cured him from his pedophilia by ripping him into pieces.
Oh, without wanting to be a smartass, but it's LaVey.
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Post by Kirk Hammett »

It's all in the mind.

One of my favourite discussion pieces :D
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Post by BlackWolfDS »

Z wrote:
BlackWolfDS wrote: Laughter can cure any illness
Laughter helps. Laughing makes you feel better. Laughing can acually make you lose some weight, along with making your day better. Being in a good mood and having a somewhat positive attitude will make life all that more sweeter to live.

but santa claus is always laughin
Do you know how much milk, cookies and coke he consumes? I'm surprised the guy's not diabetic :lol:
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Post by White Paw »

any illness is curable with a bullitt to the head
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Post by Timber-WoIf »

i think you should be decicive in everything you do. Every decision you make. Indecisiveness, hesitation, it will only lead to falure.
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Post by Lukas »

well lets see:
im belive in Roman Catholicism , praoble one of the few on this board
i see government as a needed thing
capitallism is better then communism anyday(i doubt total democracy will work either, just look at athena back in teh old greek days)
since i live in teh USA i support the country alll the way, but not blindly and noticed i said country not president
im tired of hearing all the Bush bashing, yes he is bad but stop trying to impeach him, he is are Commander and Cheif and we have to just respect and deal with him for 2 more years
i dont hate the human race since im human :D
we can do more for the enviroment and we can
i disagree with rel. causing alot of deaths, look it was huge dearing the middle ages yes, but that was only 1000 or history out of what? 6000-8000, its just a part of are history we deal with and the facts are more people die in wars over somthing more then rel.
i belive in repecting peoples opinions
finally i have commen sense and try hard not to cause problems by saying somthing I shouldnt say
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Post by MoonKit »

This post made me think of some World/Inferno lyrics from the song: Lets Steal Everything:

"I believe in a god, and I believe in this

Things lying around were left for us to take

Long before they were bought, just as they were made

Ours to enjoy, and not. to. pay...." :D
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Post by Fang »

If anyone has a vice that is illegal (Drug problems etc.) let 'em live that way. once they get busted then that's one less idiot off the street
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori :P
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