Who was a LONER when they were younger?

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Post by Vuldari »


So far, out of everyones responses so far, I can most identify with alphanubilus. I spend most of my time independently observing the world around me as an outsider, rather than a part of it.

To say that I was "Misunderstood" by my peers would be an understatement, but I never really had much trouble feeling liked and I was most certainly not Feared by anyone in my younger years, (Not that I'm "OLD" now...I'm still only 25). I always found it almost disturbing that in every school I went to, EVERYONE always seemed to know my name, even when I didn't know most of them. I can only assume that meant that people were talking about me behind my back, but I had no reason to worry about what they were talking about because I never did anything to inspire any BAD rumors...at least nothing I needed to care about.

I could never say I was lonely, as I was in good company among the other "outcasts". I slipped in and out of all of the various groups throughout the school and I never was given the impression that my presence was unwelcome. It was usually those groups who invited me to sit with them, (possibly just because I was the school 'mystery boy' that no one knew anything about and they were trying to squeeze some information out of me, but I didn't mind), however, I rarely felt much compulsion to stick with them for long. I was always just doing my own thing.

Was I picked on?...Of Course...but only by the same people who picked on everyone else too. Those people pissed me off...but I never really let it get to me. I was too arrogant conceited to let the opinions and activities of Meat-Heads bother me for long.

...Yes...I admit it...I was as much of a high-and-mighty preachaholoic back then as I am now. Although I didn't get all high grades in my classes (I hated homework, and rarely did it) I was enrolled in the 'Advanced' Math and Science classes (and usually aced all the tests), plus one specifically for creative students, and that gave me quite the EGO as you can imagine. I was full of all different kinds of "Advice"...whether or not it was asked for.

And now...out of School and in the Workplace...I'm more or less the same person.

"The Pack" I think is the first group I have ever stuck with for this long. (Excluding the Circle of Friends I once had between the ages of 2 and 10, whom I've almost completely lost touch with since moving away) Usually I just blow out with the wind as suddenly and quietly as I blew in.

Observing...calculating...stating my conclusions...and then going on my way.
Last edited by Vuldari on Wed Jan 24, 2007 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fang »

[quote="Vuldari I always found it almost disturbing that in every school I went to, EVERYONE always seemed to know my name, even when I didn't know most of them. [/quote]

Wow Freaky :o
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Post by Lukas »

yes, only have 1 or 2 friends at a time, tho it dosnt bother me either, you see i dont need social contract beyond my family. im perfectly fine with no friends, and plan to stay in that range, ive been picked but very little, i read alot and am very independent, i like doing things myself, very rel. also, Also I get moderitly high grades in HS but i never study so they will proable stay in that range, i may say hi or offer my opinion when i want but im not a big talker, however when i do get relaxed i tend to be more social and have a good time(by the way i didnt get into wolves untel last year)
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Post by 23Jarden »

Still am. When I was younger I hung out with one curly light haired male and that was it. When i got older I hung out with a black haired male and that was it. Now I hang out with two females one black curly and the other brown straight. Both are into Vampires and Anime and brown straight is into the darker side of the world (e.g. demons, punk rock, some goth things, and heavy metal... minus demons, so am I.)
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Post by tyger »

Professional loner here! was and still am. infact I don't really have any friends to this day. except on online societies and sites. I never got really popular or fit in to any cliques here. There were the rednecks and farmers or cowboys, the sports goons, and then everyone else popular like the rapper wanna be's who moved in. Even in the year book it said. " you can usually find him in a corner drawing." yeah that was my escape at the time.

even to this day I don't exude a "greatness" I was out singing and one guy gave me a backhanded sort of compliment. "boy I tell you when I first saw you I didnd't think anything about you! you were nothing special but after hearing you sing you got it!" still don't know what this "it" is.. but whatever :p
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Post by Fenrir »

.... :o I didn't realize there were so many loners here.....
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Post by Fang »

what about you Fenrir :evil:
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Post by White Paw »

i think hes a super noob loner :lol:
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Post by Fenrir »

Fenrir wrote:I'am probably the only one who will say no, but I try to be friends with everyone. I don't always like people, but I don't go up and start stuff with them. I have very good friends who I wouldn't trade for the world, it's true they can get anoying and sometimes we get into arguements, but usually we have a good time. I'am still young, and I think matt means in Highschool, and so I am answering with how my high school life has been so far, If I end up alone and abandoned in my senior year, then meh I had a good run, at least I'll have the memories..... That's why I'am not afraid of death, if you've lived a good life, even if the end is nothing but eternal loneliness, you can just float and remember all the times you had, whether you and your friends went into an empty movie theatre and spent the whole time playing around (highly recomended) or sat by the lake and just stared at the sunset and talked about the future..... you appreciate good friends. So if you're are lonely now, I bet of you be the first to make contact with new people, even if you have known of each other, don't give everyone the cold shoulder. Maybe it's just that I live in one of the few places were people on the streets smile and wave to you, and generally care for the well being of strangers, I don't know.

In short don't let life pass you by always try to make friends it can't hurt, and do not ever be unkind to others even if it is a slight nod on the street, Pie-May will come and get you if you don't nod back 8)
already posted my answer Fang :thpt2:
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Post by lupine »

Not so much a loner meself, more of an observer. I tend to sit off a bit and take it in until I get to know people. Sometimes come across as ignorant because of it, but it means that my friends are chosen carefully and valued greatly. I don't feel part of things tho and I value my 'ME' time a lot.
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Post by Fenrir »

Fang wrote::roll:
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori

It is sweet and honorable to die for (your) country

That was easy :superwolf:
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Post by Darth Canis »

I wouldn't consider myself a loner but I am defiantely more comfortable hanging out by myself or with animals then most people. I am an only kid, my parents wanted lots of kids but all they could have was me. So as a kid i enjoyed playing alone or with my pets. But I did hang out with kids in the neighborhood and played ball and stuff like that. I always wanted to play make believe games where i could pretend i was some sort of animal. I had a close knit group of friends in elementary school. When all the other girls started to play house and they dished out the roles of mom and baby I always vounteered to be the mischevious house pet with a nose for trouble. 8) Middle school i still had friends but I was kind of an outsider on the inside if that makes any sense. I played sports and stuff so i was "friends" with some of the more popular people but I was into star wars and animals not make up and boys. So i was on more than one occasion teased and called a dyke (eventhough i am straight). Highschool in the begining was very difficult for me at first I suffered through two rough years of depression and I started to drift from the people i once hung out with. I turned more toward the geeky gothic crowd and i found friends there. I wouldn't say i am a loner but defiantely a drifter I have drifted alot between friends most of the time an observer in a group more so then the leader. Now in college I hang out with people who are geeks I just love geeks :love: I think out everyone out there in general geeks are less quick to judge and more accepting of the person that you trully are.
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Post by Set »

You have to ask? :P
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Post by Silverclaw »

You have to ask?
You are quite the social butterfly Set :wink:
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Post by nachoboy »

okay. you know what? i feel like ranting in this thread. you guys wanna know why i'm a loner?

i learned at a very young age that i can't rely on anybody. my bro makes a deal with me and he goes back on his part of the bargain. my sis says sumthin and does the opposite. my pops make me a promise and doesn't do what he says he will. my friend says he gots my back then turns on me. if i'm alone, the only person who can let me down is myself, and i can change myself, but i can't change the peeps around me. believe me, i prolly would if i could.

so tonight, my pops told me that he could get me home quick after a church function to do my hour or so of homework, and i'm like, "finally!" and then he's like, "oh wait, we hafta drop off your bro at work then go to the store then you hafta empty the dishwasher so i can take a bath even though i've been home all day today and i coulda done it at any time while you were at school for 7 hours doing work. sorry."

and my buddy ryan? i'm not really sure that we're buds anymore. i'm getting increasingly sure that he's kinda racist. and with me being hispanic, that's not really the best quality for a friend to have knamean?

see, people let me down. they don't understand me. that's why i'm a loner.
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Post by Kirk Hammett »

Vuldari wrote: I always found it almost disturbing that in every school I went to, EVERYONE always seemed to know my name, even when I didn't know most of them.
I know how you feel Vuldari, people know me too. It's because I've gigged and such though, and my brother is extremely popular, (Neither of us have been in high school for a while but he has a massive friendship chain in this city) and I'm not. I don't party or go out much, I like small groups as I said before.

But because one of the bands I was in had some of my brother's friends (He in fact found the band for me, band needing a lead guitarist), and we gigged, I had fans because our music was played on CD quite a bit (I didn't know this, I was pretty out of the loop a lot).

Weirdest experience when people meet you and say "Were you in so and so's band?" (Band name withheld for privacy reasons). "You were great!" "Can I have your autograph?". As for the people at the music shops and schools, they somehow know me too, they've seen me perform.

And while most people enjoy that sort of spotlight, I don't like it. I'm shy, I don't have an ego, and this me, who wants to be in a band ... and lead guitarist too! Unfortunately I'm not an arrogant person and it seems to me, that sadly, arrogance gets a person far these days.

It's also that people know me through my brother. And I dislike most of his friends as they are shallow and rude, but some are quite nice, and interesting people.

Anyhow I'm getting off topic and my neck hurts.

One more thing - Vuldari: Perhaps they remembered you because you had a name that people could remember, or you just happened to be in everyone's classes, or you produced some sort of work people remembered. I hope it was for nice reasons that they remembered your name. I'm sure it was.


I think, if I may butt in, most people who talk on messege boards are or were loners, werewolf fans or not.
It's a bit different where I live I think (It might be different in America and other places). Over here, the extremely social people love messageboards and MSN, they have Myspaces's and hang out on messageboards, my brother and his 100-strong crew of friends being a good example. And I like my alone time and small groups of friends, but I spend a lot more time offline with offline friends than I do on here (I just prefer, when on MSN, to say, dude come over!)

But, you're 100% right when you say a lot of people are or were (And there's nothing wrong with that at all. I was picked on a lot for being an individual, still am). I think that messageboards are a very good way for people who feel shunned to meet peers who have the same interests. If one good thing came out of all the badness on the net, it's that people can feel liked. As long as they don't get injured or stalked in the process of course. But I think, for example, The Pack, has done a lot for people, and should be proud of helping people. Even though an online community, it is a community nonetheless.

Anyhow Moonkit can I steal your avatar? :lol: Not for my own avatar, but just for my picture collection. It's damned cute, think I've said so before.
and my buddy ryan? i'm not really sure that we're buds anymore. i'm getting increasingly sure that he's kinda racist. and with me being hispanic, that's not really the best quality for a friend to have knamean?
Well Ryan sucks then. He deserves ... I dunno, ice down his back or something! It's okay, I get called a wog sometimes (Italian) and people can't tell whether I'm half Italian, Greek, Spanish and I even get Asian sometimes, oh and Indian. Doesn't bother me but being called a wog really does, when I found out what a nasty term it was. Thing is with school is that you leave, and then you find out who your -real- friends are. I bet Ryan isn't on that list. -Gets all defensive of Nacho- you're cool Nacho, pity he can't see that.
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Post by Teh_DarkJokerWolf »

I dunno, but it seems alot of us just didn't really fit in or were targets for bullies..It sucks, but at the same time it sets us all apart from the rest. While I am still a loner for the most part seeing as I haven't any of my friends around here for miles/states. I think those of us who found this site have for a reason as I think alot of us are loners for a reason. Possibly something not yet forseen *attempts to sound smart* :P
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Post by Shadow Wulf »

The only time I was a loner was in the 3rd 4th and mabey 5th grade.
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Post by Morkulv »

I had a depressive youth really. I didn't had any friends, accept for 1 or 2 guys from school. But it wasn't much. I don't have regrets regarding my youth though, because it made me how I am today.

I didn't really focus more on werewolves/therian back then really, but I liked to record random talk and crap on tape, and thats were my facination with radio-making began. :D As a kid I used a simple boombox with build-in mic to record it and I spent all day to record it just the way I like.
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Post by Kirk Hammett »

People who have individual interests get shunned. It's pathetic, really, how if you're not a sheep, you're shunned. I find those sheep so boring. I'm never rude to them...but you have to admit they are very shallow.

When I was upset with school, I came home and there was my guitar. My family bickered a lot and they still do, so I could crank my guitar up. Guitar and music got me through that hell. -Shudder- I hated school so much. I had some friends, as I said before, but school. Ick. I was glad when I finally graduated after all those tedious exams and horrible teachers.

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Post by Teh_DarkJokerWolf »

I dunno if I had said, but my bully experiences started when I was in Kinder Care an it went all the way to high school...I tend to think it happened to come to be so from how I was raised. My parents never let us have any friends over from school. My family always did tell me an my dad to never fight back, but to turn your back on a bully..That's when I got attacked.. :P I didn't ever think once to turn around an fight though..I always sat alone at lunch time, played alone at recess..I dunno why, but though I am black myself, all the black girls an guys were the ones who really picked on me..I can't say I have had it as bad as some, but it has affected me still to this day..I am just uncomfortable around black folks..I mean it seems they are always the source of the bullying..I know alot of folks have had it worse *nods to Hamster* I know all both of my sisters had it rough too, but hell they came out much better then I have..

It's like that much constant bullying pushed me away from people..I've very reclusive..I like to be alone, but at the same time it's a killer..I am I guess not as social as I can be. My mom is still over protective an still tries to keep me from doing this..I dunno..I mean how does one get out of being a loner after they were practically raised to be one?
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Post by alphanubilus »

Like I said originally, I've never been a loner, due to stimuli, I just felt different than everyone else. In truth, 70% of the people I was around liked me, and even those who I thought didn't like me, turned out to like me, but alas I always had this wall... I dunno... I didn't feel lesser than they nor that I was better, but simply very few people could understand me.

People's opinions of me, didn't matter. I was never in to fads, and I have always gone upstream, without being a rebel, or trying to create some crazed fashion statement. For the most part I enjoyed school and I had several "friends" but I never let a one of em into my inner circle.

Partly though this was because my father was... in more simpler terms, a bastard.. that is the lightest terms I can think of, for there is no name under this sun that can justly describe what a horrible monster he was. Of course that was then, he's dead and gone and good ridence. Growing up we were not allowed to have friends, beyond that of school. Nobody was to come over to our house. We also moved frequently, so like Fig, I sort of gave up on it... but in reality I strongly doubt I would have sustained a steady friendship, even if I had the perfect perants... I was just too analytical for my own good. I've learned that thinking can not solve everything... Sometimes you have to feel...
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Post by WereWolfBoy »

i was a loner wolf until i was 13 and after that age everything went down hill
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Post by Aki »

I used to be a loner, but I'm slowly (very slowly) coming out of it. I don't think it was ever because I was 'different' or anything, but simply because I'm not good at starting and carrying on a conversation without being prompted in some manner. Given the right question or the need to correct someone, I can prattle on and on and everyone will be like "...You talk?"

So I do have a small group of friends, though I'll usually only talk rather than listen when something really strikes my fancy, or I ran across something so awesome I need to talk with someone about it.

I didn't really have too much trouble with bullying, either. There were some incidents but it's tapered off dramatically. I think it's because I present a rather boring target by not reacting strongly, or because my school's big and filled with a bunch of much better targets, etc. Or because I don't screw with anyone and it's generally thought (even if jokingly) that the quiet kids are the one's who'll break and go on rampages when pushes too far so that could also be a factor.
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