Why does religion hate sex?

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Post by Kaebora »

I agree with every word, Kzin. Well put.
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Post by outwarddoodles »

It seems Anubis and I agree about one thing, on the most part.

If you don't want a baby...don't have sex.
Hey, Homosexuals, you hear that? You can't make babies, so no sex for you!

I know you don't want to hear this from me Vuldari, but I have nothing against recreational sex.

Okay, I can understand not sexing up the first man/woman you encounter when walking into a bar, but I'm putting that beside the point. Assuming the persons in this situation knew each other, knew they didn't have an STD or any disease they could spread to each other, and used protection, what's wrong?

I like sweet foods. My body signals me that sweet foods are pleasurable. Eating too many sweet foods could make me fat, but do I avoid them all together?


Basically, I'm not going to argue with anyone, but my view point is that sex is perfectly fine. It is a natural instinct and we are all only humans. It's a good thing that we enjoy sex. But, I understand the limits. I severely detest people who make sex their goal in life, and I do very well support safe sex.

But sex in itself is not wrong.

(Now, please, never get me started on abortion. I will go, and go, and go. So just spare yourself the 20 pages of pro-choice-liberal material.)
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Post by outwarddoodles »

Anubis wrote:The world is not screwed up as you think, also it's usually the woman's choice what to do with the developing fetus.

When you abort a baby, your taking a human life, and it's murder! You might as well stab a random person, because there is no difference between that and abortion.

Truthfully I don't give a flying {censored} about women's rights on this issue. It's some else's life, in which no one has a right to say if they can live or die. It may be your life, and your choice, but it affects some else's god given right to exist!

No human has the right to say who lives and who dies, that god's territory! and even if you don't believe in god or what ever, still! No one has the right to say who dies.

Once the sperm has fused with the egg, that is the point of no return. Its a living human person not a tumor!

It boils down to one thing a one thing only...

No one never has the right to say who lives, and who dies
In my opinion (Anubis, I love you, you're an awesome dude.), I disagree.

Where does the fetus earn more of a right than the woman?

The woman who must now carry the fetus for nine grueling months, and is now responsible for a child for the rest of her life?

This woman could be anyone. A burgening young college student whose boyfriend's condom broke one night, and now she might not be able to afford the time or money to finish her degree; a young teenager who missed her birth control pill; a middle aged woman, raped one day; your girlfriend; a woman, with a husband, sick with cancer and ready to die in a few years.

Unwanted pregnancies is not limited to whitetrash and teenagers.

These would be women, and families, with lives. Having a baby is a life changing decision. A baby is not a persons "punishment" for a night of pleasure. (A baby should never be viewed as a "punishment" at all.) How does an accident have a right over a woman to choose what she now must do with her life?

A woman, whom we know is a living, breathing, thinking citizen, compared to something we don't even know if it has a right to be considered a human life deserving of rights at all.

No one has a right to choose what anyone can do with their life. That interferes with my own right to exist.

Once someone shows they are a person with their own potential at life, that is the point of no return. It's a living human person, not a baby machine.

A baby should be wanted, planned. It is a whole new person being brought into the world. That's a lot. It's life changing. Having a child doesn't end after they become an adult, forever and ever that woman will be caring for a child. It's not "Oops, I messed up, now I have a child."
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Post by PariahPoet »

Hmm...I don't want it, so I'll just kill it to get it out of the way.
(not that I havn't had that thought on those mornings when my cat sees fit to wake me up at 3am withincessant scratching and meowing at my door)
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Post by Set »

You didn't have to carry that cat in your belly for nine months, putting up with pain, sickness, and constant nagging cravings THEN have to deliver the damn thing out of a hole that isn't quite big enough for it with all of the blood and afterbirth, and STILL have to take care of the damn thing for 18+ years even though you never wanted it in the first place. It's not as simple as "It's in my way."

Can we get back to the original topic now?
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Post by PariahPoet »

That's why I don't have sex.
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Post by Vuldari »

#1: - People don't assault each other to borrow a cup of sugar. ( Rape )
Comparing it to the consuption of sweet foods is hardly a good match. It is the behavior surrounding it that is key.

It is not the act itself that is the problem ... it is what people do to each other and to society to GET it, and what happens when people are irrisponsible about it, and the overwhelming frequency at which it comes to such negative ends.

It is a terrible shame that some people are so horrible about it, while some others can deal with those imulses responsibly ... but, IMHO, the trivial moments of intimate physical pleasure the responsible tiny minority get are not even CLOSE to being worth the 'havok' sex-crazed culture continues to have on the quality of life of the human race as a whole.

...and it's getting worse every decade, and has been this way in highs and lows for Millenia, thus it's constant presence in most religions as a thing to not ever take lightly as a frivolous thing, but instead as a thing that is VERY serious and wrong to ever allow to be abused in any way.

#2: - An unplanned pregnancy is not an "Accident" ... it is a HUMAN BEING!

9 months of inconvenience and half a day of hard labor is insignificant next to the fact that the thing in the womans belly is not a tumor, nor an unneeded appendix, but a PERSON, and you seem to be suggesting that the little persons life is less imortant than the mothers "convenience".

I don't know how it works where you live, but here in Minnesota, any mother with a newborn whom she can not support, or is unwilling to, can leave it in the care of the nearest hospital ... no questions asked. They won't even ask your name if you choose not to give it.

Was your life any less important to you when you were a fetus than it is now? Do you consider your life less important than your mothers... or your grandmothers more than any of her children, including your parent? Isn't a Person a Person?
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Post by Vuldari »

PariahPoet wrote:That's why I don't have sex.
I don't have sex, to prove to the rest of the world that resisting really is not that hard, and that it is most definitely not neccesary to find happiness, LOVE, and satisfaction in life.

I am more than a quarter century old, a virgin, and intend to die that way, many years from now as a happy old man, just because.

...because too much sex is bad for humanity, and for recovery to occur, the human race needs to find alternative ways to deal with raging hormones and to express love for one another. Sex makes people act crazy...and, greedy and stupid. Stupid and greedy is not so magical and romantic... just dangerous.

I don't feel my life has any less meaning, or that I love my freinds any less because I have not chosen to do the mating dance with anyone.

In fact, I feel stronger and more in control of my own destiny knowing I am able to resist my most powerful, mindless primal instinct, and not lose a minute of sleep over it.

My hormones don't tell me how to love another person. ... my "Heart and Soul" does.

...and really, if getting ****ed was really the most loving thing you ever do to someone, they must really be getting a raw deal the rest of the time, because in times of emotional crisis, I can think of a great many things of greater value to give than a **** shoved into anothers ****.

...Like maybe a little caring, understanding, and reliable support, for starters.
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Post by Aki »

Figarou wrote:
Aki wrote:
Same with "recreational sex" or driving. Cars are great used properly. Improperly they're rolling death machines capable of snuffing out a number of lives in a short period with the most minimal of mistakes, causing more agony and suffering via the emotional pain of loss and anger.
Hmmmmm....improper use of cars can cause death.

You should know that "[s]guns[/s] Cars don't kill people. People with [s]guns[/s] cars kill people.

Is it the same for "Improper sex?"

I know there's a risk of catching a sexually transmitted disease by the use of "improper sex." But...are you willing to take that risk? Hmmm? Is having sex worth it?

You take risks when you drive. Do you know if you are going to make it to your destination without getting into a wreak? Do you "really" need to get to your destination by car? What about the train? The bus? or taxi? There are other alternatives to get where you're going. Each as its own "risk."
Ah, but both Sex and driving have safety precautions. The first is simple - education and awareness. Know what the f*** you're doing, why you're doing it, the risks, and accepting all that. The second is more tangible - physical protections. Pills, spermacide, condoms, etc. for sex, and for cars there's air bags, seat belts and the in-built "crumple points" of a vehicle where it's built it just ...crush in, to absorb the force and keep the passengers safe, etc.
...because too much sex is bad for humanity, and for recovery to occur, the human race needs to find alternative ways to deal with raging hormones and to express love for one another. Sex makes people act crazy...and, greedy and stupid. Stupid and greedy is not so magical and romantic... just dangerous.
Too much of anything is bad. Sex, food, whatever. I don't think because a activity can make people act badly it should be banned or such. Rather, people should be taught how to deal with these sorts of things responsibly.
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Post by Scott Gardener »

I'm amazed; this thread isn't locked yet. I was sure it would be by the time I saw it again. It even talked about ab*rtion; I'm not touching that topic with a ten foot culdoscope.
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Post by Vuldari »

When did I ever suggest banning sex altogether? None of us would exist today without it. But it is not a game.

Responsible usage is the goal.

There are reasons why you dont let people drive a car or fire a gun without first earning a licence by proving that they know how to use it safely, and swear, under penalty of law, not to do otherwise.

You don't have target practice in the middle of a crowded playground, you don't drive your car from the back seat while driving in reverse down the freeway, and you don't talk your reluctant, or over-eager partner into making out in the alley behind the store just because you were both feeling a little horney.

Regardless of how much fun it may seem at the moment, there are dangers to consider in each case...not the least of which should ever be the emotional termoil anyone involved may experience if things don't go smoothly.

I am not suggesting a 'sex licence'. ...merely that people who have no intention of being responsible about it, have no business messing with it at all.

It is too dangerous to just "let it be". IMHO
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Post by Lukas »

Scott Gardener wrote:I'm amazed; this thread isn't locked yet. I was sure it would be by the time I saw it again. It even talked about ab*rtion; I'm not touching that topic with a ten foot culdoscope.
thats because no one has insulted or flamed war yet
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Post by Figarou »

Aki wrote:
Ah, but both Sex and driving have safety precautions.

The first is simple - education and awareness. Know what the {censored} you're doing, why you're doing it, the risks, and accepting all that. The second is more tangible - physical protections. Pills, spermacide, condoms, etc. for sex, and for cars there's air bags, seat belts and the in-built "crumple points" of a vehicle where it's built it just ...crush in, to absorb the force and keep the passengers safe, etc.
You're not looking at both sides of the coin.

What can save your life can also kill. I've been over the road for more than 20 years. I've seen some nasty s*** out there. And believe me....its nasty!!!

Ok....you're driving a Mini Cooper. You get hit by 20 ton dump truck fully loaded with rocks. Will that seat belt and air bag save your life? Probably. But it won't prevent the Mini Cooper from looking like a wad of crumpled paper. You end up getting crushed inside.

Some expensive cars has crush zones. But it won't work in ALL accidents. That car is no match with a high speed train. It'll pop open like an empty beer can.

Here is a situation where a seat belt can kill.

A woman gets into a wreak. The seat belt and air bag saved her life. But her SUV caught on fire. She could'nt get the seat belt loose. It's stuck!! She's trapped inside!! She ends up getting burned alive. The seat belt saved her life...but it also ended it.

Now for the education part.

You can get all the education in the world on how to be the safest driver. But will it prevent you from getting into an accident? You STILL have to deal with the other idiots on the road. They can come out of nowhere and do damage.

Here is an example....... You are driving north on a divided highway at night. You're about to go over a small hill when all of a sudden...a car driving on the wrong side of the highway at a high rate of speed and no headlights on hits you. WHAM!! You got hit because 1st...you didn't expect a car to be driving south on the north bound lane. 2nd...he had no lights on so you couldn't see him until he was right on top of you....and 3rd....he was driving to fast for you to react in time.

What could've prevented this? You staying home? The other driver staying home? You taking another route? Driving during the day? Its not easy to figure this out, is it?

Now for sex.

Is that condom 100% effective? Will the pill actually prevent you from having a kid? What if you wanted a kid later on? Did the pill do any damage while taking it for several years? Will the child have some type of birth defect? Hmmm?

"safe driving" and "safe sex" has the same principal. But each has a different outcome.
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Post by Aki »

Vuldari wrote:When did I ever suggest banning sex altogether? None of us would exist today without it. But it is not a game.

Responsible usage is the goal.
Ah, then we agree kinda-sorta... ^_^
Figarou wrote:ou're not looking at both sides of the coin.

What can save your life can also kill. I've been over the road for more than 20 years. I've seen some nasty s*** out there. And believe me....its nasty!!!

Ok....you're driving a Mini Cooper. You get hit by 20 ton dump truck fully loaded with rocks. Will that seat belt and air bag save your life? Probably. But it won't prevent the Mini Cooper from looking like a wad of crumpled paper. You end up getting crushed inside.

Some expensive cars has crush zones. But it won't work in ALL accidents. That car is no match with a high speed train. It'll pop open like an empty beer can.
Well, no offense Fig, but duh.

Invincible cars are impossible to build.

I know it's nasty - Driver's Ed loves to show you the results of f***-ups. Even saw one where someone's face hit the windshield so hard their face was sculpted into the glass.

Here is a situation where a seat belt can kill.

A woman gets into a wreak. The seat belt and air bag saved her life. But her SUV caught on fire. She could'nt get the seat belt loose. It's stuck!! She's trapped inside!! She ends up getting burned alive. The seat belt saved her life...but it also ended it.
The possibility of the belt getting stuck is next to nil. In all likelyhood of fire or going off the road into the water, the belt will save you.

It'll keep you conscious. And being awake and alert is the only way you're going to survive in the case of fire or water. Especially since with water you need to get out quick. Otherwise the pressure gets too high and you can't open the doors ...and the air runs low.

The woman in your example would've died without the belt. Either via being slammed around the inside of the car, or, well, burning while she's out cold.
Now for the education part.

You can get all the education in the world on how to be the safest driver. But will it prevent you from getting into an accident? You STILL have to deal with the other idiots on the road. They can come out of nowhere and do damage.
The goal is to minimize the number of idiots via education. Get more safe drivers on the road, and then there's less idiots, right?
Now for sex.

Is that condom 100% effective? Will the pill actually prevent you from having a kid? What if you wanted a kid later on? Did the pill do any damage while taking it for several years? Will the child have some type of birth defect? Hmmm?
There are no 100 percent guarantees in life.

But hey, you only live once (unless you believe in reincarnation ...in which case uh, you only live this life once :P ) and any day, any hours, minute, second could be your last, right? Might as well have some fun, take some risks. Drive a vehicle, do the horizontal mambo, whatever... :D
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Post by chubhound »

outwarddoodles wrote:
It seems Anubis and I agree about one thing, on the most part.

If you don't want a baby...don't have sex.
Hey, Homosexuals, you hear that? You can't make babies, so no sex for you!
And what about couples (heterosexual, just to clarify) that are beyond child bearing age? Or what if one person in the marriage (or domestic partnership or whatever the arraingment happens to be) is, for one reason or another, unable to concieve a child? Do we just tell those people "Well.....you can't add to the population, so....keep your hands to yourself!! Sorry, sucks to be you."? I know you were tossing some humor into the argument outwarddoodles, I just saw your comment & ran with it in an even more absurd direction to try & add a bit more humor. Hope it didn't come across as a jab at you.
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Post by Vuldari »

chubhound wrote:
outwarddoodles wrote:
It seems Anubis and I agree about one thing, on the most part.

If you don't want a baby...don't have sex.
Hey, Homosexuals, you hear that? You can't make babies, so no sex for you!
And what about couples (heterosexual, just to clarify) that are beyond child bearing age? Or what if one person in the marriage (or domestic partnership or whatever the arraingment happens to be) is, for one reason or another, unable to concieve a child? Do we just tell those people "Well.....you can't add to the population, so....keep your hands to yourself!! Sorry, sucks to be you."? I know you were tossing some humor into the argument outwarddoodles, I just saw your comment & ran with it in an even more absurd direction to try & add a bit more humor. Hope it didn't come across as a jab at you.
Honestly...if I could change the way things work with a flick of my wrist, I would make it so that Sexual Intercourse was no longer a pleasurable experience at all, but actually really uncomfortable.

...then only People wishing to become Parents would ever bother doing it, and we would not have a world full of rapists, unwanted children, and people thinking their lives are somehow incomplete because they are not getting enough SEX.

It is all just a mess of people with their priorities all backwards. If I was given a choice to vote on a global decision to make every human-being on the planet from now to forever after, (including myself) INCAPABLE of feeling any kind of Sexual-Arousal, I would gladly vote YES.

We are not Dumb Animals that need an untethered instinct to Feel horny 24/7/365 to keep our species from going extinct. We are intelligent enough to make the conscious decision to breed a next generation or not on our own.

Breeding instinct is no longer at-all valuable to the Human Race, and is now nothing but a bothersome Burden that everyone is forced to live with. IMHO
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Post by Aki »

Vuldari wrote:
chubhound wrote:
outwarddoodles wrote:
It seems Anubis and I agree about one thing, on the most part.

If you don't want a baby...don't have sex.
Hey, Homosexuals, you hear that? You can't make babies, so no sex for you!
And what about couples (heterosexual, just to clarify) that are beyond child bearing age? Or what if one person in the marriage (or domestic partnership or whatever the arraingment happens to be) is, for one reason or another, unable to concieve a child? Do we just tell those people "Well.....you can't add to the population, so....keep your hands to yourself!! Sorry, sucks to be you."? I know you were tossing some humor into the argument outwarddoodles, I just saw your comment & ran with it in an even more absurd direction to try & add a bit more humor. Hope it didn't come across as a jab at you.
Honestly...if I could change the way things work with a flick of my wrist, I would make it so that Sexual Intercourse was no longer a pleasurable experience at all, but actually really uncomfortable.

...then only People wishing to become Parents would ever bother doing it, and we would not have a world full of rapists, unwanted children, and people thinking their lives are somehow incomplete because they are not getting enough SEX.

It is all just a mess of people with their priorities all backwards. If I was given a choice to vote on a global decision to make every human-being on the planet from now to forever after, (including myself) INCAPABLE of feeling any kind of Sexual-Arousal, I would gladly vote YES.

We are not Dumb Animals that need an untethered instinct to Feel horny 24/7/365 to keep our species from going extinct. We are intelligent enough to make the conscious decision to breed a next generation or not on our own.

Breeding instinct is no longer at-all valuable to the Human Race, and is now nothing but a bothersome Burden that everyone is forced to live with. IMHO
Wouldn't help a wit.

People would simply find something else to obsess over.
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Post by chubhound »

Oh....getting back to the original question posed here. I don't think that religion (or those in positions of religious authority) actually "hate" sex. I tend to think that it's more of a case of a good intention gradually getting lost along the way (and I think we all know about a certain road paved with good intentions, and where it ultimately leads). I can't really speak for the issue of birth control, but as far as porn goes, I agree with what others here have already said, in that religion tends to state that it can cheapen later sexual relationships in a person's life. Of course, there's always the possibility that someone might just have a bad opinion of sex in general (see Miss Choksondik in the South Park episode "Proper Condom Use" for an example), and they jump from sexual activity being something that should be reserved for a loving personal relationship and not something to be engaged in with just anyone who looks twice at you, to an opinion of "Sex is nasty & gross and noone should EVER do it unless you're specifically trying to bring a child into the world....and even then you shouldn't enjoy it in ANY way!!!". Again, what originally starts out as a good message winds up getting twisted into something WAY extreme. But heck....I remember reading a book by Pat Robertson, PAT FRIGGIN' ROBERTSON of all people!!! And even HE stated that the Bible does not prohibit sex for pleasure (at least in the confines of a marriage). I'd quote the Bible verses he used for reference, but A.) I don't want to come off like I'm pushing any one particular religion & wind up getting in trouble here, and B.) I.......don't remember what they were. Hey, I read the book in Jr. High...I forgot. But he did state that God (and I'm only mentioning God since this is about religion & sex) made us capable of experiencing pleasure from sex. And if the guy that started the 700 Club doesn't have a problem with sex for pleasure, then I sure don't either. In any case, I think the whole "sex & religion" thing is just a case of people taking a good idea and taking it too far. That's my biggest problem with organized religion in the first place, it takes things that perhaps you shouldn't do, and turns them into things that you CAN'T do. I guess they decided to "err on the side of caution" and went a bit too far. But actually "hating" sex...I doubt it.
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Post by Midnight »

Sigh. I've been biting my tongue on this lot for long enough. Time to speak up and offend everyone.

First: what two (or more, if that floats their boat) consenting adults do in their own space is nobody's business but their own. Not yours, not mine and certainly not the Pope's.

Second: I'm an agnostic tending towards atheist and no Biblical scholar, but my understanding of the background to this attitude towards sex is the Biblical story of Onan, back somewhere in the early Old Testament. What Onan did, as I understand it, was try to use an extremely primitive and unreliable form of birth control, and hence incur the wrath of his god who wanted more followers. But there is one massive difference between today and the time of Onan, three or four thousand years ago: now, unlike then, the earth is grossly overpopulated.

Sex outside marriage is another matter entirely. Until mid last century or thereabouts, there was no cheap and effective birth control available. Every sexual contact had a good chance of producing offspring. Therefore, without such a societal taboo (which seems to have been more against casual sex than against sex between a committed but unmarried couple) there would be a major problem with unwanted children. Now with all the forms of birth control available: contraceptive pills, condoms, vasectomies and the morning after pill (this, again, is a bit of a digression, but personally I consider an actual living woman to be more important than a potentially living zygote) there is now no reason for anyone to bear a child they don't want and haven't planned for - other than religion.
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Post by nachoboy »

Vuldari wrote:#2: - An unplanned pregnancy is not an "Accident" ... it is a HUMAN BEING!
i'm sorry, but this has been bugging me. jus because the baby is a human being (i mean, i will admit that your argument wasn't a bad one) doesn't mean that they're not an accident. as defined by a dictionary i use often, an accident is "an event that happens by chance or that is without apparent or deliberate cause." WITHOUT DELIBERATE CAUSE. that can include a woman being pregnant with a baby, no matter how much of a human being the baby is. by definition, an unplanned pregnancy is an accident. an accident isn't nessecarily a bad thing. if you aks me, more people need to realise this.

anyways, i don't think that religion does hate sex. as anubis said, religions sees sex as sacred. i agree with that. but, as has already been talked about, adoption is a good choice. if you want a child, you don't need to be having sex and making our own baby. there are tons of babies out there who need parents. i also agree with what kzinistzerg said. very well put, k. i mean, being Catholic and all, i would prefer that the people having sex were married, but whatever floats your boat, i guess. if you're gonna be good parents and raise your kid well, that sounds like a good thing to me. and i also agree with outwarddoodles. she made some very good points, if you aks me.

Overall, i think that if you want to have sex, you should think about it beforehand. you should make sure that you'll be able to successfully take care of the baby that might be produced with the help of your partner. if you don't want to have a kid, use protection. a baby should be planned for, not just had. and people shopuld get tested for STDs before they goa round having sex all willy-nilly. getting tested with your girlfriend/boyfriend can be a VERY romantic thing to do. MTV used to have some commercials where there were couples and one of the people would aks the other to get tested with them. my pops doesn't understand the commercials, but it's simple. by aksin gyour partner to get tested with ya, you're showing that you are prepared for a very intimate relationship with them, that you've thought about the possibility of staying with the other person in order to raise a baby together. in my opinion, it doesn't get much more romantic than that.

so yeah. i imagine that if the couple that's having sex has thought about all of this stuff, can (and will, if a baby is born) care for the baby well, and understands all the consequences of their actions, then God or whatever deity you believe in will not be too unhappy with the people.
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Post by Kaebora »

I am deleting Clubhounds previous post. Attacking people on an individual level PUBLICLY... is not wanted here.

STRIKE TWO! Thread locking is just over the horizon. Everyone please keep this debate professional. No mud slinging.
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Post by chubhound »

Ok.....I'm sorry. I suppose I didn't take into account the fact that maybe (hopefully) the post that I responded to was written as a joke, or at least not ENTIRELY in seriousness. I still say that telling a person that, unless they plan to procreate, that they have no business engaging in sex is like telling a person living in Oklahoma they have no reason to learn swimming since they aren't near an ocean. Again...I went off half cocked and I apologize. But please....PLEASE (I'm typing on my knees here.....no, really I am), tell me you were just trying to make a point about how important it is to take potential parenthood seriously. Pretty please? With whipped cream & sugar & a cherry on top?
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Post by Vuldari »

Aki wrote: Wouldn't help a bit. ...
It would not eliminate destructively obsessive behavior altogether, but it would take one out of the picture... and a significant one at that. Most other obsessions are not driven by hard-wired biological impulses quite like sex is.

Also... it WOULD definitely end the epidemic of unwanted pregnancies, and curb overpopulation for good.

In fact, the scenario would likely be so reversed that religion and everyone else would actually ENCOURAGE strong, healthy, loving male/female couples to procreate as much as possible, to fortify the next generarion. ...so as to fend off underpopulation.

Which would be a world crisis that would involve far less killing and petty territory disputes, and much easier to deal with in the long run. IMHO
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Post by chubhound »

No offense, but...that still seems like using a bazooka to swat a housefly. People are capable of doing ANYTHING to excess, or of going to extreme lengths to get their "fix" of whatever it is they're after. It's not the THING that's the problem, it's what a few people do for it. I remember hearing stories about Everquest, when people were losing their jobs because they couldn't (or wouldn't) stop playing, or about one person who locked their kid in the closet so they wouldn't interrupt the parent's playing...and the kid died. Tragic? Of course!! But it's not the video game's fault. After that happened, noone was suggesting getting rid of Everquest (or MMO's) altogether. Do people do stupid things for sex? Of course they do, heck....people sometimes do stupid things for religion too, but don't let a few bad apples....you know the rest.
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Post by Vuldari »


... IMHO ...just an excuse to let a fixable problem continue to exist.

The Human race is poorly bred. Our breeding instinct is Broken, and the sooner we all realize it the better.

Deny it or call it a "Tired Argument" all you want ( I'm talking to you Scott Gardener) ... I call it an "Inconvenient Truth" (which happens to be a bit of a catch-phrase as of late).

Sitting back and waiting for the problem to magically fix itself (thousands of years after you die) isn't going to work. The Human Race will not change for the better until we willfully CHOOSE to change ourselves. We are on a biological/evolutionary dead-end course at the moment. The way I see it, we have two choices if we don't want to go extinct. (And Wipe Out the Whole Planet With us, simply from us taking up too much space, and leaving a stinking, toxic, fallout-scarred mess.)

*ONE: We give up civilization, and just do whatever our instincts (like our sex-drive) tells us to do. In time, the strong will kill off the weak and the survivors will be left genetically strong, but intellectually challenged Ape-Men, with far less cases of Cancers, Allergies and other chronic medical conditions than Humans do now, and likely a seasonal mating cycle like most other wild animals have, which helps control population. (Primal Power Struggles, and resource limitations would weed out the rest of the weak links). This system, ("The Law of the Jungle") only functions if the strong are allowed to dominate the gene pool, and the weak and sickly allowed to die.

*TWO: We stop behaving as if what our off-balance chemical impulses are telling us to do is our calling and purpose in life, and look at ourselves logically. What kinds of Happiness last the longest, and are the most worthwhile. What choices should we make that will create the greatest amount of happiness for EVERYONE for the long-term, and for our descendants and the rest of the lifeforms on this planet.
...and what behaviors, which are tempting and feel good at the time, lead to problems and regrets later on. Is getting HIGH really the best Idea? Will it really fix anything to get REVENGE? Will it really make you happy to STEAL that money from the bank to live like a king for a day? Will you really be happier dating that HOT person, instead of the one that really Loves you, because they are better in bed? Are you sure you want another BABY for the right reasons, or are ready for it?

I personally am quite fond of civilization, and would prefer not to wait for the bold to kill off the timid and careless, or for mass stupidity to cause the problem species to take itself out of the picture (the way "NATURE" deals with problems like this) to balance the equation, but instead encourage Humanity to USE these brains that we are so proud of, and mold ourselves into a stronger species through INTELLIGENT choices.

When the public at large stops fooling themselves into believing that their out-of-control hormones and impulses are the greatest thing to happen to them, and starts to realize that maybe they should start guiding their decisions more by their BRAINS, and less by their Balls and "Biological Clocks", the world will begin to become better for it, and it should start to become easier to recognize the difference between "LOVE" and "LUST".

I stand by my opinion. That's no Fly...it's the biggest, most stubborn cockroach you've ever seen, and it just MIGHT take a Bazooka to wipe it out. Those things don't go down easy. Sometimes drastic measures are necessary.

... IMHO as always.

I'm sorry that my opinion is not popular ... but the truth often isn't pretty.
Please Forgive the Occasional Outburst of my Inner Sage ... for he is Oblivious to Sarcasm, and not Easily Silenced.

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