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Post by fredriksam »

I,m quite amazed no one has talked about this movie yet. Anyway, here we go. No spoilers.

Some days ago i saw an advance screening of this really really great movie.

This one is as good as, say, shining. And speak of shining, there is some refernces to that movie. See if ya catch them.

I must say this movie was quite scary at times and also sad. Its has not many BOOH moments. Instead the movie slowly creeps under your skin and makes you terrified.

The end can be quite discussed based on your personal belives. You know what i mean when you see the movie.

To tell a little about it:
It s about a man that is visiting ghost houses and such and writes books about it. He doesnt belives in ghosts or anything like that. Then one day he gets a postcard telling him to stay away from room 1408. This room is in a hotel in New York.

He goes there despite people (including the manager) trying to warn him not to.

What happens next you find out if you watch the movie. As said before its a scary and creepy movie.

This movie i will buy on DVD when it comes out.
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Doruk Golcu
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Post by Doruk Golcu »

I have read the short story this movie was based on. SK has commented that it was one of the scariest stories he wrote, and I agree with him. The sense of 'wrongness' is so creepy and disturbing in the story... now, I haven't seen the movie yet, the trailers weren't very promising, but they can be misleading... I might give it a try if I have time.
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Post by ravaged_warrior »

This was a pretty good movie. Don't go in expecting the short story, though, because that's not what this is. It's a very loose adaptation that ended up being great.

As for The Shining... I didn't like the movie too much. The book was great, though.
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Post by Fenrir »

[spoiler]there was one part when he was in the room and stairing at the mirror and you see something behind him and then you realize it's a guy THEN YOU REALIZE IT'S A GUY WITH AN AX!!!! :lol: [/spoiler]
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Post by chubhound »

Just saw it about a week ago. It's nice to know that some people still are able to make a good, decent, creepy horror flick and not have to resort to tossing buckets of fake blood & entrails at the screen. It's a movie that's scary scary, not gory scary. And I'm GLAD for that.
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