Autopsy: perfect to explain werewolfism in sci terms

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Autopsy: perfect to explain werewolfism in sci terms

Post by NightmareHero »

Lets say that a character is killed, then their body is autopsied. There would be chrossive burns on and inside of their flesh of whatever penetrated them. On further inspection, they would realize that silver has a corrosive effect on this bodies flesh.... They could also find blood in the teeth of the victem, as sign that the victem bit someone when they were trying to fight back...

Just out of curiosity, and because they have nothing to lose.... the lead investigator on the case tells the coroner to do a chromosone count and a DNA test, but to keep it quiet, just between the two of them so that no one would think they were crazy....

on another day, the coroner would show the investigator that the victem had a LARGER chromosone count than a normal human being is supposed to have.....

The investigator could say that it doesn't prove anything.... to which the coroner, maybe a member of CSI, depending where the movie takes place, would show him in a microscope, some sort of virus that he extracted from the gums of the dead person. This virus is larger than any he has seen, and contains the ENTIRE dna sequence of a certain animal....

I leave the rest to your imaginations.... unless you would like me to add more "details" :)
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Post by Figarou »

Wasn't this done before? I swear I've seen this.

Oh, yes. "Cat People."

Lets do some original thinking in this movie and not take ideas from somewhere else. :wink:
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Post by NightmareHero »

Figarou wrote:Wasn't this done before? I swear I've seen this.

Oh, yes. "Cat People."

Lets do some original thinking in this movie and not take ideas from somewhere else. :wink:
The guy only opened UP the dead panther carcass, they DID NOT take DNA samples, check the wounds, or find a virus in the dead panther..... And the Panther disentegrated, something the dead werewolf victem's body wouldn't do.....

Same scenario, handeled differently, and longer, more as a revelation, not for shock I argue, I KNOW the scenes are different.....
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Post by Terastas »

It's still a similar enough definition that the people that made Cat People wouldn't have any qualms about suing for copyright. We've already learned how nit-picky these werewolf wannabe producers can be with the whole White Wolf / Underworld ordeal.
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Post by NightmareHero »

Terastas wrote:It's still a similar enough definition that the people that made Cat People wouldn't have any qualms about suing for copyright. We've already learned how nit-picky these werewolf wannabe producers can be with the whole White Wolf / Underworld ordeal.

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Post by Figarou »

Its best not to interfere with the script they already have. We are here to give them ideas on the werewolf. Lets just stick to that. :wink:
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Post by Mr_Lycos »

Difficult to make autopsies realistic in TV/movies

You never see Grissom ppulling the intestines out of a body to weigh them on CSI... And DNA testing in minutes .... HA!

Real Life:

Cop "Ok, we've got a swab of the killers blood. We'll get it DNA tested, how long should this take?"
Lab Guy "Four to six months"
Cop " How much longer to get it matched against every convict on death row?"
Lab Guy "HA HA HA HA HA. About 640 years at the current rate. get out of my office".
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