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Post by Baphnedia »

Yup. And also look for the laws he's written, in an extension of his emergency powers. Something will probably happen just before inauguration, and he'll stay President (because once emergency powers are invoked, only the President can revoke them).

It's not a pretty picture - but I've ranted about this many times before to the point of being out of breath. I'm glad you're letting others know - because now I don't feel like I'm the only one who sees some of what's happening.
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Post by Aki »

Bloody hell.

I hate s*** like this. Bush really needs to stop f*** America over. Seriously.
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Post by IndianaJones »

Now that's messed up, America is already ignorant enough.

Keep on blaming George W. Bush, cause it won't do anything good. It's been happening since he was elected. He is still here, I think we should blame the U.S. Government and all of it's political parties.

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Post by Terastas »

The only reason he's even still alive is because if someone did kill him, then Cheney would be president. He and Mitt Romney are the only two politicians in the entire country that I think would be worse than George W. Bush.

If he even hints that he might invoke martial law, however, I give him a week to live.

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Post by Caine »

Perhaps, but at least Dick Cheney has respect for homosexuals... I would know, he had a fireside chat at my college and we grilled him! By the way, Dick Cheney is a BRILLIANT man... jeez, do not try and debate him.

Not that I like him, but still. You have to respect someone that can destroy people in public debates and put super liberal people into tiny plastic Tupperware containers with their own arguments. He frightens me with his brain...
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Post by Set »

Terastas wrote:The only reason he's even still alive is because if someone did kill him, then Cheney would be president.
Someone did try to kill him. Not in the States I don't think. Stupid bastard forgot to pull the pin on the grenade, though.
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