Form-shared abiliities?

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Form-shared abiliities?

Post by Dreamer »

Well, I kinda noticed that i nsome fiction, the werewolf shares abillities inbetween both human and wolf forms, such as enchanced smell and instincts. But how much abillities should be shared between both forms?
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Post by RedEye »


That would depend on how much of the "Wulfication" was in things that don't shift when the person does.

I suspect that the reflexes would stay, since they are not really form-related. If the Wulf gained night sight at the expense of color vision, since that is a major physical alteration that wouldn't change either; that would most likely be permanent. Call it partial color blindness-it happens in normal life, so why not as a Were'?
Strength would be reduced to nearly Pre-Crossing levels, as would the sense of smell and the sense of hearing (Physical changes). Nails/claws might or might not stay the same, if they are of the flat kind; and I suspect that there would be a toughening of sections of the hands and feet- the paw pads of the Wulf.

Instincts, mindsets, and such are wide open; there would probably be a memory generated bit of similarity there, but exactly how much would depend on two things:
Is the Werewolf a composite being, posessed of a Wolf-spirit as well as the Human one, or is it all instincts with no real intelligence behind it? And: How many Wulfen characteristics are retained as a Smoothskinned Human? The more retained characteristics; the greater the melding of the two forms of response, because all the clues and triggers are still there.
A Werewolf that is Spirit-melded being that retains a number of Wulfen physical structures is going to be a lot more WOLF as a Human than a Human who "blacks out" and wakes up naked and confused in someone's henhouse.

I think, basically, it depends on the carryovers and the type of Werewolf we are talking about (Curse/"Virus"/Magic transformation).

AND...the strength of personality of the Human involved.
RedEye: The Wulf and writer who might really be a Kitsune...
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Post by Terastas »

The senses I don't think should carry over since a werewolf should acquire said senses with his canine nose and ears.

The only thing that I think would definitely carry over in both forms is regeneration. It's the only thing that isn't really native to either form and therefore would be just as believable for either or.
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Post by Kzinistzerg »

I think strength shouldn't change. Mentally you'd be changed by the experience like you would by any other experience.

I can imagine a slight still-there of ears and nose, but it wouldn't be anything major. If anything, the improvement would be in that you'd notice them more, rather than just dismissing it.

Regeneration is a go. But you could always say that the "magic" wolf form, if it is magical, has the regen and so only a bit carries over.
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