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Silent Hunter
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Post by Silent Hunter »

Ok Morkulv, why did you go in this thread at all? Seriously, why? Stop using someones thread to get on your little soapbox and write a bitchy lament on how evil society and humans like several of this forum are. Gods we have enough trouble in this thread without you joining in. :x

Oh and just to note i live in the UK before you say anything. :roll:
"Religion and politics
Often make some people
Lose all perspective and
Give way to ranting and raving and
Carrying on like emotional children.
They either refuse to discuss it with reason,
Or else they prefer argumentum ad hominem,
Which is a hell of a way to conduct a discussion."
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Post by Teh_DarkJokerWolf »

WOW!!! Wat has happened here folks? Okie okie...Lets fix this here an now. Mork said he doesn't hate Americans...Alright he made that clear folks...Leave him alone about this.
Morkulv wrote:This would be a nice fitting reply:
This is JUST a message board about fantasy creatures. Why do you have to go and take EVRYTHING I write so goddam seriously?
Can't anyone read my f*** posts? I do not hate Americans, I hate American society and society in general. Perhaps they'r a bit f*** up in the eyes for not reading my damn posts correctly, but I do not hate American people in general.

Americans just tend to think they live in they'r own world called America, but they are not, and by posting this f*** garbage on a PUBLIC forum you are thus cutting off your own audience. Wich is obviously f*** retarded, and that was my whole point.
Mork I respect wat your saying. There are alot of Twats here in american as there are in other parts of the world, many different countries have plenty of their own tards out there :P I think people are getting onto you because of how u worded it perhaps. It's just that I think so I'll be the first to say I understand wats going on here...
Morkulv wrote:More then half of the sports today aren't even really a sport anymore anyway, they'r a form of business, and I don't like that. The true essence of sport is gone.
So well said I might die...Just the other day I got into a discussion about the true essence of x-mas is now gone...It's all about getting that special toy for ur child at the costs of killing someone or getting into a bloody fight our it. That's sad an it makes me sad to have to wear the skin of human. Not all are tards, but there are idiots in every society out there, some are worse than others I know... :P

Again. All of you back off Mork for expressing his opinions here. My goodness this thread will be locked so help me if this useless fighting doesn't stop...
Anónimo Juan
Posts: 209
Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2007 1:01 am

Post by Anónimo Juan »

MattSullivan wrote:
I consider it bad when you are filthy rich and still urging to get more money
Why is it evil to want as much money as you can make? True evil is killing someone, or stealing what isn't yours, hurting women or especially children. Not playing a sport and getting paid for it. or working hard and making products people buy. Bill Gates gives gargantuan amounts of cash to all kinds of charities. *sits back and waits for some angry computer nerd to gripe about the evil of windows*

Boo-frickin-Hoo. I think some of you are just jealous you can't be as successful as people who actually make millions of dollars ( or Euros ) whether they be businessmen, artists, or atheletes. Instead of admiring them and trying to learn from their example, you make them out to be evil corporate "slaves" who onl care about themselves.

Oh, I am only 16, how can I be jealous of not getting enough money, if I don't even get any? :lol:
Actually, I really want to be rich when I have a real job but, what I meant is people who can't live without their money for one second, or just can give it away for any noble cause.

I won't post more about this economy thing, its' not supposed to be in this thread and anywhere else. :P