Why... Coconut?

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Why... Coconut?

Post by Dreamer »

You keep mentioning werewolves getting drunk of coconut, but I don't understand... why they would get drunk off coconut?
Is it somehing that canines can get drunk off of? And if that is the case, waht substances do you think a werewolf could also get drunk off of that a human couldn't?
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Post by Howlitzer »


I know that catnip has the opposite effect on Canines as it does on Felines...

How that would translate to intoxicating levels, I don't know.
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Post by Terastas »

You already answered your question: Regular canines can get high off of coconut, so it was presumed that it could have a similar affect on werewolves.

The only other thing I can remember us coming up with as possibly having a drug-related effect is chocolate. Chocolate is highly toxic to canines but relatively harmless to (non-diabetic) humans, so the consensus was that chocolate to a werewolf would be sort of like alcohol to a regular human, IE: only toxic in large enough quantities.
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Post by Blue-eyes in the dark »

mmmmmmmm lck Chocolate. :howl:  :oo
Reading an distributing copies of "The Werewolf's Guide to Life: a Manuel for the newly bitten" Help, where it's needed.
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Post by Berserker »

Unless you go by the concept that werewolves have metabolic and immune systems even better than humans, in which case they're immune to most allergies and diseases. (Which has the downside of not getting drunk even when you want to. :P)
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