How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

This is the place for discussion and voting on various aspects of werewolf life, social ideas, physical appearance, etc. Also a place to vote on how a werewolf should look.
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Re: How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

Post by AriesWolf »

I have a theory, but it only really applies if someone was specifically looking for werewolves. If I understand correctly, canines have a noticeably higher average body temperature than most humans do. Since there seems to be a consensus here that werewolves would keep some wolf-like attributes/abilities in human form, I see no reason for them not keep their higher body temperature as well. so, if you attached a thermal imaging device to, say, the surveillance camera of a building's entrance, then anyone with an abnormally high body temperature would warrant further investigation (though many of them would probably either be running a fever or just have a high body temperature naturally).
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Re: How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

Post by Wingman »

To the best of my knowledge, Rage came into play around the same time as Werewolf: The Apocalypse was in its hey-day. Prior to that, it was a Satanic bloodlust that drove the werewolf to commit deeds most foul.
So, holdover from the Satan days, I guess, or representations of anger that the authors feel for their fellow humans but are not able to make good on themselves, so they do it by proxy.

I'm probably wrong. It could be an unsubtle commentary on the author's belief that humanity it itself unnatural, and damaging to nature. So when something empowered by nature, ie a werewolf, sees a human they are filled with righteous wrath and inspired to fulfill their duties as hairy white blood cells and combat the sickness that is humanity. Or something.
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Re: How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

Post by Berserker »

More simply, modern people associate chaos with anger, since both concepts represent unpredictability and danger. Nature seems chaotic, therefore nature is angry. According to this (somewhat skewed) worldview, wolves, being symbols of nature, must also be symbols of rage, a force which becomes instilled in a person once they turn into a werewolf.
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Re: How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

Post by Chris »

In my mind, I like to see it as coming from the person themselves. It's not really the werewolf that has a rage, but the person, and something mostly subconscious. Some people can be quite territorial, for instance, but suppress that for various reasons (being timid/weak, societal pressures, etc). People can also have loathing for others, but suppress that as well. Plenty of people have a reason for suppressed or subconscious rage. Then they become a werewolf, and get a rush of power, strong instincts, and anonymity and, well.. it's easy to believe most people could lose their inhibitions and act on their subconscious.
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Re: How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

Post by RedEye »

There is another possibility, especially for the Ladies (and any female Werewolf is most wisely treated and addressed as a "Lady").

She's just scored on the hottest and most perfect heart-breaker outfit, and just tried it on for the first time...

And then, Shift happens... :x

For the guys, that might apply too...the "Chick Magnet" shirt and slacks have just been turned into wiping rags-

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Re: How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

Post by ABrownrigg »

One of the more interesting things I've noticed in this thread is the discussion between consistencies. Are werewolves this, are werewolves that. Especially in the rage, or hormonal department. It's all so very exciting to read. :)

One thing that I've garnered is that wolves in the wild are instinctual. They eat when they're hungry, they play, the nurture, they fight for dominance. But without bank accounts, and more specific 'human' emotions like envy, and contemplative vengeance. It becomes the human factor that will make your werewolf more 'this, or that".

If you're a werewolf, make sure not to bite any assh**es. Then you can easily wind up with a dangerous werewolf.


Ultimately because werewolves ARE part human. Feeling above or below human beings would depend upon the werewolf in question. How they were raised. How they were taught, personal experiences, etc. Also, how long they've been one. Born one? might be very different than someone who's only had it a couple months, and still adjusting from the first shift.

Granted, much like drug use. Some seem to handle it for years with no major consequences. But some, become self destructive, or destructive of others.

How could you tell if someone was a werewolf? Body temperature is a good one, I like that, still ambiguous. Permanent teeth? or ears, or tail vestiges? Why that happens in the human world too. Some werewolves might be more prone to a 'disorder' of not being able to shift back all the way. How would that affect the ones around him, his or her personality, they definitely might want a night time job to keep out of the public eye, or maybe even forced to by other members of the local pack for safety sake.

Then of course you have those, that have become so disgusted with human life, they've decided to just let their human sides go, and move to Colorado or something be free.

It all makes for exciting character development.

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Re: How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

Post by silver1 »

that makes since,i agree with you.
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Re: How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

Post by Terastas »

ABrownrigg wrote:Ultimately because werewolves ARE part human. Feeling above or below human beings would depend upon the werewolf in question. How they were raised. How they were taught, personal experiences, etc. Also, how long they've been one. Born one? might be very different than someone who's only had it a couple months, and still adjusting from the first shift.
This is only semi-related, but I have to say that this really clicked with me because, when you think about it, this is the one question you could use to define virtually everything there is to know about a werewolf: everything about them would inevitably tie back to whether they considered themselves better or beneath the rest of humanity. It's essentially a better defined version of the "blessing or curse" question. It's the first thing every werewolf would have to ask him/herself, and chances are everything they do from there would be akin to their answer.
Some werewolves might be more prone to a 'disorder' of not being able to shift back all the way.
Or even just some feelings of paranoia about the possibility of not shifting back to normal and/or having telltale signs. Werewolf-related obsessive-compulsive disorder.

It's a favorite in one of my scenario writings: where the werewolf trying his hardest to act normal and stay anonymous is ultimately the one that arouses the most suspicion. I mean. . . Really, who would you have more suspicions about? The guy with hairy palms, or the guy that shaves his palms?
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Re: How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

Post by AriesWolf »

Another possibility I just thought of: eye shine. If they retain the ability to see in low light levels while in human form, they would just about have to have this. It probably wouldn't be anything dramatic though; you'd have to be looking for it to see it.
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Re: How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

Post by jessee »

Hello Im new here, and Im by no means an expert but here are a few basic sighns Ive noticed, the basics are all the same, heightened senses, rapid hair growth (not only on face) no broken bones (this is my own observation, especially amongnst elders) rapid growing fingernails, (look at a lycanthropes fingers when in human form, from the tip to the first knuckle, the skin will retract giving the claw more cutting ability). also the back legs, when changing the knee joint will shift and the back legs will bend in reverse, this allows for more speed when running and helps to give a more ominous bearing when we are threatened. and finally the eyes, if a persons eyes change colors naturally and several times in a given time (usually about 4 times a month) they have the genetic makeup to be a shapeshifter but may not know it or have learned to ignore it. like I said these are only my observations, these traits may differ between packs, and Im sure amongst other shifters.
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Re: How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

Post by Pufihead »

I always thoguht it would be the eyes, cuz after all everything is in the eyes. But you'd kinda hafta be looking for it, whatever it would be.

It's like an instinct thing, cuz thats what they're all about right?
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Re: How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

Post by Cain »

Okay, again, I'm not saying I'm a werewolf, but I've had alot of the traits many of you have described. Like my eyes, they change just about every day, from a serious pitch black to a bright Goldish color, my mother has it too. My body temperature is mainly higher than usual, I have heightened hearing, and smell, and my reactions aren't the fastest, but pretty d**n gud. My friends sometimes call me a werewolf, and since I was really young I've always been in very good shape. Idk, maybe its just great genes, I wouldn't really know because my mother was adopted. I have anger problems, but I've learned to control them well with music, I have wolf like traits concerning territorialnessssss, protectivenessssss, loyalty, and I tend to act more on instinct rather than my emotions and obnoxious thoughts. I can't actually shift physically, but sometimes I tend to feel a surge of energy throughout my body when I get angry or know somethings wrong. And I know what adreanaline feels like, its basically my best friend, but that surge of energy is much stronger than adrenaline. And it... ripples throughout my body. I get constant headaches when I get the ripple of energy as well, like my mind wants to tear itself apart and my whole body will do the same thing. It started last year, after my thirteenth birthday. Idk, tell me what you guys think.
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Re: How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

Post by RedEye »

Perhaps a fondness for steak a la Tartare, raw liver and other unpleasant things coupled with odd eyes and a tendency to sniff things like fire hydrants and trees...

That might be a clue. :lol:
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Re: How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

Post by Aki »

Cain wrote:Like my eyes, they change just about every day, from a serious pitch black to a bright Goldish color, my mother has it too.
I can't recall what it was called or the details, but I believe it may have been mentioned earlier in the thread that this isn't entirely uncommon and has to do with light or something.
My body temperature is mainly higher than usual,
Your immune system is probably active fighting infections more than usual as well.
I have heightened hearing, and smell, and my reactions aren't the fastest, but pretty d**n gud.
Nothing unusual. Some people have better senses and quicker reflexes than others.
I have wolf like traits concerning territorialnessssss, protectivenessssss, loyalty, and I tend to act more on instinct rather than my emotions and obnoxious thoughts.
All are also human traits. Humans can be exceptionally territorial, protective and in a number of cases, loyal. The tendency to run on instinct is hardly uncommon as well.
And I know what adreanaline feels like, its basically my best friend, but that surge of energy is much stronger than adrenaline. And it... ripples throughout my body. I get constant headaches when I get the ripple of energy as well, like my mind wants to tear itself apart and my whole body will do the same thing. It started last year, after my thirteenth birthday. Idk, tell me what you guys think.
Probably just a bigger dose of Adrenalin than you recall. Or some other hormone, especially since it started in about the same period that puberty sets in. Growing pains and all that.
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Re: How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

Post by Moonraiser »

This is the is very hard to tell a werewolf from a normal human unless you actually come across one in the woods. There are no dead giveaways that tell you if someone is a werewolf.
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Post by AngryGothChick »

ghostfang wrote:if there personality changed.

Well, my old friend says I may be bi-polar. So if that what you mean by personality change,then I'm aboard the bandwagon.
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Re: How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

Post by Terastas »

Something that eventually made it into my writing was the way their body responds to what goes into it. The general assumption is that lycanthropy boosts the immune system on top of acting as a healing agent. For lycanthropy to be able to fight off infections, toxins etc., it would have to affect how the body responds to said elements. The werewolves I've written about are therefore immune to most diseases, but are more prone to vomiting and diarrhea on account of their lycanthropy-bolstered systems flushing that much more out of them.

So just to use an unrealistic but more comedic example, if you suspected one of your buddies was a werewolf, you could invite them all to a keg party and the most likely suspect would be whoever throws up first. On account of his lycanthropic immune system reacting negatively to the alcohol in his system before he can even begin to feel intoxicated by it.

Assuming lycanthropy reacts negatively to the presence of anything unnatural in the immune system, drugs -- even something as simple as aspirin -- could have a similar effect as well.

So if somebody "never gets sick," but either eats the kind of bland crap only people on dialasis can bare or won't go anywhere without a public restroom, that would be the closest thing to a physical telltale sign a Night Life werewolf can have.
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Re: How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

Post by versipell74 »

Maybe there is no fo' sure way to tell since people still have animal traits and genes (but I also hear we have the same genes as bananas as well). How some one acts can be different. I mean I show a few of those traits. As for the drinking if your drinking with them are you sure you'll remember everything that happened. If you really had your suspicions thou you could always follow them around 24/7 just don't get caught. :D
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Re: How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

Post by Volkodlak »

you can allways piss him off or scare him enough that he will change.
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Re: How could you tell someone is a werewolf?

Post by satorui »

well old folk legends say normal wolves fear the sound of stringed instruments and recent research has shown that wolves are distressed by low minor chords. so assuming that werewolves sense of hearing is like a normal wolves even in human form, then maybe playing music that has lots of low minor chords could cause them pain or at least make them feel uncomfortable. if they ask you to turn off the music then they might be a werewolf. also wolves never go through menopause so maybe an old person with really young biological children might be one too.
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