Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Here you can role-play as your favorite character in a loose and informal setting.

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Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Cain »

Ooc: okay, new! It is exactly 1:00 in the morning. I am tiredd. Anyway, im still Amber Cain, but instead of just werewolves and stuff, lets keep the races to humans, nekos ( i think thats like humans with advanced reflexes and stuff, that also have animal body parts like wolf ears and tail) and loup garous ( people that transform into pure wolves.) kay? Thank yew!!!


Name: Amber Cain
Age: 15
Race: Loup Garou
Appearence((wolf)): long messy black hair with few silver strips of fur. Has piercing gold eyes, and a scar that goes through her right eye and down through her upper lip.
((human)): shoulder-length messy black hair with silver strips of hair. Light pink scar through her right eye and upper lip. Tall, slim with muscular build, light gold eyes, pale skin

Personality: Born in july, is a Cancer. Cautious, but likes to do crazy things. Smart, caring, emotional, but can get really apathetic. Likes fire, is a runner and an actress.

Location: Rome, then flies to florida.
Family: large pack of loup garous that expect her to be alpha and lead them, runs away because of that.

Goals: find a new pack, be free.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Enir »

Name: Enir Shadowfang
Race: Drakkin
Apearance; From feet to wing tips=7.5 ft. tail is about 4ft long. scales are black, and has greyish-green eyes with a gold ring around the pupil. Always wears a trenchcoat in public along with a wide top hat and yellow sunglasses.

Location: Norse, but then travels to the US.
Family: Doesn't remember haveing any. Was raised as an orphan. Mostly lived by self though.
Personality: Due to being picked on for living with humans peacefully, he has become vary defencive. Learned how to survive on his own. Sort of shy, thinks things through before just doing it. Vary loyal and deffencive of anyone who manages to become his friend. Will fight to the death for his mate, IF he ever gets one.

Goal: find some place were he belongs and find someone who cares about him.

OOC: If there is anything wrong then let ME KNOW FIRST, then I will make changes accordingly.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Cain »

I walked through the empty streets of Rome. It was midnight, only the idiots and drunks were out this late, well, the mortal ones. Maybe its time for me to leave this godforsaken place. The only reason any guy would want to be my mate is for the power, being the alpha of the strongest pack of loup garous. No one wants me to be, me. They all want pups, they want me to find a mate, I'm done, sick and tired of it. I hate being the only heir left of my royal bloodline. All these stupid responsibilities. FML. A soft thud behind me pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Riko, what do you want?" I growled.

"Aw, pup, that's no way to greet your loving cousin-" I stopped him by slamming him into the nearest wall and gripping his neck harshly.

"Shut up Riko. I will not tolerate the BS tonite. Get." I released his neck, and he stumbled off, running back home. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. I kicked the wall, and ran up, all the way to the roof. I leaped up and off the side of the wall, landing gracefully on the ledge of the roof. Amycus was waiting there.

"Been awhile hasn't it, half-blood?" I gritted my teeth.

"Shut up, your a half-breed yourself ya bloodsucking cat." He smiled, his red hair shimmered in the moonlight. His tattooed whiskers dark, and his fangs had remnants of blood.

"You, are a wolf, and a human. Eventually you will have to decide. All loup garous do. Most ignore the choice and die young." He walked over to me and leaned close to me ear. "It'd be easier to be the human. Still have your reflexes, your senses, never have to worry about losing control and shifting in front of mortals, and being the cause of a massacure." I shoved him away from me.

"You only want me as human so you could win and suck my blood! Screw you Amycus, i don't even have to say anything, your already going to hell." I say softly, then leapt backwards, into a nose dive. I landed on my feet and ran towards what will only be my home for a few more minutes. I had already written a note, and packed my stuff, all I had to do was set the note up, and grab my bag. I ran out, not stopping til I got to an old run down warehouse. I thought i was alone. Then I saw a guy, he was wearing a hat, and a large coat. I smelt a dragon near. I guessed he was a drakkin. I stalked up behind him to meet a tail throwing me into a was. It held me by my neck against the wall, and the dragon boy looked at me.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Enir »

It was a dark warm night and I was headed to the local air port were I would follow a plane to america. I had been outcast from the other drakkin for trying to be peacefull with the humans instead of acting like I was there superior and forceing them into labor for food and structures. The others had said I was to soft on them and that they could not afford a (weak link) in there O SO NOBLE bloodline.

They had given me 2 days to leave or they would hunt me down and kill me, so of course I decided to leave. But all of a sudden something came from behind and headed strait for me. Due to all the fighting I had to do when I was younger I instantlly reacted by useing my tail to pin the thing to the wall. And to my astonishment it was a human girl. I instantly removed my tail from her and turned, tipping my hat down a little more and tucking my tail under my coat again, hopeing she had not realized that I wasn't human.

I then held out a gloved hand and helped her up. "Hello, Iam sorry about knocking you against the wall like that with my arm, but you really shouldn't sneak up on people like that." then feeling slightly worried about her condition I asked "Are you okay, do you need assistance?" Then I noticed she had a bag packed with clothes and other travel items. "Look I feel really bad about this whole thing, but I really must keep moveing." "I have till tommorow to catch a flight out of here and if I miss it, iam going to be in a lot of trouble." I waited a few minutes and then continued down the dark alleyways toward the air port.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Cain »

I ran, trying to catch up to him. "Wait! I want to get out of here too!! And I know you're a drakkin, you've got the scent. I am no human, I'm a Loup Garou!!! I yell, finally catching up to him and realising i was one too. I could've easily caught up to him. He was just so sweet. I forgot.

I held my hand out to him. "My names Mizuno," I said, making up a new name. I'm a pretty popular Lou Garou because of the pack. "Yours?"
Riko Cain, He'll be back later on.
Riko Cain, He'll be back later on.
Amber "Mizuno" Cain
Amber "Mizuno" Cain
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Enir »

"Mizuno is it?" I asked quriously. "Well then Mizuno since you know what Iam then I guess there is no reason hideing anything from you." then I took off my hat and my yellow lens sunglasses. "My name is Enir Shadowfang, Iam an outcast of the Fire clan." I then looked down and closed my eyes. Then I looked up and said, "If you want you can travel with me but Iam headed to america, I have been cast out for doing something....unusual...and I have till tommorow afternoon to leave or the others wil come and kill me." I then replaced the hat and glasses and continued heading for the air port.

OOC:Picture of a Drakkin bellow....for referance.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Cain »

I looked at him, he looked cool! America, sounds amusing. Wait! What am I saying? I'm suppose to be mature- no, not anymore, I am running away, I can be the real me! Lost in thought and dancing happily like a moron, i ran into Enir.

"Sorry! I'm just...uh... really happy that....I'm leaving this godforsaken place. And traveling without the uh.... idiot friends i use to have." I say, reffering to the patrols my "Aunt" put around me. "You can tell me why the outcasted you. I don't understand the reason. You're cool, kind, and pretty strong. " I say, rubbing my sore neck. "I'll tell you the real reason Im leaving, and who I really am." I say, shrinking a bit. I kinda blurted out that last part.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Enir »

Felling rather amused I said," So you were lyeing to me?", I guess I shouldn't be surprised, everyone else has done it to me since I have become an outcast." I let out a sigh and looked up at the nigt sky as I continued to walk. "Not that it matters or will change anything, but I guess it's alright to tell you." "It all started when I was 15...I had become aware of how unfairly the other drakkin treated humans, I was curious about why, and when I found out it sickened me."

"The others treated humans as slaves and pets, and thought of themselves as supirior, and some even clamed to be gods." "The reality of what my species had been doing made me decide to stick up for the humans." "They thought I would give up and forget it, like it was just something that I would just let go or forget." "But after I covered a human when his master tried to kill him they realized that I was not going to give up, so they decided to cast me out."

"Saying that for me to have a family would ruin there perfect bloodlines." Normally they would have killed me on the spot but, being youg, they decided to give me a chance to either change my way of thinking or leave and never return." I looked down at the ground feeling alone and exposed. "And that is why I have been outcast and forced to leave." "You may think I should be glad to leave, and you wouldn't be completely wrong either, but, like dragons we drakkin have a strong scense of pride and honor.....being outcast and banned is one of the greatest insults to those two things we hold in high reguard.

I then looked up and realised I was right in front of the air port. But instead of going inside I went around the corner and lept over the fence. I stayed along the walls and then when I found the plane for America I crawled up the landing gear and placed myself inside the wing, beside the maintenence hatch that would lead to the cargo hold.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Location: Florida

Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Cain »

I followed him, and did the same, except lept easily into the cargo storage thingy. I sighed. " My name is Amber, Amber Cain. I'm from the royal bloodline of loup garous. I'm leaving because they force too many responsibilities on me. I can never be myself. Always telling me to be mature, and find a mate. Have pups and carry out my families legacy. I'm sick of it. I want to be me. Not some alpha of a freaking city of wolves. I want friends, and maybe, when I'm ready, a family. I want to run, be free, do the crazy stuff my supposed aunt told me not to. I know its typical teenage rebellion, but, I can't help it. I am part human. I'm changing everything about me, appearence and name wise. My name will be Mizunato, Mizunato Lowell. I will cut my hair short, make my eyes permanantly gold, and get some sun. I'm sorry I lied. It was on instinct, I'm pretty popular now because of my loud-mouthed cousin Riko." The plane took off and I helped Enir on. he removed his hat and shades again, and I turned to find a male human with a uniform staring in shock at Enir. He was about to scream when I lashed my hand out and got the correct pressure points. I gently set him on the ground, he was out instantly. I turned to Enir. "Don't worry, he's only knocked out, and he won't remember a thing. Are you okay? Does the drakkin need a hug?" I tried to lighten his mood. It must've been hard for him to tell me what happened. "It's a great thing you did, hopefullly there will be more like you, and stop the others from their wrongs. " I say softly and rested my hand on his arm gently. I guided him to sit down on a sturdy crate, and I told him to rest. "You look really tired, I'll wake you when we've landed. And I'll get him to the bathrooms, he'll think he passed out." I said and carried the unconcious guy to the bathroom. When I came back, Enir was in the same place. He looked like he was in deep thought. It'd probably be best not to disturb him. I shifted and layed on the floor, a few feet away from the crate. After a couple minutes of constant war with my heavying eye lids, I was lost in la la land.
Amber in wolf form
Amber in wolf form
darkbrownwolf.jpg (18.94 KiB) Viewed 10221 times
Amber falling asleep
Amber falling asleep
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Enir »

I finnaly came out of my long meditation and realized that Amber was sleeping on the cold steel floor. I slid off the crate and felt her soft fur coat. She was starting to get cold, so I gentaly lifted her and placed her on the crate the I had just come off and then to help warm her back up I removed my trench coat and placed it over her. Iam not sure why I did it....maybe it's because iam so deffencive of the other species of this world.....or maybe it's just because the only animals I truly carred about were wolves.

"Goodnight Amber." I said and theh climbed the side of the cargo hold till I got to the top. I then dug my foot claws into the metal beams, tucked my head in, and wraped myself in my wings, creating a small incubator like area. Within a few minutes in the cosy spot I feel asleep.

OOC: By the way is that second one your puppy/dog? He is cute ^^. And I like the wolf pic above that as have a good eye for art. Here is a ninja version of my doesn't have wings but it's the closest thing I can find. So please bear with me. Pretend there are wings and his scale are black
Ninja Lizard.jpg
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Location: Florida

Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Cain »

OOC: No, not my puppy, I wish. and I go on photobucket alot. I have a very imaginative mind. Its funn to use. Thanks.

I woke to my butt falling onto the cold floor because of some turbulance. A coat felt ontop of my head. I got up quickly and bolted around, scared cause i couldn't see anything. It finallly fell off and I realised the plane had stopped and landed. I shifted and looked for Enir. I found him when I looked up. He was still sleeping. I heard the door opening. I lept up and made sure i grabbed him and pulled him down and straight out the doors and ran until we were on the roof of the airport. I set him down, he was still asleep.

I decided since we were safe from being discovered, and all of our stuff was with us, I decided to make myself a bed out of my jackets and felll asleep for a first time in a long time, in my human form.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Enir »

I awoke to a wet and rainy roof top. Amber had gotten us off the plane but now it was raining and she was getting soaked. The rain was bitter cold, but since I had scales it fell off before it could do to much, Amber however was like a wet mop, her coats were holding all the water on her, and if I didn't do anything soon she would catch hypothermia. I removed all the jackets and everything else that was soaked from her and covered her in my trench coat. I then wraped my tail around her bag and took off into the sky.

Once we were about 3 hours out from the air port I spotted a park. I landed near a bridge in the park and checked it out. There was a small cave like room hollowed out under the bridge, I entered it and ended up scareing the crap out of some homeless guy who took off yelling about monsters. I then went back out and took Amber back inside, then I gathered some twigs, branches, and what ever else was burnable and collected it in a pile. Then, giveing a small exhale I breathed fire onto the material which instantly lit and started to warm the place up. Not feeling tierd anymore, since the rain and the flying woke me up, I decided to guard the entrance in case someone actually belieaved the homeless drunk that had originally occupied the spot.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Location: Florida

Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Cain »

I woke up, it wa warm and Enir's scent was all over whatever was covering me. I spotted my bag and threw on some shorts and a cami while my othe clothes dried near the fire. I saw him sitting by the entrance to whatever we were sitting in. "Where are we now?"
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Enir »

I turned around and tossed her a hamburger. "Here, eat this, your probably hungery anyways." "And sorry about the whole.........clothes removel were going to catch hypothermia if I hadn't got you dry and warm." My cheeks grew hot with emberasment. "Please forgive me for that." Then, wanting to change the subject I said, "And as far as were we are, we are in america, specificaly New York, central Park, under a bridge." And now that you are dressed I can use my coat again and get us something to drink." I went over to my coat and picked it up.

As I put it on I couldn't help but notice Amber's strong scent all over it, it smelt vary nice, a soothing earthy smell. I put on my hat and glasses and walked out of the entrance, then headed for a stand in the middle of the path. After some quick negotiations I came back with a tea and a coke. "Pick which ever you want, although if your not to attatched to that type, I would perfer the tea, it's healthier for me and dosent cause wing problems like those pop things usually do."
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Mood: Disappointed
Location: Florida

Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Cain »

I noticed him blushing, it was pretty cute. "Tea if u dont mind, soda wont hydrate you. And its healthier like you said." i sat down and ate. Afterwards I layed on my back, full and wode awake. "So, we need to find some money and a place to stay. I'll go search for a job tomorrow, unless you want to go somewhere less noisy." i pointed at the streets.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Enir »

I placed the soda down, went back, got a tea and came back. "I agree about finding a place and getting money, but were?" "And I also agree about getting away from here, I think I may have been spotted earlier but I was able to get away." "Also, are we getting a place to share or are we going our seperate ways?"
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Location: Florida

Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Cain »

"I don't know, but I'm okay with sharing a place. We could get a two bedroom apartment near florida, It's nice, warm, sunny, and there's beaches! Or we could go to New Jersy, they've got nice forests and stuff, I could probably build a house or two. But just to warn you its pretty cold there. I don't mind, I got a built in blanket." I joke. I walked outside, seeing the sunset. I heard Enir walk up next to me. "It's beautiful. I use to watch it before my parents died, with my mother. Then after she, my brothers, sisters, and father died, My "aunt" always kept me inside or working."
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Enir »

I felt sipathy for Amber. "That sounds terrible, keeping you inside till you were breeding age and then acting like it's alright to pawn you off to some greedy male, just to continue the bloodline." Then I looked directly at her, "If you don't mind shareing an apartment, I dont mind, and as far as going to the woods, I think I might like that more than a city." Then hopeing to lighten the mood I said jokeingly, "Although I may need your help with keeping warm."

I laughed silently to my self hopeing she didn't take it the wrong way. "Well then, if we want to go to the woods iam going to need at least one more day to fully recover my wing's stregth." "It's been to long since I have flown, after the other first found out the way I was going to act around the humans they grounded my flying rights and clipped my wings." "But they have started to grow back again and they are not around to trim them." I smiled at the thought of being able to fly again and looked up into the sky.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Location: Florida

Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Cain »

I smiled at him and laughed at his warmth joke. "Its been awhile since I've laughed, many thought I've become apathetic, no emotions flowing through me other than anger and hatred. That's not true, no one has really cared enough for me to actually show them. And I can wait, they look pretty strong, but need a bit more time to adjust. Probably about a day. But you need more rest too." I say, pulling him inside, and setting him onto a bed of soft grass i found when he went to get the drinks. I left to get some more for myself, adnd after i got settled down, and covering my scent over the bed, looking like a bizzare dog on drugs, i looked at Enir.

"When do you want to move? I can go whenever."
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Enir »

Looking away while she 'scented' her bed I replyed, "Like I was saying, We shall leave tommorow, and only once the sun is down, iam sure it would seam strange for a dragon to be flying around in the daylight, not to mention it actually being a drakkin carrying a wolf or human." I laughed slightly. "Iam going to sleep for now, and don't feel bad about wakeing me if my tail wakes you. I then turned over on my belly and folded my wings over my sides, and even so I shook a little from being cold. I opened an eye and looked over at her, hopeing that she would offer to come over and yet at the same time hopeing she was already asleep.
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Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Cain »

I saw him shake, i smiled inwardly and crawled over to him. i fell asleep under neath his wing, warming us both up.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Enir »

I slept through the night, glad for the extra warmth. But in the middle of the night I had a terrible dream were I was flying with amber and then all of a sudden my wings gave out and we both fell to our untimely demise, Then it switched to a memory of what could have likely been my mother and father, but it was to dark to make out any details, then like the last 30 or so times the memorie turned into a nightmare.

4 drakkin enterd the room and my parents tried to stop them, but dad was killed by some strange spear, and mom was taken to some other room, were all I heard was her screams, then silence. The finnal drakkin reached for me, I cryed and wailed, and then the dream ended. It was almost mid day but I was still asleep, and a tear ran down my eye and then turned into a small dimond as it left my cheek.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Cain »

I woke to enir crying and i tried to wake him. Nothing worked. So, i did something that only happened in fairytales; i kissed him. Never thought a drakkin had soft skin, and lips. I opened my eyes to see him wide awake. I immediately lookef away and blushed.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Enir »

"Hello....Did I wake you?, and did you just kiss me?" I looked down at the spot were my head was and noticed a small shinny crystal. Quickly I scooped it up and placed it in my pocket. Felling rather rude for being so direct I said, "It felt nice and.......I enjoyed it ...........just thought I would let you know" I then blushed so bad my cheeks felt like they were on fire. I got up and looked at the sun setting.

"Ill go and get dinner and then we will be on our way." I then put all my stuff on and went to a nearby stand, I returned and to our surprise I had come back with two steaks and two large tea's. We sat down and ate. I waited for her to say or ask something....I could tell she wanted to.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Re: Rome to America: Loup Garou/Human/Neko forum ^^

Post by Cain »

I was so nervous to say something. "Um, i...i tried waking you... You up. I'm sorry. I... I mean i liked it too, but i... I just copied a loup garou fairy tale my mother told me.," i mumbled. Im stuttering like an idiot. I secretly hoped he'd kiss me... Stop it!!!you guys are just friends!!! But his lips were soft... I blushed at that thought.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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