"America's Wolfman"

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"America's Wolfman"

Post by RedWolf »

This tale appears somewhat similar to "The Beast of Bray Road" from Wisconsin:

>Date Set for “American Wolfman”

>The History Channel has posted a premiere date for “American Wolfman,” which is the final title for the Michigan Dogman episode. The show will air on Wednesday, March 24th, at 9pm EST.

>>America's Wolfman, Premiere Date: 03/24/2010

>>History says that a large and wolf-like beast is the stuff of legend, but recently uncovered film footage and new witnesses say something frightening is out there. MonsterQuest heads into the dark, isolated forests of the Midwest to search for this creature and analyzes the evidence to finally end this mystery.

>>>Contest-winning drawing of the "Michigan Dogman"

Also see
http://extraordinaryintelligence.com/fi ... odfrey.jpg

Also see
http://www.history.com/shows/monsterque ... -4#slide-7
http://extraordinaryintelligence.com/95 ... an-dogman/
http://www.record-eagle.com/entertainme ... 73145.html

Re: "America's Wolfman"

Post by Sevena »

just recently watched this and found it uneventful.wouldnt be something i would volentarily watch again.theres american indian blood in my family and i found the actions of the indian in the show a little sterotypical and actually felt they made a mocery of american indians and their contection to the earth,animals and spirits.
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Re: "America's Wolfman"

Post by Aki »

Sevena wrote:just recently watched this and found it uneventful.wouldnt be something i would volentarily watch again.theres american indian blood in my family and i found the actions of the indian in the show a little sterotypical and actually felt they made a mocery of american indians and their contection to the earth,animals and spirits.
Pretty much standard fare for MonsterQuest.

MQ is "Let's stumble around in the dark for an hour: The Show"
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Re: "America's Wolfman"

Post by RedEye »

Look; if YOU were a Werewolf and people were calling you a "Dogman", would YOU be easy to find?
Even the Children of the Wolf have some self-esteem...
RedEye: The Wulf and writer who might really be a Kitsune...
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