In the name of....

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what else can i say Oh yeh I think I'm good at art =P
and I'm kind of a Jester sometimes HEHEHEH!!!
Mood: Busy
Location: Brasil in a old forgotten by world city

Re: In the name of....

Post by ledrif »

"Could have told me before this little guy runned out followed by thousands of arrwos and I had zero vision of mine target..." I replied calmly to the mage then an arrow came flyin just near mine ear "WATCH OUT!" the little green clothed guy screamed I looked at the elves in dark "woah there!!" Lot others came I managed to block some and dodge most but one scratched mine leg I growled in pain "ok stop it I'm sorry to destroy yours...." More arrows again I dodged te dragon got in mine front and I looked at the mage and the centaur "they won't listen I guess..."
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Re: In the name of....

Post by Enir »

Blocking some of the arrows headed toward the knight, I then encased her in a shield and then started chanting. As I did my body started to change, my back cracked and I hunched over, my chest started to grow and my head snapped strait up, I managed to yank off my belt and cloak before they were ripped apart. My paws got larger and my fur slightly longer and my eyes went a glowing yellow. I had changed to my feral form, I was about 4 feet tall and 6 feet long with paws the size of a humans head. Two arrows lodged themselves in my right shoulder as I circled around behind them.

Ignoring them I pressed forward, my natural instinct to kill and defend pushing me on like a lava flowing from a volcano. Noticing one particular elf shouting at the others and pointing I rushed head long at him. I got three more arrows in my side before I could reach him, but his screams drew the other attention. I ducked two more and lunged again, managing to get my fangs around his throat only because he slipped on some wet leaves.

As the other elves watched their leader squirm and call for help I slowly pressed down on his throat. The beast inside told me to gut him right there, but I barely managed to stop myself. I released a little and held him in between me and the others, we had our hostage now, our bargaining chip. The elves cared about the trees with a passion but their leader was even more important.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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what else can i say Oh yeh I think I'm good at art =P
and I'm kind of a Jester sometimes HEHEHEH!!!
Mood: Busy
Location: Brasil in a old forgotten by world city

Re: In the name of....

Post by ledrif »

OOC: I want to show that me and the dragon have that special relationship like brothers...

"hmm?" I noticed the sudden stop of arrows as the mage rushed in that wild form I circled around the dragon that was still laughing because the arrows tickled I grinned at the dragon and he smiled I looked at the Mage with the hostage and the elves scared the green clothed small guy came and said "HAHAH!! now I got you..." I shoted an angry face at him and he frowned a little "I mean... THEY GOT YOU!" I still stared at him angry and he retreated a few steps "okay good wolfie... I'll stay silent..." I noded and aproached them since I had that rush of angry and hatred back there mine other emotions where stronger so I let mine comic side slip "what's with those faces? are you afraid of the big bad wolf?" and grinned I noticed the repreension face of the mage "okay.... no jokes..." I then holded back mine emotions once again getting serious "now well... we will stay here for a while no more attempts to kill us and I'm sorry about burning your trees y'know how dragons are..." I let that slip again the dragon spoke on mine mind 'WHAT YOU MEAN BY THAT? YOU THE ONE THAT SAID FIRE!!!' I replied chuckling 'shhh I'm trying to get peace here! by the way you can go already...' the dragon chuckled 'no I want to see how you're going to make peace with bloody berserk non-friendly dark elves and get out alive' I smiled and turned to face him he just looked aorund like if it wasn't him that said it then I made back to mine serious expression and looked at the elves "agreed?"
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Re: In the name of....

Post by Enir »

(OOC: Being in his feral form, it is hard for him to control the 'wilder' instincts that he can normally control easily, like possessiveness, rage,.....and the such.)

Noticing the younger werewolf approach my animalistic instincts told me to guard my prey and I stepped back a few steps, dragging the elf with me, then I regained control of myself and shot the other one a serious look. I hoped he wouldn't press it to much, they didn't know it but it wasn't easy to control myself in this form.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Re: In the name of....

Post by Thunderclaw »

There weren't many situations where I'd "sit back and watch," but this was one of them. It isn't normally a good idea to get involved in between a fight with elves, and fortunately, with my haste, I had managed to evade conflict with them. However, I did return once the hostilities had quietened down to the face-off between both sides. Looking at Enir, I recognised to be careful around him. Feral wolf forms were not pleasant to be around, even when on the same side, since, apparently, according to one of my mentors, "they run more on instinct than anything. With a feral form, training strength and speed is the unimportant factor, its control that is needed." If the turnout involved him losing control, I would step in to stop him as quickly as possible, to minimise casualties.

One wolf, One purpose, One life

Surge Aquos:
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Dusten Aquos:
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Re: In the name of....

Post by Cain »

**did everybody die???**
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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what else can i say Oh yeh I think I'm good at art =P
and I'm kind of a Jester sometimes HEHEHEH!!!
Mood: Busy
Location: Brasil in a old forgotten by world city

Re: In the name of....

Post by ledrif »

(OH NOES I'M DEAD!!! x.X I was jsut waiting to see if you had any objections with the terms on the trade or if this was too easy ._. but never mind...)

"a-alright..." one of the elves said a little reluctant and all the others nodded "ok we have a deal..." I turned around with a smile 'EASY SEE I TOLD YOU I WAS GOING TO DO IT!!' The dragon turned around and said 'okay fine you won now I'll be going just call if you need...' I nodded and he left flying and I looked down to face the small guy in green "what have you done to upset them?" he reluctantly started to talk "they where all busy doing something and I needed one thing from them so...." one elf behind me a little taller then the others and with a a long white beard came "he stole our sacred stone...." the little green guy seemed to get offended "OH ISN'T IT THE OLD LADY...I'VE STOLE NOTHING!" I growled "Shut up you two let's get this right... You took the stone without permission and that means you STOLE IT so addmit it..." the little one in green mumbled but nodded "and you where busy to don't hear what he had to say..." the old one nodded "great now you give the stone back and you apologise" they both did what I told them to "alright everything is fine now... let's go guys we can't spend more time here!"
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Re: In the name of....

Post by Enir »

Even though my mind told me that it was over now, the beast inside did not want to release the elf leader. I struggled with myself for a minute or two before I forced my jaws open and released him. Terrified and rubbing the red fang marks on his neck he quickly ran for cover behind the rest of them. Before anyone else could approach I took off for a quiet place were I could concentrate. Never before had I dared to use this form and I wasn't sure if I could remember how to change back.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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what else can i say Oh yeh I think I'm good at art =P
and I'm kind of a Jester sometimes HEHEHEH!!!
Mood: Busy
Location: Brasil in a old forgotten by world city

Re: In the name of....

Post by ledrif »

After Enir headed somewhere a little far from us I sighed "Okay I guess we can stay for a little while here" I went to check on Raven eating a little more of the ration "hey are you alright no arrows hit you or anything?"
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Re: In the name of....

Post by Enir »

I finally found a place to lay down. I tried to remember what the incantation was to change myself back but I couldn't. It was right there on the tip of my mind but I couldn't get it."O great now iam stuck like this......I really need to stop taking risks like this."
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Re: In the name of....

Post by Thunderclaw »

Everything was over, but I gave a troubled look at Enir. He seemed to be stuck in the feral form; which would be effective if there was a fight, but not so much in a group outside of a fight. I approached him. "Forgotten the incantation? I can help."

One wolf, One purpose, One life

Surge Aquos:
True power, no emotion

Dusten Aquos:
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Re: In the name of....

Post by Enir »

"I took one look at the elemental and sighed, this was so embracing. I forced myself to lay down, fighting the natural instinct to stay standing and prepare for a strike. With that I gave a slight nod to the elemental and layed my head back down.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Re: In the name of....

Post by Cain »

I stood in the background with my tigress, unknown to the others I had two arrows in my leg and just above my collarbone. Then one grazed my face well and I knew it wod scar. I climbed back onto my tigress in a little bit of pain and started back onto the trail in pain, slowly moving waiting on the others to follow. Fighting a large mountain troll alone was suicidal.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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what else can i say Oh yeh I think I'm good at art =P
and I'm kind of a Jester sometimes HEHEHEH!!!
Mood: Busy
Location: Brasil in a old forgotten by world city

Re: In the name of....

Post by ledrif »

She kinda ignored me and climbed on her tigress but I saw the arrows on her I quickly runned afte her "I asked if you are alright... If you want to take care of yourself at least tell me before doing so! I must Know hows the status of the party and if I need to help anyone!"
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Re: In the name of....

Post by Cain »

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you earlier. And I'm fine, i'll get these out after our next stop." I smiled at his concern for me. Then started off slowly again with my tigress.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Custom Title: The lone wolf, The shadow
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Additional Details: hmmmm....
what else can i say Oh yeh I think I'm good at art =P
and I'm kind of a Jester sometimes HEHEHEH!!!
Mood: Busy
Location: Brasil in a old forgotten by world city

Re: In the name of....

Post by ledrif »

"Okay then... sorry... I'm just overly cautionous sometimes..."I blushed a little then asked "do you think Enir and the others will be following us soon? he seemed kinda stuck in that form..."
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Re: In the name of....

Post by Cain »

"He needs to get back in his human form, if he remains in his feral it will eventually control him and turn him wild. Dangerous. So why rush to me when the elemental and Enir need help?" I asked curiously.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: In the name of....

Post by Thunderclaw »

Focusing on Enir, I began to work on reverting the feral form/ I had been taught years ago how to do so, since while feral form is by far stronger than normal, few people can recover from using it alone.
"Deep breaths, close your eyes, and calm yourself."
Lulling the mind to a kind state would help make my work easier. Now, the actual chant.

"Korvomir, Thel San Is'tul, Kilkamen Ah'svuk. Ri'ya-sha lum perdana Fil'shikkino!"

Energy flowed through Enir, his body contracting and relaxing, as his feral nature ebbed away, restoring Enir to his standard state. "Glad to have you back, Enir. Now, we'd better catch up fast."

One wolf, One purpose, One life

Surge Aquos:
True power, no emotion

Dusten Aquos:
Impatient, unlucky, or is he?
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what else can i say Oh yeh I think I'm good at art =P
and I'm kind of a Jester sometimes HEHEHEH!!!
Mood: Busy
Location: Brasil in a old forgotten by world city

Re: In the name of....

Post by ledrif »

"I... I wasn't sure if he was or not needing help! I just tough he wanted to do that privately and the elemental just wnated to see it because well because..." Okay I can't lie very well can I? "okay no Liying to you I was more worried about you at first then the others... just.. I dunno I kinda relate with you... oh well then! better get to check on the othes I guess are you sure you want ot wait for our next stop to remove that?"
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Re: In the name of....

Post by Cain »

"Yeah I'll be okayy." I smiled and stopped for a little bit and waited for the others.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: In the name of....

Post by Enir »

I picked myself up off the ground and brushed the dirt from my fur. "Thank you, I thought I would be able to remember the reversal spell but I ended up forgetting......thanks" I bowed to the elemental and went to catch up with the others.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Re: In the name of....

Post by Thunderclaw »

"No problem," I returned, following closely behind Enir.

One wolf, One purpose, One life

Surge Aquos:
True power, no emotion

Dusten Aquos:
Impatient, unlucky, or is he?
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what else can i say Oh yeh I think I'm good at art =P
and I'm kind of a Jester sometimes HEHEHEH!!!
Mood: Busy
Location: Brasil in a old forgotten by world city

Re: In the name of....

Post by ledrif »

OOC: I Think I'll be moving Leon and Snowy Characters for a while so we can move on.... everyone agree?

"OK then!" I turned aorund to see everyone coming to meet up, when everyone came I yawned and said "okay now hte elves won't be a problem I guess..." the little green guy was still following me and I haven't notied "Hey I'm coming with you guys!" I looked over at him "And what makes you think you will?" He gave me a confused look "what? you saved me and I owe you one! plus I'm from around here so I know anywhere you may want to go!" I tought about that for a while "okay fine! you win! but if I caught you stealing you will regret the day you met me!" I said in a threatening tone he backed up a little and nodded "by the way my name is Holgrim the dwarf!" I nodded "mine name is Kyle Woodfar now where I was? Oh yeah Elves are no longer threat we just have to worry about the rest of the things..."
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Re: In the name of....

Post by Enir »

Once I caught up with the others, we continued to work our way deeper into the woods and headed to the mountains.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Re: In the name of....

Post by Cain »

We continued, my wounds were really starting to bother me now. I told my tigress to speed up a little telepathically so i could pull out the arrows and bandage myself.

Once we were a good distance away i ripped out the one in my shoulder and bit my lip hard until it bled to hold back a howl. Then wrapped it up, and did the same with the other wound. I still remained the same distance in front of the group, then my tigress stopped abruptly. I held my hand up to signal the others to stop as well and stay put. I dismounted her and kneeled painfully to the ground, my senses awakened. Ears picking out every sound, nose picking up every scent, and i took my gloves off, placing my sensitive fingertips to the cold earth beneath me. Something big was heading towards us, i could feel it.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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