White Wolf Is Bringing Apocalypse Back

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Uniform Two Six
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White Wolf Is Bringing Apocalypse Back

Post by Uniform Two Six »

White Wolf under the new publishing house The Onyx Path is bringing back Werewolf: The Apocalypse as part of their 20th anniversary re-launch. That's right: they promised you that they would NOT end the line... until they did with Apocalypse in 2004, and swore up and down that that was the FINAL word on the World of Darkness so that they could move on to greater things... like a slightly different, less interesting version of World of Darkness, leaving us all wondering WTF? So now it's eight years later and they realize that old World of Darkness still has it's fans. So, do you think I'm going to go crawling back to them desperate for whatever scraps of creativity they can be bothered to toss our way?

YESSSSSS!!! New fiction! New Ron Spencer artwork! WOOT!!! :evil:

Google search "Werewolf 20th anniversary" and go to the Kickstarter link for the info.
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Re: White Wolf Is Bringing Apocalypse Back

Post by FoxKnight »

And for anyone equally too lazy to search for it as to not post the link but tell people to Google it:

Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition Kickstarter
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Re: White Wolf Is Bringing Apocalypse Back

Post by Uniform Two Six »

Sorry. The hyperlink imbed function isn't working for me right now, and I didn't want to fiddle around with it for half an hour to figure out how to do it manually. God, I suck at computers. :(

Take that FoxKnight! Heh, heh, heh...
Last edited by Uniform Two Six on Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: White Wolf Is Bringing Apocalypse Back

Post by FoxKnight »

It's alright. I did it for you anyways :3
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Re: White Wolf Is Bringing Apocalypse Back

Post by Scott Gardener »

Yay! The second version (the one with Werewolf: the Forsaken) never really felt right. They were trying to reinvent it too much. As far as I'm concerned, Underworld was a more faithful remake. At least they had the balls to call a werewolf/vampire hybrid an "abomination," just like the game. And, just like the game, the movies were full of flavor texts and quotes, with simple game mechanics that consisted of lots of dots, blood, and rage. All the movie series needs is ten-sided dice.

Strange to see it show up on Kickstarter with a fund-raising campaign. But, we werewolf fans are kind of used to that. A certain movie comes to mind!
Taking a Gestalt approach, since it's the "in" thing...
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Re: White Wolf Is Bringing Apocalypse Back

Post by Uniform Two Six »

Yeah, I'm tempted to message AB and have him take a look just to prove that werewolf fans are out there and willing to lay down cash. On the other paw, White Wolf raised almost a quarter of a million dollars in the first week, so I'm not sure if it would be more of a letdown instead given the problems he's having with financing Freeborn.
Scott Gardener wrote:As far as I'm concerned, Underworld was a more faithful remake. At least they had the balls to call a werewolf/vampire hybrid an "abomination," just like the game.
Although that little number did backfire on them when White Wolf sued the ever living crap out of them (which was uber-gay).

:howl:  :oo *Dances in joy* My character is going to be illustrated in full color by none other than the unparalleled Ron Spencer! Yay!
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Re: White Wolf Is Bringing Apocalypse Back

Post by Uniform Two Six »

I just got my Deluxe Edition of Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary book. Even better: More Kickstarters are coming along. Man this feels good.
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