
This is the place for discussion and voting on various aspects of werewolf life, social ideas, physical appearance, etc. Also a place to vote on how a werewolf should look.
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Re: Hunters

Post by Uniform Two Six »

I think that most people who are inclined to murder someone without extraordinary provocation, are highly impulsive and the diametric opposite of the calm, deliberative sort that goes to the effort of setting all that up. A professional assassin or a serial killer, I could see, but someone who's going to kill somebody for no better reason than bigotry? I don't see it. If the dude is motivated by fear, then the impulsivity aspect only goes up. The majority of murders are distressingly straightforward and it's usually the number one suspect who actually did it... and in a serious number of cases, the cops catch the guy primarily because they find the guy still standing over the body either ranting or crying.
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Re: Hunters

Post by Kveldulf »

I'd say we're definitely looking at different situations with different types of killer.
Methodical, efficient, planned assassinations - go with some kind of institutional situation (hereditary cult of werewolf-killers, secret organization hidden within a religious or governmental body, etc.). Pretty much require that werewolves *not* be a commonly known phenomenon. Professional paranormal assassins (especially in a world with a wide variety of paranormal folk and the inevitable power struggles) would also be a thing.
Unplanned, impulsive, fear-based killings - either a situation where werewolves are out and have become the new not-quite-protected-enough minority (too many sad examples of just how this happens in America within our lifetimes! - not to mention the possibility of non-werewolves being murdered by idiots for the grievous crime of having a unibrow or keeping large wolflike dogs), or the old horror classic where someone or a small group of someones discovers that their neighbor is a werewolf, can't report it to the police lest they be locked up, so decide to deal with the situation themselves.
I'd say there's a definite difference between an actual "werewolf hunter" and a jerk, or mob of jerks, killing or trying to kill out of fear, mob mentality, and the ever-unfortunately-popular human motivation, "hey, we *can* get away with abusing a member of this population, so let's go *do* it".
(...and *they* think *we're* the scary ones...?!?)
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Re: Hunters

Post by Volkodlak »

In my view Pro hunters do not hunt or kill ordinary werewolf, but they go for ones that are threat too humans becouse training a hunter is not fast and easy so getting hunter jailed its bad plus it will make them obsolete if all werewolfs die.Pro hunters will join werewolfs in hunt for rogue werewolfs so in one way they allys becouse hunters want too protect humans while werewolfs want too live safely, but they belive humans are not ready for knowing they exist.

While rookie hunters, idiots with guns and nutjobs are more of a annoyance too werewolfs so werewolfs do not attack them unless they are cornered, but they avoid bitting them.

Pro hunters will deal with these hunters by leading them away, but there are Pro hunters and werewolf who like too mess with them
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Re: Hunters

Post by Kveldulf »

Makes sense to me, Volkodlak.

In considering potential classes of "hunters", I totally left out the idea of regulators dealing with rogue/mad werewolves (I tend to think that we would be highly motivated to take care of our own issues before they become public issues), but the enlistment and co-working with non-werewolves whose primary object was to keep supernatural persons from getting out of control and randomly harming humans makes perfect sense. Even in a well-run clan setup, if the object is to maintain secrecy, it might be a much better idea to call a professional supernatural assassin-type to make the death of a psycho look like a simple unexplained mundane murder than to risk suspicion being cast on the pack, or on werewolves in general. Especially considering that if body shreds were found out in the woods, there would be a lot of questions asked, and a shower won't do all it needs to do in getting rid of traces. So there could be "werewolf hunters" who were basically good, or at least socially useful, folk, working with packs to handle their dangerous problems rather than attempting to exterminate us as a general thing.
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