Crowd Funded werewolves: "Perk" ideas needed.

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Crowd Funded werewolves: "Perk" ideas needed.

Post by Meeper »


*Edit* Just to clarify, crowd funding is only an idea being considered at this point, but relates to the production of parts of the practical effects for Freeborn's gestalt werewolf (aka: The werewolf suit). Note, this is not for the production of Freeborn itself, just the werewolf suit.

Primarily this is for an optics system designed to allow the werewolf performer to see what they're doing properly, and so perform more naturally. Any cash left over I imagine might go into facial animatronics things (or more optics units, I'm still considering this eventuality).

As of right now I'm talking to a company to get the optical parts built. There's a financial snag though, in that they generally only do bulk purchases for "products of this nature". I've been quoted $10k minimum.

Obviously I'm going to shop around a bit, but $10k is what we're looking at right now. I don't know what this means yet, we could get 20 units, in which case we'll probably have a surplus of parts. Or this could run well over $10k needed to furnish the three suits I had planned for. I just don't know yet.

Anyway! Let's assume this happens, and these practical effects are being crowd funded; we'll need perks for the donors!

Any suggestions? :)

The Meeper.
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Re: Crowd Funded werewolves: "Perk" ideas needed.

Post by Chance »

Yeah, this reply is a bit late to the game but oh well. Just in case.

Honestly if this is still happening, there are only a few practical perk ideas. You need to conserv funds , so you don't want to really throw any cash out into the perks. So, with that being said. One possible perk could be behind the scenes access. Not in person, per say, but and example of this is something like those patron streams. If your a donor of a certain amount you get special access to a private stream. I know of a vape reviewer who does this for his patrons. They have like a hangout session or something to that effect.
Even though this isn't for the funding of Freeborn, tickets to the movie when and if it does come out would be a perk. I think anyone willing to put cash into this project should just be aware of the fact that they are contributing to a dream that may never see the light of day. That should be a disclaimer, NO . After all this whole idea is close to twenty years old.
Any perk that is going to be cost effective is gonna have to be exclusivley interactive with production of what ever is being produced and not some kind of collectable thing.
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Re: Crowd Funded werewolves: "Perk" ideas needed.

Post by Berserker »

This movie needs 3 months of solid marketing on all social media platforms. It needs public appearances from Tony and booths at conventions. It needs interviews with him on horror movie and pop culture streams and shows. With transparency and honesty, and his heart needs to be in it. It also needs a new convincing teaser trailer.

Do all this first and it'll make $100k on Kickstarter. Minimum. Then you can think about perks.
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