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Post by Rex Wolf »

Figarou wrote:Well, I'm very proud that you decided to help out your fellow brothers, Rex Wolf. There are times where I wish I can help protect wolves. Thing is, there is none running wild where I live.

Another myth. Just because you don't live near wolves doesn't mean you can't help. Misinformation is the biggest thing hurting wolves. Conversly, education is the best thing to help them. Propogating myths kills wolves, spreading the truth to those who don't know helps.

You can help by spreading the word, correcting misinformation, and supporting education efforts.
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Post by Figarou »

Rex Wolf wrote:
Figarou wrote:Well, I'm very proud that you decided to help out your fellow brothers, Rex Wolf. There are times where I wish I can help protect wolves. Thing is, there is none running wild where I live.

Another myth. Just because you don't live near wolves doesn't mean you can't help. Misinformation is the biggest thing hurting wolves. Conversly, education is the best thing to help them. Propogating myths kills wolves, spreading the truth to those who don't know helps.

You can help by spreading the word, correcting misinformation, and supporting education efforts.

I'm learning by what you are posting!! Keep it up!! :howl:  :oo
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Post by Teh_DarkJokerWolf »

Well said REX WOLF :D I am a wolf researcher as well and completely agree on what you've posted and that was my reason also for starting this post :D I often...almost everyday go on the web to look up new wolf info and web sites and I see that there are indeed many wolf organizations out there....I even have a wolf sanctuary were I live, but it's an hour to an hour and a half drive to get there, but it is worthy if the trip :D I support many wolf organizations finacially and with many of the suppies they require to keep the sanctuary up to par and I always call to check up on the packs that I am supporting :D I also support the return of the Yellowstone wolves and have gotten much information sent to me on the recovery effort and it is a wonderful thing that they have returned there, but I agree with REX also that instead of listening to what some have said about wolves, just do a background check on it and you'll definately be suprised :o at what you hear and read :D
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Post by 23Jarden »

How does one recive education on Wolves. Like a school or such?
"There are no stupid questions. However, there are many inquistive idiots."
Rex Wolf

Post by Rex Wolf »


One doesn't listen to the opinions of others, was has questions, and does research. One can, for example, read Mech's book "Wolf: Ecology and Biology of an Endangered Species." One can go to the library. Or one can cop out and do the internet thing, going to quality websites such as (shameless plug...hehe.)

Or, one can do like I am doing, and go to school for 11 years so that I can become a researcher, and contribute to the woefully lacking body of factual knowledge about wolves.

I hope that helps.
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Post by Fenrir »

I knew Rex would fly to this thread :D
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Post by Teh_DarkJokerWolf »

If you want, like Rex stated there are plenty of wolf sites ont the web just looking for supports like up and people that want to learn more about wolves :D Now I don't know if these are what your looking for, but I would suggest you check them out anyways because there are a lot ways you can help wolves worldwide: :D


This a sanctuary that takes care of troubled wolves that people have triend to raise themselves and found it quite difficult:
and also you can call them a they will send you a newsletter every season of the year, but you can call them to just talk about their wolves
1(970)-416-9531 or write them if that's you preference at:

Post Office Box 1544
La Porte, Colorado 80535

Alliance for the Wild Rockies
P.O. Box 8731
Missoula, Montana 59807

The website above talks about the land wolves live on and how humans are destroying it and deforestation

Defenders of Wildlife
1101 14th St. NW #1400
Washington,DC 20005

This site and addy above are how to reach this sanctuary and get information....Also this organization is dedicated to the protecting wild animals and their environment

That's just a few for now, but please look them up because you won't be disapointed :D

Oh and don't forget the

(NWF) National Wildlife Federation
8925 Leesburg Pike
Vienna, Virgina 22184

Happy hunting friend :wink:
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Post by Renorei »

Support wolves? Well, I'm not exactly opposed to them. They've always been one of my favorite animals, though. I don't do anything towards wolves in particular to support them, such as donating or volunteering at parks. If I were to donate, I'd donate to an animal that is in greater danger. Although wolves are definitely threatened, I really don't think they'll ever go extinct (I'm a bit of an optimist). I'd probably spend my time and money on an animal that's a little closer to destruction than wolves (not pandas, however. Those jackasses never pay their bills at restaurants.). However, I would love it if there was a wolf park in my area. I would most definitely pay a visit.
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Post by WolvenOne »

Okay, I've been accused of being mis-informed here but I'm going to fiercly combat that.

I don't let anybody "tell me," what to believe or not to believe about wolves. I have led a very rich life and I've surrounded myself with nature since a young age. I have experience with wolves, I respect wolves and think they're absolutely marvelous animals that should be protected.

However there are limits to that and that's also where my experience comes in. I was born and raised in Alaska, I am intimatly familier with the state and it's people as I've said before. There are isolated regions of people up there that depend on game animals for food, and there are also families up there that are too poor to really get by without game hunting *For those not in the know, food is a lot more expensive in Alaska due to the shipping involved.*

Alaska also has one of the healthiest wolf populations in the world, I should know, a pack once came into my back yard and got into a fight with my cousins dog *I don't blame them, they were starving and were after his food.*

As I've stated before, Alaska is probably one of the only places on earth where the wolf population is healthy enough to be thinned out on occasion. In the lower 48, no way.

I've formed my opinions based on experience, I haven't been told what to think by my family, or by some hunter, or by some highly educated elitist. I've never ever thought it was a smart thing to believe something or to think a certain way just because somebody told you to. God put a head on your shoulders, so YOU,should use it, that's my philosophy.

That being said, no two persons life experiences are the same, so it's possible that two people with similer beliefs can still butt heads over the fine details simply because thier experiences are different. So I certainly don't mind if people don't hold my views, as long as they don't preach or look down at my views in a condenscending manner, I'm fine.
Rex Wolf

Misinformed Allright

Post by Rex Wolf »

Alaska has one of the healthiest wolf populations in the world?

You ARE misinformed. And I give up on you. People like you will NEVER learn the truth.

Stop spreading lies about wolves please. You're killing them with each lie you tell.
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Post by WolvenOne »

Okay, again, personal experience, seeing as how I've lived in Alaska for over a decade and all you cannot merely state that I've been mis-informed and expect to be taken seriously.

Plus, as I've said before, I don't let anybody "tell me," what to believe. These anti-wolf people you've mentioned, I've never heard a peep out of them, never read anything off thier websites, and I get all my news from national sources so any editorials that may cite them have flown under my radar.

You say I'm mis-informed, but really we just have differing opinions based on different experiences. Please don't insult people who have different opinions then you just because they happen to be different.
Rex Wolf

Post by Rex Wolf »

There is no "difference of opinion" here. You stated that "Alaska is home to the healthiest wolf population in the world." You either arrogantly worded your opinion in such a way as to be construed by all readers as fact, or you stated what you believe to be fact.

So, either you have an opinion and expected me to understand that it is an opinion despite your wording, or you stated what you believe to be fact, which is in fact very wrong.

Canada is home to the world's healthiest wolf population.

See, I don't listen to opinions, or look at news articles, or ask my neighbors who hunt and don't understand that they are hunting a transitory animal that isn't always where they want it to be, as you have indicated, I get the facts, I do research, I read books by the leading authority on wolves.

Your statements about wolves and wolf issues in your area are just plain wrong. You are NOT an authority, and neither are the people you talk to. You seek to make us believe that you have "the facts" when in fact all you have is just another bunch of misinformation, lies, rumors, and opinions based on nothing resembling research. You are doing wolves no favors by posting what you think as fact here, because you are doing so as an "authority" ('I've lived in Alaska, therefore, I'm an authority on the matter') when people are led to believe that you do in fact have authority on a subject which you have absolutely no authority.

I'm sorry if you are insulted by this, but the fact of the matter is that people like you are the ones who cause the misperceptions about wolves which lead to their deaths.

So you can do one of two things here, you can take what I say as an insult directed at you, a person I don't know, and therefore have not motivation to insult, or you can take it as facts and an effort on my part to stop the flow of misinformation about wolves, an effort I have indicated is my life's passion, and is backed up by a website I run.

I'm not here to seek out people who I don't like and insult them publicly. I am here to save wolves. That I am writing the things I am writing about your statements should be evidence enough to you that you are doing wolves much more harm than good. If you continue to post misinformation about wolves, I will continue to post replies which discredit you and tear apart your "facts" and expose them for the lies they are. You are NOT an authority on wolves. You are not a trained scientist. You have not spent years doing research.

By the way, you do have valuable information to contribute, but posting your observations and claiming them as facts is not the way to contribute. Understand that you have seen only what you have seen, and that your observations do not constitute fact. Post your observations as such, and instead of expecting that you are the authority because of your observations, that someone will have information to explain your observations.
Rex Wolf

Post by Rex Wolf »

WolvenOne wrote: I was born and raised in Alaska, I am intimatly familier with the state and it's people as I've said before. There are isolated regions of people up there that depend on game animals for food, and there are also families up there that are too poor to really get by without game hunting *For those not in the know, food is a lot more expensive in Alaska due to the shipping involved.*

Question for you: How is it that wolves all of a sudden cause poor people to go without food, when for how many centuries, native indians of Alaska got along just fine without a state to go in there and control wolves so that "poor people could have enough food."?
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Post by Vilkacis »

Rex Wolf, I understand that you are quite dedicated to wolves and very emotionally involved; however, I would really appreciate it if you restricted your attacks to your opponent's argument, rather than your opponent. Calling him a liar, saying he's arrogant and ignorant, and insulting him in general is no decent way to debate.

I would really appreciate it if we could keep this forum an enjoyable place to have discussions.

Thank you,

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Post by Morkulv »

Wolves rule, and they are not like dogs. Wolves are much bigger, and look different. At least, they do in real life. When you see them on photo's on the net or whatever, you can easily describe them as dogs.
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Post by WolvenOne »

First, the indians were a bit better at conservation then we are, though they were aided by the fact that they had a lower population. *Though that may not be true across the board.*

Second, Alaska's always been a tough state to live in, even for the natives. You get a particulerly tough winter and poof, there goes a big chunk of the wild-life in a particuler region. I've seen it happen, it's scary. The fact that there are old native stories about all the game animals dissappearing and villages nearly starving to death also seems to confirm that keeping the food supply steady was also difficult for the Alaskan Natives.
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Post by Lupin »

Last edited by Lupin on Sat Aug 20, 2005 5:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Shadow Wulf »

for crying out louds alot of americans really know how to mistaken races, its not inidains, its native americans, indians are in asia, get it right. :P
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Post by Vilkacis »

Shadow Wulf wrote:for crying out louds alot of americans really know how to mistaken races, its not inidains, its native americans, indians are in asia, get it right. :P
Whether you like it or not, 'Indian' is a common and well-accepted term, even if it was a mistake in the beginning. 'Native American,' on the other hand, is more controversial. Technically, everyone born in America is a Native American (and thereby exempt from taxes, haha). Furthermore, there have been surveys that have shown that many Indians prefer the name 'American Indian' to 'Native American.' Also, many ethnic groups (mostly Eskimos) that would not be considered American Indians fall under the Native American label.

-- Vilkacis
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Post by Shadow Wulf »

well in that case call them AMERICAN INDIANS, indians alone have already been taken. I didnt know they like being called indians, its that with the ignorants of americans, like 70% of hispanics are mistaken as mexicans or first looked at as mexicans. so sorry, I just get annoyed when people dont know thier geography more, there is more than one kind of hispanics.
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Post by WolvenOne »

Actually many natives of the North American Continent dislike the term American Indians as it contains the word "American." The problem is that you really cannot avoid insulting "somebody," when it comes to this issue so I've just stopped worrying about it over the years. I mean, it's not as if I'm trying to insult people, infact I try to be fair to everyone, I'm simply using terminalogies that I'm accustomed to.

Wolf Dude Nu-jutsu!
Rex Wolf

Post by Rex Wolf »

Now you understand why I left this bunch of crap in the first place.

I'm sorry, but if someone lies, I call them a liar. If someone is ignorant, I'm going to tell it like it is. If someone is being get the idea. How do you explain to someone that they are lying, that they are ignorant of the facts.

These are not insults, they are statements of facts. WolvenOne is making false statements about wolves, and these false statements about wolves are why wolves are being killed.

If you want to read something into my statements that I did not put there, that is your perogative. I can't do anything to prevent you from disciplinging me or threatening me or even deleting my account. It's your board. But what you cannot do, is make an accusation against me and expect me to accept it as truth.

If an administrator of this board is going to misread my intentions, and support someone who spreads lies and claims to have authority that he does not have, then I have no place on this forum, as my efforts to try to help people see the truth will never go anywhere, when I have to fight against the powers that be who unwittingly support anti-wolf rhetoric.

Thank you and goodbye.
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Post by Black Shuck »

Shadow Wulf wrote:well in that case call them AMERICAN INDIANS, indians alone have already been taken. I didnt know they like being called indians, its that with the ignorants of americans, like 70% of hispanics are mistaken as mexicans or first looked at as mexicans. so sorry, I just get annoyed when people dont know thier geography more, there is more than one kind of hispanics.
I've heard plenty of Natives refer to themselves as "Indians". I guess if you're going to get really technical about it, you can call them by their tribe names, like Navajos or Utes. I mentioned in one of my posts that my hispanic buddies are collectively referred as "The Mexicans" even though they are from Guatamala (sp?). They don't mind and they even claim the Mexican Flag as their own and what not. I'm not shootin you down Shadow Wulf, I'm giving you my experiances, which aren't yours (I dunno, maybe the Hispanics in your area really hate being called Mexicans and the Indians hate being called Indians *shrugs*)
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Post by Shadow Wulf »

Well yeah alot of hispanics in the eastern United States does get offended somewhat, even if they dont show it. After 2 years living in florida, I noticed alot of puerto ricans comeing in, and people dont automaticaly refer hispanics as mexicans, instead they ask them first if there cuban or puerto rican, or they they automaticly refer to that, theres not that much mexicans where I live mostly puerto ricans and cubans. the top 2 states that puerto ricans prefer to live in is florida and new york. but yeah I didnt know native americans prefer to be called indians or american indians, I just thought they were in the same boat as foregners, alot of oriental automaticaly is assumed chinese in the west, but you go to the east, its just vietmenese and korean. I dont know why but alot of hispanics in the west like being subject as mexicans even if there not. :roll:
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Post by Black Shuck »

I don't know why either. If someone called me something I wasn't, I'd correct them in a civil manner. I guess Jim Morrison was right "people are strange" :lol:
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