Hmm. Been here before... An open letter.

This is the place for discussion and voting on various aspects of werewolf life, social ideas, physical appearance, etc. Also a place to vote on how a werewolf should look.
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Post by Figarou »

Apokryltaros wrote:
Vuldari wrote:
Figarou wrote:Devoured..bomb? No way!!... This film will rock!!
I wrote: ...If the other films totally bomb, it potentially could kill the popularity of the genre.
What I was saying was that, IF some of these other films don't do well in theatres, it may hurt the publics enthusiasm for another WW film...regardless of how Good it is. I have high expectations for "Devoured". I'm just afraid it may become a "sleeper hit".
If we have this sort of attitude, then, why bother?
Then, why not just shut this whole place down, stop production and send everyone home?
Its not that.

Someone posted this in the thread I started at another forum.
Werewolf... an interesting mythical creature that Hollywood seems unable to turn into interesting movies or concepts.
Werewolves are interesting creatures. Its just that hollywood can't make something good out of it. They come up with stupid stuff. Like wall climbing. When did that nonsence start? Seen it in 2 movies already. Van Helsing and Underworld.

All what we can do is wait to see how "Cursed" does in the theaters. It may not do well. Who knows, maybe it will. But I bet the DVD will do even better if they plan on releasing it in October 2005.
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Post by Vuldari »

Apokryltaros wrote:If we have this sort of attitude, then, why bother?
Then, why not just shut this whole place down, stop production and send everyone home? need to take that attitude. If I thought the movie didn't have a chance, I would not be here voicing support for it.

If we want to be as helpful to the Re-Quest crew as we can, we must discuss all of the things that could potentially kill the film, as well as the things that could help it become a success.

I think this is an important topic to discuss. The success or failure of any WW films that come out before or around the same time as Devoured will, (as unfair as it may be), have a significant, dirrect impact on the publics reaction to this film. It won't benefiet anyone to turn a blind eye to this and naievely assume that it will surely be as well recieved by the general public as it is by us. (...not that anyone here has.)

However, perhaps if we can anticipate some of the things that might cause the film to fail, Before they happen, we may be able to think of a way to compensate.

Trust me...I am not trying to be discouraging or pesamistic at all. I just want to give this film the best chance it can get to be the success it deserves to be.
Last edited by Vuldari on Sun Jan 09, 2005 8:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Apokryltaros »

Whatever we do, then, we must not hire Bruce Payne.
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Post by JoeDarkfall »

Let me tell you a story about a little movie that could.

I have a passion for Werewolf movies, which is one of the reasons why I was brought into this project. More than likely, once production begins, I'll have a job on set as I'm both an actor and cinematographer. Another reason I was initially shown the script was to show me that they didn't rip off a screenplay that I wrote. So, here we go.

For a couple of years, I was in Werewolf mode. Wanting to do my own movie. Why? Because I was so sick of the same old formula. Werewolf terrorizes a place + One lucky human finds a silver bullet = Werewolf dies. The problem was, what kind of story to tell. I probably started up no less than five scripts, but then gave up on them as they just got stupid. I decided to take time off to figure it out.

May 18, 1999. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace is about to open. So a few of us get together and watch the original trilogy. Afterwords, me and my stepson who was like 7 at the time watched Bad Moon. During the course of the movie he looks over to me and says, "How come they've never made a Space Werewolf movie?"

A concept is born. But what kind of story do I tell? Hmmm....lets ask the werewolf fans. So I went to Werewolf websites and joined their forums, asking fans what they wanted in a Werewolf movie. Never would I mention that it was a "Space" movie. I got lots of good feedback. I also did just a lot of research on the Werewolf Myth.

So everything had finally come together and the script for Darkfall: The Temple of Juzzett was copyrighted in Jan 2001. The early stages of pre production began. That's right, I was going to direct the movie myself. I didn't want to turn it over to someone else and have my story "raped and pillaged, " if ya know what I mean. I also didn't want some crappy CGI Werewolves stuck in there.

Problem was, I'm not a wealthy man. And a good Werewolf was going to cost me $10,000. And I needed at the least 5 or 7 Werewolf costumes. So while we did the concept art, I was also on the hunt for investors. In June we began "courting" a group of private investors. Late July we met with the investor's rep. And we pitched a scene that we call "The Feeding Frenzy." They loved it.

So in August, money talks began. They were offering up $2.5 million for the budget. Now, as I said, I'm not a wealthy man, but I'm also not a greedy man. I knew that I could make the movie with that, so I accepted. Sept rolls around and they're workin up the contract. They want a few names attached. Not big names, but names. They told me to send them an Actor Wish List. I began to salavate. Not only did they want to get some names, but were going to bump up the budget to $3.2 million.

Names that I wanted to work with. Firstly, I made it clear that I wanted to work with a few unknowns. That way if we were able shoot the sequels (yes, there are already sequel scripts), I could count on these unknowns to come back. They had no problem with that. I would have liked to work with Stacy Dash, Bret Hart (the wrestler), Adin Quin (Practical Magic), Sean Pertwee (Event Horizon...this was before Dog Soldiers), Alyssa Milano, and please forgive me, I cant remember his name right now to save my life, but he was the black actor who played Cooper in Event Horizon and now plays on Judging Amy. They had no problem with my list. Bret Hart's agent read the script before turning it over to him. So when I talked to her, she said that she thought Bret would be interested and that she would pass it on to him.

Then Sept. 11 happened. Out of our seven private investors, two were killed in the attacks. Everything was put on hold. Eventually, Mar 2002, they had to back out of the project. Of course, by that point, it had come as no suprise to me. So I moved on to a few acting gigs. Then, a freind who lives in Australia, who was going to do the CGI for the movie, offered up some hope. He had a bit of money and thought that we could do a short to take to studios/ investors.

So I wrote a short based on one of the characters. With a limited amount of money, I only wrote one Werewolf into the script. It began shooting in mid-2003. Only by this time it had turned into a feature lenght script. The director, Bill Jurkovic, had managed to raise more money and had other ideas too.

Being that he lives in Melbourne, he has access to some really good effects people. He was actually able to get a couple of make-up people from Farscape to do some of our aliens and vampires.

So where is this? In post production hell. Out of money. So he's trying to raise it. It's killing me because I have several companies that want to view it, just based on stills and the synopsis. But, I'm also a patient man. So all I can do is sit back and wait.

I sure wish that I could have been the one to ressurect the Werewolf genre. And as you say, I sure hope that all these other movies don't KILL the Werewolf genre before either Darkfall or Crymson Dynasty can come out.

If someone could tell me how to work the image thing, I'd be more than happy to post some pics from Darkfall.[/img][/url]
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Post by Figarou »

Vuldari wrote:
Apokryltaros wrote:If we have this sort of attitude, then, why bother?
Then, why not just shut this whole place down, stop production and send everyone home? need to take that attitude. If I thought the movie didn't have a chance, I would not be here voicing support for it.

If we want to be as helpful to the Re-Quest crew as we can, we must discuss all of the things that could potentially kill the film, as well as the things that could help it become a success.

I think this is an important topic to discuss. The success or failure of any WW films that come out before or around the same time as Devoured will, (as unfair as it may be), have a significant, dirrect impact on the publics reaction to this film. It won't benefiet anyone to turn a blind eye to this and naievely assume that it will surely be as well recieved by the general public as it is by us. (...not that anyone here has.)

However, perhaps if we can anticipate some of the things that might cause the film to fail, Before they happen, we may be able to think of a way to compensate.

Trust me...I am not trying to be discouraging or pesamistic at all. I just want to give this film the best chance it can get to be the success it deseves to be.

What can kill this film is the nonsence from other werewolf films. Wall climbing..Baaa!! Pentagrams...phooey!! Shifting only on the full moon...Yuck!!
Changing back when the moon is covered...Barf!!! An uncontrolable people eating beast. Arrrgghh!! There is plenty more thats pure nonsence!!


When people don't see that in this film, they will start to think something is not right. ... wtopic=161

[ yoda talk ] Confused these people are, yes? [ /yoda talk ]

But there could be the possibility that the people may welcome the story change. They see it and notice a soft side of the werewolf. Who knows. All what we can do is continue from this point on and hope for the best.

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Post by ABrownrigg »

(blink blink) (grin)

Okay, I have received a number of Pmails regarding this topic as to what my reaction is. Well, here goes.

... the answer is.

I hope Crymson Dynasty is a fantastic film, I would love to see it.

No, I don't think that Crymson Dynasty is trying to eusurp this board for its own purposes. Nor trying to get "the pack' to its own team or trying to diminish the importance of 'devoured'.

I would be quite hypocritical if I were to bar another film from promoting, and using the packs input, and influence for its own projects. The pack, is the pack, is the pack..... I don't own squat except the page itself. This forum is open, and if folks wish to help out with their opinions on Crymson dynasty in the way the've helped with Devoured, then thats fine with me.

Darkfall is free to post any images on this board he wishes in regards to the flick he's working on. So long as he's cleared it with 'his' producers, and they know that the 're-quest team, and myself will also be looking. We already know what we're doing, so we're past the point of stealing any ideas, (and wouldn't do that anyway) .. but some producers are skittish about that kind of thing. So just FYI.

The pack is quickly becoming a union organization of its own. I see a long line of werewolf film producers all bringing their projects to the pack for a looksee.


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Post by WordWolf »

ABrownrigg wrote:(blink blink) (grin)
The pack is quickly becoming a union organization of its own. I see a long line of werewolf film producers all bringing their projects to the pack for a looksee.
Anthony Brownrigg
We ate Jimmy Hoffa, you know.
That's why they never found the body.
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Post by Figarou »

WordWolf wrote:
ABrownrigg wrote:(blink blink) (grin)
The pack is quickly becoming a union organization of its own. I see a long line of werewolf film producers all bringing their projects to the pack for a looksee.
Anthony Brownrigg
We ate Jimmy Hoffa, you know.
That's why they never found the body.
Yuck. I bet it left a bad taste in your mouth.

Here, some peanut butter should help get rid of it. :D lck
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Post by Apokryltaros »

WordWolf wrote:
ABrownrigg wrote:(blink blink) (grin)
The pack is quickly becoming a union organization of its own. I see a long line of werewolf film producers all bringing their projects to the pack for a looksee.
Anthony Brownrigg
We ate Jimmy Hoffa, you know.
That's why they never found the body.
I ate Jimmy Hoffa: you forgot that I let you guys have the leftovers.
Figarou wrote:Yuck. I bet it left a bad taste in your mouth.

Here, some peanut butter should help get rid of it. :D lck
I used chocolate sauce.
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Post by Figarou »

Apokryltaros wrote:
WordWolf wrote:
ABrownrigg wrote:(blink blink) (grin)
The pack is quickly becoming a union organization of its own. I see a long line of werewolf film producers all bringing their projects to the pack for a looksee.
Anthony Brownrigg
We ate Jimmy Hoffa, you know.
That's why they never found the body.
I ate Jimmy Hoffa: you forgot that I let you guys have the leftovers.
Figarou wrote:Yuck. I bet it left a bad taste in your mouth.

Here, some peanut butter should help get rid of it. :D lck
I used chocolate sauce.
Chocolate covered Jimmy Hoffa with sprinkled nuts and a cherry on top.

nice. lck
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Post by Silverfang »

Figarou wrote:
Apokryltaros wrote:
WordWolf wrote:
ABrownrigg wrote:(blink blink) (grin)
The pack is quickly becoming a union organization of its own. I see a long line of werewolf film producers all bringing their projects to the pack for a looksee.
Anthony Brownrigg
We ate Jimmy Hoffa, you know.
That's why they never found the body.
I ate Jimmy Hoffa: you forgot that I let you guys have the leftovers.
Figarou wrote:Yuck. I bet it left a bad taste in your mouth.

Here, some peanut butter should help get rid of it. :D lck
I used chocolate sauce.
Chocolate covered Jimmy Hoffa with sprinkled nuts and a cherry on top.

nice. lck
What about the whipped cream? lck :wink:
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Post by Apokryltaros »

Silverfang wrote: What about the whipped cream? lck :wink:
That reminds me of a little joke...
Heheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehehe *gasp* Heheheheheheh...
But, seriously...
What I want out of this film are werewolves who are, to me, impressive-looking. And I'm sorry if I sound like some self-centered, archaic schmuck, but, werewolves who are less than six feet tall fail to impress me.
I'm not asking for too much, I mean, I'm not asking for Rita Repulsa to yodel out, "MAGIC WAND, MAKE MY WEREWOLF GROW!!!", then throw down her wand to transform the hapless actor into a ten-story wolfman to demolish Tokyo. I just want a werewolf that, if I wanted to make eye-contact with, I would have to crane my neck up.
I am very, terribly sorry, but, it's one of my fatal flaws in that I don't like the idea of werewolves obeying the law of conservation of mass. I confess, I refuse to wrap my head around that idea because I think it would create a werewolf that I would not find aesthetically pleasing, and more importantly, I think it would interfere with my enjoyment of the scene(s) were the character changes from human to beast.
I'll confess about that, too.
To me, the favorite part of any werewolf movie/show/-themed episode I have ever ever watched is the scene where the character changes from human to werewolf. Yes, I'm selfish and fickle when it comes to this, but, if I don't like the way that that scene is portrayed, then I think it's crap, and if they omit this scene, I feel horribly betrayed, much in the same way anyone would feel horribly betrayed if they found out that they were swindled out of a ten million dollar inheritance. That's why I think "Dog Soldiers" is an abominable piece of crap. They not only didn't show the people turning into werewolves, they tried to make a pisscrappot excuse, in other words, they added salt to my wounds.

I will have to make another confession, in that, while it's true that the movie "Wolf" had no transformation scene, I liked it, if only because Jack Nicholson's competent acting saved the movie. Had they decided to subject him to what they did to poor David Naughton, I would have gone out and have Mr Nicholson's baby.

In closing, what I'm trying to ask for with my long-winded diatribe is a werewolf, or a pack of werewolves that are aesthetically pleasing (as well as anatomically correct), to me, at least, and a transformation scene that will blow me away.
And competent actors.
That's not too much to ask for, is it?

(I would peddle the novels I'm working on, but, I don't want to come off as an aggressive boor)
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Post by ABrownrigg »

In closing, what I'm trying to ask for with my long-winded diatribe is a werewolf, or a pack of werewolves that are aesthetically pleasing (as well as anatomically correct), to me, at least, and a transformation scene that will blow me away.
And competent actors.
That's not too much to ask for, is it?
(wide evil grin)

...... not at all.
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Post by ChaosWolf »

Apokryltaros wrote: I will have to make another confession, in that, while it's true that the movie "Wolf" had no transformation scene, I liked it, if only because Jack Nicholson's competent acting saved the movie. Had they decided to subject him to what they did to poor David Naughton, I would have gone out and have Mr Nicholson's baby.
Hell, for that matter, so would I - and I'm male, so that should tell you how impressed I was with the movie.
Apokryltaros wrote:In closing, what I'm trying to ask for with my long-winded diatribe is a werewolf, or a pack of werewolves that are aesthetically pleasing (as well as anatomically correct), to me, at least, and a transformation scene that will blow me away.
And competent actors.
That's not too much to ask for, is it?
Not a bit. I think that's what we're all hoping for, with Devoured...
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Post by JoeDarkfall »

(I would peddle the novels I'm working on, but, I don't want to come off as an aggressive boor)[/quote]

Ha, maybe you should, that way we'll all know when they're coming out and can get our hands on them. Well, as long as their Werewolf novels.
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Post by Apokryltaros »

JoeDarkfall wrote:
Apokryltaros wrote:(I would peddle the novels I'm working on, but, I don't want to come off as an aggressive boor)
Ha, maybe you should, that way we'll all know when they're coming out and can get our hands on them. Well, as long as their Werewolf novels.
Well, one is about a werewolf, the other is about a weretiger, though in that one, he gets mistaken for a werewolf.
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Post by Figarou »

Silverfang wrote:
What about the whipped cream? lck :wink:
Whipped cream? Carefull with that stuff. You wouldn't want the other werewolves to think you're foaming at the mouth. Now would you? :D

Apokryltaros wrote:What I want out of this film are werewolves who are, to me, impressive-looking. And I'm sorry if I sound like some self-centered, archaic schmuck, but, werewolves who are less than six feet tall fail to impress me.
What WE want. You're not the only one who wants impressive-looking werewolves.

Apokryltaros wrote:I will have to make another confession, in that, while it's true that the movie "Wolf" had no transformation scene, I liked it, if only because Jack Nicholson's competent acting saved the movie. Had they decided to subject him to what they did to poor David Naughton, I would have gone out and have Mr Nicholson's baby.
Seen that film myself. It was ok. I liked it. Didn't have that climbing up the wall crap. Sorry but that just drives me up the wall!! (Pun intended)
Apokryltaros wrote:In closing, what I'm trying to ask for with my long-winded diatribe is a werewolf, or a pack of werewolves that are aesthetically pleasing (as well as anatomically correct), to me, at least, and a transformation scene that will blow me away.
And competent actors.
That's not too much to ask for, is it?
Heck, I want the same thing you want. Been a werewolf fan for 30 years and I havn't seen anything that knocked my socks off. Van Helsing was close. I liked 2 of the 3 werewolves. But it had a few moments which I didn't like.
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Post by Vuldari »

Apokryltaros wrote:What I want out of this film are werewolves who are, to me, impressive-looking. And I'm sorry if I sound like some self-centered, archaic schmuck, but, werewolves who are less than six feet tall fail to impress me. ... I just want a werewolf that, if I wanted to make eye-contact with, I would have to crane my neck up...

..In closing, what I'm trying to ask for with my long-winded diatribe is a werewolf, or a pack of werewolves that are aesthetically pleasing (as well as anatomically correct), to me, at least, and a transformation scene that will blow me away
And competent actors.
That's not too much to ask for, is it?
I agree with everything Apokryltaros said here,exept the six foot minimum requirement to look "impressive".
I knew a"5 ft. nothin' " woman once who was the most impressive and intimidating person I have ever known.

A Ferral Wolf stands only waist high to a human. You have to look down to look it in the eye. Does that make a Wolf any less intimidating to stand face to face with?

I say...Man sized Werewolves can be just as impressive looking, (and Aesthetically pleasing), as "Incredible Hulk" sized ones.
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Post by Apokryltaros »

Vuldari wrote: I agree with everything Apokryltaros said here,exept the six foot minimum requirement to look "impressive".
I knew a"5 ft. nothin' " woman once who was the most impressive and intimidating person I have ever known.
Women impress/intimidate me in a manner different that the way werewolves impress/intimidate me.
Vuldari wrote:A Ferral Wolf stands only waist high to a human. You have to look down to look it in the eye. Does that make a Wolf any less intimidating to stand face to face with?
I see you've never had the experience of reading an ancient Chinese recipe for roast wolf, before...
Vuldari wrote:I say...Man sized Werewolves can be just as impressive looking, (and Aesthetically pleasing), as "Incredible Hulk" sized ones.
I shall wait and see how it turns out, before I pass judgement, then.
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Post by Vuldari »

Apokryltaros wrote:Women impress/intimidate me in a manner different that the way werewolves impress/intimidate me.
I see you have never had the experience of meeting a 5 foot, FarmGirl, Trucker before... :wink:
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Post by Apokryltaros »

Apokryltaros wrote:Women impress/intimidate me in a manner different than the way werewolves impress/intimidate me.
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Post by Vuldari »

That was mostly a joke...

My point was, I have too much experience with small, impressive things to believe in the "Greater Size = More impressive" equation any more.
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Post by Apokryltaros »

Vuldari wrote:That was mostly a joke...

My point was, I have too much experience with small, impressive things to believe in the "Greater Size = More impressive" equation any more.
Which would you find more impressive, your typical, 3 inch long horse leech, or your 3 foot long Andean forest leech?
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Post by Scott Gardener »

You can, however, reach a point of diminishing returns. I was contemplating what makes spiders so scary to us arachnophobics. And, I figured that spiders larger than about eight inches would no longer have the same kind of effect.

Believe me, if I saw an eight foot spider like the ones in the second Harry Potter movie or Return of the King, I'd run screaming, but for different reasons. A monster spider is a different kind of monster than a giant six inch spider. Both are intimidating, but they frighten different parts of my brain. Rat-sized spiders create fear of their getting in your hair, biting and poisoning you, swarmed by a mob of its friends, and the like. Spiders the size of minivans create fear of getting bit in half and eaten alive. Different set of images.
Taking a Gestalt approach, since it's the "in" thing...
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Post by Vuldari »

Apokryltaros wrote:Which would you find more impressive, your typical, 3 inch long horse leech, or your 3 foot long Andean forest leech?
...Eagle or Ostrich?...

...Pro-Wrestler or Shaolin monk?...

It is not the size of a creature that makes it impressive, but what it does with the strength and abilities it has.

Would you say a Draft Horse is more impressive than an Arab?...Horse enthusiasts would beg to disagree.

As A WW enthusiast, I disagree...
Please Forgive the Occasional Outburst of my Inner Sage ... for he is Oblivious to Sarcasm, and not Easily Silenced.

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