Who is your inner shapeshifter?

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Post by outwarddoodles »

Your pirate name is:
Iron Ethel Kidd
A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you a tough person. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!

Talk like a Pirate day is over though. *changes Demon Llama with Pirate hat avatar.*
"We are not always what we seem, and hardly ever what we dream."
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Post by Vilkacis »



You preferred a weapon with 21% power over speed and 32% range over melee.

You use a Staff. Length is up to you-- perhaps you use a quarterstaff, a Jo, or a pair of Escrima, but you favor the intense speed and impressive versatility of a simple wooden stick. Effective staff fighters are effective at fighting many opponents at once, even ones armed with swords. Your opponents will rue the day they underestimated the potency of your weapon.

Haughty Intellectual

You are 85% Rational, 0% Extroverted, 28% Brutal, and 85% Arrogant.

You are the Haughty Intellectual. You are a very rational person, emphasizing logic over emotion, and you are also rather arrogant and self-aggrandizing. You probably think of yourself as an intellectual, and you would like everyone to know it. Not only that, but you also tend to look down on others, thinking yourself better than them. You could possibly have an unhealthy obsession with yourself as well, thus causing everyone to hate you for being such an elitist twat. On top of all that, you are also introverted and gentle. This means that you are just a quiet thinker who wants fame and recognition, in all likelihood. Rather lacking in emotion, introspective, gentle, and arrogant, you are most certainly a Haughty Intellectual! And, most likely, you will never achieve the recognition or fame you so desire! Sweet!

Your EAGLE DAEMON represents an unlikely combination of fierce pride and remarkable wisdom. Though widely admired, you can be very distant at times, and like to stay out of people's personal lives.



YOU..... are a *WISE ENIGMA.* An Avatar, a god, a mystical creature seen by the very, very few and the very, very lucky, whose lives are changed by viewing a spark of the Divine. Your worshipers are few, and that's just as well; gods don't get lonely... do they?


What Power is Compatable With You?




Your power is that you can look into the future and see what is coming. How far and long you can look is all depending on your skill level. This can, as all powers, be used in both evil and good. Even if it may seem like a boring ability it is a huge responsibility for the carrier, becase they are constantly tempted with doing the wrongs deeds (e.g. cheat on a test). It takes high morals to not be brought down with it. Therefor you fit with this power quite well. You take responsibility and do what is the right thing to do. This does not make you a saint, since you're only human after all. But it makes a trustworthy person and you are loyal to camrades and/or team mates. In school you were probably a good student. If you were social varies from person to person, but most clairvoyant people tend to prefer their own company or that of close friends and family. That is because you are wise and knows how to treasure the reliable in your life, since you know popularity can be a false element. You are also not that big on taking risks and prefer what is already explored. That is because you don't like suprises, they can turn out bad and then you won't be in control.

Negative aspects:

Since you're always doing the right thing and being trustworthy all the time you can become frustrated. Also, all that you carry on your shoulders may stress you out. You need to relax to be in good mental shape.

What Type of Killer Are You?


You are an assassin.

That means you are a proffessional and do your job without mixing any emotions in it. In your life you have probably been hurt many times and have gotten some mental scars. This results in you being distant from people. Though many think that you are evil, you are not. What you really are is a person, trying to forget your pain and past. You are the person who never seems to care and that is why being an assassin fits you good. Atleast, that's what people think. Even if you don't care that much for your victims, you still have the ability to care and to generally feel. It is not lost, just a little forgotten. In crowds you tend to not get to noticed, and dress in black or other discrete colours. You don't being in the spotlight and wish people would just leave you alone. But once you do get close to someone you have a hard time letting go and get real down if you loose him/her.

Main weapon: Sniper

Quote: "The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also keep out the joy" -Jim Rohn

Facial expression: Narrowed eyes

-- Vilkacis
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Post by Prowler »

You are a Beta Wolf. You are second in command and you like it. If there is ever a problem the Alpha faces you would be there to help them.

DIPLOMATIC ASSASSIN: What stealth is to the ninja, subterfuge is to you. You could look a man in the face and describe how beautiful his daughter is as he ingests the poison you put in his dinner.

My pirate name is:
Mad Roger Kidd

Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
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Post by Fenrir »

Oh soooo many quizzes :VERYcaf:

First one
Iron Sam Rackham 
A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you a tough person. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr

Second one
You use a Short Sword.
Stylish and deadly, a short sword, sabre or rapier is your weapon of choice. You are well aware that an edged weapon puts you a cut above the rabble, but you also keep your blade relatively small to give you the quickness you need to stay on top. Your opponents seldom see your attacks coming, and by the time they could have regained their senses, they are all dead.
40% strenth 20 Cunning and 40 speed
There's three years of fencing down the drain


You are 57% Rational, 28% Extroverted, 42% Brutal, and 0% Arrogant.

*in computery 2001 space oddysey voice*What are you doing Figarou




WOOO yay!!! I got Inuyasha!!!!Um.....ya :(

and finally Sixth

ImageYOU..... are a *WISE ENIGMA.* An Avatar, a god, a mystical creature seen by the very, very few and the very, very lucky, whose lives are changed by viewing a spark of the Divine. Your worshipers are few, and that's just as well; gods don't get lonely... do they?

Hmm at least I'am tall :P
"Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla pendere et cul illi pueri dicerent 'Sibylla Ti cupisne' respondebat illa 'Cupio mortere'."

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Post by Lycanthrope »

These quizzes are great. So what do we have here, then?

1. Signature weapon.

You use a Desert Eagle.
One of the most powerful handguns in production, the Desert Eagle is a heavy punch in a small package. Its reliability and speed are remarkable for a gun with such high caliber. Your enemies won't stand a chance as you fell them bullet by bullet.


2. Personality defect.

You are the Robot!
You are characterized by your rationality. In fact, this is really ALL you are characterized by. Like a cold, heartless machine, you are so logical and unemotional that you scarcely seem human. For instance, you are very humble and don't bother thinking of your own interests, you are very gentle and lack emotion, and you are also very introverted and introspective. You may have noticed that these traits are just as applicable to your laptop as they are to a human being. In short, your personality defect is that you don't really HAVE a personality. You are one of those annoying, super-logical people that never gets upset or flustered. Unless, of course, you short circuit.


3. Daemon

Your MONKEY DAEMON represents a nature that is admired, detail-oriented, and full of curiosity. Some people might call you self-absorbed. You like to plan ahead, and hone your various talents to perfection.


4. Manga animal demon.



5. Bakemono or Yukai.

YOU..... are a *WISE ENIGMA*.
An Avatar, a god, a mystical creature seen by the very, very few and the very, very lucky, whose lives are changed by viewing a spark of the Divine. Your worshipers are few, and that's just as well; gods don't get lonely... do they?


6. Type of killer.

You kill with magic.
You are very skilled with magic, but have poor fighting skills. But it doesn't really matter anyway since it can be as powerful as other weapons. You are probably missunderstood by people and have some pain inside you. You are not the kind of person to start a fight, but if you are provocted you respond. You probably don't have that many friends either though you might want some. According to you life is a lonely journey and you try not to care to much. Most people who are witches or anything similar is thought to be evil and want to see all people suffer. That however is not true. You don't feel that much joy seeing others in pain. You are probably peaceful and quiet when left alone.


7. Compatible power.

Your power is: Time Control
Explanation: You have the ability to freeze, push forward or go back in time. In good purposes it is used to prevent bad deeds, and the opposite for evil purposes.
As a person your emotional level has been on hold. For one reason or another emotions has reduced and now you aren't so full of life. And of course, this does not sadden you since you could care less. Sometimes though you can be hit by emotioal waves inside but you block it all out. You don't search for something that could make you happy since you have no hope in that area any longer. People probably see you as annoying because you're not involved and just stand there. You probably don't have that many friends either, and you feel like you are with them because that's what you normally do. You stick to your habits and don't appreciate changes.
Negative aspects: One day all emotions are gonna surface again, and that day will be very painful. Instead it is more wise to start up the emotional level bit by bit, so it won't come as a big chock.


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Post by Set »

Your power is: Super Speed

Explanation: Your power has made you move faster than any living thing and it gives great advantage in stressful times. The power could however make you want everything to happen at once and you tend to get bored with people easily that way. In good purposes the power could save those who are e.g. falling of a building. In negative purposes however they can do almost anything (steal, kill etc) without being seen.
As a person you show the world a cocky side of yourself. You act as if you're the greatest thing God has made and like making rude and sarcastic comment to peers. However you can also be fun to be with and bring an easy atmosphere as well as a tense one. You are tough and don't give up easy and is somewhat self centered. That does not mean you don't care for others. You want to be recognized as a smart/strong/talented person that you strive to be. You have insecurity inside that you don't want to show, but you are independant and want to do things on your own.
Negative aspects: People could get easily annoyed at you if you show your cocky sides more than your good side. You also have a I-don't-care attitude that could push people away.

You are a Ninja.

You are like a samurai gone bad. The good side is no longer interesting you and feel that darkness is where you belong. Though you may think you are the evil one, you're not. Because deep inside there is still that little glimpse of who you once were. You don't like to associate with people that much and keep away. In your mind they are ignorant and not so interesting anyway. That means you are a lonley person who don't trust people, and you have really no desire to do so either. Life is a big pain and annoyance for you and you aren't quite sure on how to handle it. Other people see you as mysterious and secretive, and that is probably right.

Main weapon: Daggers and throwing stars

Quote: "I hate people. People make me pro-nuclear" -Margaret Smith

Facial expression: Frown
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Post by Vilkacis »


1 ) How do you pronounce Aunt?
* Like the word ant

RESULT: Spoken throughout the US

2 ) How do you pronounce caramel?
* Either
((That is: 'Car-ml' and 'Car-a-mel' both sound fine to me.))

RESULT: Found throughout the US

3 ) How do you pronounce creek?
* Rhymes with meek

RESULT: Common throughout the entire United States

4 ) How do you pronounce the second syllable in pajamas?
* Rhymes with jam

RESULT: Northeast United States and Great Lakes, and west Coast

5 ) How do you pronounce route?
* Rhymes with rout

RESULT: Southeastern US

6 ) Do you pronounce "cot" and "caught" the same way?
* Yes

RESULT: Common nearly everywhere

7 ) How do you address a group of people?
* You all
((I'm more likely to say "ya' all," or just use "you" in it's plural sense.))

RESULT: Common nearly everywhere ("you guys" favors northern)

8 ) What kind of sale is it on the front lawn?
* Garage sale

RESULT: All of U.S.; southeast not favored

9 ) What's that long sandwich with lots of cold cuts and toppings?
* Sub

RESULT: Common throughout entire U.S.

10 ) What's the tiny lobster that crawls around in creek bottoms?
* Crawfish

RESULT: This is a universal generic term used nationwide

11 ) What do you call gym shoes?
* Tennis shoes

RESULT: All of the U.S. except the Northeast U.S.

12 ) What is spread onto the tops of cakes?
* Frosting

RESULT: New England and western Great Lakes

13 ) What's that road along an Interstate highway?
* Service road
((Actually, I didn't know they even had a name for that. But this one sounds best to me.))

RESULT: Used nationwide, especially in urban areas

14 ) What do you put groceries in?
* Bag

RESULT: Used nationwide and in southern urban areas

15 ) Where might you get water in a public building?
* Water fountain
(('Drinking fountain' is okay, too))

RESULT: Most common nationwide except for Great Lakes area

16 ) What is that bubbly carbonated drink called?
* Soft drink
((Eh. I didn't like the options.))

RESULT: Used mostly in a small belt from Carolinas to Indiana

17 ) What's it called when you throw toilet paper over a house?
* TP'ing

RESULT: Used heavily in Great Lakes and Midwest region

18 ) What's the night before Halloween called?
* I don't use any word for this

RESULT: This is common throughout most of the U.S.

19 ) What's a drive through liquor store called?
* I haven't heard of any such thing, or none of the below

RESULT: Dont worry, this is a common response.

20 ) What's that bug that rolls into a ball when you touch it?
* Roly-Poly

RESULT: Throughout the U.S.

49% (Yankee). Barely in the Yankee category.

Doesn't surprise me overly much. I've lived in the east; I've lived in the south; I've lived in the west; I've lived overseas. I suppose it's inevitable that my speech patterns are a hopeless mix of them all, or that they tend toward terms that are common in all places.

-- Vilkacis
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Post by Fenrir »


Explanation: Unlike everyone else you can change your body materia and transform into anything (e.g. an animal). This can be used in good purposes for infiltrating evil headcuarters or adjust your physical abilities by transforming and therefor do better in battle. If turned to the evil side, a transfomer could manipulate the "good guys" by looking like their loved ones and break them down.
As a person you are dissapointed with life. You have not so many interests anymore and has become depressed. Of course you can be happy, but your happiness subsides quickly and don't last very long. You isloate yourself from people since you think they would only hurt you, but some part just wants someone equal who understands the pain. When you transform it gives you freedom and you can be anything but yourself. You often pity yourself but don't let people come near and know what's going on with you. But the thought of opening up and risking being betrayed is too strong and intimidating to even try.
Negative aspects: You carry much hate to the world and yourself and in the long run this could lead to dangerous thoughts (suicide/cutting/killing) though the last one is least likeable since you would probably just have too much guilt.

Pronounciation thing

Spoken throughout

Common along the Atlantic seaboard and southern United States

Common throughout the entire United States

Northeast United States and Great Lakes, and west Coast

Southeastern US

Common nearly everywhere

you all
Common nearly everywhere ("you guys" favors northern)

yard sale
Throughout the U.S.; slightly more in the southeast

Common throughout entire U.S.

tennis shoes
All of the U.S. except the Northeast U.S.

New England and western Great Lakes

service road
Used nationwide, especially in urban areas

bag (what the hell is a poke!!!!? ? ? ?)
Used nationwide and in southern urban areas

Drinking fountain
Common in Great Lakes area and Western U.S.

Common throughout southern U.S. and Texas

Used heavily in Great Lakes and Midwest region

Mischief night
Centered heavily on New York City and New Jersey.

I don't know?
Dont worry, this is a common response.

Throughout the U.S.

50% (Yankee). Barely in the Yankee category.

And I leave in the deep South go figure :P
My mom's from Wisconson dads from Georgia, family reunions are hell. but really no surprises, the accents equell themselves out
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Post by Aki »


You are full of honour and value respect. You are not really the stereotypical hero, but you do fight for good. Just in your own way. For you, it is most certainly okay to kill an evil person, if it is for justice and peace. You also don't belive in mourning all the time and think that once you've hit a bad stage in life you just have to get up again. It's pointless to concentrate on emotional pain and better to just get on with everything. You also are a down to earth type of person and think before you act. Impulsive people may annoy you somewhat.

Main weapon: Sword

Quote: "Always do the right thing. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest" -Mark Twain

Facial expression: Small smile

(Heh... ^_^ )


Explanation: This power of yours means that you can make material things move, like for e.g. making the remote control fly over you just by thinking it. As all powers, this is a great gift to have. It is also helping you out since it allows you to be lazy and have things brought to you without moving a finger. But if you move over to the immoral side this power can be used as destroying peoples property or similar things.
As a person you are easy going and just like to have a good time. There is nothing wrong with that, but people may see you as incredibly lazy and irresponsible. You prefer being out watching a movie or something than staying home and doing the math assignment. Your outlook is fairly positive but you are aware everything isn't as nice as you'd like it to be. But this doesn't stop you and even if you can be sensitive, you get over things pretty quickly. In school you could be considered as the fun one among your friends and could get along with different categories of people fairly easy. You mean no intentional harm on those around you, but some people may think you're too happy and/or stupid.
Negative aspects: Because you don't like to have things depending on you, this power may be seen as just something cool you have, and not as a helping gift. Also you can get too egotistical at times without bothering to care for others. That is why it's good to do some self-reflecting every once in a while to see that you're not going overboard.


You use a Halberd.

Possibly the most versatile polearm ever made, the Halberd is an elegant mix of spear and staff, remaining relatively light while having an effective cutting edge and stabbing point. Your enemies will never get near you; your personal space will be as unreachable as a faraway land.


Telekinetic Halberd weidling Samurai, how fun... ^_^
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Post by Fenrir »

Wait they didn't have those in Japan how in god's name.... so confused, but i got a transforming short sword wielding Samari yay we're samari wooo!
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Post by Vilkacis »

This IQ Test was a lot of fun to take:

http://www.highiqsociety.org/common/iqt ... timate.htm

Don't bother joining their society, though, unless you think $59.95 is actually worth it...

Your score is: 134


What does your score mean?

70-84 - Well below the population average.
85-99 - Below the population average, but in the normal range.
100 - The population average.
101-115 - Above the population average, but in the normal range.
116-125 - Significantly above average.
127-140 - Gifted.
141-159 - Highly gifted.
160+ - Profoundly gifted.
180+ - Universal genius.

A few general graphs:

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-- Vilkacis
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Post by Shadow Wulf »

oh god Im afraid I might get below population average. :shudder:
But i might give it a try anyway.
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Post by Prowler »

It said 113 for me: 101-115 - Above the population average, but in the normal range
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Post by Fenrir »

128- Gifted

How did I manage that! :o
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Post by Miguel »

I got a 95. Kinda embarrasing. I am like not real great with math so I didn't really do so well on the math part. I understood some of it but not all of it.
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Post by Vilkacis »

Don't take the scores too seriously...

If you get low: the test was not meant to measure average-level intelligence, so it is not accurate at that level.

If you get high: after all, they probably want people to get into their organization -- that's how they make money.

But accurate or not, I thought the test was a lot of fun to do.

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Post by Miguel »

Yeah,I agree.
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Post by Shadow Wulf »

Are some of these question are the kind that are actually alot simpler than it looks, and that answer is soo obviouse, Im on the monkey climbing rope question so thats why I ask. :?

A weightless and perfectly flexible rope is hung over a weightless, frictionless pulley attached to the roof of a building. At one end is a weight which exactly counterbalances a monkey at the other end.

If the monkey begins to climb, what will happen to the weight?

Ahhh, I want to say it remains the same, but thiers a catch!!! I Just know it!! :scream:
Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories. - Thomas Jefferson
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Post by Vilkacis »

Just do the best you can.

After you have completed the test, if you would like to discuss the questions and answers, please be sure to use the spoiler tags.

-- Vilkacis
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Post by Lycanthrope »

134 - Gifted

I've been sitting nearly an hour to think over every question. And the "pattern questions" almost gave me epilepsy.
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Post by Shadow Wulf »

Ahh the first question is beyond intelectual capacity, and I have fair quiz.
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Post by outwarddoodles »

O_o Holy cow! I started the IQ test and found the first few questions fun. Yet when it gets to the 'which shape can't be made out of the unfloded shape?' crap I feel like I'm going to die. I did the one with the cirlces and lines on it easily, but then the next couple, the one made of triangles and the other made of many shapes, I finally decided to screw. I beleive I'm a good thinking, its just I have too short an attention span.

I really did like the one with the big cirlces an dlittle cirlces and one is worth 13 and the other 24.
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Post by Kzinistzerg »


Waepon: halberd

That's really accurate, because my dream weapon actualyl lokos like the weapon in THIS Picture- only, interad of a trident, it has four blades o nthe side instead of two in a 3d manner. like a + sign.

Daemon: snake

mmm... nah. I figure my daemon would be something more like a cat or a bird, but sanke is definetly a possibility.

Kilelr: ninja

Actually, my ideal killing personaity is a cross between Friday Baldwin and Saesenenii Starlightning. Friday Baldwin is a courier, eliete. she kills people if they need it and if they interfere- she is an eliete and is very powerful. HSe dislikes killing but it's her job- the mail mUSt go through. she's not my character; she's from the book Friday, by R.A.H. And saesenenii starlighting... well... you all know her. oh, and include Nova from stacraft: ghost too- the same type of person.

As for the IQ dele- more on that later.

OH: who got that *dobn't clik unless u did the IQ test* [spoiler]the teeny circles were 2, and the big ones were sveen, making teh last one worth 11?[/spoiler]
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Post by Shadow Wulf »

I gave up. :lol: brian wasnt functioning properly.
Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories. - Thomas Jefferson
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Post by vrikasatma »

Shadow Wulf wrote:brian wasnt functioning properly.
Awh, poor guy. What happened to him? Hope he gets better soon :Jester3:

Sorry, couldn't resist :wink:
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