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Post by Darum »


this is a site i've known about for a while but have naglected as of late. it's a collection of end-world scenarios, enjoy. :D

EDIT: yay! my second thread! :lol:
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Post by Shadow Wulf »

Its the end of the world as we know it. Its the end of the world as we know it. Its the end of the world as we know it. And I feel fine.
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Post by Searif »

osama bin leopard O.o
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Post by Fenrir »

oh know now that song is stuck in my

Six o'clock - TV hour. Don't get caught in foreign tower. Slash and burn,
return, listen to yourself churn. Lock him in uniform and book burning,
blood letting. Every motive escalate. Automotive incinerate. Light a candle,
light a motive. Step down, step down. Watch a heel crush, crush. Uh oh,
this means no fear - cavalier. Renegade and steer clear! A tournament,
a tournament, a tournament of lies. Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives
and I decline.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.
The other night I tripped a nice continental drift divide. Mount St. Edelite.
Leonard Bernstein. Leonid Breshnev, Lenny Bruce and Lester Bangs.
Birthday party, cheesecake, jelly bean, boom! You symbiotic, patriotic,
slam, but neck, right? Right.

why do i know this much of that song?!

look what you started Shadow Wulf
"Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla pendere et cul illi pueri dicerent 'Sibylla Ti cupisne' respondebat illa 'Cupio mortere'."

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Post by Shadow Wulf »

Ha I listen to 80s songs and late 70s and early 90s all the time. :D

ok how about this song,

Oh girls just wanna have fun.
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Post by Set »

So bookmarked. :evil:

I'd better wander off now before I start ranting about a few of those scenarios... (and one some guys that randomly popped up in a dream told me about)
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Post by Darum »

Set wrote:So bookmarked. :evil:

I'd better wander off now before I start ranting about a few of those scenarios... (and one some guys that randomly popped up in a dream told me about)
a rant about the end of the world, eh? this, i would like to hear some time.
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Post by Anubis »

wow thats pretty cool!! 8)

mother nature hates dudes for some reason, mabey father nature had an affair with some other medafore.


click on giggle and see what i mean

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Ragnarok, Set Style

Post by Set »

Darum wrote:a rant about the end of the world, eh? this, i would like to hear some time.
Eheheheh...wish granted.

Hrm. Well I suppose I should start with the dream, it'll probably make more sense that way.

I was in this building. There was nothing really special about it. It was just a building. In front of me were these two guys. I don't remember much about them. I don't know what they looked like, how tall they were, what color their hair was, the sound of their voices, nothing. I would recognize them anywhere but I don't know a thing about them.

They were holding this rolled up...thing. I don't remember if it was parchment or a scroll or papyrus or what, though it was quite yellowed. They unrolled it and began to speak. They were reading an ancient prophecy written on that paper or whatever it was. Of course it was about the end of the world. Their words I remember, but they are not importaint to the telling of this dream. I'll explain why later.

Once they got to a certain part they spoke of a soul on Earth, its power lying dormant beneath the surface. This "one soul" as they called it would be the deciding factor as to whether the world is destroyed or not. The soul was said to be "awakened" (their term, not mine) after the battle for the planet started.

They gave me the oddest look as they read that part. I don't know why. I've never had anyone look at me that way before. It was really strange.

And that's pretty much where it ended. It may sound a bit vague but I saw it as I do my other dreams: in extreme vivid clarity. The kind that seems to be almost more real than waking life.

Several things strike me as odd though. I don't know why I can't remember them. I know what they looked like, I really do...I just can't remember. Another thing is I don't know why there had to be two messengers instead of just one. And that's what they were, messengers. Problem is I don't know who's message they were delivering.

Anyway, while they were reading (or was it after? I'm not sure) I had a vision. The vision was basically about the battle they had mentioned. Although they hadn't gone into detail I could see it quite clearly anyway. There's alot to this, so your brain might implode. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Before I begin describing what I saw I need you all to be familiar with the astral plane. It is, in essence, another plane of existance. The least confusing way I can think of to put this is to compare it to layers in an imaging program.

You have the first layer, the physical world in which we live. On top of that there's another layer known as the etheric. I won't go into too much detail about that because the focus is on the astral, but I will say that the etheric plane is a place where matter can occupy the same three dimensional space else at the same time, and things there are kind of halfway between being physical and being thought-like. The etheric in our "image program" is turned off so we can't see it, but it's still there nonetheless.

The astral is the next layer. Things there are far more fluid than in the physical or etheric planes. Again, this "layer" is turned off so we can't see it. It is the realm of things we would dub as "mythical". It's the place where dragons, gryphons, and elves live, the place where you can meet and interact with your spirit guides, guardian angels, and animal totems. Normally our worlds are seperate, though you can access it py projecting, which would be the equivalent of turning the layer on so it's visible.

Now that we've got that out of the way I'll tell you what I saw. Keep in mind my perspective is one of an impartial observer; I in no way interacted with any of this.

It begins roughly at dawn. Half of the sun could be seen in the eastern horizon. The sky was a beautiful, if unnerving, shade of red. It was quiet, the kind of quiet that lets you know something is very, very wrong.

After a moment of total silence I see the fabric of the veil become visible as it started to tear open. It's very hard to describe. I've never seen anything like it, ever, and that's really saying something considering I'm quite the old geezer where my soul is concerned. Perhaps the closest I can get is if I described it like the air in front of you taking on a texture and color of a cloth that was (roughly...) black, ripping apart from the middle. This in essence created a portal.

Through that portal the worlds of the physical and the astral merged. There is absolutely no way I can describe this, the English language does not hold words for such an event. Out of the hole in the veil many creatures emerged. Some were regal and elegant, others horrid and bloodthirsty. Everything thought to be myth was suddenly dumped into our world right in front of me.

Then the battle started. Everyone and everything desperately fought for their lives. It was the most gruesome, bloody battle scene you could ever imagine. Dragons fought with Manticores, Elves tried to keep Red Caps at bay, the few humans that didn't run around in a panic were trying to defend themselves with whatever they could grab. The screaming was horrendous, and the sound of the screeching monsters only added further to the awful din.

Now might be a good time to mention the end of the world myths from various cultures. If all the creatures of the astral were there, then you may be wondering which ones from those myths were also there. My answer: most of them. Think of it like most of the mythology being all rolled up into one. No one myth was true, but there are many things from them that were. I know that might seem a bit complicated but let me try and simplify this. (It's not easy trying to tell you all what I saw. It really isn't.)

While not every word of those myths were true (in this vision) some of the creatures from them were real. Fenris, for example, is one of the monsters that came through the veil. In Norse mythology the end of the world is called Ragnarok, the day when Fenris breaks free. That website has the translation as "fate of the gods", but I've always heard it meant "day of the wolf", which seems more appropriate. Fenris is a powerful creature and would be one of the major causes of destruction on this planet, though not even he would be able to end the battle of his own accord.

There was nothing about the "one soul". The only thing I saw was that the fight would go on forever if this being was not "awakened" or didn't make a decision. I don't know anything about them other than that.

So, in essence, the physical and the astral worlds would merge into one and a great melee would ensue. It would be a free-for-all that would never end until some powerful being I know nothing about made it stop, for better or worse.

Whether or not any of that is true is up for debate. But it certainly was an interesting take on it nonetheless.
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Post by Miguel »

huh, interesting. Cool nontheless :)
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Post by Renorei »

I'm not too concerned about the end of the world, personally. I have a feeling that I will be dead before that occurs. Even if I'm not...I don't think it will be too bad. According to my beliefs (as I understand them) I will simply vanish before everything hits the fan. Nonetheless, I do enjoy pondering other theories of how the world will end. I find them fascinating.

To those of you who are moderately familiar with the Christian theory on the end of the world...I know this is so evil...but wouldn't it be so much fun to get a trumpet and go hide outside a church and blow it three times (loud and long) during the sermon? :lol: I hate to admit it (being a Christian myself) but I've always wanted to do that!

To those of you not familiar with this...according to Christian mythology, the end of the world will...begin...when one of the angels (can't remember which one right now) blows a trumpet (or trump, as the bible says...I can only assume it's referring to a trumpet-like instrument) three times that everyone on earth can hear. Anyway, that is why the aforementioned prank would be funny. Not all of the congregation would probably know about the trumpet being blown before the end of the world, but a good number of them (and the preacher/priest) most certainly would. I would pay vast sums of money to see their faces, and watch them running out the doors in delight (or terror) to meet their fate.
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Post by Veruth »

Renorei wrote:
To those of you who are moderately familiar with the Christian theory on the end of the world...I know this is so evil...but wouldn't it be so much fun to get a trumpet and go hide outside a church and blow it three times (loud and long) during the sermon? :lol: I hate to admit it (being a Christian myself) but I've always wanted to do that!

To those of you not familiar with this...according to Christian mythology, the end of the world will...begin...when one of the angels (can't remember which one right now) blows a trumpet (or trump, as the bible says...I can only assume it's referring to a trumpet-like instrument) three times that everyone on earth can hear. Anyway, that is why the aforementioned prank would be funny. Not all of the congregation would probably know about the trumpet being blown before the end of the world, but a good number of them (and the preacher/priest) most certainly would. I would pay vast sums of money to see their faces, and watch them running out the doors in delight (or terror) to meet their fate.
That would be hilarious! Evil, but hilarious. :lol: (also a christian)
Never heard of that, I'd probably be one of the ones sitting there wondering what everybody was freaking out about.
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End Times, version 2.0

Post by Set »

I second the funny but evil motion, and have to tell you to stop giving me ideas.

Now something else I remembered. There was one thing that had been the subject of much debate on one of my old otherkin forum haunts. The idea was basically that if the end of the world came in a mythical-type way (one that would include mythical creatures at any rate) all of the otherkin and therians - the ones that truly did have a non-human soul in a human body - would be transformed into their "soul form". What I mean by that is if someone were a wolf therian they would become a wolf, a dragon otherkin a dragon, etc.

Of course there was talk about the panic that would ensue, how hard it would be to get used to the new form, how hard it would be to get used to it fast enough so that you'd have a chance of defending yourself against rednecks with shotguns and so forth. It was quite the interesting conversation.
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Post by Renorei »

That would be interesting :o to say the least. I have no idea if I'm any type of therian or otherkin or not, though I must admit I have felt a monstrous presence within myself from time to time. I doubt that it's anything important, though.

I think it would be cool if someone made a movie about the idea that you mentioned. It would be like "Left Behind" only a heckuva lot cooler and different in many ways.
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Post by Set »

I never saw Left Behind. I've heard alot about it though.
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Post by Renorei »

Set wrote:I never saw Left Behind. I've heard alot about it though.
It's pretty decent. If you are capable of enjoying movies that deal with Christian mythology, you might like it.
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My taste in men. Don't you say a word.

Post by Set »

Renorei wrote:
Set wrote:I never saw Left Behind. I've heard alot about it though.
It's pretty decent. If you are capable of enjoying movies that deal with Christian mythology, you might like it.
I may just watch it some time.

This topic reminds me of a guy I used to date. (Technically we never broke up. He moved.) Ok, now you're all staring at the screen and going "Ehwha? Why?" There is a reason. He believed that he was going to destroy the world one day. He used to talk about it with me alot. The way he would've liked to do it was with a mech, he really loves machines. It made for some unusual conversation.
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Post by Renorei »

Heh heh. Personally, I've never been a 'destroy the world' type of person. I'm more of a 'take over the world' kind of person. But that story reminds me of a guy I used to know who had this long-running gag going where he convinced all his friends that he seriously intended to take over the world with genetically engineered dragons.
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Post by wolfbound »

heres what i think will happen. 8)

you never know just how you look through other peoples' eyes.
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Post by Anubis »

wolfbound wrote:heres what i think will happen. 8)

dude!! :lol: lol i love thatr cartoon, i agree with that we will end up blowing the s*** out of our selves.

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Post by Fenrir »

wolfbound wrote:heres what i think will happen. 8)

lol I haven't seen that in a long time one of my favorite online cartoons!

Love their portrayle of the French :lol:
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Post by Renorei »

Fenrir wrote:
wolfbound wrote:heres what i think will happen. 8)

lol I haven't seen that in a long time one of my favorite online cartoons!

Love their portrayle of the French :lol:

"But I am Le tired." :lol: I agree, that cartoon is quite funny.

However, just as a cautionary, I think y'all should try to avoid using Ebaum's as much as possible. They steal other people's stuff and watermark it with their own emblem. They're making money off of other people's work, while the authors of the work receive nothing. Ultimately, the more time people spend visiting that site, the more money Ebaum's makes. Besides, there are far more intelligent sites out there...somethingawful.com, fark.com, etc.
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Post by Set »

I have a question. *ignores any and all screams of "OMG no! Not another one!"*

In one of those things on Exit Mundi (this one) why are there no dogs? Does God not like dogs or something?
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Post by Renorei »

By now, our planet has underwent some radical changes. There are no more seas, for instance. The skies open up, and an entire city -- the new Jerusalem -- gently lands on earth. It is made of gold, has twelve foundations, twelve gates and twelve angels guarding the gates. People don't die anymore. And what's more, they don't suffer, cry or worry about anything anymore. There are no more murderers, sorcerers, liars and, notably, no more dogs. Also, there's no more day and night. The world bathes in the gloom of the glory of the Lord. `Behold, I make all things new,' God declares.

All I can figure is that maybe it's an old error in translation, or maybe it's being used in a figurative sense, since 'dog' is sometimes used as a derogatory term for worthless people.
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Post by Scott Gardener »

I'm crossing my fingers on a technological singularity that makes possible transhumanism within our lifetime. But, that's just me.

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