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Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:23 pm
by Celestialwolf
As has already been said, The camera should focus in on certain aspects of the shift (Clothes ripping of, fur growing, etc.) as well as seeing a full-view to comprehend how the whole body is shifting. :shift:

But please: let's keep this a PG-13 or milder rating! We don't need a sexual element to this. Doing that would severely limit the audience; a bad move. I for one wouldn't see this movie if there were those kind of R-rated elements, even though we've been in need a decent werewolf movie after lacking one for so long.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:29 pm
by Scott Gardener
On the one hand, well said for the intention, but, let's focus on the "decent" part rather than the "PG-13" part. Let's concentrate on making this a good movie, with things there because they make sense, not because sex is marketable.

If we go out of our way to make sure it's PG-13, well, that's what Cursed did. (Not that the "unrated" (i.e. would have been Rated R but wasn't, because the scenes were cut out) would have been any better, since marketing departments had already hacked the thing to death.)

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 12:08 am
by Silverclaw
I really dont mind if their is some nudity in Freeborn. It is a werewolf movie; clothing tears off, they dont shift back to human form fully clothed. If they show the tail growing in, your bound to see something :wink: An experence WW will take off clothing before a shift I would think.
Any nudity should not be used in excess though, that would just cheapen the movie. Imho, I say dont be afraid to show nudity if it helps the movie, but dont over do it, would be kindof akward to watch it then to say the least :P

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 4:56 am
by Figarou
Hmmmm...I think Freeborn is going to have a soft R rating for blood, gore, and language. I don't think there is any sex scenes. Maybe some brief nudity during a shift. That should be it.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 6:51 am
by Celestialwolf
Scott Gardener wrote:On the one hand, well said for the intention, but, let's focus on the "decent" part rather than the "PG-13" part. Let's concentrate on making this a good movie, with things there because they make sense, not because sex is marketable.

If we go out of our way to make sure it's PG-13, well, that's what Cursed did. (Not that the "unrated" (i.e. would have been Rated R but wasn't, because the scenes were cut out) would have been any better, since marketing departments had already hacked the thing to death.)
Well, all I'm trying to say is that while in transformation nudity is pretty much going to be there no matter what, one can easily avoid showing what doesn't need to be shown. EX: camera stops just before the area, camera rotates away to another angle, camera is at a side view, etc. I wouldn't consider that going out of the way to make it PG-13, would you? :?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:02 am
by Morkulv
Searif Bogard wrote:because i like to see whats happing all over the body... well not everywhere :P

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:37 pm
by Reigning Fyre
The whole topic of where the camera should be...I like the idea of the person changing over the matter of time. Like it could be an entire HOUR before they're fully changed. That's just my opinion, but what if they steadily changed? ??

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:51 pm
by Renorei
For the first TF that occurs in the movie, I'd like to see a mixture of full body and close-ups, so we get a good introduction as to what is occuring in the body.

For one of the later TFs (could be very climactic) I'm in favor of the 360 rotating camera idea with two weres holding each other.

As far as nudity goes, I think it's totally reasonable to have nudity in a werewolf movie. After all, they can't go out and buy new clothes everytime they TF, and I would assume the weres in this movie will (generally) anticipate the TF. What I am not in favor of is female weres retaining breasts when the TF is over, and the male weres have nothing where there should most definitely be something. Breasts, IMO, would be impractical for the were from a standpoint of what the gestalt form is built for: fighting. They would get in the way. You can argue with me that the gestalt form is not for fighting if you want, but what else would it be for? Basket weaving? I think not. And the males should definitely have a sheath or something, because it would be silly for them to have a human penis, and then no penis (gestalt form), and then a wolf penis (in wolf form. Structures that are present in both the wolf and the human form should definitely be present in the gestalt form.

About whether the TF should be painful or pleasurable: I don't think it should 'depend on the individual person'. I think it should be the same for all of them, but to a greater extreme for new weres. I don't care whether it's painful or pleasurable, as long as it is EXTREMELY so. Whether extremely painful or extremely pleasurable is irrelevant to me, although going with pleasure would definitely be a fresh approach. What I do not what to see is indifference. "Well, I'm turning into a wolf, la dee da".

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:24 am
by Aki
Breasts, IMO, would be impractical for the were from a standpoint of what the gestalt form is built for: fighting.
Funny, i never noticed Woman have any trouble fighting before, why would the Gestalt form make it harder? :P

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:16 pm
by Jamie
As far as nudity goes, I think it's totally reasonable to have nudity in a werewolf movie. After all, they can't go out and buy new clothes everytime they TF, and I would assume the weres in this movie will (generally) anticipate the TF.
I agree with this. Brief nudity is unavoidable, unless we go out of our way to do things that we don't want to do. For example, focusing on the tail transformation would imply a butt view, but since brief butt views are allowed even on network television, it should not be a big issue for a film that is not aimed at children. What we need to do with the nudity is:

1) Keep genitalia out of view all the time
2) Distribute the nudity equally between male and female werewolves. Focusing in super-close on female nudity and skipping by the males would imply a sexual agenda. Giving us a butt view of a sexy female toosh and an equal butt view of a hairy, nasty man butt would tell viewers that we weren't going for sex appeal.
3) Don't spend too much time focusing on sensitive anatomical areas as opposed to non-sensitive areas such as the face and hands.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:57 pm
by CrypticIdentity
I voted for the second a long time ago, but I just had a thought on the all-in-one shot (if this has already been mentioned, sorry).

Like, have the person stumbling all over the place, hunched over in pain and stuff, with simple cuts to better shots of a hallway s/he might be stumbling down. So just a bunch of long, un-cut camera shots following him during the transformation, with cuts only for room/other location change. And the camera could be close enough to, like, just be able to see veins and stuff pulsating, but not like OMGSOCLOSE.

Just a thought.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:15 pm
by Renorei
Aki wrote:
Breasts, IMO, would be impractical for the were from a standpoint of what the gestalt form is built for: fighting.
Funny, i never noticed Woman have any trouble fighting before, why would the Gestalt form make it harder? :P
Ever been punched in the breast? Or had any other blunt object hit it? It hurts. They're sensitive, kinda like testicles only less. However they're in a location that's really easy to get to. I wasn't implying the gestalt form would make fighting harder, I just think the gestalt form should be devoid of as much weakness as possible.

As far as women having trouble fighting, how often do women actually have a legitimate fight that isn't a catfight?

BTW, sorry for taking so long to reply, I forgot that I posted in this thread.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:23 pm
by Silverclaw
I think the two WWs holding each other during a TF sounds really sweet :love:

And yeah, it will be hard not to show any kind of nudity in a werewolf movie. Your goin' to see a butt if you want to see a tail growing and stuff like that. It would be really odd to see a WW transform back and be fully clad in clothing from The Gap :lol: I think AWIL had some genitalia showing. Just in breif flashes(dream scenes, and the zoo scene to I think) I agree with Jamie about not going for sex appeal; showing males and female equally, but dont lingure on 'the nasty bits' :lol: :P

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:36 pm
by Aki
Excelsia wrote:
Aki wrote:
Breasts, IMO, would be impractical for the were from a standpoint of what the gestalt form is built for: fighting.
Funny, i never noticed Woman have any trouble fighting before, why would the Gestalt form make it harder? :P
Ever been punched in the breast? Or had any other blunt object hit it? It hurts. They're sensitive, kinda like testicles only less. However they're in a location that's really easy to get to. I wasn't implying the gestalt form would make fighting harder, I just think the gestalt form should be devoid of as much weakness as possible.

As far as women having trouble fighting, how often do women actually have a legitimate fight that isn't a catfight?

BTW, sorry for taking so long to reply, I forgot that I posted in this thread.
I can say i haven't been hit in the breast, being a man. :wink:

But i can assure you getting hit in the balls is far worse, so if one were to rid the gestalt form of weakness, those would have to go too, a thought i'm far from fond of... :P

Just because a place is a sensative spot doesn't mean it needs to be eliminated.