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Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:34 pm
by wolf421
In responce to the two posts above.

Reguardless I applogized for posting the link to the main page and my user page and not warning the people on this forum of them being for an ADULT site.

Saddly which I see is not the people I'm dealing with here. I.E. other adults. If you want to claim to be adults start acting like it and not continue whinng about it.

As far as I'm concerned this is the end of the matter and won't speak of it again, I implore everyone else to do the same.

I could rant on about some of things everyone here is missing about this movie, but this is not the place nor the time to do so.
(The post would get removed or moved for being in the wrong forum)

later wolf421

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:54 pm
by Bloodyredbaron
wolf421 wrote:In responce to the two posts above.

Reguardless I applogized for posting the link to the main page and my user page and not warning the people on this forum of them being for an ADULT site.

Saddly which I see is not the people I'm dealing with here. I.E. other adults. If you want to claim to be adults start acting like it and not continue whinng about it.

As far as I'm concerned this is the end of the matter and won't speak of it again, I implore everyone else to do the same.

I could rant on about some of things everyone here is missing about this movie, but this is not the place nor the time to do so.
(The post would get removed or moved for being in the wrong forum)

later wolf421
Calm down there Sparky*, I was making a joke. It had more to do with Warhammer than furries anyway.

*That was a sign of affection by the way.

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:37 am
by blackwolfhell
well, I guess I could understand that.

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:44 am
by Silveera-Ice
umm, have we agreed that a werewolf walks on 4s and stands on 2 yet? lol

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:21 pm
by wolf421
I have given alot of thought over the years about this subject. From two diferent points of view. As a role play gamer (werewolf the apocalypse"with some reality thrown in" and other games) And as a researcher mainly for use in my writting.

Humanoid form werewolf:
Two legged walk and running with the ability to drop to four legged for short bursts of speed (the human back and pelvis are not meant for this type of running) Unlike the canine pelvis which is actually almost ninety degrees angle to the spine, the human spine and pelvis are lined up for walking upright. Next this form of werewolf would have some dexerity unlike a full four legged werewolf form (able to open doors, grip objects with thier hands) but not the fine movements like operating a cell phone or a computer (the claws would inhibit this, could be done but not with any speed like human fingers) "And really this is only limited by the individual werewolf."

A human form werewolf would still be able to do alot of things we do every day. "Just because they are a werewolf doesn't mean that they lose thier intelligence or the skills they have learned over the years."

Now to the full canine form werewolf:
This forms advantages high speed and sheer fighting ability. (a north american grey wolf can crush bone with it's jaws, BIG OUCH) This form is made for hunting and great for escape and evasion, especially in the forest or at night in the city. This form is very limited in what the werewolf can do, no and's if's or buts about it.
But really those are the only advantages is see this form having. Hunting, speed and fighting ability thats it.

later wolf421

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:35 am
by blackwolfhell
How about they can switch to eachother and be done with it? :?

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:46 pm
by Fyriewolf
I agree with wolf421. they should just walk on 2legs in human form but as for when the lunar rises they should be walking on 4legs.

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 6:48 pm
by RedEye
How does a Werewolf walk?

Shlep, shlep, shlep, shlep....

squish squish squish squish...

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:47 pm
by ledrif
How does a Werewolf walk?

Shlep, shlep, shlep, shlep....

squish squish squish squish...
Naw Redeye I think it's more liek

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:53 pm
by wolf421

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:21 pm
by blackwolfhell
well, what's he/she walking on?

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:44 pm
by ledrif
I guess he's walking on a house then it should probably make this small clping sounds of he's paws hitting the floor shouldn't it?
liek an dog I unno :)

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:34 pm
by wolf421
Well the truth of the matter is the claws would make sound on a tile floor or hardwood, but not on a carpet.

I really haven't been keeping track on whats going on here as of late.
The last I knew the movie "Freeborn" was in limbo and with Anthony's website for the movie shut down little news has been put up here on the forums as of late.
In truth I'm wondering if "Freeborn" will ever see the light of day much less the inside of a theater. (But also I could be wrong and the movie is being filmed or even in post production for all I know)
Been to busy writing my own stories and posting them on the net. And besides that chassing my son around the house etc, he's at the age of "chase me" for fun (4 years old).


Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:12 pm
by blackwolfhell
claws catch on carpet. they do, trust me on that. especially shag carpeting.
And the static shocks are annoying

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:01 pm
by wolf421
blackwolfhell wrote:claws catch on carpet. they do, trust me on that. especially shag carpeting.
And the static shocks are annoying
:lol: about the static shock
Yeah just wait for that $150.00 bill from your vet for the rush visit (not including other fees) because your dog ripped a claw out running on shag carpet...
Been there...
Done that...
Not doing it again...
Low pile carpet in my house since then...


Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:10 pm
by blackwolfhell
right, got it...

what if the werewolf was a teenager sneaking out of the house after he changed?

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:32 pm
by RedEye
Or maybe "after SHE changed"...

Let us not exclude the fair gender from Lycanthropy lest they get annoyed and backhand us into the next county.

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:46 pm
by wolf421
RedEye wrote:Or maybe "after SHE changed"...

Let us not exclude the fair gender from Lycanthropy lest they get annoyed and backhand us into the next county.
Or if she is anything like my wife, she'll just pick you up and body slam you through the floor. And follow that with a frog splash right on top of you.

My wife separated my ribs with a well placed elbow one night when we were horse playing. So I don't pi$$ of the wife unless I have plenty of running room! :D

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 4:02 pm
by blackwolfhell
I did not mean to leave out the fair gender. The "Fair" gender as you call it does cause a lot of trouble for me half the time. not that I'm saying girls are bad, just the ones I know are cool enough to be mean.

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:05 am
by Fyriewolf
well if a ww is walking on a house then i think the sound would be more of a scratch-scratch-scratch because of the roofing shingles

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:35 pm
by blackwolfhell
unless its a warehouse!

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:42 pm
by wolf421
Were Wolf on a marble+furry foot pads+ speed= comic relief! *See a cat or dog trying to run on a marble floor!* LOL

Talk about being able to do the moonwalk! (yeah I'm showing my age)

Would be hell to do the splits on though..(Big ouch!) "makes me shudder in pain just thinking about it. along with all the other men here."

But if you think about it a were's claws would sound somewhat like the sound a tap toe shoe (from a tap dancers shoes) makes when walking on marble.
It would be really close to that, and on shingles it wouldn't be that loud or obvious to anyone in the house. Now if it was tile shingles then thats a whole different ball game, the claws would make enough sound to wake the dead inside the house. The same could be said for a steel roof ware house or flat top roof, extra loud and very annoying to anyone inside.
(To back that up, I used to work for a company that did "make ready" on houses that got bought from auctions and needed repairs made before being put up on the market) *And boy did I hate that job!* "And no it didn't pay the bills, cost me more in the long run as it was on a commission pay basis."
Anyone that has done roofing repair or installation can confirm this.

later. :D

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:55 am
by blackwolfhell
yeah, understanding something like that, would a werewolf be able to walk on linolium as well?

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:22 pm
by RedEye
Most likely. Linoleum is marginally less slippery* than marble.
*Recently waxed linoleum rates as more slippery than marble.

Re: How Does A Werewolf Walk?

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:57 pm
by wolf421
RedEye wrote:Most likely. Linoleum is marginally less slippery* than marble.
*Recently waxed linoleum rates as more slippery than marble.
Heck wearing socks can be danagerous on any freshly waxed floor, and I got the lumps to prove it.. lol