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Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 4:21 am
by Morkulv
Black Shuck wrote:I'd be real pissed if someone treated me like a dog like "Come here! Come here! *whistles* Good dog!" and then the fetch thing. Grr! :x
I don't think thats the first thing that comes in mind when you spot a werewolf. :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 4:41 am
by Figarou
Black Shuck wrote:I'd be real pissed if someone treated me like a dog like "Come here! Come here! *whistles* Good dog!" and then the fetch thing. Grr! :x
What if they gave you a belly rub? Would you still be pissed? :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 6:05 pm
by Shadow Wulf
I wouldnt be pissed if you scratch my back AND give me a belly rub.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 6:06 pm
by Miguel
[quote="Black Shuck"]Are the old people to distract the werewolf? He eats them instead of you? Along with the mascots, the pianists, nerds, and afro dudes? lol[/quote

Exactly....Great job. You know what i'm talking about. I hate old people who try to be cool.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 6:56 pm
by Black Shuck
Woot! Go me!

I suppose if they rubbed my belly and scratched my ears I'd find it in my heart to forgive them :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 6:59 pm
by Lupin
Figarou wrote:
Black Shuck wrote:I'd be real pissed if someone treated me like a dog like "Come here! Come here! *whistles* Good dog!" and then the fetch thing. Grr! :x
What if they gave you a belly rub? Would you still be pissed? :lol:
I dunno. Depends whether or not I got scratched behind the ears too.

Re: Oh, for the Love of Monsters!

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:40 pm
by Kavik
Figarou wrote:
Scott Gardener wrote:Ah, so you've read the White Wolf novel Love of Monsters, from which they stole the plot?

Hmmm....I don't think they stole the plot from that novel. When it comes to werewolf stories, its real easy for 2 different people to come up with the same ideas.
I also doubt the theft was intentional.. Most likely someone decided to do a monster version of Romeo and Juliet, and so sought to rob the Bard of his fair credit. White Wolf's suit claims many similarieties that I personally think they have no business mentioning (as if they invented the vampire vs werewolf concept), but I'm not here to point fingers; if Underworld was done well, I'd praise it regardless of concept originality.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:07 pm
by Miguel
I mean look at old people,they try to rap and break their back. For their birthday they blow on thir candles and their dentures come out. I mean come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Oh and they are like the nerds :)

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 11:52 pm
by white
Your're talking to an entire forum full of "nerds".

*The Pack surrounds Miguel, teeth bared*

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 12:21 am
by Lupin
Nerds are the reason you're here.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 11:40 am
by Hamster
Yeah! :x *Throughs hamster ball then runs over to get back in it* :lol:

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 3:35 pm
by Miguel
No not all people are nurds. And I talk about nerds cuz I talk about nerds,if I talk about nerds....nerds are nerds therefore nerds are nerds. So my point is,I ain't talking about smart people,i'm talking about the kid that lays down on the floor at school saying, "I feel dizzy...i need a wheel chair."


Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 3:39 pm
by Lupin
That's not a nerd. That's an idiot.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 4:05 pm
by Miguel
He is a nerd because when he is happy he says, "i'm sure gay." Everyone looks at him and freaks out. He is a idiot...yes I agree.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:31 pm
by white
An idiot. But not a nerd.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 7:14 pm
by Shadow Wulf
:lol: lupus is right, I think we are all nerds in some ways, (especialy me, ooh is that a star wars action figure I see?).

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 7:53 pm
by Miguel
no I consider him a nerdiot. He like says, "bu golly gee wimpers,I am happy for greatness." Everyone think he smokes dope but i think he is just tarded. So go away retarded kid from school. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!He's haunting me :cry:

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 9:25 pm
by white
I still don't under stand where ye are getting the nerd thing. A nerd is much different; while I consider myself to be a geek, not a nerd, I do believe that a nerd is significantly more respectable than what ye are indicating. Just a bit more obsessive than is healthy :)

Ok, I'm obsessive too. I'm here dreaming about werewolves with the rest of you, aren't I?

*wanders back to his corner, resuming plans of world domination and advanced genetic engineering*

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 9:27 pm
by Miguel
He is a nerd now I have lost privlage to talk about him because he annoys me.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 10:30 pm
by Scott Gardener
True, White Wolf was going out on a limb to draw that many similarities. But, you've got to admit, "abomination" as a catch-phrase insult was an awfully big coinky-dink.

But, OK. White Wolf should have thanked them for doing it. Their own adaptation of their story, Kindred: the Embraced, flowed less like how most Vampire players pictured it and more like some slow-prodding, low budget Arron Spelling drama. Come to think of it, it WAS Arron Spelling. (His claim to fame was Charlie's Angels.)

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 3:11 pm
by Terastas
Black Shuck wrote:I'd be real pissed if someone treated me like a dog like "Come here! Come here! *whistles* Good dog!" and then the fetch thing. Grr! :x
I guess for me, it would really depend on who was talking to me that way. I'd mentioned in another thread, for example (can't remember if it was "Werewolves and Pets" or "Showing the werewolf's softer side"), that friends often make fun of each other in good humor, therefore if the person "talking dog" to him was a human associate or a werewolf in human form, the werewolf's first impulse would be just to poke fun of him in reply.

And it also depends on how their making fun of them. For example, the difference between being scratched behind the ears and being told to "fetch me a beer boy." Both would warrant a cold glare at first, but for the former, he could just go along with it and make an overly-exaggerated display of grinning ear to ear, sticking his tongue out and stomping his foot on the floor repeatedly. For the latter, he probably wouldn't fetch the beer, but he might respond to being talked to like a dog by lifting his leg at the human that told him to fetch (not necessarilly to scent-mark him -- the gesture is clear enough).

But if the person talking dog to me was someone that had previously caused some problems for myself or other members of the pack... Well, then I'd probably swing him around by his legs a few times.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:28 pm
by Black Shuck
If they were doing it to try and mock me and kept on it, it'd really start to get to me ("why should I take this off them" kinda thing). My friends and I poke fun at each other all the time, but someone not in my group said something about me, I'd bristle at it and if they kept it up then they'd have another thing comin'. I guess it depends on the personality of a werewolf.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:38 pm
by PariahPoet
"Gee that's a lousy fursuit!"

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:30 pm
by Terastas
PariahPoet wrote:"Gee that's a lousy fursuit!"
Heh. I'm not sure if the werewolf's natural reaction would be to be offended or to burst out laughing.

I hope you'll forgive me referencing all my previous posts so much, but in theWhat would you do with it? thread, I said I'd make a movie and star as the werewolf... Then I edited in that I'd be really depressed if people told me "your werewolf design looks stupid" and such. :lol: Sure, I'd be really depressed if that really happened, but I can laugh at the idea of it.

So I'm think that'd most likely be an inside joke, one that would only result in some eye-rolling or a Charlie-horse at best. Well... Unless the teller went too far or milked the hell out of it. While I was typing this, for example, I thought of the example of a human or werewolf in human form prying a werewolf's jaws open or sticking his head in the werewolf's mouth to "see who's wearing the costume," and, well... Personally, I'd just force out a really good belch if someone did that to me, but I imagine some other werekin's reactions would be less, er, good-natured.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 8:14 am
by fredriksam
Top 5

1 dog whistles
2 mooning the werewolf
3 bone jokes
4 people drag in the tail
5 people wanna fight with you