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Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 3:41 am
by Nekko
Ronan saw Ouka climb off Caelean's back, still apparently tired. He felt smug that everything went smooth with the exection of running in to Mugen. Ouka fell backwards at the sight of Mugen. He called over to her. "Ouka, it's alright he's with us. I'll let him formally introduce himself." He held the door open waiting on the others.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:26 pm
by Moss27

Caelean twisted her back when she heard Ouka yell, "Who the hell are you?!" Her back started to tingle, eyes alert, thinking that there was somebody there that was unknown. As she turned around, she suddenly realized that Ouka wasn't introduced to the newest member.

She gave out an exhausted laugh. "Ouka, I'm so sorry; we didn't wake you up when he joined the group." She inhaled a lot of air to catch her breath. Sleep deprivation wasn't fun. "Don't get over excited and fall back asleep, 'cause I don't think I'll be able to keep you up, anymore."

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 10:44 pm
by darkest wolf
Jarod relaxed visibly, glad to be safe inside the lobby of Nekko's apartment complex. It didn't last for long, however, as Ouka met the newcomer. Her reaction startled him and he spun around, but only to see Mugen as expected.

He yawned and stretched, he longed for sleep, yet wanted to wander. Rest would be considerably better, however, at least that's what he told himself.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:04 am
by InfiniteShadowMugen
Mugen bowed slightly to Ouka, his bangs covering his ocean-blue eyes.

"Gomen nasai, Ouka-sama. I am Mugen Kumori from Okinawa, Japan."

He strightened his posture, his bangs moving to reveal the strange mark on his right eye.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:01 am
by OukaHowls
Ouka relaxed a little and her eyes had stopped glowing after hearing her comrades say that the newcomer was with them. She could not help but notice the mark on his eye and felt like asking him how he got it, but she felt like it wasn't the time to chat to a total stranger for she did not know why he was there. Ouka bowed in return; " Mugen, did you come here because you had heard my call?" She asked walking past him, sniffing the air and looking him over. Her senses where startled to feel that he was no ordinary Lycanthrope. " .... Demon..." She whispered as she walked into Ronan's apartment further.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:33 am
by InfiniteShadowMugen
"Hai, I did hear your call."

Mugen walked slowly with the others. His pointed ears twitched as he heard Ouka.

"And hai, I am a demon. The Itsutsu Biyoku Shiroi Ookami, as known to my fellow Japanese. In English, it is translated as 'Five-Tail White Wolf."

He tilted his head to each side, popping his neck. He flexed his claws, popping the knuckles as well.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 1:58 pm
by OukaHowls
Ouka turned to face him, still in thought if he was actually trustworthy. " You have no need to translate it into English, I understood most of what you said." She crossed her arms and closed her eyes for a moment. " .... So, Mugen... you are from Japan I suggest. Why are you so far from home? My call didn't reach that far did it?" She said glaring at him, very suspicious about him even of what the others had said. For her, Demons was a bad omen to her lost clan. Any Lycnathrope should know.

(:: I understand some Japanese, In real life. Just a note to say.::)

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:28 pm
by Nekko
Nekko waved for everyone to get into his appartment. Ouka and Mugen went off talking to each other. He went to go sit down on the sofa. He rubbed his eyes. "Make your selves at home." He managed to say.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:46 pm
by Aki
Dan made his way towards the bathroom. "Gotta wash off the blood. Suggest you folks do the same at some point. This ain't mine after all...."

"I can fix any new holes you picked up, if you managed to get blammed again, by the way," he added as he started running the faucet.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:36 am
by InfiniteShadowMugen
Mugen took a seat, continuing his conversation with Ouka.

"I was originally here on a mission. I was asked to find someone who is very...shall we say, close to me...And kill them. I was following Tenshi's scent outside of this very city when I heard your call."

He took his sheathed weapon from his belt, laying it beside him.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:55 pm
by darkest wolf
John waited by the bathroom door, waiting for his chance to wash his wounds. He looked down at himself, he was a miserable sight indeed, his white blazer stained with blood and grit. He removed his beloved informal jacket and laid it on a nearby chair. He raked his finger through his messy hair and shook his aching head.

"Well, that was one hell of a night." he said to himself, anxious to get cleaned up.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 7:42 am
by InfiniteShadowMugen
"Once you get those wounds cleaned, I can help with the healing process."

Mugen announced to everyone. He held up his hand, a green aura surrounding his palm.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 1:00 am
by Nekko
Roark stood up. He walked over to a closet and pulled out a trash bag. "I guess you could just toss anything you don't want in there. Anything you think's beyond fixing I mean." He said tying the bag to the bathroom door. "I'll go get a few boxes of those clothes." He said walking into his bedroom.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 11:30 pm
by Moss27

"Finally...." She sat down heavily on a nearby chair. The guys were taking their time with the bathroom, and Ouka and Mugen were talking. Ronan offered a change of clothes and Mugen also offered healing services. Then Caelean remembered about the roof and of her own wounds.

Caelean got up from the chair. "My clothes are from witch magic, so I'm good with that. I just need a few ours out on the roof for everything else." Caelean stretched, not wanting to collapse just yet. "I'll rush down if there's any trouble outside."

((I'm noticing changes in the names.))

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:08 pm
by InfiniteShadowMugen
Mugen closed his eyes, took in a deep breath, and exhaled before talking again.

"Ouka-sama...I have not told you the whole reason why I am here...True, I am here to find and destroy Tenshi, but also...I am here because of my pack. For nearly fifty years had I led that pack, and never once led it astray...Then our food began to cross here to North America. I gathered the others in a meeting, proposing to follow the prey here, but...One of our youngest yet one of the most powerful and ferocious of our pack, Inukai, defied me. He began to convince the others, even my own daughter, to go against me...I am really here seeking help to gain control over my pack again..."

He lifted up the left sleeve of his shihakusho, showing Ouka large claw and fang marks up the entire length of his lower arm to halfway on his bicep.

"The greatest damage here was from Inukai...while the scratches...are from my daughter, Keimari..."

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 5:31 pm
by OukaHowls
Ouka sat down on the floor, being careful to not show anything. She then felt pitty and sadness for Mugen, she too was once hurt from someone she cared about. It had been a long time since she had trusted someone, and now she had met others who had protected each other, even though they barely knew the one they where protecting.

" Mugen... If you have come to join a pack, then you have my blessing to be apart of this pack. If your here to have help restoring your pack..." She thought for a while, thinkng it over.

" ... We may help you, but I don't know, we are facing a close war now, Protectors and Hunters all know that. It might be hard to do anything drastic like that, now that one of the Hunters knows we 'Monsters' are still here." She said yawning as she spoke. Once again she felt the need for blood, but restrained it. Ouka was too tired.

((:We need a Vampire in this, I will explain later why.:))

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:25 am
by InfiniteShadowMugen
Be that they were out of public view, Mugen assumed his wolf form. Stepping onto the ground, he transformed into a larg white wolf, standing seven feet at the shoulder. His fur became as white as the snow on a mountain-top. Instead of a normal one tail, he bore five tails in this form. He sat down in front of Ouka.

"At the present time, I am more interested in the well-being of my daughter. The other members of my former pack are all traitors to me. I wish to join yours, but I would also like to bring Keimari to this pack as well."

He bent his neck downward, gently licking Ouka's cheek.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:09 am
by OukaHowls
Ouka smiled at Mugen, setting her hand on his head and stroking it. " You may. We are an odd pack, but together we are strong." She could not help but think how beautiful his fur was, pure white as newly fallen snow. His five tails showed that he was indeed no ordenary Lycanthrope. Ouka suddenly felt at peace with him there and in that form, she gazed ad him, her eyes slowly starting to glow bright blue. "For a demon, you sure do look beautiful with that fur", she said in Wolfen, smiling and blushing a little as she said it. For a moment she felt like falling a sleep till her stomach growled loud enough to wake any sleeping thing.

" Uh... sorry. Ronan, I'm sorry but, do you have any meat?" She said looking down at the ground, feeling ashamed to say that. " I don't want to go crazy like I did out in the Parking Lot."

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 1:15 pm
by InfiniteShadowMugen
Mugen looked at Ouka through now glowing green eyes. He then moved over to the small pack that he had brought with him, bringing it to her. He opened it with his fangs, being careful not to tear the smooth silk. He revealed a small container, which held the scent of fresh deer meat.

"If you would like, my old sensei, Konjou Shikon, taught me a way to cook food without using any form of items."

He curled up around Ouka, his lips curled back in a soft smile.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:49 pm
by OukaHowls
Ouka could smell the meat, delighted about the fact that Mugen was so kind about sharing with her. She then thought of the time when her grandmother shared a fresh new kill with her, now feeling sad about ever leaving her. Ouka turned to Mugen, she slowly shifted to her wolf form and being careful not to rip Ronan's jacket. "No thanks, I'm fine with it like this." She said, opening it and pulling out some of the raw meat.Her hunger was no more as she bit into it, enjoying the taste for every bite she took to it.

She licked her lips and curled up closer to Mugen, her eyes closing for a moment. "Thank you..." she said softly to him.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 8:42 pm
by darkest wolf
Drying off his arms with a towel, John stepped outside the bathroom, giving a light chuckle. The situation he'd walked in on was too good to pass up.

"That's so cute," he said laughing "we've found two lovers!" he looked at Mugen and Ouka respectively

Putting his jacket back on, he frowned "I'm sorry, I should apologize, will power and self control are not my strong points."

Looking down at his stained and bloodied jacket he was suddenly embarassed to be wearing it and took it off once more, tossing it in the bag Ronan had provided. He looked down, the handgun at his waist in the open, he didn't like it one bit. Having a weapon out in the open was just asking for trouble. Regardless, there wasn't much he could do and as such, he plopped down on the couch and removed his switchblade from his pocket. He turned it over in his hands, a shining example of a not-so-legal weapon. He released the blade and spun it around his hands and fingers, a mindless activity to relieve the stress of the night.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 10:58 pm
by Moss27
Clark Gale:
(Warning: Really long input to fill in the time gap. Plus, I wanted it all at once so the Monster's actions won't be influenced by Clark's indirect actions.)
(NOTE: Clark introduces NPCs. You can kill them off, they can't kill you, but they can deal some damage as well; saying that, they are not rag dolls. :P )

Clark Gale was out on his apartment roof, looking towards the now risen sun. He spent the whole night with Jenny, she making sure that he wasn't going to go out to hunt. It was only just now that she finally went to sleep. "Okay... monsters are definitely not in the same area, anymore... but they couldn't have gotten far. Probably near the outskirts at most."

Clark took out his cellphone and speed dialed one of his fellow hunters. "Yeah, Wendell? Clark Gale calling in for any news on the monsters I saw last night. If we can get them during the day, any Bloodsuckers they have are at a disadvantage."

"Should we bring the copter?" Wendell's deep voice boomed out.

Clark smirked. "No. It's pretty beat up from one Warlock." He didn't mention his part of the damage. "Land based for now."

There was a moment of silence before Wendell spoke again. "There were reported sightings of a figure on the rooftops and then suddenly disappeared. He "vanished" about one and a half miles away from your daughter's apartment. North by North East."

Clark looked into that direction. "Good. Bring your car and we'll patrol that area. Bring Jimmy along with you."


Moments later, with a trunk full of weapons, Clark was tinkering with the police radio while Jimmy and Wendell drove up front. Jimmy turned around and asked, "So... how many monsters on one roof?"

"Four." Clark never looked up.

Wendell whistled. "Wow. That's... that's a rare sight, indeed. Four? We're lucky to find one. Even more rare to find two."

Clark shook his head. "Since there's four, there will probably be more coming in or more big groups forming now. We're going to have to get reinforcements soon."

Wendell turned the wheel and the car took its 3rd patrol cycle. "With your experience, you must've killed off one of them...?"

Clark's brow furrowed in rage, though he spoke calmly, "No... I got too close too slowly. I was excited."

Jimmy laughed. "Excited? Since when were you excited about anything? If it takes four to pep you up the--"

"Shh!" Clark turned up the radio, a station catching his attention.

"Neighboring buildings recognize a girl on the roof. Earlier calls suggest signs of bleeding, but recent calls report no signs of harm at all. Other calls within the building are complaining of the stench of blood around the building. Send medical help?"
"Negative. Send in patrol to ask the residences of the building before..."

Clark dimmed down the radio. "Jimmy, call in and say that we're on patrol duty in the area. We need to get to that building."

Wendell started a U-turn. "A girl? Blood? How can you be sure it's them?"

"There were two females and two males in that group of monsters, one of the females looked not even 20 years of age. I didn't kill any, but I sure did make them bleed. If they continued to bleed throughout the night, we might as well follow the trail."


Clark and his companions went up the located building. Wendell, the muscle of the group, stayed grounded at the lobby. Jimmy went up to the roof, being the fastest and quietest one to get there. Clark, with years of recognizing the stench of blood, used the complainers' calls and tracked slowly up the stairs.

((Since this is their first time appearing, I would like my NPCs to survive after next time I post a Clark entry (which would most likely be tomorrow).))

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:54 am
by InfiniteShadowMugen
Mugen laid his five tails over Ouka, forming a blanket for her. He then projected his toughts to her.

You are welcome.

His ears twitched, his keen ears catching strang evoices from outside the building. He let out a quiet snarl. His fur tensed up on his back as the air suddenly grew colder.

"There is something outside, but I can't make out what it is through scent..."

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:17 am
by OukaHowls
Ouka's ears twitched once she heard Mugen snarl. Her head came up and sniffed the air testing it to see what was the matter. Her eyes flickered towards the door and she got up startled, the smell was one she had sensed before. " John, do you recognize this smell?" She said staring at the door coldly and her fangs showing slightly. " You don't think..." She whispered to herself, thinking it over and over in her head.

Re: In The Shadows..- Game thread

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:31 am
by InfiniteShadowMugen
"Ouka, stay here. I'll go check it out."

Mugen slowly slided out from under her. He then returned to his humanoid state, yet his eyes were as red as blood. He strode over to the window and moved the blinds slightly, looking outside.

"Humans...and lots of them..."

He noticed the man coming up the stairs.

"One of them is coming this way. Everyone, hide until we can figure out what they want."

Mugen placed his hands into a single hand sign, muttered a few words, and started to blend in with the background. He moved back to Ouka, using the same ability on her.