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Re: Venting

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:13 pm
by Terastas
RedEye wrote:Hmph. There are threads for Politics and Taxes. This isn't one of them.
But this is the venting thread. And my initial venting was not about politics or taxes. It was about how some douche bag (who just so happens to be a politician) is treating we, the people of Massachusetts, like a bunch of [expletive]ing meat-heads that he expects will be suckered in with a deliberate underhanded ploy combined with one of the biggest, most infamous and most widely-employed half-truth bull[expletive] campaign promises in the history of politics.

Regardless of whether you think tax cuts are the solution or not, we all agree that he's going to do what Bush did and only give tax cuts to the rich, right? I'm not ranting about politics -- I'm ranting about the fact that, not only is Brown dumb as hell, he thinks the entire state is even dumber.

It's not on par with McCain and Palin deluding themselves into thinking America will vote for whichever candidate is more amusing when lampooned by Saturday Night Live, but it's pretty freakin' close in my book. :P

Re: Venting

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 9:02 pm
by Howlitzer
Changing the subject...

I found out today that at least 2 of my very good friends from college aren't going to be there this semester.... for reasons varying from money to grades....

going to be a bit of a lonely term.

Re: Venting

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:53 pm
by Terastas
Okay, I know politics are a sore topic for a lot of people, but this one is definitely deserving of mention: ... m_giuliani
:P Holy crap that is so dumb. Even with the correction made it's still a big load of bull.

Re: Venting

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:35 am
by Sevena

Re: Venting

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:55 am
by Baphnedia
Well, you're doing better than me, getting woken up at 5am by not my alarm, but rather the phone. GRRRR.

Re: Venting

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:04 pm
by RedEye
Baph; most phones have switchable ringers now, along with answering systems that can be muted as well.
You just need to remember to check your messages once a week or so...

Re: Venting

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:11 pm
by MoonKit
Oh man, this board has just turned (mostly) to crap. :P

We need Freeborn, stat!

Ps. Hi guys.

Re: Venting

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:33 pm
by Terastas
MoonKit wrote:Oh man, this board has just turned (mostly) to crap. :P

We need Freeborn, stat!

Ps. Hi guys.
Forgive me, I wasn't aware this forum exists solely for your entertainment. :P

Seriously, am I the only one that's maybe just a little irritated by all the people at the Pack who never say or do anything except lament over the fact that the Pack isn't entertaining them anymore? I feel like I'm the snake in Harry Potter with the Dursleys pounding on the glass and yelling at me to move all of a sudden.

Know what I do when nothing that I find interesting is new at the Pack? I sign off and come back at a later time. Most people here at the Pack have lives away from it, and if you honestly feel the need to cajole other Pack members to be more entertaining, all you're telling me by that is that you're one of the few who don't.

And just when I thought I couldn't possibly hate Scott Brown any more than I already did, today he got an endorsement from the Tea Party Express (the people who insist that Bush and Cheney were not conservative enough). If Brown wins I am going to puke blood.

Re: Venting

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:38 am
by Gevaudan
Regardless of the current entertainment value of this forum, getting Freeborn off the ground would still be great.

Re: Venting

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:51 pm
by MoonKit
Terastas wrote:
MoonKit wrote:Oh man, this board has just turned (mostly) to crap. :P

We need Freeborn, stat!

Ps. Hi guys.
Forgive me, I wasn't aware this forum exists solely for your entertainment. :P

Seriously, am I the only one that's maybe just a little irritated by all the people at the Pack who never say or do anything except lament over the fact that the Pack isn't entertaining them anymore? I feel like I'm the snake in Harry Potter with the Dursleys pounding on the glass and yelling at me to move all of a sudden.

Know what I do when nothing that I find interesting is new at the Pack? I sign off and come back at a later time. Most people here at the Pack have lives away from it, and if you honestly feel the need to cajole other Pack members to be more entertaining, all you're telling me by that is that you're one of the few who don't.
Well this is the Venting thread. Im supposed to complain here. Its not like it was an attack on any one person. Nor did I create a whole topic about it.

Its just that the last few times Ive checked in, its been all "I think Im pregnant guys" and trolling.

Re: Venting

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:00 pm
by Terastas
Scott Brown won. Mr. Pickup Truck, Mr. Tea-Bagger, Mr. Playgirl Pinup, Mr. "I have no intention of doing anything except sitting on my *** and voting down every single one of Obama's bills just to stick it to him," just ****ing won.

There are no words in the English language to accurately describe exactly how much I absolutely ****ing hate everything on the planet right now. These election results only proved one thing today: that we are a nation of ***holes that would rather watch the country slip into absolute ruin than to possibly reconsider their byzantine tried-and-failed faux opinions that they actually have the balls to classify as a political ideology. As far as I'm concerned, a Brown victory means the terrorists have won.

Now I know why so many Therians vent on this forum about how much they hate humanity. . . And why Einstein made that bomb.

Re: Venting

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:14 am
by Uniform Two Six
Well, look on the bright side. You guys in Massachusetts still have universal healthcare, so when Brown helps the GOP vote the national package down, it will only affect those of us in the other 49 states. The Democrats have the White House, the Senate and the House, and they still can't get anything done. I like them better than the GOP, but damn they're incompetent. How the hell did Coakley lose an election for Kennedy's seat in Massachusetts, anyway?!

Re: Venting

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:50 am
by Terastas
Uniform Two Six wrote:You guys in Massachusetts still have universal healthcare
No. No we don't. The "universal health care" that we have was a project set forward by Mitt Romney. His version of "Universal health care" is "Buy from the private sector because we'll ****ing tax the **** out of you if you don't!"

Mitt Romney's "universal health care" package was nothing but a gift to the privatized health care companies. Now they can charge us even more for health care because they know we'll incur penalties if we don't sign up with them. The plan existent in Massachusetts is exactly what a public health care option should NOT look like.

It would be the equivalent of Dubya saying "We're going to pay for the war in Iraq by taxing everyone that doesn't buy stock in Haliburton."

The only people that actually believe that B.S. system works are the people that like it broken the way it is. I'm surprised you didn't know that already, seeing as how after Mitt Romney was finished anal-rapping Massachusetts financially with the "universal health care" bill and the Big Dig, he went around bragging about how he put the screws to the traditionally liberal state in his presidential election campaign commercials. So you know what UTS? Since only someone with a lot of balls and zero brains could ever say such a thing, my advice to you is to ****ING DROP DEAD!!!

*chalks up one more name on the list of idiots I'm never ****ing speaking to again*

Re: Venting

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:43 am
by Silent Hunter
I am sorry but I have to say congrats to Brown in MA. I hope this gives the Democrats a shock to their system and help kick their spinelessness a bit. The Democrats also suck up to the corporations as much as the GOP do and it is not a respectable thing.

Re: Venting

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:20 am
by Uniform Two Six
Terastas wrote: Mitt Romney's "universal health care" package was nothing but a gift to the privatized health care companies.
Uh... Are you sure? I thought the whole deal involved some sort of state requirement that providers offer some special low-cost package for low-income families. The conservatives have been slamming the whole thing because it 'interferes with the free market' or some garbage. I freely admit I don't know the exact specifics of the deal, but there's definitely something in there that the right-wing lunatic fringe has long been getting worked up over, because they're always pointing at Massachusetts (and Canada and France) as why the Democrats' plan will spell the end of Western Civilization and herald appearance of The Anti-Christ...

And I repeat: How the hell did the Democrats lose an election after eight years of "W the special-needs-child", in a senate race in Massachusetts?! That's like a San Diego hooker who can't get laid when the fleet is in.
Silent Hunter wrote:The Democrats also suck up to the corporations as much as the GOP do
No. They suck up to the labor unions, the environmental lobby, the NAACP, all of Hollywood excluding Ah-nold, the ACLU, and any other special interest group that the Republicans have managed to piss off (which, let's be honest, is quite a list).

Re: Venting

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:02 pm
by RedEye
Let me remind everybody that "Venting" is for just Vent.

It is NOT a thread to slam others, nor a thread to call other members "Names".

If you think they are wrong-headed, there is an IM box for that. Slamming other members is grounds for action by the Administraton; and nobody wants that. :cry:

VENT is not SLAM! :x

Re: Venting

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:13 pm
by Gevaudan
Terastas wrote: So you know what UTS? Since only someone with a lot of balls and zero brains could ever say such a thing, my advice to you is to ****ING DROP DEAD!!!
*rubs his temples* :x I knew this would happen. As soon as I saw it on the news, I immediately knew that something like this would happen here.

I'm seriously considering never taking part in politics once I reach voting age. No one's doing anything productive, and there's nothing going on in the nation but bickering and yelling. I'm either going to swear off it entirely or get up and do something more productive than just voicing my opinion and disagreeing with others. A citizen's role has been reduced to "vote for somebody and then wait around for a while as things get worse, hoping that you'll vote in somebody better next year (who will probably do the same thing)." Both parties are a disappointment, the third parties are either crazy or have no hope, and I've never met a single person (in real life) who can justify their politics to me, or who has the same politics that I do. I feel so utterly helpless to do anything, because if I even think for one second that perhaps I'm right, in this Bizarro political world there's always gonna be some frickin' person who'll pounce on you and tear you apart until you don't even remember if you were right in the first place. I'm open-minded, but this shouldn't be a cut-throat contest to see who can prove whom wrong. I don't even care that Scott Brown won, and I agree with some of his views. (EDIT: Screw Scott Brown too. I now hate him.) I don't care. They're all liars and crooks.

I feel like I'm sitting in the middle of a crowd of people who are all shouting at each other, and I don't know who's right or wrong because of all the SHOUTING, and they're all slowly driving me deaf and INSANE.
Stop the ride. I want to get off.
I hate politics.

(I'm not directing this at anyone here, it's just that this was the final straw for me.)

Re: Venting

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:06 pm
by Terastas
Gevaudan wrote:Both parties are a disappointment, the third parties are either crazy or have no hope
I don't care. They're all liars and crooks.
Exactly the mentality that people like Scott Brown want you to have. If you believe all politicians are crooks and liars, you believe that voting is futile, which in turn reduces the chances of actual reform ever occurring.

Really, why do you think they hate Obama so much. It's because he was one of those few exceptions to the rule; he encouraged people to challenge the status quo, challenged and defeated the presumptive status quo Democrat for the party nomination, then challenged the status quo Republican to take the White House, all from a predominantly grass roots approach. You didn't see the "libertarian" teabagger movements protesting Dubya's three trillion dollar frivolous war, but the one trillion dollar economic recovery plan absolutely pissed them the **** off.

Why? Because it was an attempt at actual reform. So the GOP set up the AstroTurf protest movements to demonize him as much as possible. Obama is a dark-skinned son of an immigrant who is now president -- he is the ultimate challenge to the status quo. That's why they hate him so adamantly and are committed to preventing him from accomplishing anything at all while he is in office: to punish him for daring to surpass the expectations given to him at birth.

Policies like Bush's, McCain's and Brown's are meant to stamp out people like Obama while they're young so they can't one day grow up to be president (they don't care thousands of people are dying every day from preventable diseases because most of those people who will die as such are Democrats). But you know what? If you refuse to even take interest in the political process, you deserve whatever political system results from your apathy. If you believe that all politicians are corrupt -- no exceptions -- you will never see the exception to the rule.

I'm sorry Gevaudan, but I just can't respect anyone with that kind of mentality. It wasn't nearly as stupid as the "you already have health care" comment, but what you've basically described is the political equivalent of bipolar depression. And if you're committed to sustaining that sense of political fatalism, there's only two things you can do to live with that kind of mentality: A) Become a hermit, or B) Hit the bottle.

Re: Venting

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:26 am
by Uniform Two Six
Terastas wrote:Obama is a dark-skinned son of an immigrant who is now president -- he is the ultimate challenge to the status quo. That's why they hate him so adamantly and are committed to preventing him from accomplishing anything at all while he is in office: to punish him for daring to surpass the expectations given to him at birth.
This isn't a personal attack, Terastas, but that's as looney and paranoid as anything that whack-job Glenn Beck rants about on Fox News. The Republicans aren't trying to obstruct and undermine Obama out of racism, or any kind of ideological impasse, but because it's politics as usual. This is the same kind of bulls*** that they were pulling back in the 90s under Clinton. Remember the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and the impeachment? Like that had anything to do with the national interests of the United States. They're playing to their base (the "we hate all taxes regardless of what they're for" crowd), and they're protecting the corporate healthcare sector (and their record profits). It's the same reason they'll fight like the demon-possessed to ensure that nobody even thinks about touching government-bailed-out-corporate bonuses. It's all about money, nothing more.
That's what's so frustrating, really. The Republicans are so unified because they're principally based on the protection of Big Business. The only exceptions to that are their "No Taxes" crowd (which doesn't really affect their corporate interests), and the religious issues, such as anti-abortion and anti-gay-rights (which also don't interfere with protecting Big Business). The reason I'm so ticked at the Democrats is that they are so incredibly incompetent that regardless of what political advantages they might have, they still manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
You've got George "W" Bush who's a complete moron, and he's got his whole party convinced he's the second coming of Christ. Meanwhile, you've got Obama with his own party, and it's like herding cats. They had an entire year with total control of the House, the White House, and not only a majority in the Senate, but a fillibuster-proof supermajority. Yet, they can't get it through their skulls that this really is the best shot they're ever going to have at getting really important stuff like healthcare reform, and instead they're busy bickering among themselves. Healthcare reform is now truly dead -- and I blame the Democrats.

Re: Venting

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 5:23 am
by JoshuaMadoc
Thank you stepdad, for teaching me:

- That people aged 60 and up are untrustworthy, backwards-minded liars stuck in the modern Victorian Morality era.

- That everyone outside of the internet are simply unreliable and untrustworthy opportunistic dogs waiting for that chance to tear me to shreds.

- That WW2 has now become the most boring f*** piece of dinosaur s*** that I have to put up in the background every child-molesting night everytime you do that annoying little pissdance signalling me to take off my headphones.

- That self-esteem, will to "live" and are only for the suicidal.

- That being persistent in prying answers out of me means screaming at the top of your lungs like you're about to strangle me to death.

- That your hearing is shot to the point that every noise I make, you misinterpret everytime.

- That getting a job, looking for school, socializing with other clumps of protein or even killing the person next to you is utter pointless bull.

- That you are the only one I personally wish to disembowel with a sharp object, given the chance.

You make my sister look bad. For once I wish you could just SEE her crying everytime I butt heads with you, and I wish you could just f*** realize that you're making me imitate everything that makes you a disgusting human being, you pathetic failure of a lying old s***. I *will* make a huge bloody mess of that ugly face of yours someday, and it's all because you shoved that seed of hatred up my a** so hard, you didn't even feel your arm doing it.

Re: Venting

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:57 pm
by Gevaudan
Terastas wrote:Exactly the mentality that people like Scott Brown want you to have. If you believe all politicians are crooks and liars, you believe that voting is futile, which in turn reduces the chances of actual reform ever occurring.
I'll start voting once I start seeing some actual reform. I know that it takes a long time to fix problems, but it always seems to take longer and longer for anything to happen. Until then, I'll help though non-governmental means. It's not that I'm apathetic about the current state of affairs in the U.S.; it's just that I want to do something to help, and I'm looking for the best, fastest way. I'm helpless.
Terastas wrote:Really, why do you think they hate Obama so much. It's because he was one of those few exceptions to the rule; he encouraged people to challenge the status quo, challenged and defeated the presumptive status quo Democrat for the party nomination, then challenged the status quo Republican to take the White House, all from a predominantly grass roots approach.
I agree, he's quite charismatic.
Terastas wrote:You didn't see the "libertarian" teabagger movements protesting Dubya's three trillion dollar frivolous war, but the one trillion dollar economic recovery plan absolutely pissed them the **** off.
Some teabaggers are indeed libertarians committed to reform, and many of these protests were organized by concerned citizens. Others are people that jumped on the bandwagon once there was a "socialist" to make fun of (even though there was a terrible president staring them right in the face between 2000-2008). If I knew anything about politics when I was younger (and for that matter, if I was old enough to understand), I would have criticized Bush just as much as you do. In fact, I openly declare right now that he is one of my least favorite presidents.
Terastas wrote:Why? Because it was an attempt at actual reform. So the GOP set up the AstroTurf protest movements to demonize him as much as possible.
It was an attempt, yes. Some people criticized it as the wrong kind of attempt. Pure criticism doesn't solve anything either, I agree, but that's why I want to find something more productive, and actually help to try to find a solution. And no, not all protest movements were AstroTurf protests, and not all protests were composed of Republicans.
Terastas wrote:Obama is a dark-skinned son of an immigrant who is now president -- he is the ultimate challenge to the status quo. That's why they hate him so adamantly and are committed to preventing him from accomplishing anything at all while he is in office: to punish him for daring to surpass the expectations given to him at birth.
That's certainly not why I criticize Obama. Racism is an individual bias, and such individuals should be ignored. I was in a production of Twelve Angry Men recently, and there is a scene where Juror #10 starts spewing a bigoted and racist monologue, and one by one all of the jurors are ignoring him, most of them with their backs turned. Juror #10 sputters and fizzles out, confused as to why he's not getting any attention. Juror #4, arguably the most intelligent one, finally tells him to shut up and take his seat, implying that they've heard the same message before and they're not going to give it the attention it doesn't deserve.
Terastas wrote:Policies like Bush's, McCain's and Brown's are meant to stamp out people like Obama while they're young so they can't one day grow up to be president (they don't care thousands of people are dying every day from preventable diseases because most of those people who will die as such are Democrats).
Criticism alone doesn't solve problems. If there's going to be disagreement, then for God's sake, at least let it be over possible solutions being presented, and not personal gripes.
Terastas wrote:But you know what? If you refuse to even take interest in the political process, you deserve whatever political system results from your apathy.
But I didn't do anything! I've been presented with a broken system the day I was born, and how can a lowly citizen such as I possibly hope to express my opinion when I know for certain that there's no one to vote for that I agree with, and that I'm too young to run for office myself? There's nothing I can do except try to help the U.S. outside of the system, in hopes that one day the system will improve with my help.

If you honestly think that voting will make a difference though, I will. As soon as I am of voting age, I will cast my vote in the first political election that appears. Then I will wait until something improves because of what that candidate did. I'll time it, and I'll even wait until after their term is over if necessary. I will give it a shot. But I doubt it's going to do anything.
Terastas wrote:If you believe that all politicians are corrupt -- no exceptions -- you will never see the exception to the rule.
Au contraire, I'm waiting on the edge of my seat every day for something good to happen, for someone to actually improve something. Every time someone does, and every time something improves on its own as well, it makes me smile. Those are diamonds in the rough, though. I'll keep digging for more.
Terastas wrote:I'm sorry Gevaudan, but I just can't respect anyone with that kind of mentality.
This is a venting thread, right? I'm frustrated. I'm not like this every day. This isn't my normal mentality; I've just snapped.
Terastas wrote:It wasn't nearly as stupid as the "you already have health care" comment,
Thank you?
Terastas wrote:but what you've basically described is the political equivalent of bipolar depression. And if you're committed to sustaining that sense of political fatalism, there's only two things you can do to live with that kind of mentality: A) Become a hermit, or B) Hit the bottle.
So, in politics, absolutely no one can get pissed off at the current situation or the system itself, because if they do they're simply pathetic creatures to ignore. Do I understand that correctly? Do I no longer have a right to express my frustrations anymore? Rather than rebutting my criticisms as apathy, depression, and fatalism, could you at least realize that maybe there is something wrong here, not just with current events but perhaps a flaw with the system? Maybe there's a reason for my anger. Maybe I'm attempting to make a legitimate point. It's exactly this kind of dismissive behavior that I hate about politics. Please don't assume that I'm apathetic; I'm simply frustrated. I honestly want to help, but I'm intimidated by my insignificance and the bickering in politics. The Democrats are not always right. The Republicans are not always right. Hell, I'm not always right. I'm just searching for who or what is right. There was no need to respond with such callousness. There's better ways to talk to a frustrated person, if you must talk to them to begin with.

...I feel like I should be crying right now, but I can't. Is it unhealthy if you can't cry when you're sad?

Re: Venting

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 10:18 am
by Terastas
Gevaudan wrote:Some teabaggers are indeed libertarians committed to reform, and many of these protests were organized by concerned citizens.
Trust me, they're not. They're not concerned citizens -- they're professional instigators -- rebels without a clue with no reason to protest except for the sake of it. We had a budget surplus under Clinton, and under Bush, that surplus turned into a trillion dollar deficit. If they were really so committed to the cause, they would have taken it up eight years ago. They claim to be protesting the bank bailouts, but they also oppose the proposed laws that would have eliminated the huge bonuses the banks were paying with the bailout money (Brown especially). Mixed messages perhaps?

The Tea Party Express, the people who endorsed Scott Brown by name, if you were curious to know, was established by a GOP consulting firm called Russo, Marsh & Assoc. in Sacramento. They're not grass roots -- they're AstroTurf. Unemployment is at 10% -- that means there are a lot of angry devout Republicans out there who have nothing better to do than hop on a bus and protest wherever their holy leaders take them.
That's certainly not why I criticize Obama. Racism is an individual bias, and such individuals should be ignored.
I didn't say that you were racist, or that the reasons were racially motivated. It's instead a product of economic discrimination. Obama was born poor, so he was supposed to stay poor in their book.

I mentioned at another forum that one part of a prevailing "rich person" mentality that is plaguing this nation is the prioritization of personal ego: Bush was willing to launch the country into an eternal (by his design) war in Iraq in order to keep from conceding that there were no WMDs or ties to Al-Qaeda, the bank CEOs were willing to risk economic collapse to keep themselves from conceding that their predatory "infinite interest" loan policies were what would cause it, and the Republican voters were/are all happy to sing along with Bush, Cheney, McCain, Palin and now Brown if that's what it takes to keep them from having to admit that voting for Bush in the first place was a mistake on their part.

I mention that because the psychotic hatred they showed for Obama even before he had won the party nomination is yet another part of that "rich person" mentality: hatred for the self-made. If someone born with no money or power suddenly acquires it, it's an indirect reminder that people who were born into money and power (IE: the GOP) are capable of losing it.

Which ties right back into the above-mentioned aspect of that mentality: When presented with the truth, instead of accepting it, they have someone else to tell them a different "truth" that is more to their liking and become outraged at any indications of the truth they are trying to ignore.

Obama's race does have something to do with it, but the reason the GOP wants to bring him down as hard as possible is the result of economic discrimination; poor kids aren't allowed to grow up to think they can one day be president. The rich are supposed to stay rich and the poor are supposed to stay poor.

Everything the GOP has ever opposed within the last century (minimum wage, medicare, desegregation, abortion, gay marriage, clean energy, the stimulus, health care reform), in one way or another, all tie directly into this cause: to make the haves have more and the have-nots have less. It's got very little to do with race, but if they could write a law that would send all black Americans (all 36.5 million of them, about 12% of the population) back below the poverty line and stay there, they would. It wouldn't be a product of racial discrimination; it would be about making sure there are thirty-something million fewer people that might one day have more money or more power than their elitist inbred offspring will.
Terastas wrote:Criticism alone doesn't solve problems. If there's going to be disagreement, then for God's sake, at least let it be over possible solutions being presented, and not personal gripes.
Weren't you the one that said "I don't care. They're all liars and crooks?"

So what's your solution? You've already declared that both parties suck, have always sucked and will continue to suck no matter what (because they can't be reformed internally, as Obama had done to the Democrats) and that all third parties are a waste of time (because we've had the same two parties for 200+ years: the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans). So, what, pray tell, is your brilliant alternative that you think will produce actual reform?

You got a lot of nerve lecturing me about how "criticism alone doesn't solve problems" when the entire post I was responding to was nothing but criticism with no solutions. You just said "they're all liars and crooks," and now you're telling me that you're waiting for one of them to lead the way to actual reform? Well if they really were all liars and crooks, they won't, so why would you just sit there moping about it while you wait for one of them?

And no offense Gevaudan, but this is the part of your post that pissed me off the most of all:
So, in politics, absolutely no one can get pissed off at the current situation or the system itself, because if they do they're simply pathetic creatures to ignore. Do I understand that correctly?
:x Is that what I said? If I thought it was wrong to be pissed off at the current situation, would I have said anything during those eight years under Bush? Would I have made a reputation for myself as the Pack's most outspoken uber-progressive (even calling myself "a commie bastard and proud of it" from time to time) if I believed that getting pissed at the system was wrong no matter what the system was like?

Absolutely not. "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" and all that.

I'm only opposed to criticism in two forms: Baseless criticism (dissent just for the sake of it) like that being directed against Obama by the GOP and their AstroTurf protests, and purposeless criticism like the emo-angst dribble that your second to last post in this topic absolutely reeked of.

I don't like the system either, but don't tell me it sucks if you can't think of a single way in which it could be better (and "get a real leader" or "make the parties get along" doesn't count as one). If you are discontent with the system because you see a problem and believe you know how to correct it: More power to you. But if you believe the system is rotten from top to bottom because all systems are rotten from top to bottom and refuse to believe that any action of any kind would be anything but futile: That's your fate and I leave you to it.

Re: Venting

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:10 pm
by RedEye
Moderator's Warning

This is NOT a political forum. This forum is for Venting, not arguments.
The politics stops here and now, or I start deleting posts; beginning with Terastas' post that started this whole idiotic business.

ONE more post about politics or one more slam job, and I start setting people up for suspension. This is NOT the place to argue and arguements will not be tolerated. :x

Vent and have done with it.

Re: Venting

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:55 am
by Silent Hunter
Well Redeye, I ask this, if you are going to lock threads about politics when they are made separately then what do you expext us to do? Not talk about it at all? Good luck with that. Too many people want to talk about it or at least mention it and thus we have had several threads already. If you let us set up a thread that was properly modded so that abusive language and flaming was vetted out then that would be fantastic and would probably help keep this stuff out of venting.

To be frank the idea that you have to ban politics out of a forum when it's about 60% of the stuff really active in said forum atm is kinda sad. Until then you cannot really fualt people for doing it somewhere and to be honest. If you start deleting posts I save them and then I will just repost them again and again and again. Starting with this one and my next one.

But meh, I'd rather have somewhere civil to talk about it.

Re: Venting

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:59 am
by Silent Hunter
Oh and on the whole issue in general. Ter I can see why you are frustrated but to be honest you still have a chance. There is little chance for the Repubs to gain too much in 2010 and Obama has many years left and even more if he gets a second term. The early spinelessness of the Dems coupled with it's botching of the healthcare bill though is kinda saddening. I was hoping for real progress there but meh.

Thats really all I have to say as I am not getting involved in a big block of text arguments.

Hopefully my post should be good enough for Red "Ms Manners Mod" Eye. :wink: