Full Moon Rising

Here you can role-play as your favorite character in a loose and informal setting.

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Post by Trinity »

Trista just watched in a fancinated horror. Then in a blink of an eye she was towering over Nightspirit in full fury-mode. Scruffing the wolfen-form up by her ruff, she picks the snarky werewolf to meet Trista's own anger-filled eyes.

The shift was fluid, almost un-real. One moment she was staring in mute shock, the next a fluid-motion, shimmering effect blended the two forms almost instantaeously. Her Amber bangle glowed bright-orange-red. There was a sense of power that was there and gone again.

But she was not wolf.., she was bear. The hybrid form towered over the bunch, looking extreme primitive. Carefully she formed the words through her muzzle.., trying not to spit on her captive audience.

"You.., re..spon..sible for.., Him. If not for code... I SKIN you. You not worth own pelt."

With that she drops the offending werewolf.
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Post by Aki »

Aki stared shock and awe. He was curious to what in the blazes just happened, but didn't particularly feel like getting thrashed by the obviously furious Trista, who in her current form was much more massive. After a few minutes of silence, his curiosity beat out common sense. "What the hell was that..?" he blurted out.
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Post by Trinity »

She snarled at the young werewofl on the ground in front of her. Then coming to her own sense, though still terribly angry, she let the form slide. Again the amulet flared, and the same shimmer-folding-fluid motion occured. Once in a more clearly communicative form she glance at Aki from the corner of her vision, keeping the other wereolf in sight.

"As I said prior..," its was obvious in her voice she was struggling for control, "I am an Acolyte of the Moon-Lodge, a skin-changer. One of those what walk between worlds of animal and human in more then one skin. We are born as one of the skin-changers.., werewolf.., werebear.., weretiger.., what have you..."

She growls under her breath, fighting the urge to thrash the upstart punk who risked all of their lives.

"We are spiritualist of the highest order, but often keep to ourselves. Ours is both a Gift and a Burden. The reason we are so active in this particular town is because we keep the Code in place. Humans around her just don't know we exist except for a select few in important, political positions."

She stares hard at the more 'feral' werewolf, but her words are directed to Aki..,

"We are Hunters, contorled by the Council who is the Law." It was said sing-song like, as if it were somethign to be throughly memorized or poundied into her head.

"There are other things in this town that need specific watching. We.., the shifters.., are only the icing on the cake."
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Post by Kzinistzerg »

(OOC:*startes at thread in disbelief* what inhelll? uuuugggg..... OK, so, i'm a weretiger, trista is a werebear/wolf, and everyone else is a werewolf?)

Saesenenii watched them all. Nobody seemed tyo have noticed that she had shifted back into tiger form and then simply melted out of the group, fading back into the forest. She 'reappeared' behind Scott, hooking a claw in the tattered remains of his shirt and tugging. As he turned around, she stepped next to him and shifted forms partially, her eyes blazing into Nightspirit's- then she melted back it to the forest and 'reappeared' behind her. Her ability to simply sink back into shadows was almost guaranteed to scare someone when applied properly, but she didn't feel like adding more aggression to the already-charged atmosphere.

Saesenenii paused a bit longer, then stood up in half-form, walking over to Trista and saying, "We of the Shadow Clan do not have a code, but go by common sense. If Trista decides, I will follow."
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Post by Aki »

Aki nodded. "Next time, warn me before you do that, f*** scared the hell out of me," he said, then sighed.
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Post by Anubis »

i was confused at was is going on "skin changers what!? can any tell me what in hell is going on here!!! "i yelled

i turned around finding seasenenii looking at whats left of my shirt. "find any thing interisting" i said sarcasticly.

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Post by Kzinistzerg »

Saesenenii stared at scott for a moment, her purple gaze burning into his eyes.

"Quit being so aggressive. You think your life was ruined but you have no empathy for us- being a were is not all fun and games. You'll learn controll of it eventually. As for nightspirit, that type of recklessness is inexcusable, not that it's any comfort. for you, the best thing for you would be to sleep it off- your body can't excatly be in a state of equlibrium after all of that."
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Post by Anubis »

"well it may be a gift but if i don't come home soon as a human my parents is going rip my head off! right now i don't have a f@3$en clue what i have to do to make my life some what normal for me. now you know why i'm a little hostel!!" i explained

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Post by Aki »

"Your attitude isn't making your situation any better. Calm down some," Aki advised. "Acting rashly rarely brings any good."
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Post by Nightspirit »

*she yawned, looking aroundd "...ok what'd i m iss?"
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Post by Aki »

"Wha....? How can you say that, you just got picked up by a angery Werebear and yelled at and you act like that?," he said incredulously. "Are you sucidal or something?"
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Post by Nightspirit »

"no. just bored. and as i said. THAT WASNT MY FUALT." she sighed,shaking herself off*

(OOC:i wasnt here. i was at school.so yeah...)
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Post by Nightspirit »

"besides.big bad bear over therre doesnt realize what she just got herself into..." she snarle d "as i said there is an essence within me that is even more powerful than her, somethin i have no say over, and if it comes out, dont.blame.me.AGAIN. trust me, ive seen things far scarier than her. ever seen a Wraith or a leopard demon?" she snorted.
the moon shines bright
your soul burns with fire light
the flames command, you must abide
let the wolf rise from inside.
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Post by Kzinistzerg »

*characterexpression: :x *

Saesenenii rounded on her and said, "Have you ever seen a lightning-wielding weretiger?" She paused and then said with imposed calm, "But we should abandon this train of thought as I don't trust myself not to to end up setting this forest on fire once I get angry enough."

*(ooc; aki, i'm rping essentially as Shadow from SG's forums, just so you know.)*
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Post by Nightspirit »

"ive seen lightning weilding dragons and fire weilding demons. so you have no idea. and if i get angry....the expression of ;hell freezing over' will become literal" she sighed, now a look of not anger, but sadness lingered in her expression as she walked off with a sigh "...sometimes it sucks...."
the moon shines bright
your soul burns with fire light
the flames command, you must abide
let the wolf rise from inside.
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Post by Trinity »

(( OOC: is it just me or is this becoming more like 'Buffy' and 'Angel'? LOL With Nightspirit being like Angel or that blond guy ;) ))

A low thoraty growl escapes from Trista's mouth.

'Patience, Peace, control..., patience, peace, control..,' the mantra rolls through the back of her mind. Its the only thing keeping her own anger in check. She takes note that Saesenenii has taken up postion beside her, and seems to relax ever so slightly.

'At least the weretiger has the right idea, thank the fates. If only they knew...,' she ponders to herself.

Again, still eyeing the upstart and appaerntl un-phase werewolf, her words are directed at Aki.

"My most humble appoligies for my lack of control. Its not often that such happens. But this one seems to not care about anything beyound herself. That is dangerous beyound measure."

She listens for a moment to Scott and Saesenenii 's banter, and snorts to herself. If only the newly bitten understood that his parents were the LEAST of his concerns.. but she held her tongue.

When Nightspirit stated point blank that is -wasn't- her fault..., her body nearly vibrated in the rush of anger that welled up. Her hand imediatly went to her pendant in a warding gesture.

Carefully, her voice tightly controled, Trista glared at the retreatign figure.

"So," she said loud enough for the wereolf walking off to hear her, " you -do- know what sort of others are out there? then how can you state that you have no responsibility. It was your teeth that bit into Scott.., it was YOUR urges that you lost control over.., and now you just -walk off- wihtout even DARING to take responsibility for the one you infected. Shall I name you to this town's Council, and have you put under permanant watch? To have you listed as a 'Hunted'? Do you even realize what sort of DANGER you have put all of us in by you.., lack of foresight and control?"

"HOW can you not care? I may be -nothing- compared to your inner deamons, but you are NOTHING compared to the combined efforts of the 7th Seat. I have no direct say in the matter.., but I can report you."

"You have a choice, very simple. Either take responsibility of this newly bitten.., or be reported and Hunted. I will not stand by and allow another witch-hunt to occur in this town. All because YOU cannot control yourself."

"If you continue to walk off, I suggest you leave this town completely and never return. If I even SNIFF a whiff of your scent..,I will make it a personal vendetta to hunt you down myself. Even if I kill myself in the process. You are a scourge to everything this town's mythic population has strived to accomplish!"

Her more-werewolf nature starts to show through, as she slowly looses the abailty to ignore the moon's effects. Her hair turns more stiff, and fur starts sprouting over her now naked body. Her 'hackles' raise up in agression.

This particlar change is more 'natural' and a lot less flashy.
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Post by Nightspirit »

she just chuckled "am i supposed to be offended or somethin?" she chuckled

"yer doin a pretty damn lousy job of it. it was MY teeth that bit him,but not ME doing the biting. like realize, when 'I' bit him, my eyes were red, not yellow like they usually are. when they are like that, its the other essence that has my mind in its grasp.another mind was in mine, and as i said, i have no say over what it does. so ridicule and sound tough as you think you are much as you want. i already have a bounty on my head, not like being hunted by you;d be any diffrent" she snorted, then walked on.
the moon shines bright
your soul burns with fire light
the flames command, you must abide
let the wolf rise from inside.
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Post by Trinity »

"Half demon..., Figures...," she snorted.

"So instead of proving yourself otherwise.., and making right what you've done, you are simply walking off? Typical."

The last word said with a sneer.

"Maybe you'd be surprised to know that not all half-breeds are lacking in the conrtol factor. It takes time, yes, but it can be done. One of the Coucnil is in fact a half-demon and would be sorely upset that one of his kind is making such a stir."

"But then you apathy is somethign I've come to expect from your kind. You worse then most goths, really. 'Oh angst, oh poor me, oh boo-hoo', and they do nothing constructive amoung the rest of us. You have the oppertunity to correct your failings, why be so disspassionate about it?"

"Oh and, if you are going to walk away, make sure you leave town."
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Post by Nightspirit »

"who said i felt like leaving? and who said i was like a typical goth? sure as hell not me. and not a hald demon.a hell hound" she snorted "and if i were you, id keep that muzzle of yours uncer control. it could get you killed" she said, then dissapered into the trees. mumbling under her breath about those who jump to conclusions and such.
the moon shines bright
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the flames command, you must abide
let the wolf rise from inside.
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Post by Aki »

"Right, in addition to being uncontrolable and dangerous, she's arrogant as hell, lovely combination," Aki remarked rather sarcastically. "So, you're gonna report her then?"
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Post by Nightspirit »

she sighed,laying beneath a tree "man.they just dont get it. and if i told them who i reeally was theyd be jumpin down my spine worse than they already are. i hate those who take sides...."
the moon shines bright
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let the wolf rise from inside.
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Post by Cody »

((Hope you guys dont mind me joining))

Deckard walked around in the forest smileing, Deckared is 9, no family and the only friend he has is a spirt wolf, wich gose by the name of Timber. Deckared is a special kind of human, he is allowed the abbitly of spirt energy, a form of fighting, he is an amature, but he has enough skills to protect himself

Timber on the other hand is a sprit of an Artic wolf that has long passed. He too holds the power of spirt energy, as is also an amature, but his fanges and calws quickly make up for that

Deckard kept in the forestry and wached the shifters with intrest "Hmmm hey Timber, what do you make of this?"

The spirt wolf looked at the joining and snorted though his nose "Troble if you ask me, we should head back into town"

Deckard sighed "awww come on Timber, lets have some fun for a change" he begged him

Timber sighed "ok ok.... make sure to have your barrier ready ok?"

Deckard smiled "Yep yep" he lifted up his hand, suddenly a werid symbol appered on the back of his left hand and a small barrier appered "Happy?"

Timer layed down and nodded "Very"
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Post by Nightspirit »

she twitched,lookin g up at this newcomer, but did nothing.
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let the wolf rise from inside.
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Post by Trinity »

Trista sighed.

" I have to. Hellhound, half demon, what ever its still teh same. She'e either possesed of her own free will, against her will, or is the vessel for some un-healhty spirit. In any case she is dangerous."

She looked down and shook her head. Then turning back to the other two she gives them a wan smile, though it does not touch her eyes. She walks a couple of steps away, inscribes a circle upon the ground. Within it are some strange arcane looking symbols. She kneels in it, facing the rising moon. Then concentrates for a while, holding up the amulet to the moon's light. She mutters something, the amulet flashes bightly, and a dark shape appears out from its light.

Hovering above her is the whispy form of a raven. It caws loudly. She looks up and smiles.

"Brother Raven, I release you to send a message to the 7th, the Great Skin-shifter, Matron of the Tribe of skin-shifters, Blessed of Luna, High Priestess of the Moon-Lodge. We have a trouble maker and possible loose cannon in the town. I seek guidence. Her name is Nightspirit."

She mutters a soft thank you as the raven caws loudly once more and flies off with speed. Its dark whispy shape fading into the dark of the night sky. She makes a quick grimmace as if it hurt to do al this, and tiredly gets back up. She uses her now-clwed hands to scrub the circle from the ground, leaving nothing but tirn up dirt.

Turning back to the other she gives them a bit of a half-smile.

"I know a lot of this may be a bit confusing. If any of you have any questiosn that I can answer I'd be happy to."

She looks to Scott and looks him over with sympathy.

"Since she can'tbe bothered with her own...," she shakes her head again.

"You have a lot to learn. It is also true that you need to calm down. The more assed up you are the harder it is to control. Plus don't worry about your parents too much right now. That can be taken care of a lot more easily then you'd think."

Suddenly she shutters, drops to all fours and changes into a dark-tipped, steely grey wolf. She blinks, grunts and flops down on the ground seemingly exhausted.
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Post by Kzinistzerg »

Saesenennii shook her head at Nightspirit. "I have to say, i do have some empathy for her situation- I'm in much the same one myself." She crouched down and changed back into her Tiger form, and flopped. after a moment, she shifted back partially and said to scott, "You flop too. it's easier to rest than be pissed off."
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