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Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 12:59 pm
by Nishah
Broken-Fang Closed his eyes and inhaled deeply when sarah made allusions to the bond between packmates

Ooooh... it is... too strong for words. I feel them now, my old brothers and sisters - running with their packs, hunting to feed their cubs, making love to their mates - their joy, their laughter... but also their pain... the loss of a mate to a hunter, the fighting between rivals... we are one in spirit... only different minds and bodies.

he shrugged as if he gave up to look for the right words.

We are a pack.
That says all there is to say...

he is seemingly lost in reverie for some more moments before again focussing his attention to Sarah

A tribe is a loose group of packs that share a common territory.
There is a kinship between them, but not as strong as there is between packmates.
To be cut of from that when you one knew the joys... I pity dark-moon, even if his crimes merited the sanction...

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 3:03 pm
by Ancient
Sarah looked at Tsume as the other wolf sat beside her Sarah nodded a bit. A friendly gesture of reconition.

She then turned back to Broken-Fang listening to him intently.

"So, you say you knew of Dark-Moon? Do you know how he was... she searched for the right word...before he did whatever he did?"

She wanted to know more about the wolf that bit her maybe then she could figure out her own self.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 3:23 pm
by Nishah
The man looked at the she-wolf that came to sit next to Sarah. He did not nod or give any sign of recognition. He merely watched her... With a frown on his face.

You... you live with the heat of a thousand bonfires in your chest... But it has no sustenance to burn... so it burns you... You are not in harmony with yourself... your wolf and human halves do not listen to eachother... Through the noise of your pain, they must listen to eachother...

Strangely, the man did not greet the new she-wolf in the same manner as he did Sarah. He didn't crawl over to her to get her scent close-by. Nothing in his manner betrayed why, but is was obvious enough that he made no similar motion what so ever

He then turned his eyes back upon sarah... a sad look glazing over the otherwise vibrant light in his amber irises

I knew Dark-Moon... Many know of him, but I know...knew him...
He was a great Lycan... Alpha-male of the tribe that lives here in these woods. He was feared by many, but respected by most and he led with an Jaw that was strong like rocks and a heart generous like the ever-giving rivers...
He was just seven or eight winters when he became alpha of his pack, and three winters later, he led the tribe... but his success was also his undoing...

Broken-fang looks down to the soil, seemingly to find another twig to chew on, but takes quite his time in selecting one in absolute silence

His tribe flourished... his tribe grew... his tribe... was noticed by scared humans that feared the wolfpacks that roamed around their houses and towns... And soon cowardly peasants had taken torch and axe and started hunting our packs...

We slaughtered the first of them... slaughtered all who would harm our mates and cubs... and Dark-Moon... he slaughtered most... he killed untill there was none left in his forests... until there were none left but in their houses.... and even then it was not enough... he kept...

the man trails of in thought, falls to utter silence and does not look up for quite a while

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 3:35 pm
by Ancient
She listened intently to the wolf speak of Dark-Moon. How could such a great Lycan become so she didn't have a right word for it even in her own mind. She looked at the other wolf her warm honey eyes searching for an answer yet she did not want to push. She knew it must be painful for him to tell her these things. She cocked her head to the side a bit trying to put her own thoughts at rest.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 3:53 pm
by Nishah
The man looks up and takes a deep breath, slowly continuing his tale

The elders of the tribe, older Lycans that kept the old lores safe and alive, decided that in his actions, Dark-Moon had become a senseless hunter, just like the humans were.... and as a human walks alone, so would he...
All packs gathered and howled.
They howled for the death of the one named Dark-moon... for dark-moon was no longer with them and he would never return... dead to the wolves... dead to his pack and tribe.

With emotions like grief and misery almost reaching the point were they would result in the breaking of Broken-Fang's composure, he kept speaking... silently now, more intimate as each listener was forced to lean in to fully hear his words.

The howls... they were... My tribe never holwed so beautifully for a single of their members... It sang the glory of Dark-moon and of his death in the human village... death by a human...HIS human...

The man looked up, giving each of the listeners a glance as he seemed to regain some of his strenght.

Your eyes bear questions, young she-wolf... ask.. it is not in a wolfs nature to hide his thoughts to those he invites to sit by him

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 4:05 pm
by Ancient
She leaned in listening intently to his tale she felt the emotion behind the words. She wanted to ask why did Dark-Moon choose her but she didn't want to appear to have self pity. She inhaled deeply and let out the breath in a half sigh and said softly.

"I was just thinking. Why he would choose me? Out of everyone he could have chosen. I guess I'm just confused is all."

The thought of the words HIS human burned in her mind. Did a human kill Dark-Moon. She decided to wait and see if Broken-Fang told her.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 4:15 pm
by Nishah
Broken-Fang did not appear surprised by the question... it was a logical one to ask...

Why ? That is something only Dark-Moon could tell you.... It could be as simple as being the wrong person in the right place... or as emotional as reminding him of someone... or just the actions of a deranged mind...

Whatever it was, he did not kill you. That means you were somting special to him, just on the moment when he would have to strike... you meant somthing to him... Only that could be the awnser you seek...

He looks at Sarah intensely

What do you remember of that night ? What happened exactly ? What do you remember doing ?

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 4:26 pm
by Ancient
She did not shift under Broken-Fang's intense gaze.

"I remember my village neighbor sending me out into the woods to gather firewood just before the sun set. I always loved the woods and would run off to spend days and nights in them. I remember sitting by the river watching the water as the sun set. Then I thought I should get the firewood back. I was walking a few feet from the path as I always did and I remember seeing a great beast launch out of the trees. It was huge and I thought it was going to kill me. I moved to get away and the beast grabbed my leg and held it in it's jaws. It then looked me in the eyes. It's eyes were red like fire and then with little effort it bit and then as suddenly as it came it let go and ran off into the woods. I never saw him again. I only learned of his name after I met another wolf named Ghost-Storm. I only had weeks with this wolf before humans killed her. She was a powerful wolf though. I learned what I was and how to control my shifting from her. She said she was a spirit guide to the wolf packs that lived here. Does that make sense to you?"

A wind seemed to pick up at the meantion of Ghost-Storm a gentle wind with a cold yet inviting bite to it. Sarah's hair moved in the wind and as suddenly as the wind came it went.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 4:46 pm
by Nishah
As the name of Ghost-storm is spoken, Broken-Fang's stare goes from a squinting gaze to a wide eyed look of shock. Just as he seems to have recovered from this momentary lapse, The wind picks up... and the gentle breeze that caresses Sarah's hair seems to lash Broken-Fang across the body, drawing out a yelp of shock and pain

hargl !
DAMN YOU, Spirit-guide !

After the outburst, the man stands up and starts pacing around... clearly unsettled by what happenend. Galncing regularly at Sarah...

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 6:36 pm
by Ancient
Sarah stands up clearly alarmed and confused at the reaction of Broken-Fang.

"What's wrong?!"

She took a step back ever wary of the wolf now.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 8:31 pm
by Night-claw
Tsume looked at the trees around the area. She never really thought about it but the cave she chose to live was the cave where she was bitten she just couldn't seem to chose another place. [This place is nothing but a place of bad memories Tsume, so why are you still here? Why can't you just let go of the past? I...I don't know. I.... I just don't know. I'm so trapped I don't know how to let people see who I really am. I'm so stupid] She looked up at Broken-Fang and once again stuffed her fellings away to make herself feel almost nothing. "A little scared of the spirit are you? Its not going to hurt you... that is... unless your here to do some harm."

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 10:59 pm
by Ancient
Sarah exchanged looked between the other two werewolves very confused. She had no idea why Broken-Fang had reacted the way he did or why Tsume seemed familiar with this spirit. What had she gotten herself into?

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 2:43 am
by Nishah
Broken-Fang snapped his head towards the she-wolf that had been called Tsume. His eyes were filled with rage... and a hint ?

You have no idea what you are talking about bitten-human ! I did not come here to harm... not either of you... I have no desire to wound or kill a wolf... no matter the manner of their birth...

He clenches his jaw and fists and forces himself to relax. The crazed look in his eyes dissapears, the slight sheen of crimson fading back to a soft amber colour.

Ghost-storm was a shaman... a spirit-speaker that could hear the voices of the woods and the animal life... but she was also my rival... we have had... our differences in the past and it would seem that spirits that held her dear still dispise me for that...

But what would you know of this spirits ? Are you a shaman ?

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 9:15 pm
by Ancient
Sarah looked between the two wolves not sure what to do. She took a step away from them both clearly confused. The gentle wind that had come before once again blew moving her hair in a gentle calming manner then it was gone. Her eyes shifted between Broken-Fang and Tsume.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 4:05 am
by Nishah
As the wind rises again, You notice Broken-Fang tensing... he quickly holds out bothe hands -palms up- and lowers his head a little. A soft howl, more of a whine really, escapes his throat.
The wind passes him and nothing happens...

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 11:06 am
by Ancient
Sarah no longer fearing Broken-Fang's reaction took a step towards him.

"Are you alright?"

She was confused as to why the wind was following her or why it continued.

(I hope this post makes sense. I have been sick lately.)

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 11:16 am
by Nishah
OOG : and i'm sick now... snottering and coughing my butt off.... don't worry... it's quite clear...

The man looks up at Sarah as she approaches him. He lowers his hands, letting them hang at his sides and tilts his head a little to the left before answering

I'm fine... The Spirit accepted the offering and will leave me alone for a while. It is not that powerfull... It knows that if matters come to a fight, I would probably defeat it... It gave it's message to me the first time... There is no need for it to strike again...

But why does that Aerian follow you around ? Did...she bind it to you ? Or do you or your friend here *nodding to Tsume* call them yourself ?

It is dangerous to walk with Spirits if you do not know their ways or their hearts...

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:26 pm
by Ancient
Sarah looked a Broken-Fang she was confused as he was as to why the spirit followed her.

"I do not call them. And I do not think that Tsume calls them. They have always followed me ever sense Ghost-Storm's death. Do you know why?"

(I hope you get better Nishah. :howl:  :oo )

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:44 pm
by Nishah
OOG : Why thank you :) ... hope you'll be feeling better soon as well !

Slowly, Broken-fang sat down again. He pressed both his palms firmly onto the ground and arched his back, streching his chest and stomach outwards with an audible groan that mellowed out into a satisfied sigh

calmly settling back unto his side, with one arm held against his head, he started to think about the question. There where only a few ways how a spirit would be bound to such a young lycan... NO ! a werewolf !... In his mind he reminded himself to keep the distinction clear... He was a Lycan... He had the blood of the great tribes.... they, whatever their qualities, where "werewolves"... bitten, not born... thus... less priviledged.... He slowly shook his head at that thought...

I don't know, Sarah... If you are not a shaman and neither is your friend, then only Ghost-Storm could have bound that spirit to you... Unless your blood is known to the Aerians and they feel... obligated somehow.
But I think that after you told Ghost-Storm who bit you, she will have placed these spirits with you to protect you from your... creator. They will have been....

Broken-Fang falls silent... as if realising somthing... and continues

No matter really... Dark-Moon would never harm you... She did not know your creator as well as I did... Dark-Moon was a man-slayer, not a murderer of those within his own tribe or lineage...
You may rest easy, knowing that if ever your paths would cross he shall not harm either of you... your humans however...

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 3:36 pm
by Night-claw
Tsume sighed" The wind basically is my freind if you want to know so badly" She holds out her hand palm up and wind starts to circle around it soon a little fairy apearrs "her Name is Natasha and I saved her life so she been with me for quit a long time."

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 4:34 pm
by Ancient
She cocked her head to the side in thougtful contemplation at what Broken-Fang spoke of.

Then as Tsume showed the fairy she looked quite curiously.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 5:13 pm
by Nishah
Broken-Fang seemed sceptical about the statement that Tsume had made. He looked at the Aerian without moving or speaking....without blinking even

Mere moments after he had started gazing at the little fey, the man looked around, resting his gaze on several places near the cave and the surrounding woods.

I do not doubt your words... but there is more... why would it assault me ? Could it have thought I was going to hurt you ? Even after giving my word ? If so... I will leave is I am not welcome.

But you are a strange she-Wolf, Tsume... Only the winds to keep you company here... Wind spirits that protect a child-of-fire... You are as uncontrolled as you are rare... Who bit you ? It was not Dark-Moon... I cannot sense his smell on you as I could with Sarah....
Did you learn by yourself ? No teachers ?

Deep down inside he knew these questions would set her off again. He had seen the blaze in her eyes ans speach when she was passionate about somthing, but also the moments where she was... almost not here... when her eyes became clouded and dark... He had to break through that barrier if he was to know who she really was...

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 6:47 pm
by Ancient
She took this oppertunity to walk off a bit of ways into the woods. Whereever she went she caused trouble although she didn't know why. She longed for peace. It always seemed as if there was an invisiable fight going on around her.And although a lover of peace fighting always seemed to find her.

(Sorry for the jumbleness. I know there is sense buried in there somewhere. :roll: )

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 2:25 am
by Nishah
Noticing Sarah walking of a bit, Broken-Fang sniffed the air to catch her scent. He remained seated with Tsume, but seemed to follow Sarah around by hearing and smell...

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 10:19 am
by Ancient
Just inside the woods she could still see Tsume and Broken-Fang through the trees she looked around her trying figure out what to do. Her life had always been followed by invisiable sense of being different. Now she was just litterly different but she had finally met two who were as different as she was. Why did she wonder off? Did she fear for thier safety? Yes that was it. For where she went brought death and destruction. She vowed to not let that fate befall her new found companions.