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Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:58 pm
by Kisota
Scott Gardener wrote:I suppose at least a few of what we today would recognize as therianthropes were caught in the act and killed.
*gulp* Well, there go my plans to go back in time! :jester:

Er, no, wait, I'll just use a disguise!:postit:

Aw, Pariah, ya got to the therianthropy before me.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 1:51 am
by Mysterious Lycanthrope
I think humans just don't know about WereWolves yet. Most humans are to stupid to open their minds to the possibility that something bigger then them is out there. Like a certain few *cough* that think it's impossible for a transformation to occur within a body so quickly.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 7:49 am
by NarnianWolfen
I agree with the therians, being one myself. :) I'm a wolf therian, but I do not feel I am a wolf born in a human body. Wolf is a part of my essence, integrated with my soul...I am Wolf, but also human. I am not sad that I was born human, I am just Wolf also. I growl when I'm angry, I pant like a dog when I'm hot, I see the world in an unusual way. I observe pack's just how I think in groups. It's all an undercurrent, see who's alpha and who's not and falling into my place within that pack. My human pack. I don't turn into an animal at the full moon, though I do feel that it's a beautiful sight and I was born on a day that fell on the full moon (coincidence). I don't go into blind rages, nor am I any more hairy than the average person (though I do have thick, amazing hair that I LUV.) I just share a kinship with wolves and tend to fall into a mentality similar to that of a wolf. This does not interfere with my religious beliefs...God isn't angry with me. I don't worship the moon nor wolves, I'm not eating people, and as a member of society I am pretty good (if I do say so) at customer service and like to please, I have a pretty good job, and I pay bills just like everybody else. But the wolf is always there, an extension of myself, and I wouldn't change that for the world, even if I could. </ramble>

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 12:13 pm
by Mysterious Lycanthrope
WereWolves have learned to look & act exactly like humans, so how can humans tell the difference? Link NarnianWolfen has demonstrated for us, She, along with all of the rest of WereWolf society, have blended in. Humans may never realize that they could have a WereWolf living right next door...unless they howl a little to loud :oops:

Anyway, I TOTALLY agree with NarnianWolfen on everything she said. WereWolves have the perfect camo. to escape detection.

L8er!!! :howl:  :oo

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 8:17 pm
by NarnianWolfen
Werewolf just implies the whole physical transformation thing...which people CAN NOT do. Doesn't happen. Physically impossible. *cough*

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 10:44 pm
by Veruth
Yeah, Therian is a more precise word for it.
I'm still curious about the whole therian thing. Many of the characteristics that go with it I understand and even share quite a few of, but the whole misplaced soul/spiritual thing doesn’t really sit well with me. I've always regarded it as more of a personality type.
eh, difference of opinion I guess. :)
Loading up the site pointed out byPariahPoet right now.
I should probably research a little more before drawing any conclusions I guess

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 10:53 pm
by NarnianWolfen
I don't feel misplaced...but then, it's like they always say...ask ten therians what their therianthropy is like, and get eleven different answers. I agree with you, Shaun. But don't generalize...research is good. :)

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 11:07 pm
by Veruth
Well, I don't mean misplaced as in you don't fit in, I'm talking about the "wolf's soul in a human's body" thing Don't know if you got that or not, I'm just making sure.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 11:37 am
by NarnianWolfen
Yes, I understood.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 1:49 am
by WolfVanZandt
When people say, "Werewolf" today, they're thinking about someone that physically changes into a Wolf but in the early Middle Ages the term was applied to real people who _were thought_ to change into wolves. Whether they did or not, the term was applied to a group of real people (and still is in Eastern Europe), so except for the incovenience of people misunderstanding because they can't get around the image promoted by fictional account, the term "Werewolf" isn't inappropriate.

I don't really mind the trend toward rejecting the term in favor of the less "loaded" "Therian", unfortuantely, "Therian" is only once removed from the same problem and will soon be just as loaded and by discarding "Werewolf", there is a risk of discarding the real history behind the term, which I think would be a real loss.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 6:57 pm
by dnl
I agree there is a lot of history behind the word werewolf. Would some one please read and tell me what you think.


Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 7:06 pm
by dnl
Ink wrote:Human shifting into wolf? No. Not possible. It defies the sheer laws of nature and physics on so many levels it in itself it is an impracticality in our world.
rally which ones.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 10:16 pm
by Silver
I guess to me it comes donw to exactly what's meant. Do I believe in humans who physicall change into a Gestalt form? Or into true Wolf form? No. It's a stretch I can't make. I didn't believe in ghosts/sprits either. But I've had experiences that make me question that negative belief.

I'm 1/2 Cherokee and 1/2 Irish. One half of my ancestry is said to be the home of fey, sidhe, and other magical creatures. The other half of my ancestry belives in the dream plane, totems, and out of body experiences. The physical world has been shaken to its Nutonian roots by quantem physics and isn't that modern magic? So who's to say? It's made me wonder. I don't beleive they exist, but if you showed me one I'd not be surprised. Conflicted.

Those who feel themselves to be wolves in human bodies, that I CAN believe. We share genetic history with all living things, some of them closer to us than others. Perhaps some of us are closer to our cousins than others. Why not? We are complicated beings and if we feel closer to a pure form, that could seem perfectly natural. I know how hard it is not to react to a full moon.

Am I a wolf in red-haired sheep's clothing? I'm not sure so I suppose not. But like my red-skinned grandmother I believe that we all - our feathered/furred/scaled brothers and we - are interwoven so closely that it doesn't matter what our shape is. We need to appreciate/share/understand or we're doomed. Perhaps those wolves in human form can help bridge the gap.[/list]

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 11:01 pm
by young_wolfbrother
Being one of those wolves in human skin, I have a personal interest in such a topic in general. Do I feel physical shape shifting is possible? Not today. Why? I don't feel there's enough people out there willing to accept it. How come this makes a difference? Simply put, those few who do believe it is possible aren't willing to try because of the mass's point of view, and those who are willing to try, don't know anything on how to do it, so they can't pull it off. So, I guess my point is, I believe it is possible, someday. Just not now.

And, unrelated side note- I just have to laugh at that, Silver. I'm Irish/Cherokee too... it's just a funny cooincedence... or is it? 8)

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:41 am
by Morkulv
Mysterious Lycanthrope wrote:I think humans just don't know about WereWolves yet. Most humans are to stupid to open their minds to the possibility that something bigger then them is out there. Like a certain few *cough* that think it's impossible for a transformation to occur within a body so quickly.
I believe that humans can addept some physical changes, but its very limited. Thats why I don't believe in 'full-wolf' kind of werewolves, or 'Van Helsing'-werewolves. Its just way to complex.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:21 am
by Hearth
Morkulv wrote:
Mysterious Lycanthrope wrote:I think humans just don't know about WereWolves yet. Most humans are to stupid to open their minds to the possibility that something bigger then them is out there. Like a certain few *cough* that think it's impossible for a transformation to occur within a body so quickly.
I believe that humans can addept some physical changes, but its very limited. Thats why I don't believe in 'full-wolf' kind of werewolves, or 'Van Helsing'-werewolves. Its just way to complex.
But the question is, is it worth it? You can be wolf by the mind, without distressing yourself with ways you described in the general discussion thread...

Although, I must say, wolf's mind is different from werewolf's.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 10:31 am
by Morkulv
Thats the question. I think the person who is werewolf will be happy by mind, while other people will not have a clue. And indeed, there are other (more easy) ways to perform a mind-shift, but that method is the most efficient, and therefore also the most dangerous.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:51 pm
by NarnianWolfen
Off topic, I'm Irish/Comanche on one side and English/Cherokee on the other.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:38 pm
by Hearth
Morkulv wrote:Thats the question. I think the person who is werewolf will be happy by mind, while other people will not have a clue. And indeed, there are other (more easy) ways to perform a mind-shift, but that method is the most efficient, and therefore also the most dangerous.
No... I don't mean a real transformation of mind, not the way you understand it. It's just the way to see that part of your thoughts are actually quite similar to those that wolves might think.

(For an example, the wolves are family-centered. Therefore, when you think the best of your family, you think like a wolf.)

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 10:12 pm
by young_wolfbrother
I'm very big on family myself, but that doesn't mean I'm a wolf in mind. (OK, forget the fact that I am... that's beside the point).

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:36 am
by Hearth
That's becouse you don't think that you are. :)

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 4:07 pm
by young_wolfbrother
I was making a point... I do agree with you that I am someone reluctant to accept the fact that I am wolf in mind... but there's just too much I see to make me doubt it anymore... but since this thread isn't about that, I'll leave it at that for now, PM me if you want more info.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 5:11 pm
by dnl
Try looking at the world from a diffrent window and you may see a lot of thing that are said not possibly.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 11:04 pm
by Taril
I voted yes. While I can understand why most people would say no, and I have never seen a werewolf, or even a wolf in person. I still want to believe they exist somthing supernatural has to exist out there, this world really cant be that boring, and normal. I want werewolves to exist so bad. So ill continue to believe in them.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 4:13 pm
by bloodwolf_345
It is a distinct possibility that a true Physically shifting Werewolf has not been discovered, or has not revealed him/herself to the general public. But I do beleive that somewhere out there, one may exist.