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Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:04 pm
by FoxOfWar
I'd say that if I am a therian it's red fox.

But it may just be that I'm all of them: furry/were/therian/otherkin, all in my mental maze, sometimes finding each other, colliding and causing me weird inspirations :D

That and I'm a TF-maniac to boot. Think about what kind of art I can create as weird combinations.

As a few have stated: I don't mind in any way.

FoW out.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 4:21 pm
by general_von_wolf

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 4:41 pm
My therian Is a leopard not sure which type tho , but I also have some wolfish Qualites.. ^^

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:26 pm
by divine coyote
Eastern coyote here! And a bit kelpie *not the dog breed!*

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:17 pm
by Jamie
Set wrote:Oh feh. The difference between therian and furry has been argued about and run into the ground so many times I stopped counting. I personally don't see that much of a difference in the two. I've been in both therian and furry communities for years and the only real difference I've run across is that those therians who would bite someone's head off for calling them furry are horrible snobs. It's like rich people looking down on anyone with less money than them. They take offence at the stupidest things and are not at all helpful in most instances. That "I-am-holier-than-thou and my-way-is-the-only-way-cuz-I-said-so" attitude got on my nerves. Otherkin tend to be the same way. Hence why I've abandoned the therian and 'kin boards altogether.

Furries are a more accepting bunch, nothing like the therians I've run across. (Not counting anyone here, you all seem nice to me.) They don't take things quite so seriosly and actually know how to have fun.
My impression of the therian community is that it tends to get snobbish and weird from time to time because it focuses more on beliefs, and when you deal with beliefs, there are always going to be disagreements that cause tension. The various message boards and communities recognize this, which is one of the reasons why they have such elaborate rules and are so good (lots of practice) at nipping flame wars in the bud, but the tension about differing beliefs between different people is still there below the surface.

Furries, meanwhile, focus mainly on activities (art appreciation, costuming, etc.) instead of beliefs. So they tend to be more laid-back and accepting, or at least it feels that way, because it ends up being more about participating in things with people who share your interests, which is pretty much always fun stuff, regardless of whether those interests are furry stuff or snowboarding.

You might compare it to a political party vs. a theater club. The theater people are there to indulge in a passion, but, for the political party, it is more about struggling to shape the views of the whole group, which is a more stressful process.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 6:36 am
by White Paw
I dont know if i mentioned earlier but im a wolf therian, American Grey Wolf to be exact...

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 7:31 am
by Kirk Hammett
I have to agree with Jamie and Set, therianthropy is such a damned touchy topic. Many I've met are snobby due to beliefs. I'll also say that nobody on this board is a snob.

Anything religious or spiritual or political or ethical is always under fire by someone.

And for the topic (I've had lots of mind changes since last time I posted...maybe I posted twice, unsure) I am a Mexican Grey Wolf, but am a shifter of anything, made up or real, even other people. It's a matter of altering my perception and can be done by people who take Yoga or anything like that. Nothing physical, just mental, perception, etc. Sometimes these shifts are instinctive, and I have many phantom limbs. The wolf is just the predominant form and instinctive form. Must be a monkey there too because my phantom tail (Probably just a creation of my mind) is primate like and always there. Maybe cat. Not sure. ([spoiler]I was bagged for stating this on Jakkal's boards. I only vaguely mentioned it, and explained in full when asked what it meant to me. I cannot understand why I was bagged.[/spoiler])

I'm very open to many beliefs since I think of a lot of things conflicting with what others term 'Therianthropy'. Just my two chocolate drops of information! All the therians and furries on this board are as friendly as everyone else.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 7:41 am
by Miragh
There was always a connection there, which was beyond the common “favorite animal’ and even quite fanatic in my younger days. Nowadays and especially after reading myself into the theme of Therianthropy I’m getting used to it, to see myself as a Therian although it wasn’t really clear sometimes as it took me some time to comprehend the nature of this feeling, this link to wolves. However I’m not sure about the exact species. Something in between a Dire and a Grey Wolf maybe? It's wolfish without doubt, but I can’t determine it yet.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:12 am
by MoonKit
I dont think the word therian because at lot of therians I run into are stuck up jerks who think that they're the only ones who are right. :P

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 1:38 am
by Rhuen
well in dreams I can shift into many creatures from birds to foxes and wolves. But a werewolf like form does exist. a giant black furred canine creature, which I named Rhuen. 8) I can't say any specific animal species as it has mixed features.

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 6:29 pm
by WordWolf
Jamie wrote:
Set wrote:Oh feh. The difference between therian and furry has been argued about and run into the ground so many times I stopped counting. I personally don't see that much of a difference in the two. I've been in both therian and furry communities for years and the only real difference I've run across is that those therians who would bite someone's head off for calling them furry are horrible snobs. It's like rich people looking down on anyone with less money than them. They take offence at the stupidest things and are not at all helpful in most instances. That "I-am-holier-than-thou and my-way-is-the-only-way-cuz-I-said-so" attitude got on my nerves. Otherkin tend to be the same way. Hence why I've abandoned the therian and 'kin boards altogether.

Furries are a more accepting bunch, nothing like the therians I've run across. (Not counting anyone here, you all seem nice to me.) They don't take things quite so seriosly and actually know how to have fun.
My impression of the therian community is that it tends to get snobbish and weird from time to time because it focuses more on beliefs, and when you deal with beliefs, there are always going to be disagreements that cause tension. The various message boards and communities recognize this, which is one of the reasons why they have such elaborate rules and are so good (lots of practice) at nipping flame wars in the bud, but the tension about differing beliefs between different people is still there below the surface.

Furries, meanwhile, focus mainly on activities (art appreciation, costuming, etc.) instead of beliefs. So they tend to be more laid-back and accepting, or at least it feels that way, because it ends up being more about participating in things with people who share your interests, which is pretty much always fun stuff, regardless of whether those interests are furry stuff or snowboarding.

You might compare it to a political party vs. a theater club. The theater people are there to indulge in a passion, but, for the political party, it is more about struggling to shape the views of the whole group, which is a more stressful process.

It's responses like these that set back furry/therian relations.

And that's coming from someone who's dialogued with both communities
about the other one, in a harmonious fashion, and interact freely with both.

For the record, some furry communities are quite accepting, UNTIL THEY KNOW YOU'RE A THERIAN.

One rather famous saying has been illustrated here. That is, "the main difference between furries and therians is that therians think there is a difference, and furries don't."
Therians and furries are two completely different things, and someone can be both, or one but not the other.

Therianthropy is about something you ARE: you are left-handed, you are a redhead, you are tall, you can wiggle your ears, you can roll your tongue, you are Italian, you are therian. NONE of those things are anything you can control.

Furry is about what you do for fun: you like Star Trek, you are a Yankees fan, you trainspot, you play football. ALL of those things are things you can decide.

Generally speaking, most therians don't have a problem with furries existing.
HOWEVER, there are some perfectly good reasons why some DO.

Here are the reasons.

A) The MAIN REASON is that some furries keep deciding that therians are the same thing as furries. It either reflects a lack of education on what therians and furries are, or a willful ignorance determined to cause friction.
It is difficult enough to come to the concept that you're therian, and then to get past the "no I'm not pretending or delusional" stages, which people will dog you with THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.
Then you come along a community where people have fursonas that ARE pretend (to a degree) who decide that your therianthropy IS pretending or delusional. THAT is bound to set you off. This is a failure of the furry community, NOT the fault of the therians.

B) The next reason is that other people confuse one for the other, AND that
furries are often unable to counteract their OWN bad press. If the average
person thinks they know ANYTHING about furry, they usually think it means the person is a gay fursuiter that wears the fursuit when having sex, or does "things" with stuffed toys. That's a gross misimpression of the vast majority of furries, but it IS what many people have been led to think by the media. (Some furries have ENCOURAGED this.)
So, it's difficult enough to finally try to explain to a loved one about the unusual connections you have inside yourself, and try to overcome their misunderstandings, but to have to overcome TWO different sets of misconceptions makes things much more difficult. Therians can't help about this one-this is a failure of the furry community.

C) Some therians actually encounter the furries about whom the above are actually true. Usually, this leads to friction, and can give the impression that MOST furries really ARE like that. This is not as common, but DOES happen. This one isn't much the problem of therians, but they can affect generalizing like that.

D) Sometimes, people show up in the therian community that are not therians of any kind. Some have decided to pretend they are, and some are bored and WISH they were, thinking it is cool somehow. These people are either delusional, trolling, lying or pretending. These people are not welcome in the therian community, as you might imagine. Some people may confuse them with furries, which is the fault of the people confusing them.

take therians who are minding their own business,
then find some furries who decide that therians are all mistaken, delusional, or furries despite saying they are not.

What do you expect would be the obvious response?

It would resemble "snobbery."

Consider someone who has accepted an inner wolf. This has taken years of self-doubt, examination, acceptance, and ridicule.
Then introduce someone else with a wolf fursuiit who RPs online.

Then have the second guy decide that the first guy is JUST LIKE HIM.

Any correction is BOUND to sound like "snobbery."
One person IS the wolf, the other PRETENDS to be the wolf.
Sounds like snobbery to even mention the difference.

And if the second guy is determined to maintain his ignorance,
he will come away thinking he and the first guy ARE the same thing,
except the first guy is a snob.

some therians ARE furries, and some therians and furries get along JUST FINE. However, it seems to me that there's a minority determined to derail the friendly dialogues whenever possible by severing understanding.

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 8:03 pm
by Set
It lives. *looks at WordWolf*

Let's not turn this into a pity party. "Oh I'm a therian, people don't understand me, oh woe is me." It's obnoxious.
For the record, some furry communities are quite accepting, UNTIL THEY KNOW YOU'RE A THERIAN.
And which communities would that be? I've never seen any furs get all pissy about someone claiming to be a therian. (I have seen the reverse, however. Many times. On forums YOU frequent.)
It is difficult enough to come to the concept that you're therian, and then to get past the "no I'm not pretending or delusional" stages, which people will dog you with THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.
People will try to make your life miserable in any way they can. That's what humans do. Doesn't matter if you're fat or thin, tall or short, smart or stupid, therian or not. They'll rag on you over everything. No sense whining about it. And if you're so Ra damned afraid of being "persecuted", DON'T TELL THEM YOU'RE A THERIAN.
So, it's difficult enough to finally try to explain to a loved one about the unusual connections you have inside yourself, and try to overcome their misunderstandings, but to have to overcome TWO different sets of misconceptions makes things much more difficult.
The hole in your logic here is that most people have never heard of furries.
Consider someone who has accepted an inner wolf. This has taken years of self-doubt, examination, acceptance, and ridicule.
Then introduce someone else with a wolf fursuiit who RPs online.

Then have the second guy decide that the first guy is JUST LIKE HIM.

Any correction is BOUND to sound like "snobbery."
One person IS the wolf, the other PRETENDS to be the wolf.
Sounds like snobbery to even mention the difference.
There's a vast difference between correcting someone and being an a**. Most people tend to respond with the latter, which you can't blame on anyone else but yourselves. Grow a spine and take some responsibility for the s*** you say.

Your victim complex is getting on my nerves.

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 8:32 pm
by Lupin
Set wrote:
So, it's difficult enough to finally try to explain to a loved one about the unusual connections you have inside yourself, and try to overcome their misunderstandings, but to have to overcome TWO different sets of misconceptions makes things much more difficult.
The hole in your logic here is that most people have never heard of furries.
Except, you know, I can go up to people and say "Hey remember that episode of CSI with the furries" and get a mildly disgusted look from them.

Either way, this little part of the thread is over.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:47 am
by Kirk Hammett
What makes me laugh about the whole arguing thing is that some furries are therians, and some therians are furries.

What is even funnier, is I didn't notice there was a "war" until recently. (I'm not -always- zoned out, just not in the loop, because I don't try be to nobody laugh! :P )

To me, peacemaker that I'm told I am, I really don't care. We are, all what we are, who we are, and thats how this world should be.

Unfortunately, it's naive to believe that'd ever exist in any case.

:lol: Bitter laugh. Heh.

Anyways I'll leave you all to it...this place got pretty heated...

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:26 pm
by WordWolf
Kirk Hammett wrote:What makes me laugh about the whole arguing thing is that some furries are therians, and some therians are furries.

What is even funnier, is I didn't notice there was a "war" until recently. (I'm not -always- zoned out, just not in the loop, because I don't try be to nobody laugh! :P )
There's hardly a "war" AFAIK.
There's a minority of people on both sides misunderstanding the other side (and occasionally their "own" side.)
I think most therians AND most furries either WOULD get along just fine, or DO get along just fine. I've met with groups of both face-to-face, and found them friendly and welcoming. I've interacted with both online, and found the same. (Usually.)

I believe understanding and mutual respect go a long way-and I think they HAVE gone a long way so far. I wish that applied to ALL instead of merely
"many" or even "most."

I'd say a bit more, but I believe the moderator's disallowed me addressing a few specific points.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:00 am
by Kirk Hammett
WordWolf wrote:
Kirk Hammett wrote:What makes me laugh about the whole arguing thing is that some furries are therians, and some therians are furries.

What is even funnier, is I didn't notice there was a "war" until recently. (I'm not -always- zoned out, just not in the loop, because I don't try be to nobody laugh! :P )
There's hardly a "war" AFAIK.
There's a minority of people on both sides misunderstanding the other side (and occasionally their "own" side.)
I think most therians AND most furries either WOULD get along just fine, or DO get along just fine. I've met with groups of both face-to-face, and found them friendly and welcoming. I've interacted with both online, and found the same. (Usually.)

I believe understanding and mutual respect go a long way-and I think they HAVE gone a long way so far. I wish that applied to ALL instead of merely
"many" or even "most."

I'd say a bit more, but I believe the moderator's disallowed me addressing a few specific points.
Thanks for the info. Just a question; what does AFAIK stand for?

And I put war in "" because I didn't mean it too literally; but basically the impression everybody is giving me is more than misunderstandings; of course I'm not knowledgeable in this, hence the "".

So thanks for the correction; I also think maybe it's a factor of an online community? Not entirely, of course; but in some cases. The internet encourages, from even the shiest, least argumentive people, a blunt attitude. I mean hell, the stuff I say on here, even though it might be very minimally provokative (I hold my tongue a lot more often than I speak my opinion, trust me), I'd never -ever- say out loud.

And with the internet comes writing, and with that, hundreds of misunderstandings. But yeah I'll wrap this up too, again thanks, and I don't wish to annoy the moderator.

