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Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 5:21 am
by Fang
*Soaked in blood I pull out my magnum and bash anubis to death with the butt end of the grip* (You said nothing about pistol whipping) *I love finding loopholes)

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 6:40 am
by psiguy

We get bombed by N. Korea's Dumbness...

Now everyone's stupid!

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 4:22 pm
by Moon_Lover

*Pulls out a nuke*
So bomb 'em back!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 5:20 am
by FoxOfWar
*slowly gathers himself from pieces scattered around*

Hmm... I'm hungry.

*turns Fang into a ratburger and eats him*

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 5:48 am
by Fang
*Transforms back to normal in FOW's stomach, causing him to explode*
There is only one wolf who I would ever let eat me or bite me
*Grinds the remaining peices of FOW and grinds them to a fine pulp so that he can't come back"

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 9:16 am
by Moon_Lover
What are you trying to end his misery?!
*Brings FoW back. And smacks Fang, sending him flying. Again*

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 4:26 am
by FoxOfWar
Ehh... thanks, I suppose. *grin*

*Transforms himself into a stegosaurus and smacks everyone around with his tail*

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:26 am
by Templar
Prologue: Since I'm bored, I'll pick up my fight w/Moon_Lover that was deleted during move. So far, Moon_Lover has dumped a chemical that prevents me from regenerating down my throat and has cut everything but apparently my head and torso to ribbons. Knowing that I can't heal and the chemical will make any internal wounds fatal, he waits for me to make a move....

Well....that's.....more like it...ya panzie. I know....there's no...way...I can...beat this, think...I'll just choose...death!
*Rip open stomach with my own jaws and chemical east my body away*
Hehe...may God have....mercy on...your soul.......'cause I won't.

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:59 am
by Moon_Lover
*Watches in humor as Templar's body is completely melted away, then suddenly reforms into near-perfect health*
You just don't get it do you? This is an "Immortal Area". You can attack all you want, bring people to near-death, and keep on that way, but once you die, you automatically regenerate.
And now, to continue the fun.
*Grinning mischeviously, his arm snaked out, smacking Templar up the side of the head and landing in a crater nearby*
Nice drama, by the way...

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:01 am
by Templar
*Comes up behind Moon_Lover and taps him on the shoulder as he's focused on the crater where "Templar" landed*
Hehehehehehe...Havin' fun, Moon-boy?
*Rips Moon_Lover's wings off and launches him towards the crater with a sidekick. Other Templar jumps out of the crater."
Thanks for enlightening me about the "Immortal Area" thing. I had no idea.
*grabs Moon-Lover by the throat, smashes his head into the ground until his brains start to gush out, and throws him back to the other Templar.
Templar1: Mind if I finish?
Templar2:Be my guest.
Templar1: Why, thank you, sir. Like you said, Moon-Lover, regeneration is a real b*tch. But to keep it fair, the other me will just enjoy the show while we finish this round.
*grabs Moon_Lover by the ears and rips him in half down the middle. picks up last batch of Moon-Lover's chemical.*
Heh, this stuff works pretty well. Let's see how you like it.
*stuffs vial into Moon-Lover's guts and mashes his halves together like two slices of bread. Dumps the rest on Moon-Lover and his severed wings just as he finishes regenerating. Stoops over Moon-Lover as he burns and writhes on the floor in agony."
Heheheheheh..Hurts, dunnit? From here on out, let's leave weapons and chemical warfare out of our little game.
*Stomp-kicks Moon-Lover's chest and watches as he corrodes outside and in. Watches as Moon-Lover regenerates, grabs him by the hair, and begins to cave his face in with my fist.*

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:06 pm
by Moon_Lover
*A nearby hand suddenly grabs at Templar's fist. It's one of Moon_Lover's copies*
Not very nice of you to do that... *Breaks Templar's wrist, tossing him aside for a second. Leans down, breaking the original Moon Lover's neck. Stands up, staring at the two Templar's*
Two heads are better than one/Double the credit, triple the fun... *Moon Lover's copy suddenly splits into two, evening them out while the original regenerated*
Now, let's see if we can have some fun. *Both act almost as one, bodyslamming into templar, breaking their wrists. From there, they continued to the ankles, preventing them from the ability to stand, let alone walk*
Meh. The chemical was simply intended to stunt your instantaneous regeneration, but I can live without it. *Taps two points on the neck of both Templars, keeping them alive, but trying desperately to to breathe and unable to. A couple seconds later, they both recieved a kick to the groin, sending their systems into shock*
Clones, such hassles. *The clone attacking Templar's copy suddenly landed a blow on his neck, instantly killing him. As soon as this was done, the clone broke his own neck, knowing that only the original would regenerate. Both disappeared in a puff of smoke*
Hm...I can't guarantee that you'll recover from that breath inhibitor, but if you do, it should take a couple of minutes. Plenty of time for the original to regen. *The first clone snapped his neck, diappeairng in a puff of smoke*

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 4:21 am
by Templar
*clapping heard from cloud of smoke where the clones disappeared. Templar Emerges from cloud and stoops down next to regenerating Moon-Lover*
Heheheheh....Nice parlor trick. Unfortunately for you, it doesn't work that way with me.
*rips Moon-Lover's head off, holding it and his dangling spine at face height*
Y'see, I ain't no simple magical copy like your late hare-kiri buddies. I am Templar, just as much as that guy over there is. I live, I think, I fight, and I regenerate just like he does, which means there's no easy delete button with me.
*turns to face other, now fully healed Templar*
Your turn.
Other Templar: About time. Tell ya what, you deal with any more copies he sends in so that we can keep this fight one-on-one.
*Shrugs* Fine, but I get to keep the head.
Other Templar: Whatever. He's starting to grow a new one anyway....
*Templar withMoon-Lober's head sits down on the sidelines. Throws Moon-Lover's head and spinal chord over his head*
Hey, look! I'm Davy Crockett!
*Other Templar meanwhile kick's Moon-Lover fifteen times in the cojones, then begins to cut at major points pn Moon-Lover's body, which drains him of all his blood in a few minutes*

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:46 am
by Lukas
dam this looks like an rpg fight now!*runs out of the topic before anyone can hit me*

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 8:41 am
by psiguy
*greets Lukas in the alternate off-topic dimension*

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:12 am
by Templar
*Hits Lukas and Psiguy in the head w/ Khukri knives*
Where yall think yer goin', boys?!!!There's enough of me to go around!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:40 pm
by What Mafia
*walks in* hey guys, what's up---
oh dammit! now WHO IS GOING TO CLEAN THIS UP?!

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 8:13 am
by Lukas
you cant hit me because im not even here hence"getting out before anyone hites me" so you havnt got me*laughs at tempest futility*

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 2:58 pm
by psiguy
Tempest? Where?..

OH! Now that you mention it... it is becomming quite breezy!

A storms a brewin!!! :scream:

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 3:59 pm
by Templar
You bet yo' A$$ there's a storm a brewin'!!
*Suddenly shows up in same off-topic dimension as Lukas and psyguy*
I hate cowards...
*Cuts legs out from under Lukas*
...and the name's TEMPLAR! T-E-M-P-L-A-R! And just so you don't forget...
*Brands Templar Cross on Lukas' face*

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 7:50 am
by Lukas
i spell your name wrong however i want to and how many times do i got to tell you im not there, you must be in a dream or somthing :P

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 2:49 pm
by Templar
Fine, ya little coward. You just watch yer back in these forums from now on.....cause I will find you....hehehehehehehehehehe...........

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:26 am
by Lukas
its just a internet board silly :roll: :P

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:00 am
by FoxOfWar
Lukas wrote:its just a internet board silly :roll: :P
"Silly" being one of the two keywords in this board we all know and love. Other being werewolf, of course :)

Err... *flees*

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:03 pm
by Moon_Lover
*Moon Lover licks at his own blood of of himself, drinking it while it was clean. He sighs, pleased with the taste*
Coupla things, Templar. *Stands as he is regenerated, quickly wrapping his arms around his opponent's head* One, maybe you can fight with me, but in more of the normal, slightly brutal martial arts. This death-per-attack thing is getting kind of boring. Two, I don't take well to people threatening my friends. At all. Keep it up, and you'll find that out the hard way. *The crack of Templar's neck was clearly heard as he broke it, tossing the body aside*

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:48 pm
by Templar
*Pops neck into place, enjoying the pain*
Fine by me. And I'm done pickin' on Lukas anyway, so no need to worry about him....
*Bows and assumes the fighting position, bouncing slightly on the balls of his feet*
Your move.