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Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:42 pm
by BlackWolfDS
Laharl could sense the wolf in Tobias. It seemed like it was stronger than before and hungry. Laharl had to get Tobias away from Leigh and her now noticeable wound. He gave Leigh a quick glance before sticking his hands in his pockets and sighing. "Come." He moved without hesitation and walked right pass Tobias. Then he stopped a ways into the forest. "Well? Do you want food or not?"

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:11 am
by Ancient
Leigh felt for a moment as if she were a target. She hated that feeling. She noticed the way Tobias looked at her. Was her wound really that noticeable? She couldn't help but wonder. She saw Larharl look at her and then walk into the forest and ask Tobias to follow him. She wanted to dissapear for a moment. She wanted to do anything but stand there feeling trapped and helpless. She wasn't some damsel in distress she was a self made warrior. She was a Hunter Searcher. Then why was it she was starting to feel more like the damsel than the warrior?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:24 am
by darkest wolf
Jarod looked at Leigh. Her face said she was troubled with something. It only took a few moment when he realized what it was, when you combine a hungry wolf and the scent of blod, things never worked out. He knew that out of expierience.

Laharl seemed to be getting through to Tobias. An idea hit Jarod like a bullet train, no, then he just looked like an a** prowling for a one night stand. It was worth it though, it seemed that Tobias put everyone on edge. He had to be seperated from Leigh. He turned to her.

"Erm, ma'am. May I speak to you for a moment?"

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 10:45 am
by Ancient
Leigh watched as Tobias seemed to want to follow Larharl into the forest. Somehow she still felt on edge. She felt as if things unseen was staring at her. Since when was she paranoid? She saw deep pools of blood of the ground and the muzzle of a great white wolf stained with the blood of her loved ones as well as her own. It was so real for a moment she thought Hector was really there standing before her. Suddenly a voice brought her back from her invading memory. She blinked and realized it was Jarod speaking. She then got the question. She paused for a moment wondering why he would want to talk to her, but somehow she wasn't afraid of him. She cast a look to Edward letting him know that it was her choice to speak with Jarod. Praying that he would shoot her because of how strange she was acting. She knew Edward sensed it. She only wondered if the others sensed it too. She then looked to Jarod once again. "Alright." She said with an even tone. She knew she would be ready for an attack. She took a step towards him. "What is it?" She said with that same even tone. The tone that said she wasn't afraid of anything. It was clear this woman wasn't afraid to die. In a way she felt as if she was already dead. That's what made her a dangerous Hunter Searcher. That's what made the werewolves tremble. They seemed to sense it. They seemed to fear it. It gave her an edge.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 11:10 am
by DayStar
Edward simply listened for a moment. His gun was still aimed at Tobias. He knew Jarod was ready as well. He waited and watched. Then Larharl took it upon himself to have Tobias follow him. Edward held no objections. He knew Leigh wasn't herself and getting Tobias away from her seemed the best of options. He cast a look to Leigh and found her looking disturbed. Leigh never showed her emotions. Why could he suddenly read her clear as day. Was it because he knew her or because she was really that obvious? He heard Jarod ask to speak with her. He cast Jarod a look. It was a look that said 'hurt her and die' a look that also may have said 'I'm watching you'. He wasn't going to let anyone hurt Leigh.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:45 pm
by darkest wolf
Jarod glanced toward Edward with what looked like understanding. He turned toward Leigh.

"I'm not here to hurt you." Jarod cast a sideways look at Lahral to see his progress with Tobias "I do have one question though. How did you wound yourself this morning?"

If Jarod could notice and smell the blood on Leigh, there was not a doubt Tobias could to. The smell of dried, caked blood filled the air.

"I'm not your father, but I think it's best you stay away from him." Jarod walked away, his question in the air "There's something slippery about him."

He walked back over to Edward and sighed.

"I don't think you should be worried about your friend there," he paused watching Tobias "She's more than capable of protecting herself. Who you should worry about is Tobias."

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:40 pm
by [arpegiuswolf]
Tobias was silent, heasitating for a moment before finaly moving to follow Laharl...He wasn't stupid, He knew nobody trusted him. He followed slowly, keeping his distance from Laharl as he walked.

It was easy to tell that the human side of him was severely depressed...but the wolf side only wanted food...He was more frightened of himself than he was of their guns. Part of him wanted them to shoot him and end his pain, but the wolf wouldn't allow that...

"Where are we going?" He asked in that low scratchy voice, lifting his gaze from the ground to look towards Laharl for a moment as they walked...

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 6:58 pm
by BlackWolfDS
Larharl casted a glance over his shoulder. "Does it matter? We're getting you food." He turned back forward and continued to walk. He could tell that Tobias' wolf hungered for a meal but he didn't know what to do when they did come across some possible pray. Larharl called over his shoulder again, "Are you comfortable with changing?" Laharl knew Tobias had little control over the wolf, but one would never master the ability unless tried. Since Tobias seemed submissive, then Laharl could possibly get through to him in his wolf form. He stopped in a clearing and turned to face Tobias. "If you want a meal here, you will need to catch it...which means you will have to change. Do you think you can control the wolf during a hunt?"

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 8:40 pm
by [arpegiuswolf]
He shook his head slightly to Larharl's question...He never liked shifting forms...unlike most wolves, his shifts were always intensely painful. "I've never changed on purpose..." He said quietly. Every time he shifted, it was because something forced him to...Starvation, an attack, or simply getting too weak to control the wolf...He sighed slightly, messing with the scarf around his neck, not giving Larharl any eye contact as he did so...

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 9:50 pm
by BlackWolfDS
Laharl sighed. "I know this may be a bad idea and I may regret it in the end...but you need to change purposely." He pulled his hands out of his pockets and then crossed his arms. "Did it ever occur to you that trying to suppress the wolf would make life a lot harder? You need to let go." Laharl uncrossed his arms and walked away from the clearing. "Wait here." Laharl left the clearing and hid behind a tree. Then he called upon the change. He opened his eyes after a few seconds later and blinked a few times. The smells of trails were everywhere. His senses were so sharp, he could even hear Tobias' heart beat. That's when he trotted back to the clearing and to where Tobias was. He tried to make himself look less threatening by waging his tail as he entered the clearing.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 10:12 pm
by [arpegiuswolf]
He was quiet as Larharl spoke...Taking a half-step back from him when he returned...He was clearly frightened of what may happen...but he did as the other told him.

Closing his eyes, he tried to let go and allow himself to change...He winced, taking a few stepps back. He managed to get out of his clothes as his body reshaped itself. Bones cracking and popping into place, pain written clearly on his face. Moments later, he stood there in his full wolf form...a mangy looking beast, scars all over his body, the ones on his throat and forelegs clearly visible, even with his thick black fur...He looked like an abused dog, not a powerful wolf...

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 10:22 pm
by BlackWolfDS
Laharl perked his ears and watched Tobias change. When he had finished, Laharl took another step into the clearing. He kept his eyes and sense trained on Tobias, just in case he decided Laharl was a meal. Laharl kept his tail level and his eyes forward, a sign that he was not trying to be dominating or submissive.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 10:27 pm
by Ancient
Leigh watched as Larharl stood trying to convince Tobias to follow him. Then Jarod turned to her. She heard him state the fact that he wasn't going to hurt her. She saw Tobias follow Larharl into the trees and then heard Jarod ask her how she wounded herself. She started a bit and blinked. She realized that practicaly everyone knew. She g;anced at him. "I'm not quite sure actually. I think I probably hurt myself while fighting a werewolf last night." She half told the truth and half lied. Truth was she had no idea why her injury suddenly had reopened to appear fresh and new. She only knew that Hector probably had something to do with it. She heard Jarod advise her to stay away from Tobias. "I can take care of myself you know." She stated the obvious. Almost as if she was unsure of why Jarod suddenly wanted to advise her. Then Jarod turned and walked away. She watched him as he walked back over to Edward. There was something between those two that much she could tell. Some sort of history. Her wolf hearing picked up Jarod's statement about how Edward shouldn't worry because she's more than capable of protecting herself. So, she had gotten her point across. Good then he doesn't think she's some weak little girl. She then heard Jarod tell Edward that he should be careful of Tobias. Truth was Tobias was the least of her worries. There was a sleepless malice that lurked in the woods. A nightmare that was both beautiful and terrible at the same time. A wolf so powerful that even the darkness trembled.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 3:25 am
by [arpegiuswolf]
The scars running across his face that had left him blind in one eye were now even more was the fact he was blind in that eye. Patches of fur missing from his throat showed the vicious scars from his attempted suicides, and patches missing all over his body showed where other wolves had attacked and injured him...Tail and head held low, eyes to the ground...he sat down. He had unusually long legs, built more like a cross between a greyhound and a wolf, fast and agile...but with little to no strength...

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 3:41 am
by BlackWolfDS
Laharl watched Tobias with a curiosity. This was not the same wolf whom was trying to emerge when Tobias was human, but then again, Tobias hadn't willed the change. With a small snort Laharl took a few more steps towards Tobias. He keep his posture friendly but at the same time tensed to run. Even if Tobias didn't look in shape didn't mean Laharl wanted to test that theory. Once he was close enough he let out a chuff to get Tobias' attention. He gave the wolf who sat in front of him a look over. He was skinny and malnourished. Laharl began to wonder how long it had been since Tobias had had anything decent. Then with a quick shake of the fur and a chuff, Laharl turned towards the forest. He motioned Tobias to follow if he wished for some food.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 9:52 am
by [arpegiuswolf]
His ears perked up at the noise, lifting his head enough for his long fangs to be visible. They were long enough to be just visible even with his jaw closed and lips relaxed...He watched Laharl for a moment, blind eye staying closed so it wouldn't be irritated by the light. He seemed in control of himself right now. He stood, attention turning to his clothes as he piled them at the base of a tree and scratched off some bark at about eye level of a human so he could find it again.

Once he was done with that, he turned back to Laharl, keeping his head and tail low as he followed. Ears pivoting about at every sound. For once he actually took time to examine his surroundings...the sounds and smells. it was like it was all new to him.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 12:19 pm
by BlackWolfDS
Laharl watched Tobias mark a tree with his claws, in order to find his clothes later. Laharl thought, "He must be really new to this, otherwise he could have just found his clothes later, by scent." Laharl shook his muzzle and continued on. As they walked Laharl began to think, "How would he do in a hunt? How would he act when the food was ready to eat? Would he act Dominant or Submissive like he's been?" He let out a short sigh he put his nose to the ground and began looking for fresh scents. It didn't take long for him to find the trail of a doe. He stopped in his tracks and motioned Tobias to stop as well. With his ears perked he searched the nearby woods. That's when he heard it. To him it sounded like a small doe, large enough for 3 wolves. He casted a glance back at Tobias. He hoped Tobias' wolf knew the scare and surprise attack strategy. Laharl pointed his muzzle towards a bush on the other side of the doe. Then he crouched to the ground and slowly, and very quietly made his way to the bushes and hid. He peered out of the bushes and waited for Tobias to scare the doe towards him, so he could take it down.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 6:44 am
by Ancient
Leigh watched Jarod and Edward for awhile. There was something about those two. It was almost as if Edward had once meant something to Jarod and Jarod was either trying to get it back or prove something to Edward. She couldn't quite tell. Sure that Edward and Jarod were probably not paying attention to her she walked off a few feet. She picked up the first aid kit from very earlier that night and searched through the remaining supplies that she didn't use on her face which was healing pretty well. "Crap." She muttered to herself as she searched. She found a piece of cotton packing and some alcohol. Not near big enough for the injury on her back but it was a start. She continued her search, but as always she was aware of every movement. She could practicaly feel something watching her. A very familiar something.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:30 pm
by darkest wolf
Jarod watched out of the corner of his eye. Leigh appeared to be digging into a first-aid kit. Who knew what was in there? A gun? A knife?

Nah, if she was gonna shoot me, she would've done it already.

He sat there pretending not to notice that she wandered off. Jarod walked over to a tree and flipped out the blade on his pocket knife. He quickly tossed it into the bark. It was a habit for Jarod, all be it a bad one. It seemed that whenever he was stressed he'd go throwing the knife. It was done so often that he had it down in one fluid motion.

He yanked the knife out of the tree and tossed it in again. Stress, guilt, confusion, it hit Jarod hard. Just like a tidal wave, all at once. Who could he trust? Would he have to pick sides, or was there a middle ground?

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:28 am
by DayStar
Edward look at Jarod for a moment as his once former student stood before him. Then Jarod told him not to worry about Leigh. He nodded in agreement. He knew Leigh could protect herself, but he also knew that he would always be there to back her up. Then Jarod walked away from him. He saw his former students familiar nervous habit of knife throwing. He then holstered his gun once again as he looked to Leigh. He knew Leigh was to proud to ask for help. He quietly walked over to her as she dug through the first aid kit. Without word he knelt down and picked up some more of the cotton packing. He didn't have to speak to offer his help he knew that Leigh knew he was going to help. He looked at the woman he had rescued. So much had changed about her yet stayed the same. She was both the gentle frightened girl he found and the valiant warrior she had become.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:52 am
by darkest wolf
Jarod ripped the knife out of the tree again. He looked at the weapon, curled in his fist. It hadn't changed, it was the same knife he had a few months back. Back before that fateful night. He watched Edward, his former mentor, or did Jarod still respect him?

The pupil unfolded his knife again and resumed throwing it into the tree. He was sure it annoyed someone, but no one had mentioned anything yet.

He ripped it out of the tree one last time, the enscription "For Jarod" was dull and faded, now not to mention covered in sap. Jarod wiped it off and folded the knife back up before putting it back into his jacket.

The guilt ate at him like poison. He wanted to talk to Edward about the events that had happened over the months, but he couldn't. He couldn't face judgement, not again.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 6:41 am
by DayStar
Edward got some cleanser from the first aid kit as well and waited for Leigh to let him help. He looked over to Jarod who was watching him. He saw the words that had been carved into the tree. It was as if the wolf he had become was reminding him that he had lost Jarod. There was so much that had changed about his former stundent yet there were still times that he thought Jarod cared about what he thought. He looked at the knife that Jarod used. The knife he had given Jarod. There was so much that he wanted to say to Jarod, but he couldn't comfront his failure. Not yet anyway. He then turned his attention back to Leigh.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 3:48 pm
by [arpegiuswolf]
Tobias watched Laharl with his good eye before his gaze shifted to the doe. He watched it silently for a few moments, as if studying it as it went about its life...Without any warning, ears folded back and he shot foward. His speed was incredible, much faster than any average werewolf. He didn't even bother spooking the less than a minute, he was ontop of it, dragging it to the ground with his jaws wraped around the back of its neck. The doe cried out once before the cracking sound of Tobias crushing its spine in his jaws. He let go of the body, watching the legs twich a few times before laying still...Blood dripping from his open maw as he panted. Running like that took alot of energy...

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:04 pm
by BlackWolfDS
Larharl watched as Tobias took down the doe with incredible speed. It appeared that he wasn't all that he seemed... With a few cautious steps Laharl approached the doe and Tobias. He kept his ears perked and his muscles tense just in case. When he was a few feet away he sat on his haunches and waited.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:36 am
by Ancient
As Edward silently came over to help her and picked up the rest of the cotton packing and some cleanser she knew he was going to help her no matter what she said. She gave Edward a look as if she had decided something. She then slid off her leather jacket. The movement was carried out swiftly although painfully. The leather jacket landed with a dull thump on the forest floor. Against the black fabric of her tank top the blood could be seen but there was no tear in the fabric. No obvious reason for such a wound to appear. She then pulled the shirt off over her head. Leaving herself in a black bra. The wound was deep and painful looking. It stood out against her back. She sensed Edward very near and looked at him a moment. She saw his attention come back to her and she nodded and turned around so that he could reach her back. It was an incrediable statement of trust. The bond that she and Edward held was something special. She trusted Edward with her life and even her death should he see fit.