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Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:57 pm
by 23Jarden
Well it seems to me like since Anubis sugested making the game he gets the honorary title of Head of the Project. I can do storyline and some concept art. The whole Werewolf vs. Vampire seems a little worn out to me. If we're doing a side scroller we could atleast make the enviroment visually interesting and not so much holed up in a base. Not to say to have no base. I love bases. So very secretive. *huggle* But maybe we could move outside of the base at some point. What about fighting a rougue werewolf, or a werewolf that's got alot of power and comming out of moonlit closet. Or fighting an ly released virus outbreak that makes the humans who are changed into "viscous lusting monsters". Maybe the primal virus <- (last sentence) doesn't change the humans into werewolves immediately(SP that friken word) maybe it turns them into the furry faced wolfmen of the 50's. Maybe the virus progresses and at some stage turn the humans into werewolves. Maybe it goes farther. turning them into grotesque swollen megabeasties. Maybe there are other supernatural creatures. Maybe we're fighting Hell itself. If we do a side scroller we can create an RPG that detailed and colorful. We can include more Player Characters. Oh that was what the oringal typing of this post was for! Maybe we should have more then one charcter you could play. Like Type of werewolf, Color, and class. Maybe there could Ww's like Goldie's weres or like Freeborn's weres, or like the wolfman, or like a thin evil wolfie, or a big musclely wolfie, or a puffball wolfie, or..etc. maybe we could just have basic ROYGBIV, or different natural tones. Or have tattoos. (no doubt one would the pack sign) ((or a duckie)) :P Or have something similar to wolfhome's coloring scheme. ACK! running out of time! I mean there are good, great side scrolling games(FMA) that are fun to play. Not to mention we could offer the fans (we included) the chance to change and expand the game as Bethesda did. Since the game would be extremly difficult to make characters for (pixles people sheesh) more people would probably make their own characters. I would have to ask though that the characters entering are school apropriate. Perhaps there should be Admins to insure that anyone could play the game anywhere. Anyone to a point I am for and gore. Aw... times up. Until next time!