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Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 5:51 pm
by KittyRose
I'm sorry about your Mom Z, I hope everything turns out okay; I'll keep you and her in my prays.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:34 am
by Kirk Hammett
Teh_DarkJokerWolf wrote:It's funny how you think you have real friends, an you find out their not really friends at all...You go outta your way to do something for them, an even throw it out there in peoples faces, because they don't think they get enough attention already, so you help em out..Not only do they give you half assed praise after you've done this for them, they don't act concerned when your having personal issues of your own..They don't even wish you well, but when someone else does this person a favor, though they paid for it, they get better praise than one who did it freely an to be nice..Being a bleeding heart doesn't pay, giving your all to make one feel better, is total BS..If that person was smart enough they would stop doing nice things for the one who doesn't care an do stuff for those who do care...SADLY that person isn't f***ing smart enough to stop cause it makes em feel better...Anyways.. :roll:

I'm here for you Z..Though I can't be there with you in person, I'll find a way there an do whatever I have to so I can :(
-Growls- Sounds like a selfish -censored- to me! Well, it's their loss, to lose you as a friend.

And I know what you mean. I get my generosity abused all the time. But it's better to be generous to selfish, even if you get walked on sometimes.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:13 am
by Timber-WoIf
the other day, i wuz out and about in one o our trucks with a guy i normally like working with. Well, we get done cleaning this customers house, and when we call in to the office to tell 'em we're on our way to our next job, they tel me i need to call my mom asap. So i do, and turns out my bro is at the hospital after having a sezure in school. Well, i'm all like "s***, man, i need to get home." so i ask my crew chief to swing me by the office so i can get the hell to my bro. But he's all wanting to go straight to our next job, and let one of the girls in the office drive thier car out and meet us to pick me up.

he wanted to drag me through downtown norfolk, and wait an hour+ before to get back to the shop, when he could take 30 minutes outta his busy day to swing by the office (wich we were 15 minutes away from when i found out about my bro). I had to get our boss lady on the phone to tell the dude to swing by the office and drop me off so i could head out. Then he gets all pissed about it. Because he had to swing me by the office, it he got home 30 minutes later than he woulda.

i've known this dude is selfish. he keeps whatever tips he can hide from me, ignores all of my suggestions and openions, and all he cares about is getting the day done and over. He has zero faith in his assistants, and keeps army-style control over you (x-drill sarge). But i put up with all his crap because he always gets doen early while still making good money.

But, if something like me needing to get to the hospital with my bro is too much of a damn inconvieniance for him to add 30 minutes to his day,i aint putting up with him. I told my boss i wouldn't work with himany more, and she said no prob.
So now, including me, half the assistant techs at stanley steemer wont work with him.

Oh and my brother turned out to be fine. mostly. hospital couldnt find anything wrong with him anyway. apperantly just a random a** sezure.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:31 am
by lupine
Its good your Bro's ok. I never had an a** siezure tho :lol: Does it mean you lose control of your legs? :lol:

As long as he ok, have tey got no reason for athe siezure tho? has he had one before?

As for your colleague. I reckon you done the right thing mate, Stuff him. He sounds like a proper tool.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:34 am
by Timber-WoIf
never had a sezure before in his life....

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:06 am
by lupine
:? That's pretty scarey. You can just have a random siezure...Does that mean he's gonna have them more frequently now then?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:40 pm
by White Paw
Timber-WoIf wrote:the other day, i wuz out and about in one o our trucks with a guy i normally like working with. Well, we get done cleaning this customers house, and when we call in to the office to tell 'em we're on our way to our next job, they tel me i need to call my mom asap. So i do, and turns out my bro is at the hospital after having a sezure in school. Well, i'm all like "s***, man, i need to get home." so i ask my crew chief to swing me by the office so i can get the hell to my bro. But he's all wanting to go straight to our next job, and let one of the girls in the office drive thier car out and meet us to pick me up.

he wanted to drag me through downtown norfolk, and wait an hour+ before to get back to the shop, when he could take 30 minutes outta his busy day to swing by the office (wich we were 15 minutes away from when i found out about my bro). I had to get our boss lady on the phone to tell the dude to swing by the office and drop me off so i could head out. Then he gets all pissed about it. Because he had to swing me by the office, it he got home 30 minutes later than he woulda.

i've known this dude is selfish. he keeps whatever tips he can hide from me, ignores all of my suggestions and openions, and all he cares about is getting the day done and over. He has zero faith in his assistants, and keeps army-style control over you (x-drill sarge). But i put up with all his crap because he always gets doen early while still making good money.

But, if something like me needing to get to the hospital with my bro is too much of a damn inconvieniance for him to add 30 minutes to his day,i aint putting up with him. I told my boss i wouldn't work with himany more, and she said no prob.
So now, including me, half the assistant techs at stanley steemer wont work with him.

Oh and my brother turned out to be fine. mostly. hospital couldnt find anything wrong with him anyway. apperantly just a random a** sezure.

damn thats awefull i hope everythings o.k. :o

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 3:13 pm
by nachoboy
hmm. yeah, i can understand what that's like, timber. my bro's had two seizures, and they's crazy. for the second one, i was away at an academic team meet, and i didn't learn bout it until like 4 hours after it happened.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:58 pm
by In_Cruce_Salus

Okay, I've learned something very important these last few months. It isn't obvious at first, and you'd assume that it wouldn't matter, but it really does seem to.
Most important thing I've learned this month? "Never tell your religious-right mother any of what goes on at your public school." Now, what could I mean by this? Guns? Knives? Fights? Sex? No. Books. Movies. Discussions about human sexuality in Psychology.

Lets see what I've read this year in school...
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Lets see...adultery, children conceived out of wedlock, complete and utter hatred.
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. Murder, war, rape, sex, drugs, dereliction of duty.
My Antonia by Willa Cather. Not so bad, but the author was gay.
Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton. Hatred, adultery, incest, sexuality, suicide.
The Awakening by Kate Chopin. Adultery, freedom, suicide, sexuality.
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams. Not only was the author gay (flamingly so) and an alcoholic, but the book (its actually a play) involves abuse, rape, etc.
A couple others that didn't leave enough of an impact to remember...

We just finished watching the movie "Fried Green Tomatos"(GREAT MOVIE) in Psychology so we can study Erik Erikson's principles as demonstrated(subliminal message: See the movie) by the movie. This movie involves death, abuse, rebellion, and various other things that(see the movie) I won't mention because they are important to the plot (think, "BBQ chicken! Yum!").
In Psychology, we frequently discuss things that are viewed as controversial. Heck, life is controversial. We talk about memory, maturation, intelligence, sex, mass murderers, serial killers, school shootings, etc.
The whole point of this is pretty much this: I'm ticked off that my parents may try to stick me into a private school of their choosing simply because they don't like the things we read and discuss in school, many of which occur quite readily in real life (except the whole BBQ chicken thing from FGT.)
I don't like the idea of a private school, most definitely because I'm a senior next year. I don't want anything to do with private schools. Especially the ones that my mother might try to stick me in. They'd probably end up being the most religious, creationistic, and homophobic things you could imagine.

This random and stupid rant brought to you by FOX (Friendly Oryx with a Xylophone)


Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 5:06 pm
by Fenrir
Well I know one sure fire way to keep you out of a private school, show them the price tage :D

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:22 pm
by Kaebora
Or move out and go to the school you want to attend. Downside is that you wont have your parents funding the education.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 11:38 am
by KittyRose
I'm starting to dislike my teachers this year.
First off, my Media Criticism teacher just gave me a C on my paper and I'm not sure why. My friends and I are really angry :x with him! The assignment wasn't that hard and he wasn't really clear how he wanted it. I tried my best, I did the only thing I could and yet he gives me a C! I hope this Friday I can clear things up with him.

Next is my English Lit teacher, whose classes are so boring and I can't even concentrate in his class. It feels like he jumps from one topic to the other.

Then there's my Methods and Theories teacher, who's also my academic advisor. Sometimes I think he speaks in another language. Besides, the subject is so dry and boring; especially the readings. And he's a hard grader when it comes to papers. He expects us to do several drafts and re-writes whenever we do a paper but I can't do that. I barely have time to do that not the attention span. Sure, I can do that with my own writing but not for a paper for school. By the way, I hate writing papers, especially when I have no idea what I'm writing about.

My creative writing teacher isn't that bad, she's nice. Just that everybody is so quiet and sleepy that no one wants to participate. Probably because the class is held at three in the afternoon.

Okay, I'm done; I think :|

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:16 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Ever have people you think are your friends, yet when something comes up that tearing you up inside an they know about it..They know damn well about it, but say nothing? You see em online an they surely see you, but still nothing? When they were going through some problem an you did everything said everything you could to make em feel better..You drew something for them even? You spilled your heart out to em an even at that time they didn't seem to want that, but you try an try to impress them still.. Yick...that's just happened to many times..To many..I guess all my efforts were useless, pushing everything aside for them. Stuff you already had to do for them an they don't give u a second thought when your down an suffering..Ugh I hate anyone like that, they should suffer terribly an they should go through some terrible pains.. :x

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:52 am
by Kaebora
Some people don't like to get involved in the personal lives of online friends. It doen't mean they don't care, but that they feel it isn't their buisness. I myself am aware that you are going through tough times, and have many times expressed my sorrow for your situation. For me it is depressing to admit there is nothing I can do to help. Others are merely afraid to say anything perhaps because they don't want to feel guilty. You can't blame people for not saying anything. I'd only blame them for saying something hurtful. Silence isn't a crime over the internet. In person I'd expect them to back you up though.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:09 pm
by MoonKit
Kaebora wrote:Some people don't like to get involved in the personal lives of online friends.
*raises hand* Thats me. I dont think most people on the internet actually have close enough relationships to know all you're problems. Im not speaking to anyone in particular and I dont mean to offend but Im sorry. I dont want to hear how bad your life is. Dont complain to strangers on the internet. The internet and forums are for sharing ideas and funny things...not for complaining to. At least thats how I see it.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:03 pm
by Midnight
Dark Joker - sorry to hear that, I wish there was something useful I could do but I'm stuck on the other side of the planet. But I'm here to listen if you want to sound off about things.

Moonkit - This is the "Venting" topic after all, so where better to grouch about things? There's hundreds of other topics here which aren't about venting...

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:08 pm
by MoonKit
Midnight wrote:
Moonkit - This is the "Venting" topic after all, so where better to grouch about things? There's hundreds of other topics here which aren't about venting...

I know. :D I was just explaining why no one will probably ever get any sympathy from me. Joker mentioned that some people just dont get involved and I was just agreeing.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:30 pm
by lupine
Teh_DarkJokerWolf wrote:Ever have people you think are your friends, yet when something comes up that tearing you up inside an they know about it..They know damn well about it, but say nothing? You see em online an they surely see you, but still nothing? When they were going through some problem an you did everything said everything you could to make em feel better..You drew something for them even? You spilled your heart out to em an even at that time they didn't seem to want that, but you try an try to impress them still.. Yick...that's just happened to many times..To many..I guess all my efforts were useless, pushing everything aside for them. Stuff you already had to do for them an they don't give u a second thought when your down an suffering..Ugh I hate anyone like that, they should suffer terribly an they should go through some terrible pains.. :x
YUP!! There's a saying that goes along with what you have said...


I'm a big believer in that.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:16 pm
by Anook
*Points to avatar*


I LOVE IT!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:34 pm
by DarkShadow
Teh_DarkJokerWolf wrote:Ever have people you think are your friends, yet when something comes up that tearing you up inside an they know about it..They know damn well about it, but say nothing? You see em online an they surely see you, but still nothing? When they were going through some problem an you did everything said everything you could to make em feel better..You drew something for them even? You spilled your heart out to em an even at that time they didn't seem to want that, but you try an try to impress them still.. Yick...that's just happened to many times..To many..I guess all my efforts were useless, pushing everything aside for them. Stuff you already had to do for them an they don't give u a second thought when your down an suffering..Ugh I hate anyone like that, they should suffer terribly an they should go through some terrible pains.. :x
ugh, thats horrible! im sorry to hear that dark joker

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:32 am
by ravaged_warrior

I have a homework assignment due tomorrow for my art class, and I thought it would be just so awesome if I could make it in CG. Unfortunately, the computer I'm using is a cheap piece of sh*t which my dad bought for under $400 just for the purpose of having a computer to use. I understood this, and knew that something along these lines could and WOULD happen. What I didn't know was the EXTENT. I'm trying to load a damn image right now to use as a texture, but the program has FROZEN and I can't even get to the point where I can just SAVE THE F***ING PROJECT AND TRY AGAIN.

Damn it, it's going to REALLY suck when I start making the grass.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 8:40 pm
by Kaebora
Um... Joker, are you ok? You haven't responded to our replies at all. Makes me think you're displeased with the replies. :(

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 8:46 pm
by Timber-WoIf
-cheezyness everywhere
-working 55-70 hours/week for s*** pay
-space marines
-96.1 fm
-not enough time

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:05 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Kaebora wrote:Um... Joker, are you ok? You haven't responded to our replies at all. Makes me think you're displeased with the replies. :(
Nah it's not that more like..I feel silly for always griping..I just dunno though..It's actually a few folks on DA Z an on here..I won't point fingers or mention names..I just hope they know wat they are doing an stop. It's something I hate to even talk about..These people are old enough to know better..Age I found out doesn't make u a smarter person.. :x

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 3:14 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
So my mate lost her internet..She can't get online at all right now..Almost 2 freaking days..I have been able to talk to her on the telly, but she's got alot going on right now I dun know if it'd be right for me to call her up an talk..I'm a nervous wreck right now!! I'm just sitting here shaking..I been sleep all day. It's 3pm now..I never sleep like that.I'm up at the crack of dawn...I keep thinking call her call her, but geeze it's not a good time..(this is wat I keep telling myself...) Her mom had or is still having that surgery for that possible Cancer..This is why I am hesitant to call..I am concerned as all get out...I kept the phone by me all night I did..I didn't know if she might call or I should...This is awful...I should really call.. :(