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Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 12:40 am
by celtwolf
yes, quite, but i highly doubt that this movie will have any werewolf-mechs battling it out in outer space in it. sorry to dissapoint you.
cool idea for another movie though:

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:19 am
by Akela
That's no mech, it's just a 7 foot genetically engineered supersoldier.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:25 am
by celtwolf
.......with mech parts grafted onto it?
nonetheless, i doubt that it'd be a part of the movie

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:30 am
by Akela
No, it's just armor grafted to the soldier's flesh.

lol I don't see how they could be in the movie consiedering they're 38,000 years in the furture. Besides it wouldn't be any fun, just one of those guys could take a whole pack with his bare hands.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:18 am
by Timber-WoIf
If your a battletech/mechwarrior fan, think of that as a powered armor / elemental.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:23 pm
by white
Akela wrote:Besides it wouldn't be any fun, just one of those guys could take a whole pack with his bare hands.
Ooooo, WRONG place to say that. I'm just going to say 'NO', and leave it at that.


Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:31 pm
by Akela
Lol those guys are top-of-the-line, It'd be pathetic if they couldn't take down a werewolf as easily as they go to the bathroom.

One space marine is the equivalent of over one-hundred fully armed and trained personnel.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:44 pm
by white
Drat. I was hoping I wouldn't end up posting this.

Have you ever brought into consideration a tad of realism? One of your space marines is a member of the fully armed and trained personnel. They're portrayed as uber to the point of illogic, written of as if they're invincible and all-powerful. If they're so fscking uber, then why are they necessary? They should be able to take care of anything quickly enough, and quickly make themselves useless.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:49 pm
by Akela
Well point being is they're not real. I never intended for people to think I would want them in the movie. That would be really stupid.

Why would they not be necessary in the future where there are d*** terminator impostors that can dissolve the flesh from your bones in a single shot.

If you think I'd want them in a movie.... you're WAY wrong.
It was kinda suprising, I never said anything like "They're cool, they should be in the movie"

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:50 pm
by Timber-WoIf

there is no possible way that a single soldier could be that powerful, no matter what kind of training and equipment he has. For one, regular infanty don't carry just rifles. they have .50 cal, rockets, satchels, etc.

for two, a powered armor suit, with all the essential systems and equipment, would not have armor thick enough to repel .50 cal, rockets, satchels, etc.

A navy SEAL may be stratigiacally worth more than a platoon of infantry, but that doesn't mean he could pwn a platoon of infantry in open combat.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:59 pm
by white
Akela, noone's saying you suggested it for the movie. We're just annoyed at your portrayal of these space marines. Timber-wolf has several good points, particularily in the last sentance.

As to their necessity? Dissolving flesh from bones in a single shot? Ok, that's simply not possible. Even if the bullet contained pure HCl, it'd at the very most just make a bit of a larger wound. Not to mention that such power would make one of your space marines useless.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:01 pm
by Akela
It's called science-fiction the key word being fiction, some of you people take things a bit too seriously.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:03 pm
by white
Hey, we're discussing what amounts to a fantasy monster here. 'tis level ground :) Anyway, neither genre would be any fun if it didn't seem realistically possible, given certain assumptions.

And you messed up your italic tags, by the way. :wink:

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:42 pm
by Timber-WoIf
i know, i know.... i have the same gripes against the Master Chief and BattleMechs. But fiction or not, uber-things are still dumb.

Forgot to mention Jedi Knights

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:46 pm
by white
Master Chief - He's the player. The player is always uber, except in multiplayer; what do you expect?

BattleMechs - They're walking weapons platforms. Admittedly, the legs shouldn't be able to support them and they should blow up when you look at them funny with all those explosives and whatever kind of reactor runs them, but they DO have a decent excuse. Unlike these space marines.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:46 pm
by celtwolf
Ralith Lupus wrote:Akela, noone's saying you suggested it for the movie.
um, technically, i suggested that it be in A movie, but not THIS one. honestly, it might make for an interesting space movie or something.

BUT, i think we should get back to the topic at hand. actually, >I< want to, but i'm saying WE should because that's what this topic is about.
i WOULD like to hear some feedback on my origin idea at least. ... 7655#57655

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:48 pm
by white
You're not Akela, last I checked. I think a movie based on them would end up being just another excuse for loads of gore and explosions, but I guess it sells...

Anyway. Back ontopic. Just so you know, mutation via radiation is the driving force behind evolution. It doesn't have to be something recent.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:49 pm
by Timber-WoIf
you misunderstand me. its not the Master Chief himself, put the patheticness of everything around him. (specifically the Marines. Go Johnson! Hoo-rah!)
same with the battlemechs. Realisticly, i would think good old fashoned tanks would be alot better. much simpler and more effecient design. but for some reason...

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:52 pm
by white
Good point, I suppose. A properly grounded take could also house a much greater arsenal, have a more powerful power source, and dissipate heat faster.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 11:19 pm
by celtwolf
i know that now. at the time i was just writing as it came into my head. i sort of combined the mutate idea and the virus idea and tried to make a way that both would kind of work. thus, the were-gene idea was bourne!

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 12:36 am
by Silver
Since Brownrigg said we're leaving this one alone, I won't put anything in Silver's Corner. But MY preference is mutation. After all, viruses mutate all the time. Why not one that mutated long before there were any antibiotics? One that, at first only affected a recessive gene, but continued to mutate until it affected everyone?

The gene, however, is still the key and the strength of the 'disease' is connected to the structure of the gene. Hence the differing strengths and varieties of WWs.

Teenage mutant ninja virii

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:10 pm
by Scott Gardener
A mutation is a change of one gene, usually randomly. A series of planned mutations on the order necessary to pull off a werewolf from a human would be on a scale that's pretty complex--too much to be just a random mutation or the work of a typical virus. If werewolves are naturally occurring, they'll need a pretty long and complex chain of evolutionary events to have pulled them off. If you're not in a Marvel comics universe, you'll need more than just a virus that does occasional mutations.

Still, they can occur naturally. But, I do ask, even beg, that we don't use the word "mutation" in a Stan Lee kind of way. (With all due respect to him; the X-Men movie did a remarkably good job suspending disbelief of science, or at least of distracting it through a combination of great storytelling, great characters, and ultra-realistic portrayal of the fantastic.)

(edit: additional comments)

Of course, my worries about use of the word "mutation" are moot if this remains in the realm of the theoretical, outside the actual script of the movie.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:37 pm
by Lupin
Silver wrote:Why not one that mutated long before there were any antibiotics?
After works too, since antibiotics only tend to work on bacteria :grinwiggle:

(Though yeah, it really would have to be before. Otherwise we'd be able to answer these things.)

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 9:39 pm
by dnl
there is no possible way that a single soldier could be that powerful, no matter what kind of training and equipment he has. For one, regular infanty don't carry just rifles. they have .50 cal, rockets, satchels, etc.
for two, a powered armor suit, with all the essential systems and equipment, would not have armor thick enough to repel .50 cal, rockets, satchels, etc.
A navy SEAL may be stratigiacally worth more than a platoon of infantry, but that doesn't mean he could pwn a platoon of infantry in open combat.
I hate bring this off topic but justa little note.

Have you ever herd of "force XXI" Next Generation Special Forces
Gene Therapy, and Psychic Soldiers. alos in moves all the soilder are carring Mark XIX Desert Eagle 50. action Express well in real life there's a good chance they would carry a 99mm or a MK-23 Socom.Thro Force XIX will carry the (OICW)objective individual combat weapon it fires a 3.56mm round it also has a 20mm gun that fires exploshive rounds.

a armor kind like he described is all ready being made. They have even thought of make armour out of spider web.