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Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 5:37 pm
by Set
I don't think anyone's mentioned wolf-o-vision yet. Every single look out of a werewolf's eyes makes it seem as if they see everything through a Photoshop filter.


Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:00 pm
by JoshuaMadoc
ravaged_warrior wrote:Am I the only person who has never seen some of these cliches? Most of my werewolf story intake comes from movies, though...
*groan* You've mentioned that twice already. YES, you might be one of the only few to acknowledge such things.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 8:36 pm
by LightPaws
Set wrote:I don't think anyone's mentioned wolf-o-vision yet. Every single look out of a werewolf's eyes makes it seem as if they see everything through a Photoshop filter.

Or the fact that they give them night-vision, but don't show the light shining from their eyes like most animals do when you shine a light on them.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 8:40 pm
by ravaged_warrior
kitetsu wrote:
ravaged_warrior wrote:Am I the only person who has never seen some of these cliches? Most of my werewolf story intake comes from movies, though...
*groan* You've mentioned that twice already. YES, you might be one of the only few to acknowledge such things.
I did? Must have forgotten...

You don't have to be obnoxious about it, though.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 10:00 pm
by JoshuaMadoc
I was BORN obnoxious. :<

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 10:48 pm
by RedEye
I can give Lightpaws a bit of support in the Light reflecting from their eyes bit. If you shine a light in the eyes of a night adapted animal, theywill squint, and in the case of my cats, take a chunk out of you.
That reflection bit only works at some distance.
I have also noiticed that Wolf-O-Vision is usually worse than human eyesight in the flicks; and Were's are supposed to have better than human eyesight especially at night. Shining a bright light in a Were's eyes would probably result in a massive squint, followed by the Wulfen equivalent of "...damned sonofabitch..." as the Were now bumps into things until his eyesight is restored.
But then, that's generic Hollywood. :lol:

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 2:46 pm
by Rhuen
The altered vision for some reason is always worse than human vision even if the characters claim its better.

being the biggest offenders in this area.

Just check out an old garbage movie called "Future War" is a miracle that with sight like that that those cyborgs don't trip on their own feet and walk off a cliff.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 8:04 pm
by Silverclaw
How about always drooling buckets of slime. I know canines will drool a bit when panting, but come on! :P Like a freaking waterfall...

Also, movie/tv werewolves never seem to grow fur on their face for some reason. They can be covered with thick, shaggy yak hair, but always with a bald face. And the bald face is always unusualy over-wrinkled. I dont know what a shaved wolf would look like, but I dont think they would be that wrinkly underneth that fur :P

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 8:12 pm
by LightPaws
Silverclaw wrote:How about always drooling buckets of slime. I know canines will drool a bit when panting, but come on! :P Like a freaking waterfall...

Also, movie/tv werewolves never seem to grow fur on their face for some reason. They can be covered with thick, shaggy yak hair, but always with a bald face. And the bald face is always unusualy over-wrinkled. I dont know what a shaved wolf would look like, but I dont think they would be that wrinkly underneth that fur :P
Like Disney's Big Bad Wolf! :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:53 pm
by bar1scorpio


Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:21 pm
by RedEye
Remember, Bar-1; in some parts of the World it's the Cats that are the Apex Predators (Ltd. Pty.)
Howzabout: Were-Cats were done to death in the B-movies, and even a few Majors. Cats are less social than Canids, most places. :wink:

Not oddly: in Africa, where the Apex Meat-eater is feline, there are stories of "Magical Were-Lions"; and in India, there are Were-Tiger myths. :roll:

Most People are Northern or Central European in outlook: hence Were-Wolves. In that part of the world, Canids rule. :D

And that Chibi-Wuff in PiTW is cute! :lol:

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:06 am
by MoonKit
Silverclaw wrote:How about always drooling buckets of slime. I know canines will drool a bit when panting, but come on! :P Like a freaking waterfall...
Like those pictures of that slimy pig thing they were trying to convince us was a werewolf awhile back! :lol:

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 6:52 pm
by chubhound
I'm feeling too lazy to look through all of the pages, so I don't know if this has been mentioned before or not. Has anyone already mentioned the scene where one person finally says something like "It looked like it was a werewolf", and someone else in the group then HAS to say something along the lines of "Werewolves don't exist".

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 12:19 pm
by Blue-eyes in the dark
How about the strange library mystics/ librarians who seem too know more than their willing to tell? :?

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 12:37 pm
by Terastas
Blue-eyes in the dark wrote:How about the strange library mystics/ librarians who seem too know more than their willing to tell? :?
*nods* We covered that. It's usually some old gypsy fortune teller, but every now and then you'll get the old ex-hunter or kindly but slightly creepy priest in the mix.

Also, would anyone consider it cliche that a werewolf always roars as he's shifting, or as soon as a werewolf finishes shifting, he always throws back his head and howls? Doesn't matter what's going on, who has a gun and/or who's getting away, they almost always seem to do it.

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 9:34 pm
by Avareis
Yeah, I think my favorite werewolf cliche is that all the werewolves in a single flick all look alike. The Howling is a perfect example. The same suit for 10 to 15 different characters. You've got to love it...And lets not forget Underworld as well. You know you all look alike you UW werewolves...Don't deny it.
I think Van Hellsing and Sin Walkers were the only ones that made a real difference. Though that second movie kind of made them ugly.

My second favorite for werewolf cliches is the towering image the werewolves have. Don't we have any miget werewolf somewhere? Why are they all 8 feet tall?! Like Big Fish? Bha! Danny Devito doesn't count.
I know we've been over this before, over and over. But Comeon!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 5:25 pm
by Wolfzilla
Terastas wrote:
Scott Gardener wrote:
What gets me is not that werewolves and vampires are frequently depicted in conflict, but that whenever one of each come face to face, the vampire always kicks the werewolf's a**.
Uh....what? Could you point me to the movie were the vampire kicks the werewolf's a**? Werewolves are always stronger than vampires in modern fiction, the only way vampires and werewolves are ever equal is if the vampire is a elder, and even then the werewolf always winds up winning, even if the werewolf has never shifted before and has been in his wolf form for like....ten minutes, and the vampire is a five thousand plus year old super vamp who rips apart tanks with his mind.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:06 pm
by RedEye
Terastas wrote:
Blue-eyes in the dark wrote:How about the strange library mystics/ librarians who seem too know more than their willing to tell? :?
*nods* We covered that. It's usually some old gypsy fortune teller, but every now and then you'll get the old ex-hunter or kindly but slightly creepy priest in the mix.

Also, would anyone consider it cliche that a werewolf always roars as he's shifting, or as soon as a werewolf finishes shifting, he always throws back his head and howls? Doesn't matter what's going on, who has a gun and/or who's getting away, they almost always seem to do it.
There's a reason for the Roar/Howl...he's either wearing Jeans or non-stretch underwear, and he doubles his size,'d Roar/Howl too!
Were-Ultra-Wedgie! That might explain the cruddy attitude, too.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:51 pm
by Scott Gardener
I found a great Onion article, a werewolf griping about his girlfriend and how she insists on standing there, staring instead of running.... ... girlfriend

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:15 pm
by punxnotdead
I don't think it's been said, but I think the following are cliche:
-A werewolf that looks like he's wearing synthetic hair on their hands and extended side burns. The fake teeth are phony too. No real muzzle (like wolf and teenage werewolf)
-A werewolf without a tail...a stub is horrible.
-When the good guy always prevails and the werewolf often dies or is cured.
-The wereolf is always the antagonist

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:20 pm
by punxnotdead
I have some more for ya'
Like when the werewolves look like oversized apes

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 11:36 pm
by RedEye
Yeah; actually the single most cliche' thing about Werewolves in the Films is that they're always the bad guy. Every time...(I don't count Teen Wolf as a Werewolf movie for obvious reasons) every damn time, the Werewolf is the bad guy; the Agressive Bad Guy.
Even where you see Were's as a hidden society, they are totally disfunctional and overcome with either hatered for humanity or have a plan for dominating mankind. :P

Maybe that's one of Freeborn's problems; non-stereotypical Were's. Every time a Werewolf flick comes out, you can sleep through the Werewolf parts, because if you've seen one-you've seen them all. :x

They just get uglier-or cheaper-or cheesier. It's like a broken record.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 12:33 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
("Werewolves are Evil {skips}, Werewolves are Evil {skips} ,Werewolves are Evil {skips} ,Werewolves are Evil {skips} ,Werewolves are Evil {skips} ,Werewolves are Evil {skips} "
{Snores} Huh, what? Oh, sorry. I was sleeping through the "Nature of the Beast" ending that was exactly like "Cursed".
Also, i actually find it either insulting, or hilarious what humans think of us. "Cursed" werewolves = Teddy Bears with fangs and claws. That's crap.
Werewolf in London= Badger man.
Oh god, ha ha ha, i mean, have you seen the coloring of the werewolf from the original? It looks like a freaking over grown badger.
"UnderWorld" werewolves= I liked 'em. also the first the movie in which the werewolves are the good guys. (I'd have tried to rip Victor apart if i were Lucian.) Shame they were used as the threat in the second.)
Ape wolf= too many jokes about monkeys.
Werewolves in general are used as the bad guys because humans fear things that are like them. A werewolf is just a representation of the inner creatures humans think they have to fight to remain human. I think that's also the reason why the church when they believed they existed, feared them. It was animal, but it was intelligent. Not something their belief system wanted to accept, so, they turned them into demons. Frankly, we see the same cliche's in all of the movies. I was watching the friday the 13th movies last night on monster fest, and come on, home many times are a bunch of stupid kids going to go near camp crystal lake huh? And you can guess who survives, or when somethings coming up. {I could tell jason was going to throw a guys body through the window seconds before he did it.} Hollywood just doesn't have anything left to use. And werewolves can't be good creatures, can they? Hollywood sucks. :P :roll:

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 3:35 pm
by RedEye
OMG: You actually know what a "broken record" is! My question: Vinyl or "Shellac" (actually a type of plastic). 78 or 45 or 33.3 rpm?

Of course the Human community is down on Were's. Were's are generally better at what counts (like survival) than the basic unamplified human.

Admitting that Werewolves are just as diverse as they (humans) are would mean admitting that there is someone better than they (humans) are; and most human egos are more fragile than eggshell china. I really don't think that's going to happen any time soon. :(

And remember, the day of Hollywood being the trend setter ended when the accountants took over the studios and shut out the artists who had been running things. That's why something good like Freeborn is going to be done outside of Studio control; it has good normal Werewolves, leading good normal lives in hiding without the usual plan to enslave or destroy mankind. One Wulf gets involved with a Smooth--Oh, the Angst! There isn't a studio with the fortitude to make that sort of realistic picture Mr. Brownrigg has to do it outside of the Studio system...which means it ought to be good. Maybe even realistic.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:33 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
(Vynil, but i'm not sure what else. {Kicks machine} doens't want to work anymore.)
True for most. Still, i do have to controdict myself
In my posts, i have a quote from v for vendetta. That was a hollywood made movie, but it was a good one. However, i just realised that one wasn't a supernatural movie. It just made you question everything. I like movies that do that.
Also, for once in my life, i would like to see a horror movie where there is not a single drop of blood, but that is so creepy, so disturbing and so frightening, that it makes you want to crawl out of your own skin. Hollywood hoever, probably never will do one of those. I want to be scared half out of my gord, not watch as someone gets gored.
(Still, Freeborn does sound like a good movie. Hopefully, someone dosen't butcher it to pieces. They might be next if they do.)

By the way, RedEye, i have a section of my major story on my DA account. It's called Kelsey's Meeting. This is about the Vampire section of the story, but... well, just tell me what you think, okay?