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Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 6:51 pm
by Wolfhanyou
Hurr hurr hurr... First day back at school. 'bout time. We starting really late this year (chocks up one point to staying late in the summer. Dear GAWD it's gonna be boiling in those non-air conditioned class rooms...) My schduale stinks this year. I mean, I got all the classes I wanted. But not the teachers. And most of my classes I don't have any of my friends in with me (like art... 90% of my friends are in the other period... damnit)

Anyone interested in my scheduale? Of course you are! :lol: from first to eighth.

English - Dudum (Funny new teacher. Yay! :D)
P.E - Hayes
String Ensemble - George (I love Ms. George. She's hilarious!)
Science - Halliwell (the computer teacher.... is teaching science... odd)

Algebra 1 - Lynch (I heard horror stories about this guy. Guess I'll find out tomorrow)
Hands on Technology - Young
Social Studies - Gregory
Advanced Art - Deatch (I'm in love with this class)

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 6:53 pm
by Fenrir
OMG I've been in school 4 weeks and your just now going to school, not fair, I movin to were you live.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:52 pm
by Wolfhanyou
:lol: I almost wish that we started a bit earlier though. About a week earlier. I dunno. I don't like the fact that we're going to be stuck in school while the rest of the country's enjoying summer break... in stifling...non-air conditioned... human musk filled...rooms :o

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:54 pm
by Renorei
Wolfhanyou wrote::lol: I almost wish that we started a bit earlier though. About a week earlier. I dunno. I don't like the fact that we're going to be stuck in school while the rest of the country's enjoying summer break... in stifling...non-air conditioned... human musk filled...rooms :o

Where do you live?

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:17 pm
by Wolfhanyou
Excelsia wrote:
Wolfhanyou wrote::lol: I almost wish that we started a bit earlier though. About a week earlier. I dunno. I don't like the fact that we're going to be stuck in school while the rest of the country's enjoying summer break... in stifling...non-air conditioned... human musk filled...rooms :o

Where do you live?
Bay Area of California. I know it doesn't get as hot as some of the other places 'round the country. But ah... well, I don't like hot weather all that much.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:33 pm
by Black Shuck
Wolfhanyou wrote::lol:I don't like the fact that we're going to be stuck in school while the rest of the country's enjoying summer break... in stifling...non-air conditioned... human musk filled...rooms :o
Because my school has no money for one reason or another, the air conditioner in the US History didn't work. It got sooo hot! Thank God it's fixed now (3rd week of school, about d*man time!! You took plenty long enough!!). My classes aren't really fabulous or anything, but they're alright. Don't really like my English teacher (she's okay as a person, like to talk to, but I really don't like her as a teacher).

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:09 pm
by Terastas
*sigh* Okay guys, I now need to humbly ask all of you for your prayers, meditations, voodoo rituals or whatever you prefer for your spiritual guidance that I get one of the jobs I've applied for or will be applying for. Not only is my computer in the shop yet again, but the cost of my college textbooks is adding up to more than my half of the rent. :cry: :x

On the positive side though, one of the jobs I might have a shot at would give me a resume for my Freeborn application. It turns out that my mother works in the same realt estate office as Courtney Cronin's mother, so if only to shut her and her co-worker up, I'm writing down all of my material to see if she or any of her many co-workers in the trade could use a writer.

So again, positive energy please. :|

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:32 pm
by Koshaw
Good Lick!!! :tongue:

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 3:21 pm
by outwarddoodles
I've moved and everything but I hate the new school. The people are just pure mean, or stupid. I mean these people are stupid and rowdy and really suck. What REALLY sucks is the fact I'm in PreAlgebra, do you knwo how easy that is for me? Geesh, I don't want to have my brain rot out. Secondly these people doin't know what squaring a number in, yours in 8th grade people, you should know what to square a number is, and that little 2 after the measurement. I'm surronded by idiots! Nonetheless I really don't enjoy people stealing my doodles, and my favorite pencil, shoving me and saying 'yo, whats up' isn't my perferred way of a greeting, infact I'm quite unsure if its a greeting or if they're trying to pick on me. Inwhich I strive everyday to be nice and do good in school, I don't know why someone would dislike me, I wasn't everyone's good friend, but just about everyone in my old school had good terms with me.

God, why I do have to be in a class of idoits and jackholes?

Luckily, I like some of the teachers. Band = Good, I love band class which I first thing in the morning. And last thing, Social Studies. I got to answer half the questions (which were alot) today for I was one of the only people to raise my hand, so he kepted calling on 'Eaton' (He was using everyone's last name.) and I got candy and for some reason when a kid pushed my books away and I asked them where he put them the teacher told the kid I had rights to sit where I wanted too, so if I say get up then get up (though I sat somewhere else, just wanted my books.). Everyone seemed confused there, but I think he likes me because I'm like the only one who actually does her work! (Wooooww!)

I've met a couple people, but I still want to go to Kings and see all my old friends and everything. :(

Terastas: I'll be giving you good vibes then, good luck!


Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 9:40 pm
by Wolfhanyou
Outwarddoodle: I am dreadfully sorry to hear that. Those kids sound like a real mouse's donkey. They remind me of my sixth grade math class. Oh god... bad memories... :( We were LUCKY to even learn enough stuff to pass the STAR test we have over here in CA. About half of the class had 'F's as their final grade for the third and forth seimester. Luckilly I was one of the lucky ones who managed to stay afloat and snag a 'B' and a 'A'

Terastas: Break a leg. Because saying good luck was considered bad luck as one of my drama friends told me... :roll:

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:47 pm
by Shadow Wulf
I know how you feel Outward, :( do you have any idea how many times I had to move and make new friends aswell as abonding old ones. it hurts, it really does. :(

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 1:07 am
by Figarou
I had it rough because I was born a military brat!! Every year or so, my father gets reassigned somewhere else. Its tough having to say good bye and then try to meet new friends.

When my father went to Korea. We couldn't go so we stayed stateside. When he came back, a divorce went through.

Ok...enough talk. The rest is personal.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 12:00 pm
by Terastas
Hmm... Well, good news and... Well... Good news and news I guess.

The good news is that, though I'm still unemployed, I now have enough money that I can at least afford the rent until my one-year lease agreement is up, the only unknown factor in my finances being my tuition, which should be taken care of by my likewise unknown student loans.

And the just-plain news is that, yes, my brother/roommate is indeed smoking pot. The evidence is clear enough:

- He smokes before 10:00 a.m.
- He uses a tie-dyed pipe.
- The smell from his pipe was positively identified by a veteran pothead friend of mine.
- He told me so.

So now knowing why he really couldn't pay the rent all this time, I've informed our mother the reasons why she should prepare to expect his early return. He also lied to me about taking classes this semester too, so I won't feel guilty since he honestly has no halfway decent reason to stay in Bridgewater anyway (whoever's supplying him lives here, and that's about it).

Still haven't made contact with Courtney yet (since I don't have a phone # and I can't e-mail her), but I've written a helluva' lot more material in the last twenty-four hours. Thanks for all the best of wishes guys. :D

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 4:17 pm
by outwarddoodles

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:08 pm
by Shadow Wulf
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. I finaly got my white wolf spirit shirt today, and let me say it is BEAUTIFUL!!! :D 8)

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:11 pm
by Figarou
Shadow Wulf wrote:LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. I finaly got my white wolf spirit shirt today, and let me say it is BEAUTIFUL!!! :D 8)
ok...thats twice you mentioned it. :ducktoss3: ... 0175#40175

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:17 pm
by Shadow Wulf


Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:36 pm
by vrikasatma
Did the final "crossing the i's and dotting the t's" doctor appointment today. Met with my anaesthesiologist, got blood drawn for my pre-op tests, told the details of what I have to do and refrain from doing the evening before surgery, and all the rest of that. I won't bore you with the sordid details :P

So, around 9AM Friday morning, keep a prayer/good vibes going for me, I'll be passed out and under the knife. Pray for "laparoscopy" instead of "open surgery" because the latter means longer hospital stay and an epidural for post-op pain management.

H'mm...maybe I should go over to the "Murrr..." thread...

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:43 pm
by outwarddoodles
I'll be sending you good vibes then, Vrikasatma, Good luck and hope you come out okay!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 9:08 am
by Terastas
outwarddoodles wrote:Morons. These people suck, and worst of all; they're our future.
No their not. Their a guarantee that you'll have a better future. I mean, think about it: If while you were learning square roots, they were memorizing the lyrics to dirty Christmas songs, isn't that kind of a guarantee that they won't be competing for the same jobs that you are? :wink:

That's what happened to me in school. I could name plenty of people that pissed me off in grades seven through twelve, but out of the entire horde of jerks I knew, only four of them actually got to walk down the aisle at graduation.

The kid that went on a weekly rant about how he was going to become dictator of the world and make poetry punishable by death just to spite me? Dropped out.

The kid that told everyone in grades seven and eight that I was on welfare, his evidence being that I didn't have cable TV? Dropped out.

The kid that put stitches in my face? Kicked out.

And the girl that poured fruit juice on one of my English assignments so she could be the top student in the class? Working in the sub shop behind the Dollar Store. :lol:

So the next time you see somebody stuck in a window flirting with his girlfriend, don't think of him as the future. Think of him as one less to worry about. :wink:

EDIT: Oh yeah, and good news everyone: my compy does not need a new monitor, just a new backlight inverter thingy (which will cost just a quarter of what a new monitor would have). Huzzah!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 2:37 pm
by outwarddoodles

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 4:25 pm
by vrikasatma
Take it from someone who lives in a college town — they don't grow up. The only difference I can see between high school kids and college kids is, by and large, the latter are bigger, stronger, and *think* that just because they aren't living with their parents anymore, absolves them of responsibility.

Sometimes people just plain *don't* grow up. I'm watching a friend's current and former bands engage in a war of cheap shots, piss-takes and snubs — and these guys are in their forties. I'd say they need a trip to the woodshed but they'd probably enjoy that too much :roll: :eyebrow:

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:38 am
by Hamster
Oh yeah, I forgot to say that I just had my first commission! :o One of the wrestlers saw my gallery and liked "Beyond the Realms of Death" and he is a Judas Priest fan. He want me to draw that same sceen with the same guy but before he kills himself with a quote in "Judas Priest - Stained Class" AND he is paying me 15 bucks for detail! I know 15 isn't much but I NEVER got payed before to draw something! I belive he wanted another image too but I forgot. I'll ask next tuesday.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:19 pm
by Hamster
What the hell!

I just called him and he don't want me to just draw that, He wants an image for EACH song in the album with the SAME guy!!!! :o

Of course, I demanded more money and he agreed but he said he don't want me to upload them for devart. He wants them all to himself. :|

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 5:05 pm
by Akela
Sounds a bit selfish, but such is the human nature.