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Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:43 pm
by Enir
"Alright.....well I guess it's safe to go back to the den now." "But I think we should go somewere else for a little bit just in case." I then looked at Amber and then looked down at my feet. " I think we should go to that place were Mr.Lupin had invited us to visit......and besides, we need to let them know the bad news, they deserve to know." I then spent the next few hours makeing a coffin and placeing Mr.Lupins body inside. "Iam ready if you are amber." I said lifting the coffin onto my shoulder."

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:57 pm
by Cain
"Thank you. Let go to the school named.... Hogwarts? Odd name for a school, but wjatever.

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:06 am
by NightDeath
A kuni knife suddenly apper's on the top of the Coffin with a note attatched saying. " Oh ya I forgot to tell u I gave ur friend their a medical does for the day he'll be out of the whole night so I would watch out when he awakes he will be very upset".

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:09 am
by Cain
OOC: wait, remus is alive? Ur guy only drugged him? Im confuzzled. *giggling* funn. No buy seriously, is remus alive?

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:13 am
by Enir
OOC: Let me try to clear this up......Remus got killed and that's when I tackled the ninja and trapped him.

We traveled all night and into the evening the next day. We stopped only to eat or drink, and the ocasoinal round of rough houseing or cuddleing. Then after 3 days of travel we arived at a small hut beside a castle. There was a huge half-giant in a fur coat, teaching a group of students in black robbes. I looked at amber and said," you should probably start the introductions, iam sure the younger ones over there would probably shoot at me or something, if I just poped up out of nowere." I then set the coffin down and stood still so I would become invisible.

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:25 am
by Cain
OOC: i wanna wait til I think its Nightdeath, sry, it wont let me see ur name on my phone, answers, just to be sure. Kay?

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:45 am
by NightDeath
Hey everyone, why is Remus in a coffin?

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:52 am
by Cain
OOC: we thought he died.

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:54 am
by NightDeath
OCC: no just knocked but Enir has an idea for it

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:06 am
by Enir
OOC: Yes I do...It's sort of a humorous thing as well. But I need Amber to continue on as though we were still going to tell them he is dead, then when the time is right I will spring the little twist on everyone......It should be quite funny. Alright then Cain, please continue as though he is still dead.

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:21 am
by Cain
I walked out and some gasped. I forgot i was in wolf form. I bowed and shifted, putting my hands up, showing i meant no harm. "My name is Amber, Amber Cain. I havevery sad news, Professor Lupin, i met him not too long ago, we befriended, but an accident occured, he's dead." i heard a boy's voice yell "stupify". I knew what was coming, and embraced the paralysis that consumed my body

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:49 am
by Enir
Seeing what had happened I picked up the coffin and, useing it as a shield I approached the group. I set it down in front of ambers body and let out a huge howl which scared some of the children, and nerved the others. The big half-giant moved in between the students and me and said, "Don't fire children" then He turned to me, "Whats is yer business here at hogwarts, and yer better leave the children alone!"

I peeked out from behind the coffin and was greeted by another stupify spell. I quickly pulled my head back just in time and then poked it out again. I reached out a hand and vines crawled up the childrens legs and removed there wands from them, then they entangled the half-giant as well. Knowing that it was safe I came out from behind the coffin and asked with a hint of anger in my voice,

"We come all the way over here careing your friends body just to have my mate shot by a bunch of unlearned infantes??" "You better tell me she will be alright or there will be trouble." "And as far as our BUSINESS, as my mate tried to explain before that nit-wit shot her.... we became friends with Mr.Lupin and then he was killed trying to save us, so we traveled FOR 3 DAYS carrying your friend here so you all could pay your respects to him." I then looked at the giant and said, now if you can promise me that I will not be hit by any of those dim witts I will gladly release you. I crouched down, waiting for his reply, and turned invisible, since I was not moveing.

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:57 am
by NightDeath
Ha that was funny *Sigh* "I join you on the ground".

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 2:24 am
by Enir
I turned on the visitor form earlier, " How is that funny, they just shot my mate!!!!!" I lost control of my temper and my body became encased in flames. Then before anything could happen I was drenched in a jet stream of water. I looked around at the new person and seen that it was an old man in a sky blue robe and half-moon glasses. I asked him, "What did you go and do that for, why do you magic types always strike first and ask later!?!?!?"

As the old man approuched the vines disapeared and most of the students ran for cover. But there were some who picked there wands up and fired there spells at me. Before I could even react I was nailed in the chest by 4 stupendo spells, instantly knocking me out.

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 2:26 am
by NightDeath
U takeing the student's out was funny, that is when I was struck.

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:29 am
by Enir
I woke up with a slight head acke and a plus sized dog collor around my throat which was then attactched to a silver chain that lead to a huge poll in the ground. I looked around and noticed that Amber was inside the hut that we had been at and the other werewolf was in a collor as well. I smilled and tried to melt the chain but no flame would come from me. I then tried calling to nature, and got silence in reply. "Hhhmmm these collars must have some ability hampeners, that block all abilitys from being used."

Then the old man came outside along with the giant. "Release me, I demand you release me and tell me were my mate is!!" The old man looked at me oddly and then replyed in a calm curious tone, " Iam afraid my friend, that until I know if you are safe, I must keep you restrained." then he made to leave but I quickly said, " I will contain myself if you will let me check on my mate, she tried explaining why we were here and one of your student's shot her, otherwise I would not have done what I did."

Then the old man looked to the giant as though asking for confirmation. The giant nodded and the old man turned back to me. He waved his hand and said, "she is in the school infermory, recovering from the stun bolt that was cast on her." "I will escort you to her." I ripped the collor off and followed the man into the castle. After about 30 minutes of secret passages we came out of a painting at the infermary entrance. I bolted inside surpriseing the nurse adn causeing her to screem.

I found found amber by her scent, and I looked at her laying there and hugged her. The old man entered and asked curiously, " She shall recover soon, but tell me this, how does a werewolf end up with a human for a mate?" "Let alone, the abilitys to become invisible when still, control fire, and comune with nature?" I looked at him and replyed, "I was given these gifts by mother nature her self, as part of accepting the task of deffending the forests." I climbed into the streatcher with her and layed there with my paws crossed over her and my head resting on my paws. (Like a dog waiting for it's owner to pay attention to it.LOL. You know what I mean.)

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 6:25 am
by NightDeath
*I awake several moments later to a collar on my neck* Oh for the love of god again, agian with the damn coolar dammit, Dammit, DAmmit, DAMmit, DAMMit, DAMMIt, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, GOD DAMMIT!!!! GET ME OUT OF THIS DAMN THING!!!

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:56 am
by Enir
I layed there waiting for amber to recover and wake up. I wasn't sure if it would work but I thought I would give it a try anyways. I moved forward and kissed her, hopeing it would wake her. And to my great surprise she opened her eyes.

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:20 pm
by NightDeath
I an't some kinda of dog you know, now get me out of this damn thing.

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:33 pm
by Cain
"Enir," I said happily. I saw the student who shot me, a red headed boy, and i growled fiercly at him only to be hit by a powerful force of wind. I saw a girl, curly hair and was hugging the boy, and another boy, dark haired with some strange glasses on his face. I got up, cracked my neck, and growled. "What the hell!?!? I get hit again, and all I did was growl ya little son of a-" I stopped my sentence, and started again. "Can someone, please tel me why this little SOB hit me? Cause I," My eyes changed to a bright Amber color. "Would really," My canines grew sharper. "Like to know." My hands lit with a blue flame. The boy threw another spell at me again, I repelled it and sent everyone cept for the old dude and the chic who was tending me while I was out, all the way to the other side of the wall. "Stop trying to hit me you buthole!" I roar and shift into the bipedal wolf. "Touch me, or my mate again, there will be blood." I snarled warningly.

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:06 pm
by Enir
I rested my hands on Ambers shoulders and looked at her. "Dear please, I really don't want to see you end up on a collar and leash like me and tat other guy, please calm down." I began to rub her back as I hugged her, and I noticed here flames begin to change from an angry hot to a soothing warm temperature. I turned to the old man and said< "Could you please do something about that boy who keeps shooting at my mate?" "I would really hate to see any bloodshed, and besides things are already messed up enough." The old man raised his eyebrow and then smiled. He then noded toward the dark haired one who led the red headed idiot away.

"Now then, if you could please send someone to go get our friend, iam sure he is quite eager to get out of the dog collar." We were then lead back out to the grounds were I used my fire to melt the collar off the ninja. Then we joined the old man by lupins coffin. The preacher started to say the finnal bit of the prayer and then there was a knocking on the coffin's lid from the inside. I jumped to the side of the coffin and yanked it out of the whole. We listened to the coffin, and there was another knocking sound. Then all of a sudden the top flew sky high and landed a few feet over. Lupin jumped out and growled at everyone. "GGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!"

The red haird boy fired a stupify spell and nailed him in the chest while screaming, "AAAHAHHAHAHAHHAAHAH the dead are riseing!!!!!!" then was knocked out by the old mans own spell. I looked at remus then to the red head and then finnaly at my mate. "Well at least he is not dead." I then smiled a little smile and then pawed myself in the pace. (paw to face).

OOC: Sorry folks, it would have been funnyer but I lost the train of thought I had when I first thought of him POPING out of the coffin.

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:14 pm
by NightDeath
Ha know that was funny.

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:16 pm
by Cain
"Remus!!!!!" i yelped an ran towards him. I knew he was uncomcious, but i still hugged him tightly.

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:51 pm
by Enir
"Since when did they start accepting morons in a school that teaches kids how to shoot people with magic?" I then went over to Amber and picked Remus up, placeing him over my shoulder. "Alright amber, lets get him into the medical wing back at the castle." We ran to the infermary and waited for the nurse to tell us he would be alright.

Re: Running with the Moon

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:55 pm
by NightDeath
I'll be back later I need to look for someone "I turn to my wolf form and head out a window to the forest".