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Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:44 am
by Aki
The sound of someone in heavy platemail could be heard crashing through the forest. Though platemail was often worn by the more lordly of the humans, for few could afford such expensive and effective armor, the wearer had the scent of a wolf instead of a man. The scents of blood also adorned him, that of his own, and that of humans and horses.

It wasn't long before Sarah could see the man, and only slightly longer before the others could see him through the trees. The platemail he wore was dented and bore battlescared, and coated with blood, some dried, and the rest drying quickly. The damage all looked very recent, as if it had occured mere hours ago at the most. The Man's helmet was off and it could been seen that he had a young, handsome face, and his golden hair was pulled back into a long ponytail and his blue eyes lingered on the Sarah.

With a grin the man lifted his bloodied blade, ...and sheathed it. "Greetings," he said with warmth in his voice.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:54 am
by Nishah
As Broken-Fang had been attentively listening for sounds of Sarah's movements, the clancking of the amoured traveller was easily heard. He could smell blood, he could smell metal and through it all the faint touch of wolf-kin.

Quickly, the grey wolf jumped to his feet, crouching while supporting himself with a single hand. His face became contorted in extatic agony as the his skin began to ripple with the bending and knotting of his wolf-muscles and the hair began to grow into a rich grey fur.

After he had donned his War-form, the Grey wolf heard the voice of the new he-wolf. It sounded... docile and inviting... The grey wolf decided that was a lie. The man knew how to speak with the voice of the humans and dress his words... docility in speach did not go with bloodied armour, that much was sure...

Broken-Fang would wait... let the new wolf beware what he said and did that close to Sarah

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 5:05 pm
by Night-claw
Tsume stood up and put a restraining hand on Broken-Fangs shoulder and wispered in his ear "to answer your question I don't know who bit me but I would love to find out so I can Kill him" Straitening(sp) She looked at the new comer "what do you want? You don't really have permission to be in my territory... or are you here for another reason?"[And it better be goodor I'm going to have Natasha and her friends bloww him into a tornado]

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 5:14 pm
by Nishah
Broken-Fang did not turn his head to Tsume as she whispered. Instead - with a gentleness belying his massive form - he placed his massive paw gently in her back and pushed his thumb against her shoulder in a strange comforting gesture.

Not bite hurt did it....?
Way of bite....that is what make human-half hurt...
We talk when Bloodmetal-wolf taken care of.... one way or other...

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 5:33 pm
by Ancient
Sarah stood up quickly she still wore her human form her honey colored eyes looked at the new man. She caught the scent of wolf and took a step back.

"Greetings. What brings you here?"

She echoed Tsume's question. She tilted her head to the side her long ebony black hair hung to her mid-back. For all purposes she appeared normal but a wolf scent lingered around her.

(Welcome to the fun Aki :) )

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 5:50 pm
by Nishah
Slowly pulling his paw back from Tsume's back, Broken-fang walked over to just behind where Sarah stood, displaying his scarred war-form to the new male that had arrived. With eyes wide open and lips drawn back from over the ivory fangs, the newcomer would have no trouble understanding that he was being reminded to be very carefull.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 7:32 pm
by Aki
"Well, its kinda complex I guess," the man said, scratching the back of his head with a gauntleted hand. "Lets see. Well, there was a fire awhile ago, and I was nearby with the local human lord, as I was visiting him and we were hunting, and we decided to check it out with his little personal army of bodyguards or what-have-you."

"Apparently the place was sacked and burned by bandits, but the Lord's hunting dogs caught the scent of a surviving boy and we moved into the forest. Then, I caught the scent of werewolves and soon we came upon signs of werewolves, thats where things got *ahem* messy. See, like most human Lords, Lord Lachaster refused to back down, so I had to stop him from running in here and well, hunting down and killing whomever resided in this forest."

"Naturally of course, he didn't like this and things got bloody. I won though, as only Lacashter had platemail and frankly, is a poor swordsman, the others could scarcely damage me, and chainmail and hardened leather aren't very effective against being stabbed in the chest. Now, as you can imagine I couldn't very well return to his domain with him and his entourage dead, so I headed deeper into the forest. On foot, as the one mightly blow his minions managed to land was killing my horse."

"Thats it in a nutshell."

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 7:59 pm
by Ancient
Sarah cocked her head to one side having no idea what to make of this new wolf. She looked over her shoulder to Broken-Fang. Not sure what he thought of the newcomer either.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 9:17 pm
by Miguel
((I'm sorry that I haven't posted for a while. I had a trip I needed to go on and my computer had a virus. Please don't kill me.))

Jimaki stood behind the four others and looked to Broken-Fang. "I'm sorry if you don't trust me. I am ready to be bitten though. And I won't use the gift as just any ordinary thing." He looked to Sarah and winked. Walking to the new wolf, he began to speak. "I will kill you if you threaten my friends. Got it?"

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 10:33 pm
by Ancient
(Miguel!! Welcome back! I was wondering where you ran off to. *random hugs* Glad you got your computer fixed. :D )

Looked over at Jimaki as he approached and nodded in reconintion. She then looked between the new man and Broken-Fang. Wondering what will happen next.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 5:10 am
by Nishah
Black fang listens to these man-made words. He cannot bring himself to instinctively trust one that has so many human traits when they speak... but if he speaks true, then he would be an ally...

You have name, metalwolf ?

As Jimaki suddenly appears from whatever shadowy place he'd been hiding in -making his bold statement in the proces- Broken-Fang snarls and snaps his massive jaw shut mere inches from the boy's face

Ready ? Not speak of things you not now... Broken-Fang speak to manling before bitten... then you ready !

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 5:12 am
by Nishah
Oog : welcome back Miguel & welcome tout court Aki... hope you enjoy !

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 10:19 am
by Ancient
Sarah looked between Broken-Fang and Jimaki it was clear that Broken-Fang had particular words he wanted to say to Jimaki if or whenever Jimaki was bitten. She then cast an unsure gaze to the new male wolf the one Broken-Fang had refered to as metalwolf.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 11:21 am
by Miguel
Jimaki backed away and stood behind his friends. He wasn't sure if he should say anything. "We will talk later Broken-Fang." Walking over to Tsume, he nodded. "Tsume, I have your back." He turned away and walked to Sarah. Where he then looked at the new wolf. A bit confused by this new wolf. Should he trust him or not?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:33 pm
by Aki
"My name is Alexander," Alexander said. Metalwolf, heh, he thought to himself, a slight smile on his face. "Yours?" he asked, though he was sure he had learned Broken Fang's and Tsume's names already simply by watching them interact.

(Thanks for the welcomes, all. :D )

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 8:24 pm
by Ancient
"My name is Sarah." She spoke gently. "Although I don't know if it'll be of use to you." His warrior like nature reminded her of the battles that seem to follow her.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 10:37 pm
by Nishah
Broken-Fang looked this Alexander up and down, sensing no imminent hostility from him.

*guttural human speech* I named Broken-Fang-Man-Hunter.... I take of War-Skin if you take of metal-hide...
Sit as friend or stand as enemy...

His stance clearly covered Sarah, with one arm ready to deflect any blows the newcomer could launch... He was clearly on edge and ill at ease around this man, for whatever reason...

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 11:38 pm
by Ancient
Sarah kept her eyes trained on Alexander as Broken-Fang stood protectively behind her. She looked at Alexander something told her that this man-wolf might be as lonely as herself. She cocked her head to one side trying to figure him out.

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 12:42 am
by Miguel
Jimaki stood on the other side of Sarah with his knife ready. "enemy or ally Alexander?" He stood ready to attack.

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 12:29 pm
by Aki
"Ally of course," Alexander said as he took a seat on a rock, litterally interpretting Broken-Fang's words, as he couldn't tell if Broken-Fang was being litteral or not. "I killed a whole entourage of a Lord and aforementioned Lord. It would be pretty dimwitted to become your enemy after that, no?"

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 12:38 pm
by Ancient
Sarah looked between Broken-Fang,Jimaki and Alexander wondering what would happen next. Her eyes eventualy rested on Alexander warm and inviting they seemed to hold a kindness and warmth.

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 1:03 pm
by Miguel
Jimaki lowered his guard. "Sarah, you trust him?" He didn't move, but he put the knife away. He looked to Alexander and began to speak. "Name is Jimaki."

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 9:39 pm
by Nishah
Noticing the shift in posture from both Jimaki & Aki, Broken-Fang let go some of the tenseness of his stance. He stood fully upright and looked down upon the men and women gathered there.

As he bent over again to speak to Sarah, he seems to notice something when their eyes cross which makes him hold back for a second.... and then reconsider entirely for no apparent reason.

His gaze went from one to another - not making eye contact anymore, just taking in pictures of them - before slowly moving back to where he originally sat, some 30 feet away from where the group now stood.

As he sits down there, his form shrinks to that of his Wolf self, with none of the vibrant energy it held before

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 11:17 pm
by Miguel
Jimaki stopped and looked at Broken-Fang. "You okay Broken-Fang?" He backed away and sat down on a tree stump.

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 12:20 am
by Ancient
Sarah saw Broken-Fang walk away and followed him. She stopped a few feet away.

"Are you alright?"

Her eyes were full of concern. She then took a big risk and walked up to Broken-Fang she sat down beside him and layed a hand on his shoulder. Her touch was gentle and comforting.