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Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:46 pm
by Kaebora
I think you should call her. She might be wondering why you aren't. Friends need to be supported when there's a family member in bad shape. I needed my friends when my grandfather almost died.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:33 pm
by White Paw
Teh_DarkJokerWolf wrote:So my mate lost her internet..She can't get online at all right now..Almost 2 freaking days..I have been able to talk to her on the telly, but she's got alot going on right now I dun know if it'd be right for me to call her up an talk..I'm a nervous wreck right now!! I'm just sitting here shaking..I been sleep all day. It's 3pm now..I never sleep like that.I'm up at the crack of dawn...I keep thinking call her call her, but geeze it's not a good time..(this is wat I keep telling myself...) Her mom had or is still having that surgery for that possible Cancer..This is why I am hesitant to call..I am concerned as all get out...I kept the phone by me all night I did..I didn't know if she might call or I should...This is awful...I should really call.. :(

yes Joker... you need to call her and chat and make certain to possibly set up a call schedule with her about good times to posibly call during the day and/or night. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:11 pm
by lupine
Ring her...At least then, you did. Your holding back for fear of getting in the way? but from the other end, that can be misconstrued as not caring. Just be apologetic and apathetic. Ther is no harm in caring and being concerned. Plus, as WP says, you can sort out convenient times to call.

Chin up. You have an awesome smile. Now go use it :D

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:37 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Well I tried to call but there was no answer..Now I'm really spazzing out!!! :cry:

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:47 pm
by lupine
Chill. Your mate could be visitin her mum, gone shoppin' ....anything. does she have a mobile?? text and leave a message. or a voicemail.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:54 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
lupine wrote:Chill. Your mate could be visitin her mum, gone shoppin' ....anything. does she have a mobile?? text and leave a message. or a voicemail.
Yeah..*breahtes* I just don't want her to feel like she's all alone with this though it really seems so :( She does have a voice mail box..I left her a message. I guess the best thing to do is jhust wait here by the telly..thanks guys *hugz u all* :wiggle:

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:00 pm
by lupine
No worries. :)

Go doo something to try and take your mind off it tho. Sitting waiting is no good for you. The anxiety will just build up again. Go do some art or some baking or watch your fave movie or make a start on that book you been meaning to read for ages but 'just haven't got round to' :lol:

Just don't sit there waiting :)

You can't do anymore than you already have

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:18 pm
by nachoboy
man, lupine, you really know how to give some good advice!

and yeah, sabre, i would prolly hafta say what he said. try doin some other stuff for a lil bit to relieve the anxiety. that could really help.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:26 pm
by lupine
Years of depression and the resultant counselling kind of leaves it's mark. Like my counsellor said..I could probably do her job now :D

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:41 pm
by Short Tail
lupine wrote:Years of depression and the resultant counselling kind of leaves it's mark. Like my counsellor said..I could probably do her job now :D
I think I need counselling after that picture you sent me *shudders*

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:43 pm
by lupine
:lol: HEHEH. It's agood'un innit!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:41 pm
by White Paw
lupine wrote::lol: HEHEH. It's agood'un innit!

NO!!! you bloody wanker :lol: :D

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:44 pm
by Short Tail
I second White Paw.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:12 pm
by White Paw
Short Tail wrote:I second White Paw.
I third White Paw :D :lol:

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:54 am
by Short Tail
:VERYcaf: It was that bad

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:55 am
by White Paw
Short Tail wrote::VERYcaf: It was that bad

yes it was.. though coming from him kinda tame actually :lol: :evil:

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:29 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
ACK!! Wat r u guys talking about!!!?? :P

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 2:14 am
by Midnight

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 12:36 am
by lupine
White Paw wrote:
Short Tail wrote::VERYcaf: It was that bad

yes it was.. though coming from him kinda tame actually :lol: :evil:

It was just some Big Sumo looking guy bouncing up an down in front of the Eiffel Tower with his man boobs floppin' about!! :lol:

Surely not THAT bad!!?? :lol:

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:57 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Vent thread..So heres some venting..

I found out something I should have long ago. Never try to be nice to someone who can't show their appreciation back..I noticed that both on DA an here. I am tried myself of trying to pour out my heart to some folks that dunno how to even say thank you for it..These people might be older or just about my age an whenever I get something I can't help but say thank you countless times to that person...

It's sad to see how cold-hearted people are when so many people think highly of them an wat they do..Try to defend them when people slam them or they are having a rough time. Being there when no one else could give a rats a**..Sorry to be so blunt, but this is a vent thread..I found out now an will learn this don't put ur all in to help one who can't have the heart to be nice an say even a simple thank you..I'm not doing it anymore, I'll do for those who have been appreciative..I'm done..


Another thing..There seems to be a favortism thing going on here...Seriously that PreSchool S**T :x Why do people do that crap? Especially after this person is giving them all sorts of crap?! That's what it is..Must be crap, cause they sure don't respect it..These people don't seem to realize how much work one puts into doing things..It pisses me off..It's like they don't care an they want you mad as hell at them so they can come back an say something nasty :x

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:25 pm
by Kirk Hammett
Teh_DarkJokerWolf wrote:Vent thread..So heres some venting..

I found out something I should have long ago. Never try to be nice to someone who can't show their appreciation back..I noticed that both on DA an here. I am tried myself of trying to pour out my heart to some folks that dunno how to even say thank you for it..These people might be older or just about my age an whenever I get something I can't help but say thank you countless times to that person...

It's sad to see how cold-hearted people are when so many people think highly of them an wat they do..Try to defend them when people slam them or they are having a rough time. Being there when no one else could give a rats a**..Sorry to be so blunt, but this is a vent thread..I found out now an will learn this don't put ur all in to help one who can't have the heart to be nice an say even a simple thank you..I'm not doing it anymore, I'll do for those who have been appreciative..I'm done..


Another thing..There seems to be a favortism thing going on here...Seriously that PreSchool S**T :x Why do people do that crap? Especially after this person is giving them all sorts of crap?! That's what it is..Must be crap, cause they sure don't respect it..These people don't seem to realize how much work one puts into doing things..It pisses me off..It's like they don't care an they want you mad as hell at them so they can come back an say something nasty :x
I hear you Sabre!! :x :x Preschool immaturity irritates me to no end.

What favouritism is there? I've probably missed something, that's typical of me :P

I've had the same thing for me. Right now I am talking to a girl who keeps edging the story back to herself. She knows outright that I am upset. She asked how I was and said upset. If that were me Id go "What's wrong?". I don't want to tell her what is wrong, but it's still polite to ask!! I'd just say "Thanks for your caring attitude but I'd rather not discuss it". I'd put on a nice happy face and pretend everything is okay. I don't like to attention seek anyway.

But hell! People are just like that too much! It's hard when you give, you give, you give, and they take! And frankly Sabre you give too much, you're like me, you give too much and aren't appreciated enough. I try not to strike too many friendships up on Deviant Art, I've got a few there, but I don't want to go into any depth about myself too often. Artists can be very arrogant, and I have the feeling you've found those artists haven't you.

They always have something nasty to say. Well Sabre don't listen to them. I will defend you. As will others. I don't like fighting, or arguing, but I will say something for your sake. If they bother you again let us know :x :x :x

Some people have no giving nature in their hearts whatsoever. They were born and bred that way. They are egocentric, heartless, and have no intuition, no tact, whatsoever.

These creatures are not worth dealing with.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:53 pm
by DarkShadow
~Flora-Valita 3 days 2 hours ago
You not ..wofl you human. You need help you think like...wolf.. animal .. that is not good. You are sick in mind! Go seek help.

copied from DA

any users on DA...STAY AWAY FROM THIS PERSON! shes an art theif that is ruining my good friends name! and THIS comment ECSPECIALLY PISSES ME OFF!!

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:33 pm
by Kaebora
I'm the kind of guy people get annoyed with because of how oblivous I typically am. No drugs involved, just a massive case of ADD. I tend to scan read the forum, so if someone were to make me an artwork and stuff it into the middle of a thread, I might miss it. Therefore, I can only hope that I'm not the one that pissed you off, Joker. If anyone wants my direct attention, send me a PM, in all caps if possible. Thank you and good day.
(The seriousness of my ADD contidtion has been slightly exaggerated for humor.) :wink:'

We all love you Joker. I'm just saying its not something to worry about. Thankless people are tough to deal with, and certainly aren't worth doing art for. Because they did not pay for the said art, you can deny them use of your material. If they complain that it's their character, remove it from the internet. It's the ultimate win.
DarkShadow wrote:~Flora-Valita 3 days 2 hours ago
You not ..wofl you human. You need help you think like...wolf.. animal .. that is not good. You are sick in mind! Go seek help.

copied from DA

any users on DA...STAY AWAY FROM THIS PERSON! shes an art theif that is ruining my good friends name! and THIS comment ECSPECIALLY PISSES ME OFF!!
From the looks of it, she claims to be 13 years old, and appears to be unable to write one grammatically correct sentence in english. From her profile and comments it looks like her family is "isolationist-Christian" (christians that shun all other beleif systems and cultures). Kids tend to not know what Copyright Infringement is anyways. She's not making any money off of this stunt is she?

Could you provide a link to this conversation?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 12:15 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
HAHA!! Not you Kaebora an I'm not pointing fingers at all as for you pup I took care of them already, though they haven't responded I'm sure they saw. let them try to claim my art is theirs..My style is my own :wink: Oh an Kaebora they hide the messages before anyone can read them, however I did see it before they did :P

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:51 pm
by DarkShadow
Kaebora wrote:I'm the kind of guy people get annoyed with because of how oblivous I typically am. No drugs involved, just a massive case of ADD. I tend to scan read the forum, so if someone were to make me an artwork and stuff it into the middle of a thread, I might miss it. Therefore, I can only hope that I'm not the one that pissed you off, Joker. If anyone wants my direct attention, send me a PM, in all caps if possible. Thank you and good day.
(The seriousness of my ADD contidtion has been slightly exaggerated for humor.) :wink:'

We all love you Joker. I'm just saying its not something to worry about. Thankless people are tough to deal with, and certainly aren't worth doing art for. Because they did not pay for the said art, you can deny them use of your material. If they complain that it's their character, remove it from the internet. It's the ultimate win.
DarkShadow wrote:~Flora-Valita 3 days 2 hours ago
You not ..wofl you human. You need help you think like...wolf.. animal .. that is not good. You are sick in mind! Go seek help.

copied from DA

any users on DA...STAY AWAY FROM THIS PERSON! shes an art theif that is ruining my good friends name! and THIS comment ECSPECIALLY PISSES ME OFF!!
From the looks of it, she claims to be 13 years old, and appears to be unable to write one grammatically correct sentence in english. From her profile and comments it looks like her family is "isolationist-Christian" (christians that shun all other beleif systems and cultures). Kids tend to not know what Copyright Infringement is anyways. She's not making any money off of this stunt is she?

Could you provide a link to this conversation?
it got blocked befoe i could go find it again. its not just me either, its lots of people shes bugging.