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Re: test subjects

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:04 pm
by Cain
OOC: Flatline, dont forget how old Kohaku is, she's only fifteen so she'll have some attitude.

I held close guard to Fleck and the pups, definately ready for any bloodsuckers.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:14 pm
by Flatline
(ah. that explains.)

jusst as fleck had suspected, thhe bloodsuckers had been watching. they decided to take advantage of fleck's feeding and attacked. one went straight for kohaku, and another for fleck. luckilly thundro had an arrow at ready and quickly killed the one attacking fleck. arrow after arrow was shot out, each one killing a vampire. they needed too move out NOW!

fleck and a weretiger picked up the pups and started moving north with fleck saying, "EVERYONE MOVE OUT NOW! WERE UNDER ATTACK! LETS GO!"

thundro went ahead of them and kept his arrows at ready, firing at a vamp every few seconds

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:20 pm
by Cain
One bloodsucker dug her nails into my neck, blood squirting into the air. My killing senses came alive and i tackled her and ripped her apart. I stayed near Fleck as we all moved, tearing every vampire i saw into pieces. I roared out as more wounds appeared on my body, the pain only fueled my rage.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:00 pm
by ledrif
OOC: probably i'm going to leave and die on this post but not sure about it (this RP is going somewhere Where I maybe get bad old memories back)

"O god Kohaku dont go berserker!!" I got an pistol that one of the shifters droped and rushed to her shooting every damm bloodsucker in my way when I was close one of them knocked me down I Tried to stay up but he jumped on me and bited me as 2 more came to get me too I shooted the one in the top of me but too late the other two arrived and got me biting me again I sooted them again with rage and throwed one flying away and screamed "Kohaku STOP You can't..." I got hit by one and I droped mine gun he came again and bited me on mine front I collapsed trying to get rid of him but I couldn't he was In a too strong grip only with the aid of osmeone else i'll make that I screamed "Someone HELP ME!!!" y'know life do flash before you die I saw myself and mom standing on the waterfall rock playing she getting back home with food and I nuzzling her the day i got captured everything till now I was loosing all mine strenght I tried again "sOMEone please..." everything started to get darkier and I said "I... I... can't... die..." I heard mom calling as if I was back in time she was calling me "swettie I'm here......"

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:07 pm
by silver1
"I hate bloodsuckers." max said as one of the vampires jumped on his back,using its nails to rip into his flesh. Max grabbed the vampire by its throat and ripped it in half,hearing Ledrif's cries for help. Max started killing the wretched bloodsuckers that were attacking Ledrif,then dragged him to a safe place were he would be alright.

Max went back and helped the others kill the rest of the vampires,thinking about Fleck and Kohaku,her ran over to them and fought the rest of the attacking vampires off and cleared a safe path out of the vally.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:16 pm
by Cain
OOC: Aww, thts like the second time my characters mate dies in an rp, dammit. :-P

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:19 pm
by ledrif
OOC: Sounds wierd but I'm crying srsly I am wen now I'm writting the definetly death of him MAN WHAT AM I DOING I'm Cryign cuz of an RP?!?!?!?
geee seriously Tears are falling here :(

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:22 pm
by ledrif
"Sweethearth I'm here..." "mommy is that you?" "I'm here sweetie" "mommy!!!!!!" I huged her I could feel her soft fur rubbing against me I nuzzled her "calm down sweetie you are crying..." "sorry I'm so happy to see you..." "i am too sweetie I am too" tears falling off mine eyes
I smiled gently mine eyes closing I felt max carring me and laining me down mine eys felt heavy I closed them and it seemed like i was in other reality...
"mommy you won't leave me again will you?" "no I won't leave you anymore" she licked me and I said "It's good to be with you again mommy" an light came and I runned alongside her to it......

OOC:I CAn't STOP CRYING!!!!! ARGh.....

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:47 pm
by Cain
OOC: Dont cry!!!! Pm me!

I saw Ledrif's almost lifeless body being carried by Max. I immediately snappe out of rage and ran over as fast as i possibly could. "No! Your no gonna leave me! Not you! Not afte I lost everything else!" I cried

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:14 pm
by Flatline
(oh man ledrif im so sorry if i brought back memories! cain maybe make ur character have his cubs if he kills his?)

Re: test subjects

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:33 pm
by Enir
OOC: Iam sorry to hear that your going Ledrif.

I was able to keep up with Max but I was still being targeted by alot of the vampires, they new that I was weaker than the others and sadly enough I was. I managed to dodge two of them who tried to get me from the tree line but the third one came at me from my front and cloths lined me. As I lay there confused and winded I heard him gloating, "Look at the nice little flea bag I cought, he is a bit on the skinny side but Iam sure his blood is still sweet." The one that had taken me out backhanded one of the others who tried to bite me righ away and he said, "FOOL!!!!!! let the terror and fear grip him first that way his blood is pumping nicely."

I spat at his feet and said, "Then your going to be waiting for a while because Iam not afraid of you." The smerk disappeared from his face and he bent over to bite my neck." I raised my left paw to slug him in the face but he caught my wrist. I then swung with my right catching him in the chin but he recovered quickly and pinned my right hand down. Once again he lowered himself to bite my neck, and I knew that I was in trouble if I didn't get some help.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:51 pm
by Flatline
thundro just happened to turn around checking on fleck and the pups and saw the alpha go down. three well aimed arrows saved enirs life. but ledrif on the other hand looked as if he was dead.

the other weretiger raced to enirs side and picked him up and ran following thundro

Re: test subjects

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 10:23 pm
by Cain
OOC: idk, i havent had my character have pups in awhile.

I cried and hugged Ledrif. "Dont leave me! You cant leave, not when Ineed you most! I took his hand and pressed it on my stomach. "Not when we need you." I whispered, tears streaming down my face.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:15 am
by ledrif
OOC: man I don't want to leave and Cain is giving me strenght so I guess I'll try to moove on Flatline... After all.... I guess I can't leave you guys...

"Wait mom I can't leave mine friends" "I understand if you want to go back but you can't" "but I must cain Need me more then anything" "but there is no going back... son.... I'm sorry..." "then I'll make Mine own way back I said" I runned after the darkness again "one day i'll come and we can be togheter mom but this day is far from today" I heard whispers
"Ugh... uhm..." MIne vision was overblurred the voices was far away but I wouldn't surrender that easy I heard an deep voice "YOU CAN'T GO BACK TO YOUR WORLD NOW!" It was somehow coming from mine head "No I gotta go back I won't let Cain alone...." I feeled her putting mine hand on her belly and I felt pups "OH MY GOD! I MUST GO BACK NOW!!!"

I opened mine eyes I could see Cain she was crying "don't cry... I'm still here...." I whispered Weak "I will face death only to see you again as many times I need...." I whispered almost loudless "now I have pups to take care of..." I smiled weakly "help me up I don't have enough energy to even breath correctly..."

Re: test subjects

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:56 am
by Cain
I cried harder when he stirred and talked, but smiled with a shortlived overwhelming joy. I helped him up and got him near Fleck and the guards as quickly as we could without causing him more pain. I laid him down gently and a were bear came and tried healing his wounds. Most of the small bites were healing nicely, but the more serious wounds were taking a bit longer. "Are you okay?" I whispered to him. I hugged him gently, and felt one of the pups kick. I giggled, it felt funny. "I guess theyre happy." I said softly, then kissed him.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:16 pm
by ledrif
"Heh..." I laughed softly "daddy is here...." I said gently passing mine hand on her belly "I'm only weak...." I groaned as the bear accidentally hit one of mine wounds "don't ever go Berserker again...." I whispered weak mad with Kohaku a little "you knew about the Pups and you went killing everything what where you thinking??" I closed one of mine eyes "urgh... Coming back from the beyond is something I'll never do again" I said to Kohaku and licked her "but I'm here now..."

Re: test subjects

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:57 pm
by Flatline
slowly the vamps sarted to retreat. thundros arrows haad been keeping most of them at bay. now there were only a few vamps left alive and thundro still had a ton of arrows.

fleck and the werretiger stopped running and headed back to the group. the threat was pretty much over now. fleck nuzzled thundro and walked over to kohaku adn ledrif. she saw kohaku place her hand on herr belly and immediately knew. kohaku was carrying ledrifs cubs. joy swept through her heart, as wall as concern. they were still in thhe vally of the vampires and now withh anothher female pregnant the need to get out wass that much greater.

fleck turned to the entire pack and said, "ok we need to get out of here now! kohaku is pregnaant and we have newborn pups to worry about. forutunatly the pups are unhaarmed. thundro i want youu ahead of the group and keeping an eye out for more vamps. kohaku and ledrif, i wannt you both in the middle of thhe group with me and the pups. thhat way you both get maximum protection. max i want you to keep at the back, also watching for vamps. ok lets move, and kohaku, congrats!"

with that said thundro led them north. the edge of the forest wasnt far away, a mile maybe but no more than that. it didnt take long before they were headed up the mountain side once more. they werre out of the forest and were now safe once more. and thhey haad also lost the humans. but thhey still had a long way to go before reaching the mountains fleck was taking them to

Re: test subjects

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:03 pm
by Cain
I smiled, "Youd better not, cause I'll drag you back down to life if ya do." I laughed a little. Then I heard Fleck, she was giving out orders, and i buried my face in Ledrifs arm when she announced I was pregnant. I groaned and laughed at the same time when I heard a good amount of the pack cheer. I helped Ledrif up and we all formed the protective circle. I looked at Ledrif again. "I promise I wont go insane again."

Re: test subjects

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:53 pm
by Enir
I drug my self along in the rear with max, "Well, at least someone has good news, I myself though.....Iam not sure how much further I can go."

Re: test subjects

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:30 pm
by Flatline
(anyone still playing?)

Re: test subjects

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 6:57 pm
by Enir
OOC: I am....

Re: test subjects

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 7:27 pm
by ledrif
OOC: well you brought me back better don't kill this so easy now :(

Re: test subjects

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:16 pm
by Flatline
fleck looked down at the valley forest. they had almost lost a pack member in that wretched place. fleckk now was on thhe borderline of regreting her decision too take them through there. but now that they had the humans were no longer a threat as thhe vamps haad pickked them off.

fleck looked forward and noticed another cave. thhey could stop and rest now. let their wounds heal. fleckk excitedly turned back to the group annd said, "well pack we made it too another resting place! theres a cave not tooo far from here. i say we check it out and if its safe rest there for a while for those who haave wounds to heal."

with that said fleck turned around and headed intoo thhe cave. it was safe alright. good, thhey had a rest stop now. and the pups werre whining because thheir feeding had been cut short. finding a small nook in the cave fleck settled down and finished feeding her cubs

Re: test subjects

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:40 pm
by Enir
I was breathing heavily when Fleck said they were there, and I was at the point were I was out of energy constantly and my ribs were starting to show. I needed to leave and hunt but I knew there was no way I would be able to catch anything. I hated to do it but I had no other choice. "Hey.....ummm......could someone please go's been about 6 days since I last ate and Iam pretty much useless now."

Re: test subjects

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:21 pm
by ledrif
I smiled to Her answer and started slowly walking with her "so... Are you already thinking about names or you will decided when they born..." I whispered still weak to Kohaku