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Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:29 am
by Ancient
Leigh followed Larharl as he lead Edward by the pant leg. Suddenly Tobias carrying a dead rabbit came into view. Her shoulder then started to burn. She knew Hector was close by. She tried not to be afraid, but she couldn't ignore those amber eyes that haunted her thoughts. She couldn't ignore what had happened to her. Instead she tried to remain in contraol of her fear.

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:54 am
by darkest wolf
Jarod noticed Edward's small nod. It was remarkable how much control his friend had. All he did was pull at his pant leg?

He looked back at his former mentor and stared out into the woods.

"Do want me to check that out?"

Jarod slowly walked off in the direction of Edward's pulled pant leg when Tobias came striding into view. It must have been his hunter-searcher training coming back. His hand was inside of the jacket, the safety on his gun already switched off. He was ready, ready for anything that might happen without a moment's notice.

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:04 pm
by [arpegiuswolf]
A low growl rumbled from his chest, muffled slightly by the dead rabbit in his mouth. Thoes red eyes watched the others for a moment...A light twich of one ear, watching Jarod as he went for his gun. He dropped the rabbit with a dull thudd, lowering his head slowly as he began to pull the fur off of it. Ears tilted to listen to the others, in case one of them decided to try and attack.

Berserkers are almost tame when distracted by food...Paying so much attention to it as they ate that one could get close enough to touch it...But as soon as something tried to take the food away, the berserker would instantly attack...

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 8:19 pm
by Ancient
Leigh, followed Edward as he was led by Larharl into the woods. She cast a look to Jarod and spoke softly. "Just be ready to back him up. There's something worse than a mer werewolf in these woods." He voice was confident and strong yet held a nervous manner about it as well. There was a haunted look in her eyes. This woman that she had become was facing the thing that helped make her what she is now. The prince of lies and the creator of nightmares. The darkest insainity.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 10:19 pm
by BlackWolfDS
Larharl soon lead Edward and Leigh to a place near the clearing where Hector and Tobias were last seen. He stopped first with his tail raised and his ears perked. Laharl looked up at his two friends, then back to where he originally came from. The hairs on the nape of his neck and the fur on his bushy tail stood on end as he growled deeply. He was warning them, he was warning them of Hector.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 10:26 pm
by DayStar
Edward followed Larharl to the place near the clearing. He saw Larharl's reaction which confirmed his feeling that Hector was nearby. He took his gun from his holster and held it at ready. He looked to Leigh and Jarod to see if they were ready. He wanted an end to this. He wanted an end to Hector, but truth be known two insane werewolves would be alot harder to fight than just one. He looked back to Larharl before looking into the clearing.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 11:03 pm
by darkest wolf
Jarod quickly tore his handgun from its holster and took up a sort of defensive stance. In a way it ached, physically and emotionally. He had forgotten the proper stance, he hadn't taken it up for so long, that also being because he failed.

He let a small nod Edward's way to signafy that he was ready. He looked out in the distance as the black handgun seemed to gleam in the light. Jarod cocked the gun and nodded once more, at the ready.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 12:31 pm
by Hunt Song
In the bushes amber eyes watched the four individuals that appeared. He turned into his human form. A very handsome man of 5'10 with shoulder length black eyes. His eyes still remained the same bright amber color. He was wearing jeans and a black t-shirt. He crouched lowly knowing his best bet would to remain hidden until they spotted him. He watched as one took a defensive stance. He seemed as if he wasn't used to it and he doubted himself. Hector smiled to himself. Good he could use a break.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 3:21 pm
by DayStar
Edward watched as his former pupil seemed to be struggling with a simple defense stance. That was always one of the first stances he taught his puipls. He watched as Jarod finaly made up his mind and then saw the small nod. He nodded back slightly. Known as a man of actions rather than words it was not uncommon at all for someone to not even realize if he understood them or not. He scanned the bushes and trees before them. He could deffinatly sense a presence looming near. He cast a look to Larharl who was growling and then to Leigh who seemed to be watching him closely as if she were unsure of what was about to happen. He then looked at Jarod once again and saw that he was at the ready. Teacher and pupil seemed to be working flawlessly together once more. He knew that this might get ugly before it ended. He knew that before it ended either a servant of the earth or a servant of the sky would fall. Before it ended things would deffinatly change.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 6:28 pm
by darkest wolf
Jarod crept a tad bit closer, a bit closer than he would've liked, but he did so anyway. He pointed the handgun back a little lower down in the bushes. Nothing happened...yet. His finger twitched on the trigger, Jarod couldn't decide if that was a good thing or not.

Motioning for the others to come closer, he gripped the gun tighter, for a second it almost felt as if the grip was going to be crushed by his excessive force. Then he let something happen that had been happening more and more often lately, he let his nerves get the best of him...

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:49 pm
by BlackWolfDS
Larharl, now snarling loudly, walked to the side of the bushes and waited. Hector's scent was overwhelming now, and for some strange reason it made Larharl feel like he was losing himself to his anger. Before he could completely realize this, he took a step closer to the bushes, possibly one that was to close. Larharl slowly scanned the bushes in front of him, waiting, anticipating Hector to move, so he could jump at him and rip open his throat.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:41 am
by Hunt Song
Even though in human form Hector did not fear the werewolf that crept closer to the bushes. He coiled to spring and waited. The the wolf took that final step the step that he knew allowed him ability to spring. He lept and while flying in mid air changed. White fur appeared and those same dangerously insane amber eyes. He meant to land on the wolf. A growl rose from him as he flew through the air with purpose.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:48 pm
by DayStar
Edward watched as Jarod crept closer. He could tell that Jarod was uneasy He saw Jarod's finger twitch on the trigger he could only hope that Jarod didn't do anything stupid. He saw Jarod's tight grip on his gun. He knew that Jarod was nervous. He kept his distance from the bushes sensing what was lurking in then. He then saw Larharl come closer to close. Larharl's anger seemed to be getting the best of him. It was as if Hector's mer scent and presence seemed to be able to affect werewolves. He then saw Hector spring from the bushes. He shot once as Hector flew, but the change of his body shape cause the bullet to miss him. Hector was also just as fast as ever. He aimed his gun yet again at the moving target.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 5:44 pm
by darkest wolf
Jarod rolled out of the way and came back up firing at the now empty air. He made a quick half-sigh as he readied to fire again, that was three bullets he wasted, he couldn't afford to miss anymore...

Jarod turned his attention back to the wolf, taking aim again, determined to finish off his target...

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 8:25 am
by BlackWolfDS
A sudden explosion of leaves and twigs came from the bushes as Hector jumped out. Larharl watched as Hector once in human form, shift in mid air with ease and a strange grace. Before Larharl completely understood what was happening, Hector was closing the gap between them quickly as he flew. With an unconscious movement, Larharl took a defensive stance, snarling and snapping and bracing himself for impact.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 3:35 pm
by Hunt Song
Hector braced himself for impact by pure instinct and then hit Larharl in a fury of fur and fangs. He snarled and snapped his large jaws. It was unclear as to weather or not he just wanted to finish off Larharl or if there was some deeper meaning behind this. His eyes shown brightly. He was deffinatly a demon on foot.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 3:35 pm
by Ancient
Leigh saw a movement in the twigs and bushes and suddenly Hector was flying through the air with an unbridled power. She pulled her gun and went to fire. The bullet naturaly missed a mile. The scar on her back was burning strangely as though it was a fresh wound. In her mirror blue eyes the wolf flickered angerly as she aimed again. Then suddenly she lost track of Hector as he hit his target. She was scared to shoot seeing as she might hit Larharl. She looked over at Edward who seemed to be hesitating and then looked at Jarod who seemed unsure as well.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 2:49 am
by darkest wolf
Jarod, noticing Leigh's glance, was hesitant to shoot. The way he saw it, he only had one choice, he had to take action.

His hands were shaking, the gun aimed at the snarling wolves. His finger was carefully sliding its self onto the trigger, ready. He gripped the gun even tighter than before, and for some reason felt sick to his stomach. Regardless, Jarod took aim, ready to fire again.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 8:22 pm
by Aki
Raul Wynn cursed, loudly.

There'd been gunfire a moment ago and now he could hear growling and snarling. That was not good - it meant there were werewolves and they were engaging the Hunter-Searchers...and the lack of return fire didn't seem like a good sign of them winning.

He hurried forward, noting mentally that he might want to pack his backpack a bit lighter next time as he swung it off his shoulder and dug around. He closed his fist around a small cylinder and pulled it out, zipping the pack up and swinging it back over his shoulder. He could see people now, and no doubt they could hear him crashing through the underbrush. He recognized Edward among them as slowed to a stop nearby, noticing the fighting werewolves.

"Pardon my insubordinance, sir," he said after a moment, staring at the strange sight. "But what the hell's going on here? Why are they fighting? Why haven't you capped the both of them?"

Raul grasped the cylinder in hand tightly, ready to throw it at a moment's notice. Any Hunter-Searchers could recognize it as one of the science division's toys - a noisemaker grenade that operated mostly on frequencies that would impair a werewolf rather than a human.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 10:47 pm
by BlackWolfDS
Hunt Song wrote:Hector braced himself for impact by pure instinct and then hit Larharl in a fury of fur and fangs. He snarled and snapped his large jaws. It was unclear as to weather or not he just wanted to finish off Larharl or if there was some deeper meaning behind this. His eyes shown brightly. He was deffinatly a demon on foot.
Larharl tumbled to the ground, snarling and snapping at Hector as he landed on him. The very scent of Hector made his fur bristle on the nape of his neck. He could feel a strange rage building inside of him and it was about to released. With one of his claws he slashed at Hector, hoping to throw the large white wolf off of him. Laharl's mind was reeling in panic, pain, and anger. He wanted to kill Hector for what he had done. If he failed, he would have broken his promise he made to himself so long ago under the light of the full moon.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 11:48 pm
by DayStar
Edward sensed someone was approaching. He had his gun aimed at the underbrush and then heard a familiar voice. He saw Raul Wynn standing before him. He turned his gun back to Hector and Larharl as Raul spoke. "The only reason I haven't capped both of them is because the brown one is on our side." He glanced towards Raul. "It's strange, but true. Turns out that there's more than one wolf on our side." He felt that he didn't have to answer the question of why they were fighting. He saw the cylinder that Raul held. "I trust you modified it since the last time. That idiotic thing almost deafened me." It was clear that he reconized the cylinder. He then took aim and with amazing accuracy he fired in between Hector and Larharl hoping to distract Hector.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 12:19 am
by Aki
"Yeah, I did," Raul said, "It's not much of a useful weapon if it hurts your own side."

"Speaking of which," he added, cocking his arm back to throw. "What's his or her name? I need to warn them to cover their ears."

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 12:22 am
by Ancient
Leigh heard someone talking to Edward she glanced over and saw Raul. She knew he was a member of the science portion of the HS but didn't know much about him. She nodded in his direction. Then suddenly Edward shot the ground she watched closely waiting for Hector to be distracted.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 12:55 am
by Hunt Song
Hector got hit by the wolf he just attacked and was momentairly knocked off from his target. He turned to face the other snarling all the while keeping the wolf in his side vision. He saw the man who had just appeared holding a small cylinder. He heard a shout and the cylinder hit the ground with a thunk. The sound burned his ears he picked up the cylinder and threw it at the man who had just thrown it. Then with a growl he lept towards the bushes and towards escape. He knew he had to rethink his plans.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 10:44 pm
by Aki
Raul cursed loudly as the cylinder struck him in the chest with an audible thump. He staggered backwards and fell to his knees. "Aw...son of a b****...." he muttered. It didn't hurt as badly as it could've, due to the padding in his jacket and a special modification that had altered the jacket by sewing in chain-mail. It made the jacket a bit uncomfortable, but it was tolerable and went a long way to keeping one from being gutted by claws.

Wasn't so handy against blunt trauma, though...

Raul recovered, grabbed the device, thumbed it off for Laharl's sake and put it away.