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Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 2:01 pm
by Arania
Marcwolf wrote:I have been thinking on how things might change in a werewolf.. and come up with a delicate subject.. and what the implecations would be.

Many men living in the US are circumcised. Now the sheath is essentially the foreskin that has grown to cover the entire *ahem.*

If a circumcised man shifted would they grow a sheath. If they did would that remain after they have shifted back.

Its an interesting concept seeing that the regenerative powers of werewolves are well discussed. The same could be used for appendix's, missing toes/finger etc.

Take Care


Moderator edit.
Actually *coughs* This thought has crossed my mind before as well - and I came to the same conclusion, Marc - I think that after the first shift - if someone was circumsized before, I don't think they would be anymore after shifting back to human form. Being the foreskin is a natural part of them (and still part of their genetic makeup) - after regrowing it, there would be NOTHING indicating that it should receed all the way afterwards.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 9:52 pm
by Vuldari
The thought that crosses my mind right now is that, I don't see why a Werewolf would re-grow Any limbs or...ahem..."parts" back durring a shift, that are not dirrectly involved in changing from man to wolf and back again.

Here is my logic: When a Werewolf Shifts, thier body "modifies" itself to take on the alternate shape. The proccess of the shift tells the body to make the bones, muscles, and skin of the hand into a paw with claws. only knows how to modify what is actually THERE. ...the biology of the Werewolf would not know how to "re-grow" a part that is missing for some reason. That is not part of the "Shifting" process. If there is nothing there to "modify" then...well...there is noting to shift.

You can't grow a claw from a finger that isn't there, and likewise you couldn't grow a...ummm...well, let's just say that werewolf would remain "Neutered" in their wolf form. Image

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 1:50 pm
by ChaosWolf
Apokryltaros wrote: It's been decided that a werewolf's regenerative power can regrow only some things, possibly things like sheaths, and appendices, and maybe missing digits. However, it's also been decided that a werewolf's regenerative powers can't regrow missing limbs.
Or heads.

Gah, I just pictured a werewolf doing like Jeebs from Men In Black...

(cue weird regrowth-y noises)

"Do you... have any idea... how much that STINGS?!?!"

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 4:35 pm
by Apokryltaros
ChaosWolf wrote: Heads?

Gah, I just pictured a werewolf doing like Jeebs from Men In Black...

(cue weird regrowth-y noises)

"Do you... have any idea... how much that STINGS?!?!"
:duckbomb: :splodey:

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 5:49 pm
by WolvenOne
Hmm... random thought...

Assuming werewolves are attracted to eachother physically even in the transformed state, wouldn't that mean that they find at least some cannine characteristics attractive?

Ick, I hope not, if I were a werewolf and I found myself absent-mindedly admiring a passing dogs rear I'd go out and have myself fixed. :P


Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 5:50 pm
by WolvenOne
PPS: Post number 300, WHEE!

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 6:00 pm
by Figarou
WolvenOne wrote:Hmm... random thought...

Assuming werewolves are attracted to eachother physically even in the transformed state, wouldn't that mean that they find at least some cannine characteristics attractive?

Ick, I hope not, if I were a werewolf and I found myself absent-mindedly admiring a passing dogs rear I'd go out and have myself fixed. :P


If a werewolf can gain control of his shifting, I think he can also control his sexual desire for the opposite sex.


*sniff* Oh my!!! Control yourself Figarou. She is hot but you must have control of your animal tendencies.

I can't help it!! *Starts chasing after the hot werewolf chick*


Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 6:14 pm
by WolvenOne
Oh I was speaking more about having the attraction, not loosing controll of it. I was also speaking less of being attracted to other werewolves and more being attracted to cannine traits in general, even in human form.

"Hmmm, why do you have a subscription to Dog Breeders Monthly?" "I read it for the articles, really!" What?"

Then again, humans and gorillas posses many similer traits as well and humans arn't typically attracted to them. Maybe it'd be similer with Werewolves and cannines-in-general.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 6:24 pm
by Figarou
WolvenOne wrote:Oh I was speaking more about having the attraction, not loosing controll of it.

I know. Just having a Benny Hill spur of the moment. :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 6:25 pm
by Silverclaw
Most humans cant shift into gorillas as well. :D
I'd think if a WW saw the opposite sex in gestalt form, they would be turned on, (at least if they were hot by WW standerds :wink: ) Also if in full wolf form looking at another in full wolf form, some sparks could fly :lovestruck:
Not too sure what they would think in human form of wolves. Mixed feelings could be goin on :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 6:50 pm
by WolvenOne
Yeah, I imagine there would be some mixed feelings, especially if the attraction carried over from one form to another.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 8:24 pm
by Aki
Some attraction might be a general rule, but it'd vary from Werewolf to Werewolf.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 9:05 pm
by Vilkacis
I'm not so sure the attraction would even be present, unless the transformation affected the brain somehow. Yet, if that were the case, then I would imagine the attraction to be specific to the current form. And when you shift back, whatever biological wiring that got your hormones pumping before would simply no longer be present. However, there are psychological factors to take into account, as well. It is not beyond the realm of reason that someone might remember the attraction from the other form, and develop a fetish of sorts if they dwell on those sorts of thoughts. This would likely depend on the individual, as many might feel disgust at those kinds of thoughts, and reject them no matter what form they currently inhabit.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 1:22 am
by WolvenOne
Well, considering just how complex the brain is, I cannot see ultra drastic rewiring occuring every time there's a shift, I've always considered all major rewiring to be a one time event that happens when one becomes a werewolf, which is only followed by minor tweaks during shifts from one form to another.

That being said, even with er, dynamic rewiring, yes a werewolf could develop a fetish in part to experiences in wolf or halfwolf form. After all, as far as I can tell, even RL non-Were's have such.... attractions, on rare occasions. So there's no reason a werewolf couldn't as well.

Wierd can of worms we've opened here aye? :P

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 1:24 am
by Raina The Werewolf Queen
You all have these ginormouse posts so I will keep it short and simple. Males should be slightly bigger then females. mabey a bit more masculine or how ever you spell it.

Coming out of the den

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 8:59 am
by Scott Gardener
On Jewish editing procedures:

I thought about that, and in my own novel, I had my lead female werewolf telling her newly bitten male companion that he might experience the return of an old friend.

On furry fetishes:

While it's true that one can in theory control one's urges, there's obviously a complex and layered psychology involved, with important philosophical considerations to add on top. Just look at the enormous amount of thought, soul-searching, controversy, shouting, and debate surrounding homosexuality. It's an attraction not to the opposite gender but the same as one's own. Though it does occur naturally (don't let Jerry Falwell tell you otherwise; we've found it in every mammal in which we've ever looked for it), it's controversial in many cultures, who are convinced that there's something wrong with it. People raised in the context to assume that there's something wrong with it, who then discover that they themselves have this trait, are then thrown into the dilemma of keeping the trait or reconditioning themselves.

Some retain it, soul-search, and develop a sense of pride, wearing pink triangle T-shirts, doing parades, and teaching straight men how to dress better. Some hide it and become priests and nuns, while still others go back and forth, tearing themselves apart.

Given that anthropomorphic furry fetishes are known to exist among people who don't turn into wolves, it's not a big stretch to postulate that actual shape-shifters might develop bestiality fetishes--and end up with the same sort of emotional turmoil that gays and lesbians have had to undergo.

Re: Coming out of the den

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 11:49 am
by Figarou
Scott Gardener wrote:
Given that anthropomorphic furry fetishes are known to exist among people who don't turn into wolves, it's not a big stretch to postulate that actual shape-shifters might develop bestiality fetishes--and end up with the same sort of emotional turmoil that gays and lesbians have had to undergo.


Re: Coming out of the den

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 5:46 pm
by Aki
Scott Gardener wrote:On Jewish editing procedures:
That right there took me a minute to realize what you were talking about. :P

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 9:39 pm
by Scott Gardener
More proof that sometimes we spend too much time thinking about some of the nuances of lycanthropy. Maybe I should just walk outside, catch some sunlight, or go meet people.

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 9:48 pm
by Figarou
Scott Gardener wrote:More proof that sometimes we spend too much time thinking about some of the nuances of lycanthropy. Maybe I should just walk outside, catch some sunlight, or go meet people.
I agree.

Thats no joke compared to the last time I said "I agree."

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 10:19 pm
by Scott Gardener
Having you saying it, now I know I need to get out more! After the 2000th post, didn't they just finally make you moderator?


Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 10:23 pm
by Figarou
Scott Gardener wrote:Having you saying it, now I know I need to get out more!


Scott Gardener wrote:After the 2000th post, didn't they just finally make you moderator?


Ow!! That smarts.

Re: Coming out of the den

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 2:08 pm
by Set
Scott Gardener wrote:(don't let Jerry Falwell tell you otherwise; we've found it in every mammal in which we've ever looked for it)
It occurs in more than just mammals. I've seen gay cockatoos before.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 2:50 pm
by WolvenOne
Given that anthropomorphic furry fetishes are known to exist among people who don't turn into wolves, it's not a big stretch to postulate that actual shape-shifters might develop bestiality fetishes--and end up with the same sort of emotional turmoil that gays and lesbians have had to undergo.
Yep, at least for some werewolves it's gonna happen. Though I should point out that not all werewolves will be subject to such things and it may be very taboo for some/many packs.

Re: Coming out of the den

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 3:21 pm
by Apokryltaros
Reilune wrote:
Scott Gardener wrote:(don't let Jerry Falwell tell you otherwise; we've found it in every mammal in which we've ever looked for it)
It occurs in more than just mammals. I've seen gay cockatoos before.
And invertebrates...
A photo in a National Geographic article showed two deep-sea octopi, apparently both male, of two different species, with the smaller male trying to insert his arm into the larger's mantle (this is how octopi have sex). In this case, though, it's presumed that the smaller male mistook the larger male for a female of his own species.
In many cases, it's often caused by inequal sex-ratios, and or sexual frustration, which apparently happens with greater frequency in the penguin exibihits in many Japanese aquaria and zoos.