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Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:52 pm
by Vilkacis
Classes start the day after tomorrow. You should see an according drop in my participation. On some days, due to homework and other considerations, I may not even be able to drop by. I will be most active on the weekends (I get Fri, Sat, and Sun off every week). I will be done with this quater's classes and finals by December 16.

Also, tomorrow, I will be gone most of the day since there's an all-day meeting for those of us who facilitate workshops throughout the quarter.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 5:59 pm
by Anubis
i got grounded from the computer for a week so you won't see a whole lot from me for a while, i'll try to stop in at the library to see whats going on.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 2:16 pm
by Vilkacis
Here's an update on my schedule:

On Monday and Wednesday, I only have one class, from 1:45 to 4:00.

On Tuesday and Thursday, I have three things to deal with:

I have a class from 10:30 to 12:45.
I facilitate a workshop from 1:45 to 4:00.
I have a class from 6:45 to 9:00.

So, on Tuesday and Thursday I will be at the University from about 10:00am to 9:30pm. Furthermore, from past experience, I expect that Wednesday will be busy-busy day, with much reading, homework and gnashing of teeth. In any case, my participation will be limited on class-days.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:43 pm
by vrikasatma
Just got home from the oncologist. It's going to get harder from here on in.

In a week or two, I go back to my surgeon to get what's called a Porta-catheter installed in my chest. After that, they're going to have me on a fairly heavy chemo schedule for the next six months. This is because I have a particularly aggressive type of cancer that requires aggressive treatment; the odds they're giving me today is 50/50 chance the cancer will come back because it got into my lymph nodes. With aggressive chemo and radiation, they're going to try to reduce the chance to 70-30 in my favour.

Basically, I'm not taking the next five years for granted at all. I may have a stopwatch on my life and may not see my 50th birthday. The worst was watching my Mom having to listen to all this and see me break down.

I really do appreciate all the good thoughts that you've been sending. Please, don't stop now. The surgery was nothing next to what I'm looking at. This whole thing is just making me want to curl up inside a shell; I may survive but I get the feeling I'll come out even more insular and standoffish than I've been. The world just seems so big and vicious and uncaring right now.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:45 pm
by Aki
Ouch, that sounds horrible Vrikasatma...

Hope everything goes well.. :(

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:49 pm
by Figarou
vrikasatma wrote:Just got home from the oncologist. It's going to get harder from here on in.

In a week or two, I go back to my surgeon to get what's called a Porta-catheter installed in my chest. After that, they're going to have me on a fairly heavy chemo schedule for the next six months. This is because I have a particularly aggressive type of cancer that requires aggressive treatment; the odds they're giving me today is 50/50 chance the cancer will come back because it got into my lymph nodes. With aggressive chemo and radiation, they're going to try to reduce the chance to 70-30 in my favour.

Basically, I'm not taking the next five years for granted at all. I may have a stopwatch on my life and may not see my 50th birthday. The worst was watching my Mom having to listen to all this and see me break down.

I really do appreciate all the good thoughts that you've been sending. Please, don't stop now. The surgery was nothing next to what I'm looking at. This whole thing is just making me want to curl up inside a shell; I may survive but I get the feeling I'll come out even more insular and standoffish than I've been. The world just seems so big and vicious and uncaring right now.

:( Awww...I hope things get better and they remove the cancer. :mourn:

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:39 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Oh my god vrikasatma, That must so horrible for you. :( Please do try to do whatever you can to fight off the cancer. :mourn: I know this hard for you but....cheer up :behappy: you souldnt kick yourself for something like that, In your condition you should try to make the best of life and take nothing for granted.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:49 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
vrikasatma wrote:Just got home from the oncologist. It's going to get harder from here on in.

In a week or two, I go back to my surgeon to get what's called a Porta-catheter installed in my chest. After that, they're going to have me on a fairly heavy chemo schedule for the next six months. This is because I have a particularly aggressive type of cancer that requires aggressive treatment; the odds they're giving me today is 50/50 chance the cancer will come back because it got into my lymph nodes. With aggressive chemo and radiation, they're going to try to reduce the chance to 70-30 in my favour.

Basically, I'm not taking the next five years for granted at all. I may have a stopwatch on my life and may not see my 50th birthday. The worst was watching my Mom having to listen to all this and see me break down.

I really do appreciate all the good thoughts that you've been sending. Please, don't stop now. The surgery was nothing next to what I'm looking at. This whole thing is just making me want to curl up inside a shell; I may survive but I get the feeling I'll come out even more insular and standoffish than I've been. The world just seems so big and vicious and uncaring right now.
Oh my God I had no idea it was like that :( I will pray for you everyday that it be helped and that you fine. I wish you the best of luck and don't worry because not everyone in the world is cruel and hateful and there are people who do care for you and your current situation.....if you feel that no one cares on the outside you can always come in here where everyone cares and are real....Keep your head up and don't lose hope!! Not now, Not ever!!!! :wink:

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:08 pm
by vrikasatma
Thank you. It's a little better now. Never doubt the salubrious power of a full belly (especially if it's full of buffalo meatloaf, chocolate, chanterelles and roast red potatoes) :chef:

We may not have to go through radiation. My oncologist called after dinner and we talked. He thinks I don't require it. I'll find out for sure Friday.

The other good news is, I'm young, and he thinks my body will be able to handle it. And eventually, the chemo WILL end. If the doc thinks so, I believe so, let's hope so. Keep the good thoughts coming, you're in good company :)

I just hate having to miss FurCon, though!!! :pissedoff:

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:40 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Well you sound good and it sounds like you'll be fine which is great :o So just do what you have to do hwlwnk

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:56 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Just so everyone knows this:

I am going to be a first time Aunt of Twin girls :love: !!!! My oldest sister is just about ready to have them and since she is having two, she may come sooner than 9 months, but she is doing great so far, and it's funny she's sings to them and talks to them and I know this is normal, but I've never seen it happen in real life so it's really cool!!! I am currently at their house right now and I have access to a DSL computer which is Awesome, but the only downfall to that is I don't have a scanner and am unable to post anything right now so that sucks :P But I got to help decorate the baby room and I get to help paint the house which I find very fun I don't know why, but I do :D Anyways I will be posting pictures of them when they are born as I just asked my sister and her husband if I could do that and they happyily said yes, so anyways she is now just at 32weeks, but like I said since shes having two they could come at anytime so I will be here to be their assitant when they are born so I will be around them all the time at least for the next 6months or maybe even a year :D but I look forward to that responsiblity so unfortunatlly I might not be able to get the pictures up right yet because me and my brother (her husband) still have a lot of work to do and we start back up tommorow so I may not be on much here on out, but that doesn't mean I'm not still working on your pictures, but I think you'll understand my reason if I can't get them up one being I don't have a scanner and if I did it would still be hard with so much ahead of me so please work with me here :lol: Anywho I'll keep you all posted on her progress as I will be the only other person in my family that will be in their besides her husband when they are born so I get to see them come into the world first :love: But anyways I'll shut-up now :lol:

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 8:58 am
by Howling Fan
Congrats on the great news, but I'm a little confused.
Your older sister is having the twins, and your brother is her husband? That would make them brother and sister. I'm assuming you made a mistake here.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:24 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
he's my brother in law so it's no mistake :D I just call him my brother, not step or in-law :D

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:28 pm
by Anubis
SabreWereWolfQueen_84 wrote:Just so everyone knows this:

I am going to be a first time Aunt of Twin girls :love: !!!! My oldest sister is just about ready to have them and since she is having two, she may come sooner than 9 months, but she is doing great so far, and it's funny she's sings to them and talks to them and I know this is normal, but I've never seen it happen in real life so it's really cool!!! I am currently at their house right now and I have access to a DSL computer which is Awesome, but the only downfall to that is I don't have a scanner and am unable to post anything right now so that sucks :P But I got to help decorate the baby room and I get to help paint the house which I find very fun I don't know why, but I do :D Anyways I will be posting pictures of them when they are born as I just asked my sister and her husband if I could do that and they happyily said yes, so anyways she is now just at 32weeks, but like I said since shes having two they could come at anytime so I will be here to be their assitant when they are born so I will be around them all the time at least for the next 6months or maybe even a year :D but I look forward to that responsiblity so unfortunatlly I might not be able to get the pictures up right yet because me and my brother (her husband) still have a lot of work to do and we start back up tommorow so I may not be on much here on out, but that doesn't mean I'm not still working on your pictures, but I think you'll understand my reason if I can't get them up one being I don't have a scanner and if I did it would still be hard with so much ahead of me so please work with me here :lol: Anywho I'll keep you all posted on her progress as I will be the only other person in my family that will be in their besides her husband when they are born so I get to see them come into the world first :love: But anyways I'll shut-up now :lol:
thats really cool! :D i have a nefu 4 years old (really big hand full) but what you exect

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 5:58 pm
by Shadow Wulf
SabreWereWolfQueen_84 wrote:he's my brother in law so it's no mistake :D I just call him my brother, not step or in-law :D
CONGRADULATION!!! I wish you the best of luck!!! :D

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:02 pm
by Kzinistzerg
Best of luck, sabre!

vrikasatma, I hope everything goes well. I'll draw you a picuture of a duckie just for you. Hopefully everythign will go well! It's no fun to be in a hospital- i know, but just keep happy, it'll help. *gives vrikasatma a virtual hug* And that's how much I care, becasue i NEVER hug people. :D

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 3:47 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Thank You folks for your kind words...heh heh I can't wait :clownwolf2:

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 6:20 pm
by Terastas
Wow. Having a computer really makes a difference -- it's been a while since I've posted in this thread.

Hmm... No news on the job front, but the good news is that I've had six tests between my four classes and the lowest one so far was an 85. :D

And the bad news is that I've just recently discovered that I weigh 25 lbs. more than that worthless cannabis-filled 40-guzzling sack of crap that has only crawled out of bed any time in the past month to take a crap or grab a beer and that I unfortunately must call both a sibling and a roommate. My poor ego, it was so young. :P

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:41 am
by Koshaw
I hope all will go well for you vrikasatma. I was away for over a week and sans computer...

All our thoughts and prayers are with you. And dont you dare curl up otherwise I will have to tickle you unmercifully


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 1:36 pm
by Koshaw
Btw I am back from the Corolla, NC =)

Had a great time and caught 7 feesh ^_^ Too bad I didnt land the last one...bout 15 lbs :( it broke off the lure near the boat. :cry:

Good to be back again =) Having no net access for over a week was not too fun heh.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 3:19 pm
by vrikasatma
I've been asked to give an update, so here goes...

I got CT-scanned for the radiation site yesterday. My radiation therapy starts tomorrow and will go five days a week for the next seven weeks. Let's just say I'm really going to get to know the good folks at the Cancer Center really, really well :lol:

They're easing me into the chemo. I don't have to have a portacath installed yet, they're starting me on the pills part as soon as the radiation starts. That will go for two months and then I have to do the IV-immersion thing with the portacatheter and that will go for four months.

I'm not going to lose my hair, they told me. I almost feel like I should be disappointed, but I'm not going to argue. The radiation symptoms will be isolated to the actual site of radiation which means I'm going to get a sunburn on my keester and the runs. They're giving me industrial-strength cortisone cream and OTC Immodium for that. My friend suggested I stop wearing pants and start wearing my skirts and sarongs regimental style :D

I go see my OBGYN for the post-op debriefing on Friday. I've already read the pathology report and was happy to read that the tumour didn't get into my uterus and the cysts they found on my ovaries were benign. Eh, well...I shan't miss getting the monthlies one iota and I have the ultimate chat-up line. "I won't come up to you and say, 'Honey, there's something I gotta talk to you about...'" :femshft:

Oh, little Mom went home on the train this past weekend and her seat-mate was a nice fella from South Africa named Kris. They kept calling me on the cellphone and chatting! She gave him one of my LiveSTRONG bracelets because he'd had melanoma (they caught it at Stage One). :D

Another side note: if you get cancer or some other really serious medical condition, GET A SIDEKICK. Someone who's centred, dependable, and can help you keep all the paperwork and appointments sorted. I've collected a telephone book's worth of papers, appointment cards, get-well gifts and cards, books, reports, printout, financial aid applications and other paperly addenda. With my ADD, I'd be hopelessly lost and mired if it weren't for my friend Laura. She's also pinch-hit and driven me and my Mom places when I wasn't up to driving myself. This would be twice the nightmare for me if it weren't for her. :wagtail:

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 6:27 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
I just thought I'd put a quick post here since I don't have much more time to be on here: As most of you know I am going to be an Aunt really soon and I most likely won't be on here as much due to the fact I am helping my sister and her husband with house work for the little ones :D I haven't been on here for awhile already and I probably won't be on here for another week :( , but when I do come back I will have my scanner here and have an chance to post all my promised drawings AND also I will be posting my nieces pictures here as I said before in a previous post :roll:

Anyhow :D I still have much work to do to this house, but as for the rest of the night I've done my part, but I still won't be able to be on here as I have so other business to attend to, like finishing up you all's drwaing which I must say is very time consuming, but well worth it because I'm having fun drawing for the pack members :clown: :clownwolf2: :Jester3: :jester2: :jester: :madhatter:

Anywho I have to go now, but I'll be back with all of your pictures and then some..... :lol:

Seeya's :wagtail:

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 6:55 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Wish you the best of luck sabre! :howl:  :oo I also have an announcement.

My mom says were getting a pure breed german shepard as a gift to me!! And we getting it for free. My mom sasys it has white fur. I wasnt really shure if it was a pure breed if it has white fur on it. I told her if its not pure breed then I dont want it. But she says that her friend tolder her that the lady told her that its pure breed. :howl:  :oo

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:00 pm
by Anubis
see ya later sabre,:D i'm going to miss you :cry:

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:04 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Anubis wrote:see ya later sabre,:D i'm going to miss you :cry:
yeah I will to. the forum isnt the same without having her around as much. :(