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Re: Coming out of the den

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 3:28 pm
by Figarou
Apokryltaros wrote:
Reilune wrote:
Scott Gardener wrote:(don't let Jerry Falwell tell you otherwise; we've found it in every mammal in which we've ever looked for it)
It occurs in more than just mammals. I've seen gay cockatoos before.
And invertebrates...
A photo in a National Geographic article showed two deep-sea octopi, apparently both male, of two different species, with the smaller male trying to insert his arm into the larger's mantle (this is how octopi have sex). In this case, though, it's presumed that the smaller male mistook the larger male for a female of his own species.
In many cases, it's often caused by inequal sex-ratios, and or sexual frustration, which apparently happens with greater frequency in the penguin exibihits in many Japanese aquaria and zoos.

freaky!! ... _crab.html


Re: Coming out of the den

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 3:59 pm
by Apokryltaros
And the sad thing is that I want to eat Springer now.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:15 am
by Kzinistzerg
:lol: You'll get used to wanting to eat random things...

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:26 am
by Apokryltaros
Shadowblaze wrote::lol: You'll get used to wanting to eat random things...
I already am, actually.
You should be surprised how many people I scare when, upon coming across a piece of sashimi I can not recognize, and say, "Gee, I wonder what this tastes like!" and promptly pop it into my mouth.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:43 am
by Kzinistzerg
hehe :lol: good, that makes two of us, then.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:22 pm
by Figarou
Apokryltaros wrote:
Shadowblaze wrote::lol: You'll get used to wanting to eat random things...
I already am, actually.
You should be surprised how many people I scare when, upon coming across a piece of sashimi I can not recognize, and say, "Gee, I wonder what this tastes like!" and promptly pop it into my mouth.
You'll scare the people even more if you don't say..."Gee, it tastes like chicken."

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:48 pm
by Apokryltaros
Figarou wrote:
Apokryltaros wrote:
Shadowblaze wrote::lol: You'll get used to wanting to eat random things...
I already am, actually.
You should be surprised how many people I scare when, upon coming across a piece of sashimi I can not recognize, and say, "Gee, I wonder what this tastes like!" and promptly pop it into my mouth.
You'll scare the people even more if you don't say..."Gee, it tastes like chicken."
Well, the first time I did that, I thought I was eating squid, but, years later, I found out that it was actually clam.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:19 pm
by Kzinistzerg
nonono, you say something like, "hey, this tastes like panda!"

or any other endangered animal. extinct ones work too, but only recently extinct ones. :lol:

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:35 pm
by WolvenOne
Ahh yes, another random thought on this subject. This has been touched before but I think this is a new twist on the debate.

Chest sizes and more specifically, implants.

Now, if I remember the only debate correctly, some people wanted to have a female werewolf's chest, absorbed into her body mass during a shift. However, it just occured to me that if this were the case, I'm pretty certain that any female werewolf with implants would likely be injured by the shift, possibly very dramatically.

Similer guys with implants *yes some men get implants designed to make thier pecks look muscular* may also be damaged if the shift causes the implant to rupture.

Heck, for that matter a werewolf with a false tooth might have problems during a shift, any artificial bodypart could become troublesome.

From this time forward, you will service us...

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 10:37 pm
by Scott Gardener
Tastes like sashimi:

You could say "it tastes like human flesh, only a little less tart," or otherwise compare it to humans. Human meat probably tastes similar to pork. Don't worry; that's conjecture alone and I have no plans of proving it one way or the other. For some reason, even though we're primates, for some reason we're physiologically strikingly similar to pigs. Ergo, we probably taste like pork.

Not a very popular thought in this culture, since neither primates nor pigs are "glorified" animals. But, if it's any comfort, wolves are strikingly similar on a genetic basis to the cocker spaniel.

Resistance is futile, and other cybernetic catch-phrases:

I've already worried about the effects of people with surgical implants for degenerative disc disease. At least breast implants are reasonably close to the surface, and could be conceivably ejected or removed without too much work. Metallic implants tearing loose from deep tissues could be lethal or at least paralyzing.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:04 pm
by WolvenOne
Yes of course but if you don't know you're gonna change and haven't had them removed before shifting, er, it could get kinda messy. :P

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:07 pm
by Lupin
Shadowblaze wrote:nonono, you say something like, "hey, this tastes like panda!"

or any other endangered animal. extinct ones work too, but only recently extinct ones. :lol:
I always liked "You know chicken? Nothing like that."

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:56 pm
by Aki
WolvenOne wrote:Yes of course but if you don't know you're gonna change and haven't had them removed before shifting, er, it could get kinda messy. :P
Think about braces. :o

Not only will it hurt like a b****, it'll mess up months (or years!) of work, cost alot to fix.

AND the hell are you going to explain that?

"Uh, i got them hooked to the bumper of a car.." :P

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:11 am
by WolvenOne
Well I would assume that there's a chance the braces would simply pop out, ditto with fillings and such. *though I can't say so for certain.*

The interesting thing about the teeth is the fact that they one of the parts of the body that're being changed the most heavily. As such I expect that the werewolves regenative nature is especially strong in that part of the body.

As such, we can probably expect some of the problems humans have with thier teeth, such as caveties, would be counter-acted, though I'm not certain is mis-alignment is one of them.

As for the brances themselves, the rements shouldn't be too hard to remove with some plyers. It'd hurt like heck but the cuts would close up fairly quickly due to the regenetive nature.

*Not heal, that'd probably take at least a day as possibly more. Closing up would simply keep them from bleeding even more.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 11:47 am
by Aki
WolvenOne wrote:Well I would assume that there's a chance the braces would simply pop out, ditto with fillings and such. *though I can't say so for certain.*

The interesting thing about the teeth is the fact that they one of the parts of the body that're being changed the most heavily. As such I expect that the werewolves regenative nature is especially strong in that part of the body.

As such, we can probably expect some of the problems humans have with thier teeth, such as caveties, would be counter-acted, though I'm not certain is mis-alignment is one of them.

As for the brances themselves, the rements shouldn't be too hard to remove with some plyers. It'd hurt like heck but the cuts would close up fairly quickly due to the regenetive nature.

*Not heal, that'd probably take at least a day as possibly more. Closing up would simply keep them from bleeding even more.
I had a aunt who tried to manually remove braces as a kid (Really didn't like them), didn't work and see ended up just messing them up. They're jkind of hard to remove. :wink:

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 11:57 am
by WolvenOne
Yes but after a shift they'll have already been loosened up quite a bit.

Differences B/W Male and Female Gestalts

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 3:34 am
by Renorei
If there is already a thread discussing the differences b/w the male a female gestalt forms, could someone post the link here?

If not....

What differences should there be b/w male and female gestalt forms, besides genitalia?

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 4:07 am
by Trinity
See this is where the difference between function and estheitics would come to bear.

Some would preferr there be no difference. Its hard to tell male and female wolves apart, aside from the body size and weight ( unless you know what you are looking at ). Humans is a bit simplier ( normally ).

Having a hybrid between the two, I can see logistically there being a slight difference in frame shape as well as over all size.

Maybe female werewolves are slightly shorter ( say by an inch or two ) then their male couterparts?

Having breasts, as has been drawn in many difference instances, ist a bit much, imho. Human breasts on a werewolf body may look good in some ways. But since I have them I can tell you taht at times they get in the way ( as you may understand ;) ).

if I were to go skinny dipping, i can't dive -or- swim. And I'm a pretty good swimmer. I try squatting down with my hands flat to the floor, and they get squished. Not the most comfortable thing in teh world. Imagine now -running on all fours-. >.< ouch!

Now, if we were going for a more wolf0like appearence, then perhaps a werewolf who has previously given birth, or on that is a bit "top heavy" as a human coul d show some nippl-age. Puffy sections to the torso, with some pink showing through? More canine like then human.

That sort of difference would at least be functional.., but not as esthically pleasing.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 8:36 am
by Renorei
I agree with you about the breasts. I was hoping someone would say that. Perhaps the facial features of the female in gestalt form could be a little softer? I had thought of size as a difference as well, but I honestly don't want size to play that big of a role in distinguishing. If there is a size difference, I think it should be small. The reason I think that is b/c if a female wolf and male wolf got in a fight, the female statistically stands a reasonable chance of winning. I'd like this to be the case in gestalt form, unlike in human form in which the balance is overwhelmingly tipped toward male. Anyone else's thoughts about sexual differences?

Re: Differences B/W Male and Female Gestalts

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:18 am
by Figarou
Excelsia wrote:If there is already a thread discussing the differences b/w the male a female gestalt forms, could someone post the link here?

Edit... this thread ... 6863#26863

is now merged with this one.

Re: Differences B/W Male and Female Gestalts

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:09 am
by Anubis
Excelsia wrote:If there is already a thread discussing the differences b/w the male a female gestalt forms, could someone post the link here?

If not....

What differences should there be b/w male and female gestalt forms, besides genitalia?
i think that the diferances between werewolves in gestalt form would be the same for humans as in the male's body fram would be more ridged and muscular while the female's would be softer and curvirer, and a bigger pelvis for birthing pups.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:45 am
by Lupin
Trinity wrote: Its hard to tell male and female wolves apart, aside from the body size and weight ( unless you know what you are looking at ). Humans is a bit simplier ( normally ).
Well remember, a lot of that comes from the fact that you've been looking at people all of your life.

I don't think the differences between male and female werewolves would be as pronounced as they are with humans. But you should be able to tell the difference if you're just there with them, and not fleeing in terror. Females would be smaller, and generally weigh less, (not that you should ask a female werewolf her weight) and have breasts, though not as pronounced as those on a human of similar build (fur).

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 1:31 pm
by Renorei
I was gonna read the whole thread, but I decided not to, since it's nine pages long. I'll read it later. I mentioned my thoughts about this in another thread, but I'll reiterate them here.

Breasts: I am completely and totally AGAINST female werewolves having any sort of breasts. If I turned into a werewolf, I would absolutely hate retaining my breasts, unless I was wearing a shirt of some sort that didn't rip in the TF (and think about it, that would look silly, some werewolf wearing a shirt). Those of you that aren't female couldn't understand this. No matter how small the breasts were, no matter how much fur they were covered in, they would still be breasts. Nearly every woman would feel embarassed to have them seen all out in the open like that, whether they are covered in fur or not. And not matter how much more muscle you add, the breast itself is still mainly fat, so even with small breasts bouncing would occur (if you're trying to be realistic here). Furthermore, I think it is completely and totally feasible for them to realistically not have breasts. Think about it, the heads of these wolves will be entirely wolven, so why couldn't their breasts? Real wolves don't have breasts in the same sense as humans do. I think it would be great to have a female werewolf with entirely wolf breasts (i.e. no breasts at all unless she's pregnant) and an otherwise mostly human torso, in terms of musculature. For the sake of female audiences and realism, I really hope breasts are not included on female werewolves.

Manes: Though I'm sure a nice big mane would look gorgeous on a male werewolf, I think it's illogical. Think about it:
1. He's a man. Most likely short hair.
2. He's a gestalt. All of a sudden this big mane appears?
3. He's a wolf. All traces of mane gone.
I think manes (and I know some people are gonna argue with me here) would be more appropriate on female wolves, if any, b/c their hair is probably already long.
However, if manes on male werewolves are definitely gonna happen, I think they should be on the females too. For some species, the males are deliberately prettier to attract females and to distract predators from attacking the female and offspring. However, with werewolves I think these are both moot points. Since werewolves are still human no matter what state they are in, I think most of their desires would be based on human desires. As such, I think most (though not all) mating would occur in the human form, so adding uneccessary stuff to make the gestalt form prettier would be an evolutionary waste. After all, manes aren't a big attractor for either humans or wolves, so what would be the purpose?
Also, as far as distracting predators from the females and young, I'm pretty sure the females can take care of themselves ;).
Overall, I'm in favor of no manes. But if manes are added, I see no logical reason why they wouldn't be in both sexes. Besides it would be totally unfair for a male gestalt to have this big pretty mane, if the females didn't (even more so if she was stuck with these annoying breasts and he had a nice, muscular chest)

Overall differences:
I think the overall differences b/w male and female gestalt forms should be overall musculature, in other words the males would be a little taller and more muscly. The facial features of the females could be more feminine, less sharp and angular. The female werewolf could be more slender. And of course, man bits. I think these differences are more than sufficient for the audience to differentiate b/w male and female gestalts. More than likely, the audience will see the werewolf in human form before they see them in gestalt form, (and odds are will see them TF) and so will be able to recognize individual gestalts (and thus know the gender) based on differences in fur color, height, features, and musculature. Also, real wolves do use vision to identify one another, but scent plays a much bigger factor. Therefore it is logical from the werewolf perspective that these be the differences in male and female, coupled with scent, without having to include breasts or manes.

As far as braces and implants and stuff goes, that problem is easily solved. Don't include anyone in the movie that has braces or implants. Let the audience come to their own conclusions.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 2:18 pm
by Apokryltaros
Excelsia wrote:
Manes: Though I'm sure a nice big mane would look gorgeous on a male werewolf, I think it's illogical. Think about it:
1. He's a man. Most likely short hair.
2. He's a gestalt. All of a sudden this big mane appears?
3. He's a wolf. All traces of mane gone.
What about the growth, accentuation, and exaggeration of beards, facial hair and chest hair?

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 3:06 pm
by Renorei
Apokryltaros wrote:
Excelsia wrote:
Manes: Though I'm sure a nice big mane would look gorgeous on a male werewolf, I think it's illogical. Think about it:
1. He's a man. Most likely short hair.
2. He's a gestalt. All of a sudden this big mane appears?
3. He's a wolf. All traces of mane gone.
What about the growth, accentuation, and exaggeration of beards, facial hair and chest hair?
I think that could work, but I wouldn't go overboard. Too much would be weird.

Although it would be kinda cool to have a male WW with a Pei Mei style mustache..... :wink:

Edit: just realized I may have misinterpreted your post. If what you meant to say was that the growth, accentuation, and exaggeration of beards, facial hair and chest hair could result in a full mane, I disagree. I agree they could become a little shaggier in those areas, but I think deriving any sort of mane would be a bit of a stretch.

Just to make sure everyone knows, the mane that I am referring to is the sort that grows from the top of the head and possibly neck, and flows down the back, not the kind that lions have. Would like to also mention that it looks good in drawings and on anime, but I think somehow it wouldn't have the same effect with real people.