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Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:19 am
by Therian
[ ooc: Thanks Aysel for joining Worlds in a Forest ^^. Aight where is everyone???!! :( ]

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:44 pm
by Falercerber
[hope you dont mind that i join?]

A ways from the group, maybe a mile or two into the woods was where the beast was. Thunder rolled and erupted as the crashing sounded within the forest, not stopping the male ran crashing and crushing all the objects within his way as snarls and growls flooded out from his thck and dangerous jaws. Flying throw the forest thew snapping and crushing of sticks was over showered by the snarling from his throat, tassle high behind him he jumoed over the fallen logs aswell trees. Front paws slammed on the ground before quickly pushing off and never stopping as he ran forward, lungs feeled with air and scents as his nose twitched. Eyes seeming to snap open he slammed his front paws down which skided, holding his weight as his hind paws touched the earth to a finale stop. THrowing his skull down around his hands Verno sniffed quickly and over agian. Shifting to his hind legs the werewolf stood up as he breathed, rims curled back as he showed his teeth to noone but throwing his head back he emitted a loud echoing roar. For a second it appeared all was quite,Looking forward he bolted jumping over a bush he ran forward, " How long have i been running..days? weeks? months? Finaly i've found her!" The words raning in his head as he dissappeared from where Verno had stopped..but there was blood splatters on the earth and trailing him...

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 4:27 pm
by Therian
[ ooc: sure :D :D ]

Two bright spots were aglow in the night the iced left and amber right searched the surroundings, something had awakened her from her slumber.....she moved slowly from where she had fallen by the log, looking swiftly back toward Tex then Aysel and Cyrus. They all slept unless they had awoke also, but from how they looked they weren't fully awake. The rain had continued into the night turning soil into mud and dampening their belongings. She took notice her bag hanging on the tree branch where she had left it last the meat still tied up in the limbs of the tree above Tex. Is that all they did was sleep. Rims lifted in annoyance of their long sleeping periods, she pushed herself upright again looking around once all seemed so........normal..... Then what had awakened me.......and why..

A sign dissappeared into the air, her coat was soaked with water, she shook out much as she could then stared at the fire that was now a pile of grey mush. She eyed them all again hoping someone had awoken, that was when she heard it a few miles away. A roar just loud enough for her ears to pick up over the pounding rain and thunder, something tugged at her memory. It ended as she heard it not long enough for her to pick up anything about who or what had made it. She stared at the forest and didn't notice she had jumped up and was now fully aware of everything around her. Nares opened wide as she took in scents nothing new lingered in the that ment they were upwind from whatever had produced the roar. Thunder flashed showing everything before it was plunged back into darkness.

She waited.........

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 7:45 am
by Silverwolfman
Hearing the sound of the loud roar making his ears twitch at the sudden new sound, Cyrus wakes up and looks to see Vize standing and watching waiting for something. "You heard it too i suppose, it sounds larger then any wolf I'd ever heard." Standing up, he looks around to see everyone still slept soundly then sniffed the air to see how far the beast was. "Vize wake everyone up, this uninvited guest smells dangerous" Standing up right and firm, he shifts to his beastly form and steadies himself for the visitor. With a low growl rumbling in his throat, he snarls at the approaching noise.

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:39 am
by WereWolfBoy
Gradamire stood up from where he sat and perked his eyes towards the direction the sound had com from. He thought to himself "i don't like the sounds of this" he said to himself

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 10:49 am
by Silverwolfman
Cyrus turns and looks at Gradamire and nods "nice to see your not dead mutt, we could use the hand"

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 11:45 am
by WereWolfBoy
Gradamire hands Cyrus and mawed human and says "Heres a hand"

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:18 pm
by Therian
[ ooc: gotten get this done fast guys sorry not much time ]

She took no notice at first to see Cyrus wake, after a few seconds still staring blankly into the forest she turned to him "Yess, I did hear it and I see you did too. It was getting quite lonely wiht noone to talk to." she glanced quickly around the camp as lightening light everything up in a matter of seconds. It was enough to find Tex still out, same as Aysel. She reached over to shake Aysel a few good times "Hey, wake up Aysel. " after doing so she turned to find Tex still slumped over. She wondered how he slept threw the roar and the storm that raged overhead. Not bothering herself about it she lept over the log, splattering mud in her wake, she went over to Tex shaking him and adding a few quick words. She returned to stand by Cyrus before to her annoyment the other mutt.............was awake and not dazed by any of the previous affects that had happened earlyer. Of course dunce and dull as ever.

Harks were plastered as she went to yet again stand by the smoldered fire staring into the black forest before them. Whatever it was it wasn't far and she was sure it was gaining on them fast. Lightening light followed by a loud crack of thunder, once it was black again her orbs gave off a light glow. They watched the trees and beyond for any movedment but none came....yet.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 6:28 am
by WereWolfBoy
Gradamire's fur turned blood red ."from the sound of things i think we are being watched

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:22 am
by Falercerber
“Closer..” The deadened word echoed within his skull while he traveled very quickly with in the forest almost on them. Rain, yes rain before Verno didn't even notice that it was at all; it passed his mind while his thick coat was wet now not only with water. Fangs flashed as the snarling rang through his partly parted jaws, breathing heavily this male werewolf was not stopping crushing all small objects within his way.
Orbs locked straight ahead as the glimmer or fire barely begun to appear, its light seeming to warm the last bit of forest. It all seemed slowly as Verno's front paws landed on the fallen tree followed by the back mitts, for a second his was visible for the first time. Jaws opening a roar emitted as he bolted flying off in 'Vize' direction, the jump took him a go bit as he locked on to that female and her alone. One front paw went to land be blood on the paw as well the water made it slip and fly to his under belly while his body slammed on the ground skidding a bit before flipping back upright right in front of her. Not in a full stand Verno's stare was locked on the others, snarls emitted as blood covered his chest, maw, and dripped from his nose as well with slober.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:18 pm
by Therian
She rolled her eyes as the mutt spoke, "We aren't being watched..." she added a sneer at the end and returned to watch the forest depth. After a few silent minutes passed suddenly vast movement was heard under the pouring rain, thunder lit up the area again movement caught her eye as something large moved within the folige.......

The rustling of leaves and sticks breaking under the mitts of something quite large grew louder as it came right for them.
As the light vanished the darkness was smothering, her orbs adjusted quickly but soon as the light had left and as fast as the darkness came afterward it dissapeared under another blinding flash. The scene changed as something was out of place in the area, a large wolf had broken threw the ragged forest, light reflected off its form. It's afterglow seen when the light vanished again. It seemed to be comeing right to her and her alone.

Adrenaline coursed threw her body as she was about to take action when the beasts' scent hit her, she stopped fast in mid attack. Something tugged at her memory again, an act of recognition. The wolf tackled her but not in an aggresive way, she went to leap back still unsure but he caught her by the legs and they toppled over. She managed to release herself as the other went sliding past a few feet and came to a stop. All in the same movement he leapt up to stand in a guarded stance in front of her. The scent of blood hit her nostrils only for a few seconds before wind carried it off. Snarls were emitted from the other beast.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:38 pm
by WereWolfBoy
Gradamire stood there still as can be just in cause he had to battle.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 6:24 pm
by Therian
[ ooc: did everyone die? ] :(

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 6:35 am
by WereWolfBoy
(ooc no lol im still here)

Gradamire wandered where everone had gotten too

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:22 pm
by Therian
[ ooc: i see that ]

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:53 pm
by WereWolfBoy
(ooc: i wander what had happened?)

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 11:05 am
by wicked_wolf_heart
(( I'm back from the dead. Where did everybody go? :? ))

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 2:45 pm
by Silverwolfman
((I'm back also, how has everyone been? If anyone is still alive that is... :? ))

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:46 pm
by WereWolfBoy
((im on xmas break lol)

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 7:31 pm
by Therian
[ooc: Yeah I was lol seems everyone else is dead..........yep.....well I will always be here because i read my mail alot so i get the email when someone comments, so i am here living as i may]

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:23 pm
by Therian
[ooc: everyone keeps dying :( ]

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:00 am
by WereWolfBoy
Gradamire awaits the others to come out of hiding.
Meanwhile he awaits medetating.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:46 pm
by Blue-eyes in the dark
Then flash in his minds eye feels something near something that he can't seem to hold his mind on, It's like its move too fast, something he hasn't encounterd before. Gradamire wakes to the scent of a wolf standind face to face with him, Hello Says this wolf unknown to him. Gradamire bares his teeth and snaps at this weird wolf. "god damb" says the new ariveale "whats got you all on red alert?" he asks with continued confusion.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 2:31 pm
by WereWolfBoy
who are you and what do you want from me?

The name's Raspin

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 2:49 pm
by Blue-eyes in the dark
"well two things" says the odd wolf " One, why are you just sitting here. and two i'd like to introduce myself if you don't mind" speaking in a curious and ever joyful tone. "the name is Raspin, Glad to meetcha"