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Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 1:26 am
by Figarou
Silver wrote:In the full canine form, where their palate would make full human speech very difficult, then I would think they’d only be able to say certain things, and the “human’ speech would, over time, deteriorate. So I think a pack that had been together for a long time would have developed their own “language’ and slang. Go to any IT department that’s been developing their own software. They’ve already developed their own lingo for it.

And I think that would translate into the human language as well. There would be phrases that they used that meant things only a werewolf would get.

Like “Muzzle that!” could mean keep your muzzle shut, or put a muzzle on that (keep it quiet).

Or “Do I look like your tennis ball?” means a double insult. First, you’re stupid enough to play with tennis balls; second, I’m not your toy.

Or “that’s cub league” could mean that’s small time.

Or being “Yippy’ means being hung up on the small stuff, like a little dog that yips at everything and never shuts up.

Or calling someone a Mutt could mean that they are not a TRUE ww, because they have a hard time Tfing even though they’ve been a ww for a long time —

Phrases like “Bite Me” and “Scratch that” would have a whole new meaning.

So, yup, they could definitely have slang.
:howl:  :oo
This type of slang around humans will get them thinking.........

"Who does he think he is, a dog?

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 2:30 pm
by ChaosWolf
Who said it'd be said around humans, Figarou?

Nice set of terms, Silver. Very clever.

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 2:47 pm
by Figarou
ChaosWolf wrote:Who said it'd be said around humans, Figarou?

Nice set of terms, Silver. Very clever.

Ah, but there is a human habit called.."the slip of the tounge." Imagine a werewolf in human form talking to another werewolf in human form around a bunch of normal humans. If one is so used to the slang, then the "slip of the tounge" will go into effect. Thats what I was implying at.

Sometimes the mouth doesn't say whats on the mind. And sometimes it does say something when you don't want it to.

Same goes for the hand. The hand doesn't write/type whats on the mind. I know that has happened to you. You read peoples posts and you see double words. For example..

"I would would like to see that now"

Its common among humans.

What "silver" said is very clever indeed.


Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 3:03 pm
by ChaosWolf
Ah, I thought you meant using the terms intentionally. Yeah, mistakes happen.

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 6:17 pm
by Darth Canis
Very clever indeed silver! You got anymore?

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 6:20 pm
by Darth Canis
:lol: i should start talking like that around my firends just to freak them out a bit! :lol:

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 9:24 pm
by Apokryltaros
Perhaps "Why don't we get out the good silverware?" means that things are going to get very ugly, very fast?

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 12:28 am
by SGrayWolf
If Silver tells all of them to us, there won't be any surprise slang terms left for us in the movie! :P

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 1:10 am
by Baphnedia
Yap would work as a good pro-word..., I think.

Not quite in the same effect as Yip, but it might be rather common to their speech... such as 'quit yapping!' or other such things.

Yip and Yap are kinda in the same family as Yelp, I would think.

Also, one thing to consider, are specific words that certain characters might use for identy purposes. There are still some of us out there, for instance, who still say 'cool'. What might be some individual pro-words that a wolf might use (and unless we're trying to get on BET, keep the schizzle my nizzle s#@$ out of the movie, IMHO).

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 1:14 am
by SGrayWolf
Baphnedia wrote:(and unless we're trying to get on BET, keep the schizzle my nizzle s#@$ out of the movie, IMHO).
If I see any of that, I'll cry. :cry:

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 2:23 pm
by vrikasatma
Shift, to = "Let go," "Wolf out"

That's all I can think of in terms of original. W:tA had some good slang, vis-a-vis "Throat," "jacked," "roughcoat," et al. Too bad it's copyrighted...

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 4:48 pm
by Renorei
I like the term 'cur' as an insult to a werewolf, from one to another.

"Filthy cur! I just washed those sheets!"

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 4:57 pm
by Anubis
would calling a werewolf a mutt or a dog be an insult?

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:27 pm
by Renorei
wolf marine wrote:would calling a werewolf a mutt or a dog be an insult?
Yes. If you were a thoroughbred, would you be pissed if someone called you an a**? I would. (donkey = a**)

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:46 pm
by Trinity
I like the idea of using words for their double meaing. It would be an easy way of keeping some slang "mundane" as it were. People do it often, and used in proper context, no human would be able to figure it out unless they knew what was being talked about.


"Filthy cur stole my dinner."
"Rat Bastad." -Insult of a pretty high degree.
"b**** / Dog / Mutt" would all take on new meanings.
"Jerk" as in "Jerk chicken" could mean yanking meat off the bone.., which in turn could be used an a euphimism for somethign else entirely.

"Don't go into a blind Rage" could mean far more to a werewolf then to a human. Its a common phrase, but would have a deeper meaning. ;)

Using words, playing on their multiple meanings could go a long wayy.


Human happens to overhear a conversation between to werewolves about a rouge werewolf. The disscussion is heated and angry, but the human thinks they are spekaing baout someone's unruly child. So they ignor the convo.


I like teh ideas of leaving things sublte. If the whole reason why werewolves keep themselves secret is for the freedom it gives them, then why offer a way to open those doors?

Now on th eflipside of that same idea, younger werewolves are -going- to test their boundries and learn or make up their own slang for things. ;) But it amougnst themselves or with others outside of werewolf society.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:32 am
by Renorei
I still can't come up with good word for werewolves to use when referring to normal humans. I think such a word is very important to a werewolf movie....

Here's some bad ideas I've had, maybe one of you can get inspiration:

primates, monkeys, baboons, etc
. any good word such as this. Even though they are actually primates too, this is just an idea

Fleshies, or the Skins...cause we have very little fur

Squirms...compared to them, we're like squirming little cowards, at least in their eyes

Disabled....not this word specifically, but something that kinda shows their disdain/pity for our lack of TF ability

The deaf, or the blind...same kinda feel as 'disabled', except this time in reference to our poor (by comparison) senses

Tads (or tadpoles), or pillars...(pillars derived from caterpillars) because to a werewolf, the human form is probably like the caterpillar or tadpole, whereas the gestalt or wolf form is like the butterfly or frog.

Ants...another insect reference, but for an entirely different reason. Just because there's so many of us, and when you think about it, we're always mindlessly rushing somewhere

or Duckies...I think someone already said this, but seriously, to them we're probably like sitting ducks. Plus it would bring the joke to a whole new level

So yeah those are awful ideas...but bouncing ideas around never hurt.

I think we need to come up with a list of what werewolves would think of when they see a human, or in other words, how they view us in comparison to themselves. Perhaps once we have determined this, we can figure out a word that would best describe us, from a werewolf perspective.

Also, I think werewolves might should have some kind of signature farewell line, as opposed to 'bye'. In this cartoon I saw once, there was a pack of wolves, and when one would leave, they would always say "Good Hunting!" even if he wasn't going hunting. It was really cool, and reflected their lifestyle. Maybe like 'break some bones' (reminiscent of break a leg but this time meant in a slightly more sinister manner, and referring to something else's bones). Or maybe 'stay furry'. I don't know. I can't come up with a good one right now.

As far as the TF goes, maybe it could just be called "going up", since they're getting taller. From gestalt to human could be, 'going down'. Or maybe just 'buffin' (could refer to both the TF and the state of being in gestalt form) since a. their bodies are getting buffed up and b. they are naked. i.e. Man, you shoulda been there Friday night, me and Cindy were buffin' over by Old Man Johnson's place, and we scared the crap outta some little Pillars! (Bah! I suck!)

If any of these ideas are someone else's already, I apologize. I didn't read the entire thread before posting, so I'm sorry if I've reposted someone else's idea.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:39 am
by Renorei
Wanted to add something else, an idea I just got from someone's sig. Maybe non werewolves could be called sheep? It accomplishes two things:

1. shows how weak we are compared to them
2. shows their disdain for our inferiority (stupid sheep)

I don't know, more random ideas....

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:41 am
by Trinity
Homid comes to mind, but that is a tern widely wused in W.W. lexicon. :P

Sapiens? It offers that they are intelligent, but still "not werewolf". Its an odd enough word that it might stand out, but its not obvious either unless you've paid attention to your science classes.

Much like Lycan has been used in Underworld to referr to werewolves. ;)

Or.., to keep it simple.., "Others", "the Others", "Them", "Captial 'T' them" ;) heh

hahahah Sheep! Love it.

It sgotten to be a common enough term around where I live. ^.^

Sheeple is my own term I used for herd-mentality types that tick me off. :)

"Stupid frickin sheeple!"

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:52 am
by Lupin
Excelsia wrote:I still can't come up with good word for werewolves to use when referring to normal humans. I think such a word is very important to a werewolf movie....

Here's some bad ideas I've had, maybe one of you can get inspiration:

The deaf, or the blind...same kinda feel as 'disabled', except this time in reference to our poor (by comparison) senses
Yeah blind would be bad. Compared to regular wolves, we pretty much win in the sight department. We see more colors, and have better visual acuity. The only thing they have going for them is better night vision.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:13 am
by Vilkacis
I think 'human' itself can very effectively serve as a derogatory term. You don't need to make up a new term -- all that is needed is a change in viewpoint. If werewolves view humans as soft, weak, panicky, etc., then it would be very much an insult to be told, "you're acting like a human."

Humans would still be 'humans,' but with a sneer.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:38 am
by Renorei
I like that 'human' idea, but my only problem with that is that werewolves are, in fact humans. IMO, though the wolf part of them plays a big role in their lives, they are first and foremost human, albeit substantially 'upgraded'.

My rational for this feeling (I point this out b/c I am aware there are many who do not share it) is becuase if a werewolf were truly more wolf than human, why would they ever be in human form? Why not just stay wolf? It's a much better body, more freedom, simpler many reasons never to go back human again. Granted, it would be a rough life, but who's to say that that is bad? We humans live petty lives, complicating things we shouldn't complicate, worrying over things a wolf would be relieved to never have to think about. IMO, if werewolves were not attached to their humanity as their true form, they would become wolves and live in the forests for the rest of their days. That is why I think it is logical to conclude human is their true self, and therefore insulting the 'humans' would be weird, IMO.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:45 am
by Trinity
Perhaps, but that would depend on teh mentality of the werewolf as an individual.

One of the preceps of the movie is that being a werewolf is freedom in and of itself. Being a werewolf, though yes one is part human, still makes one not totally human. Its a form of freedom. That is why the werewolves are so dang paranoid of the main character dating a human. She's -not- a werewolf, he's not entirely human, there is a difference.., almost racial in a way. :)

This is one of the factors AB disscussed at Anthrocon, and one of the main drama points of the moive thus far.

"freeborn" is about the "freedom" of being able to change. :)

So though some werewolve may look down apon the distinction that humans and werewolves are different..., others will uphold that difference.

This is why I support "The Others" as its more vague, and less derogatory.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:50 am
by Renorei
I think 'the others' could be sufficient as well. Though I am hesitant, due to a recent M. Night Shymalan movie (I think?) of the same title. Maybe a synonym for 'others'?

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 2:21 am
by Trinity
EEK, hadn't realized that. :P bleck.

Synonym for Others? *shrugs* Gots not clue.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 3:05 am
by Renorei
Well, I'm sure someone will come up with something. Though I'd still like to see a word that reflects the werewolves' disdain/pity for our lack of TFing ability, but no matter what finally ends up getting chosen, I'm sure it'll be good.