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Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:50 pm
by Guest
CAlypso Blue wrote:What do you think about a 360 degree shot, the camera moving aroudn two individuals holding each other while they transform together? No cuts.. but moving camera.
I would like that, but it may be disorienting to the viewer. A better idea could be to have a side shot of both individuals, assuming that they are mates, going from bottom to top.

The transformation would depend on the story, are the werewolves born werewolves, do they have control of their transformations? And most importantly, is the transformation more sexualy arousing than painful?

the kind that I favor is one that focuses on the tightening of muscles around sexually appealing body parts (breasts, genitals, shoulders, buttocks), or the enlargement of such body parts.

This all depends on the rating and story of course, so take it as you will.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:55 pm
by Guest
Anonymous wrote: As for Nude Female Werewolves .... such a sequence would certainly make for a "memorable" movie moment, but I fear it would drag down the respectability of the remainder of the film. I strongly advise, and Plead against least to any extremes. I good Femme tranformation would be quite welcome though.
I disagree, it wouldn't draw down the respectibility of the movie. It all depends on the rating, and whether the transformation of the female will be looked upon as eye candy. If it is done TASTEFULLY, without being lurid (EXAMPLES: genitals and breasts emitting bodily fluids while transforming) then there is nothing wrong with it.

The point is to appease the niche, what do werewolf fans want to see? A slow transformation is best, and a detailed one is even better. Another thing you have to think about is giving the audience what they HAVE NEVER SEEN. Be original, be creative, and be tastefull, but don't worry about modesty, this is a werewolf movie by the way.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 9:11 pm
by Vuldari
I didn't mean that it should be avoided entirely. What I meant was, it should not be over-emphisised. A scene that screams," hey all you horney men in the audience...check THIS out"...would drag down the movie. However, a good,Tasteful sequence would be very welcome. I can not deny that I would like to see something a bit "different"...just as long as it does not feel like I'm being fed hairy porn. I'm all for an R rating.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 9:32 pm
by WolvenOne
Having a reletivly slow transformation, isn't necceserilly bad unless it dramatically slows down the pace of the film.

Showing a large amount of details, isn't necceserilly bad either, though I don't think there should be a heavy emphasis on things like breasts or genitals, and the leaking body fluid idea somebody mentioned earlier just seems, unnecceserry to me and perhapes even a little bizzare.

I think we all need to keep in mind that there are two audiences. Us were fans, and the general audience as well. Yes, we are important, but we're not the entire universe and ReQuest NEEDS to make money off of this.

They arn't some movie studio like Warner Brothers that has hundreds of millions of dollars at thier disposal after all.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 12:02 pm
by Lasthowl
Very subtle at first. Hints of it with cold sweats and shuddering/shivering. Then start with the eyes, ears, and a little in the teeth. Close-ups for these. The nails go next, followed by the first hair growth. No full-body transformation until you lay the groundwork like this.

Close-ups on any clothing difficulties likewise.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 12:33 pm
by ANTIcarrot.
Hmm. I can't really see the change as painful personally. Changing in either direction has to break just about every rule in biology there is and cause a whole host of health problems. It seems silly that the change can take care of all those problems except for the pain.

Pleasure? Well if it's going to be hedonistic in anyway, then yes pleasure would be a good idea in both directions. The werewolf would be taking pride in their body, in what it can do that most can't. Alternatively you can say that a hell load of hormones are flooding the were's system. Hmm. Might be fun if the 'wolf' started every time on a good trip, rolling around on the floor and grinning insanely. ;)

It's completely possible though that the first step of the change is the person passing out. Or it being completely painless. No-one's mentioned the mental component yet either; aside from one person who made the suggestion of releasing the beast. Silly notion. It's probably more like getting drunk to the point where you can't think or speak, or remember anything important. You then fall over (or lie down) until your legs have finished changing and the wolf can stand up again.

Or just don't show it. There was a children's TV series about a weredog once. All that happened was that he started scratching his nose, stepped off camera and then reappeared his the other form. It was something they got out of the way as quickly as possible because it had absolutely nothing to do with the story, and showing it would only leach money away from things that were far more important.

Not my suggestion but I mention it as possible the only were series I know of that ran to 3 seasons.


Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 3:10 pm
by NightmareHero
Apokryltaros wrote:
Anonymous wrote:... Also, I would want her to enjoy the TF, like releasing her inner beast, not scared or in too much pain, like she's surprised and doesn't know what's happening to her body. She should already know she's a werewolf, become aroused, and even summon it if it's not a full moon (like the first "Howling").
Apparently, you have never experienced the horrors of a woman going through PMS, aka "That Time of the Month."
Think of what would happen if you were to compound that time of the month with this time of the month (aka "lycanthropy").
You're assuming that they would HAVE PMS :roll:
I too prefer if the woman, if she was born a werewolf, could be showen being aroused by the transformation, it would be a more original approach.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 3:19 pm
by NightmareHero
In any case, they could show the individual who is transforming passing their hands gently on each region of their body, messageing themselves as they transform, I could definately see a woman doing this while she is transforming, maybe as a turnon for herself.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 3:44 pm
by Lasthowl
Think-Harder wrote:You're assuming that they would HAVE PMS :roll:
I'll agree it might be a bit much to depict that, but otherwise I see no reason a female werewolf wouldn't. It doesn't have to be handled onscreen or even mentioned, but there's no reason to believe biological processes would be suspended :P

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 3:49 pm
by NightmareHero
Lasthowl wrote:
Think-Harder wrote:You're assuming that they would HAVE PMS :roll:
I'll agree it might be a bit much to depict that, but otherwise I see no reason a female werewolf wouldn't. It doesn't have to be handled onscreen or even mentioned, but there's no reason to believe biological processes would be suspended :P
Maybe one of the perks of being a female werewolf is not haveing PMS, period. :wink:

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 4:01 pm
by Lasthowl
Think-Harder wrote:Maybe one of the perks of being a female werewolf is not haveing PMS, period. :wink:
So we can't have babies? :shock:

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 4:05 pm
by NightmareHero
Lasthowl wrote:
Think-Harder wrote:Maybe one of the perks of being a female werewolf is not haveing PMS, period. :wink:
So we can't have babies? :shock:
Not necessarily, just saying that a woman being a werewolf wouldn't experience any NEGATIVE side effects for menstration.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 4:18 pm
by Lasthowl
Think-Harder wrote:Not necessarily, just saying that a woman being a werewolf wouldn't experience any NEGATIVE side effects for menstration.
Chemically, those are there for a reason.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 4:47 pm
by NightmareHero
Lasthowl wrote:
Think-Harder wrote:Not necessarily, just saying that a woman being a werewolf wouldn't experience any NEGATIVE side effects for menstration.
Chemically, those are there for a reason.
Chemically, and biologically (that is until such a time in the distant future when we have perfected genetic manipulation) werewolves are impossible.

that's the beauty of suspension of disbelief.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 5:38 pm
by WolvenOne
that's the beauty of suspension of disbelief.
The suspension of disbelief has great limitations and you're using up most your elbow-room whenever you make a movie about werewolves anyway. Everybody knows it's not biologically possible, but they're willing to suspend that for the sake of enjoying the movie.

Having female werewolves not having PMS, for no reason for no explanation, is a completly un-neccesery tax on the audiences suspension of disbelief. We know the transformation is impossible already, so lets not strain things any further for silly things such as PMS.

We need to be somewhat realistic here after all.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 7:08 pm
by NightmareHero
Well, I don't really know what a woman experiences with PMS, but I wouldn't believe that they would NEVER be able to experience any pleasure from the transformation in times OTHER then menstration periods, and don't rule out the possiblity that they may be able to transform at any time, without the moon.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 7:27 pm
by WolvenOne
They're talking about the transformation being triggered by strong emotions, not necceserilly the full-moon itself.

As for the subject of PMS, that's an issue that we should leave up to the experts, woman-kind. ;)

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 7:27 pm
by Lasthowl
Well, back on topic, I think we need to strike a balance between pleasure and pain. I do like my changes to be a bit violent and frightening, as that provides an excellent contrast to the eroticism and catharsis of losing one's inhibitiions.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 7:33 pm
by NightmareHero
Lasthowl wrote:Well, back on topic, I think we need to strike a balance between pleasure and pain. I do like my changes to be a bit violent and frightening, as that provides an excellent contrast to the eroticism and catharsis of losing one's inhibitiions.
Hmm, I'm under the impression that if the main characters will be werewolves, and rational, not "monsters" then their transformations would not be violent, since they would be born this way and be naturally accustomed to the process. Plus I have never seen the sensual side of a transformation, only the "horror" side in movies, I'd prefer to see something different. for a change.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 7:36 pm
by WolvenOne
I sorta like the idea of the change being a bit different from person to person.

A person reveling in the change might find it pleasurable, and a person whom doesn't accept it would mentally fight it and would find the change, unpleasent.

On the other hand, somebody whom is rather indifferent to the transformation, probably wouldn't feel pleasure or pain, but would perhapes feel a sort numbing drunken type feeling. Or not, I'm just throwing out ideas here.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 7:37 pm
by Lasthowl
Think-Harder wrote:[Hmm, I'm under the impression that if the main characters will be werewolves, and rational, not "monsters" then their transformations would not be violent, since they would be born this way and be naturally accustomed to the process. Plus I have never seen the sensual side of a transformation, only the "horror" side in movies, I'd prefer to see something different. for a change.
You seem to always think I want to make them brainless monsters.

Perhaps I'm not communicating well. I think there's a certain amount of frightening, violent nature to a werewolf that you can't really divorce from them, no matter how much you make them people. They're predators, not furries.

If you take away the predatory and bestial aspects, you lose some of the essence of what makes them exciting.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 7:44 pm
by WolvenOne
Hmm, I'm under the impression that if the main characters will be werewolves, and rational, not "monsters" then their transformations would not be violent, since they would be born this way and be naturally accustomed to the process.
My understanding is that the movie makers are making Werewolfism, virus like, meaning it could be spread from parent to child, but, being bitten as well as things like sexual intercourse could spread werewolfism as well.

Therefore, there's no reason to assume that the main characters will have lived with Werewolfism all thier lives.

Just thought I'd try to clarify that point.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 7:58 pm
by NightmareHero
Lasthowl wrote:
Think-Harder wrote:[Hmm, I'm under the impression that if the main characters will be werewolves, and rational, not "monsters" then their transformations would not be violent, since they would be born this way and be naturally accustomed to the process. Plus I have never seen the sensual side of a transformation, only the "horror" side in movies, I'd prefer to see something different. for a change.
You seem to always think I want to make them brainless monsters.

Perhaps I'm not communicating well. I think there's a certain amount of frightening, violent nature to a werewolf that you can't really divorce from them, no matter how much you make them people. They're predators, not furries.

If you take away the predatory and bestial aspects, you lose some of the essence of what makes them exciting.
That's the general conception for werewolf HORROR movies. It has been stated by the director in another forum that that wouldn't necessarily be the case.

remember the saying, "I will win the crowd, I will give them something they've never seen before."

I have never seen a werewolf enjoy a full transformation, or a werewolf that was not vicious towards humans when fully transfomed if they were not being attacked by a human, and I have especially never seen a distinction made between the two genders. I would like to see something different. That doesn't rule out the possiblity that there would'nt be villian werewolves who enjoy killing humans for pleasure though.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 8:00 pm
by NightmareHero
There are other things that make werewolves exciting besides appearing vicious, there should be, otherwise they would appear as two dimensionl characters. Which is something that would have to be changed if the main characters can reason while transformed.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 8:02 pm
by NightmareHero
WolvenOne wrote:

Therefore, there's no reason to assume that the main characters will have lived with Werewolfism all thier lives.

Just thought I'd try to clarify that point.
and there's no reason to assume otherwise that they haven't, we'll just have to wait and see what further information is given concering the plot.