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Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 5:40 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Yeah I say just take the dog if he doesnt want it.Why does he have a the poor thing if hes just going to neglect it. I swear people can be so inhuman.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 7:10 pm
by Black Shuck
No kiddin! My mom said she was going to take it when we were over there, but she said no at the last minute. Now it's getting all legal, with seeing if it's licensed and all. It'll be a little bit before I hear anything new because my cousins are out gathering up their cattle, but I think I'll hear back sometime this week. It's amazing how someone could go and get an animal and then treat it like that. He doesn't deserve to have dogs.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:12 pm
by Evil One
Black Shuck wrote:I kinda hate to make this topic resurface, but seems how a lot of people on here are animals lovers and like dogs, I thought I'd give you an update. Remember this dog I posted about?
Black Shuck wrote:Poor dog. There's a husky next to my grandma's house in a situation like that. I'm pretty sure the owners don't pay much attention to him because he needs to be brushed badly- he has dead hair sticking out all over that he can't get rid of.
Well, I saw him a a couple of weeks ago and he didn't look any better. This time I could even see his ribs! A few days ago, my grandma called the sheriff to look at him, but she hasn't heard anything from them. She called some of our relatives and they went and looked at the dog and agreed with me that it was in a sorry shape and needed better care. They're going to see if the dog's licensed and if he's not, then he can be taken away (if the dog's removed from his home or the owner says he doesn't want him or something, I'm going over there to pick him up and take him home with me). So, that's pretty much it from here. I'll let you know anything new when I know :woof:
If it's in as sorry a shape as you say it is AC will more than likely take it and put it up for adoption after about a week because of tolerance tests they have to do. Good luck!